Viibryd Side Effects (Page 12)


What if any side effects are people experiencing on viibryd

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I have been off Viibryd for about 3 months after being on it for about 5 months at 40mg. I still suffer from joint pain, tendon pain in my right lower leg and hips. I never had these problems prior to Viibryd. I was getting very severe brain zaps and stopped Viibryd abruptly when I was losing my ability to walk and climb stairs, additionally I am having issues now with my cervical, lumbar and sacral spine. At times I can not straighten up and cannot keep up with my job demands. I use a stool at work many times to move around a clinic floor as I work as a nurse. I am only 46 years old and did not have these problems physically before. Right now it seems like I may have permanent damage. Someone made a comment that this drug can work for some people and not others. I felt it was working for me and ignored the side effects hoping to adjust and may have gotten off Viibryd after permanent damage may have been caused. Posting is to make people aware that there is danger involved, side effects happen to some people and in mild forms with Viibryd side effects are severe and seem to be affecting large amounts of Viibryd users. I still hope that my physical symptoms improve and cannot believe that I am still having issues that I never had before after being off Viibryd for 3 months.

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There seems to be something different about this medication. The side effects are long lasting. I've never seen anything like it in a psychiatric medication and I've been working as a physician since 2001. I am very sorry I took it because there was nothing in the literature that I could find to show ANY of this. Even my obnoxious Harvard trained psychiatrist refused to believe any of my symptoms until the next 5 people who walked into his office complained of nearly identical side effects. He was so incredibly dismissive, paternalistic and rude that I surprised I went back again to see him. I have since left his practice. He questioned my sanity repeatedly, asked me if I might be having a psychotic episode ( I have never had anything but moderate depression and I am currently going through a very stressful divorce with two young children that I am almost completely responsible for) and asked if I was abusing drugs. When he realized his mistake he didn't call me and correct the error, but waited until I came back 6 weeks later and THEN took me off the Vybriid and apologized for not believing me.
I'm ashamed that there are MDs like him.

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I'm starting to think there is trouble with this med as well. I gradually decreased mine from 40 down to 10. Even with 10 I had lower extremity muscle soreness and delayed orgasm. It is sold as less sexual side effects and less cahnce of weight gain. I also developed Tinnitus whic has not improved at all. I stopped it all together and started 50mg Zoloft. Why I didn't try this one before?! Let me recommend. Like you, I have some situational issues. And with 50mg I have had no sexual side effects or weight gain.

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I am looking for answers of why I am so much unlike myself for almost a year now. I have major depression with suicidal idealization with a hospitalization in 2006. Antidepressants usually quit working for me after a year or two, I have used everything on the market. I was estatic when a new med, Viibryd, hit the market last year. However, I have had a huge personality change over the past year and I feel like I have aged 20 years physically. I never put 2 + 2 together till I started searching info on Viibryd today. I have to ask myself, is it just time to move on to another medication or has THIS MEDICATION really messed me up. Although I always seem to find less joy in life than most people, I have become a hateful person! I can't stand being around family and friends. Everything and Everyone irritates me to the point of me being rude and reclusive. My poor pets have gone through hell; yelling and screaming at them constantly. My husband and sister avoid me like the plague. I have heart disease and when I get symptoms I avoid seeking help hoping that I will die from a heart attack. To be honest, I have no idea what a "brain zap" is, which I have read alot about in these posts. But, I sweat CONSTANTLY, can't sleep because of feeling feverish (which I am not), energy is GONE. I am 54 years old and my 77 year old father and 87 year old father in law are more active than I am. I have an old back injury (25 years) that flares up from time to time, usually easily managed with a couple of Chiropractic visits. However, I have now had a flare up that started in Nov of 2011 and I am still having issues in May of 2013. I wish there was a medication that I could take long term to help my major depression that didn't have all this other side effect issues. ....... In fact, I had a suicide attempt several months ago while on Viibryd, so I have to ask myself, why am I still on this!

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It's so sad that a drug that's was meant to help so many has turned out so awful for some. I am now off Viibryd for close to 2 months and feel like I aged 20 years. All my muscles throughout my body ache especially my legs. I have no energy and I feel like I should crawl under a rock. I'm hoping it will get better.

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At least your "MD" (I use that term loosely now) admitted he was wrong...finally. My psych never did admit fault in prescribing Viibryd aka POISON and just terminated me from his practice when I was feeling suicidal and panicky, looking for help with this horrific medicine. I was forced to wean myself off from my 40mg dose. It was such hell and nobody around me could understand. I just wanted to die. The doctors who continue to hand this out like candy and the manufacturers should be held responsible for their actions. If you're on this please find help to get off this poison!

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My doctor still does not believe me. I am on medicine now
for Rheumatoid Arthritis . I am not sure if I should be on it. My test were negative for RA but now I have all the symptoms. I still think it is the Viibryd. Been off it for a few months . I have said it before do not take this medicine!

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This board is amazing. I have had really good luck with 20 mg Viibryd, but after reading the side effects you all have experienced, I now know that ,when I heard fire engines while I was sleeping the other morning, (turned out to be true as they were passing my house), I jumped out of bed, called my Mom and told her not to worry about me and that there was a fire and I was evacuating and loading my cats into carrier because the hills were on fire. I told her I'd call her when I got to safety.

There were fire engines, but it was part of an exaggerated dream and I actually got up and continued to run around the house as if the dream was real. I get it now. Most likely it was because of the Viibryd...never hapened before and I was running around the house like crazy.

I learned that eating a decent amount of food before, during or after you've taken your pills is so important or I would definately feel nauseous.

I do feel light headed occasionally, but had to Google 'brain zaps' because I didn't know what they were. WOW...I feel really bad for you guys who get them. But thanks to you, I'll be aware.

I'm going to stay on the drug because it has helped me. BUT, I'm going to be very aware and follow this board very closely because of all of the bad experiences noted. I do not take any other drugs and since I'm 60, well, joint pain is just part of getting older?

Thank you all for this amazing information.

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I just started posting here and am trying to faithfully read through all of your posts, but one thing that really struck me, is when a constant commenter on this forum, said he drinks coffee. That is going to be a huge problem when you are taking an antidepressant. Cut the caffeine and see how you feel.

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I downloaded GoodRx for my iPhone. FREE.

Put in your drug and get best pricing for ALL pharmacies in your zip code and then click on their coupon to show the pharmacist when you check out.

I recently got $30 off Viibryd and unfortunately my Viibryd discount card was expired, but if it wasn't, I would have saved an additional $30. I'm calling Viibryd manufacturer to ask for a card that was not expired and going for a retroactive refund on my last purchase. So that could be a savings of $60 every time your refill.

Mario asked about this information and I forgot to post it in my previous information.

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My fourth post (in a row...LOL). I haven't been able to stop thinking about all of the advice that has been posted on this forum. I've listened to my conscience and decided to wean myself down to 10 mg a day from 20.

I am going to take heed in your warnings and look for a new medication. My symptoms aren't as serious as some, but the stomach aches and bad dreams, in addition to one hallucination starts to make sense now.

Thank you for sharing everything.

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This medication has turned me into a semi-depressed MONSTER!

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I believe Viibryd has some sort of reaction with the muscles in your body. I'm totally off Viibryd now but I believe the damage is done. I'm 57 and never had issues with my back till now, some days I can hardly walk. I did some research and I think it's caused by my piriformis muscle constricting on my sciatic nerve.

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My back also went while on this medication
Viibryd and still having back issues even afterwards. I am 46 and I did not have these problems prior, the pain radiates into my legs as well and the sciatic nerve was mentioned as a possibility.

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Could it be a coincidence? My instincts tell me otherwise. I really believe (very strongly) that at some point, Viibryd will be to blame for the muscle problems some people experience. Hopefully it will not be a permanent problem. Time will tell.

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I didn't know that viibryd was the culprit to my brain zaps, and that is a perfect name for it. I always get them when I'm tired. It gets so bad sometimes that my jaw clenches till it locks. I've been seeing a physical therapist for the zaps and headaches. I will be talking to my Dr. now about this. Thank all of you so much.

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I have been on Viibryd for a year. It was my saving grace for about 3 months and then I started to loose energy. Didn't bother me enough to quit. But now that I look back I realize that my frequent headaches have been going on for almost a year. The brain zap has been going on since last June. And to best explain what it feels like is to watch Battleship- when the aliens send out the balls, the sound it makes, like grinding and electric buzz. But this sound is a million times louder and vibrates in my head. It vibrates my vision too. These zaps last anywhere from a few seconds to a minute. I've had nights where it kept happening for hours. I have also become confrontational and agitated very easily.

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I was prescribed ViiBryd in October of 2011, and started tapering off of it in January of this year (2013) and stopped completely in March 2013. For the first two or three months or so on this medication, mentally, I felt amazing, euphoric, and more hopeful than I had in ages. I also didn't have the "cloudy mind" feeling that Paxil and Zoloft had given me, or signs of sexual dysfunction. Not too far in, however, I did begin to experience the crazy symptoms many of you have described. Taking the pill would make me drowsy and sleepy, so I decided that it was best for me to take it shortly before going to bed. This meant that nearly every evening, in the hours leading up to the time when I would take the pill, I would start experiencing brain zaps. Sometimes they were mild, other times constant. I've never been a great sleeper, but I also developed sleeping disorders I had never had before, like night terrors, sleep paralysis, inability to stay asleep, even an instance or two of "exploding head syndrome."

Because the initial mental reaction to Viibryd was so positive, I decided to ride it out and see if these other side effects subsided. Well, they did subside a bit, but after a few months, the medication did nothing for my depression. In fact, I sunk into the worst depression of my life last summer and ended up hospitalized. At this point, the only reason I continued to stay on Viibryd was because I was tired of switching to new medications, and missing dosages of Viibryd would leave me feeling very angry and irritable.

Then, here's where it hit me - I got a haircut and realized that my hair was very thin. I am only 27 and nobody in my family tree has any hair loss, and less than a year ago my hair was thick and full, so this was not natural. I decided to cut out all possible factors that could be contributing to my hair loss, most notably coming off of Viibryd. Since coming off, my hair shedding has slowed down significantly, and here's the other VERY surprising thing: I didn't change my diet or level of physical activity in any significant way, yet, since tapering off of Viibryd, I have dropped close to 30 POUNDS!!

I have yet to try an anti-depressant that I felt really helped me, but Viibryd was by far the worst. It's side effects, both instant and long term, are quite severe, and unlike most medications, seem to be occurring in nearly everyone that has taken it. My advice is to stay away from Viibryd at all costs!

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I've only been on it for 3 weeks.... initially very mild diarrhea... however, have put on 10 lbs. My stomach is so bloated I look 6 months pregnant... I feel my mental health is improving, but won't be if my stomach gets any bigger and I go up another size every month... also a big sweet tooth... crazy!

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It doesn't get better. Side effects stick around. I'm off of it completely and still suffer. Get off while you can.

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