Viibryd Side Effects (Page 13)


What if any side effects are people experiencing on viibryd

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I agree with you the side effects will not leave, I hope this is not permanent. I stopped the RA medicine d/t side effect's and I still think this is all from the Viibryd. I really don't think I have RA.

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I have been on Viibryd for over a year. The joint paint has increased dramatically since the Dr. increased the dosage from 20 to 30mg. I have experienced pain in the lower back, both knees, left elbow and right toes. It never occurred to me that it could be caused from the meds, but all I know is that it is getting worse. I am tapering off this drug and then will see if the pain subsides. I am 64, healthy, a daily walker, golfer, etc.
All this joint pain in the last six months has to be attributed to something.

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After so many moody days and the joint pain [that decreased after a month or so] I decided to go back to Lexapro. I did lose 7 lbs on Viibryd but I was never happy. Doc said up the mg from 20 to 40 but the dreams were already bad enough. Good luck to anyone it works for.

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So I'm on 40mg now, 30 yo female. I've noticed if I miss a pill, I normally take mine at dinner, I'm having the hallucinations when I close my eyes trying to sleep. I can't open my eyes and I'm having visual and auditory hallucinations. And its like I can't get my body to move. Its soooo scary. When I finally can move I get up and take my pill. After an hour or so I'm fine. I know I'm not asleep when this happens. I need to go talk with my Dr but she is always so dismissive that I'm afraid that she won't care. I don't know what to do.

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I have taken Viibyrd since May 10, 2013......I feel better with the depression. but I am getting less tolorance, strike out easily (not like me) around 3:00 in the afternoon I become extremely sleepy, can't stay awake, and in sleep I feel like I am trying to move or yell at someone and I can't move. It is crazy because I feel I am awake and know what I am doing but still feel removed and cannot move......It last about 15 mins or so, I wake up or get up and just feel crazy.....hard to explain. I take the pill in the evening and it is 40 mg......the last four days I have been cutting it in half. I have appt with Dr next week....can anyone relate or give me some encouragement?

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I can relate. 40mg was too much for me. I always cut them in half. At first it was great. Then, I found this board and commiserated with the posters here, but it wasn't until I had a strange dream that I decided to try something else. I do sleep a lot also. Everyone's symptoms are different.

I cut my 20's in half, the in half after that and did 10's for about 2 weeks. I found some older Zoloft generica that I had and put myself back on 50mg of that. Doing OK, but not amazing. I'll see my Dr. later this week to let him know what the problems are.

You're not alone.

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I am also off the meds for at least three months and still suffer the symptoms it causes. Tired all the time, mental fog, irritability , wanting to cry all the time and horrible leg pain. I no longer feel like me. This drug shouldn't be allowed on the market

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Do you not know that this medication does not have a line on it and IS NOT suppose to be cut in any way? You will have horrible side effects cutting this medication and not taking it whole as directed. I tried to do that and my doctor got all over me about doing that. I was having terrible side effects. I can't believe your doctor allowed you to alter that medication. I was close to seizing due to that.

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Oh wow. That's a good point. I do think most of us are cutting our Viibryd in half due to the cost. I'm going to call the Manufacturer tomorrow, but having called them in the past, they are not the friendliest to have a conversation with. I'll post their answer. But that is a great point. You aren't supposed to cut anything with a split line.

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Good idea..I was doing that and I was getting the brain zaps extremely bad. I told my doctor about it and he that's when he told me about that. Then it kind of made sense to me. Those zaps are no fun at all. I was doing it for the same reason you were. Let me know what they say.

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I am 49 and I have been on Viibryd for 2 months now and have been having terrible feelings when I go to sleep. I feel like my heart is sinking and then wake up with rapid, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath and fear. Just 2 nights ago I was jolted out of a sound sleep and I felt like I was having a stroke! My daughter called 911 and was told in the ER I had a panic attack. My pcp is now weening me off of the medication but I'm still scared to sleep. I hope no one ever experiences the side effects I have!

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Mario, I am wondering the same thing. Seems pointless to suffer through some of the above mentioned side effects only to have it stop working well in a year. I am on my 4th wk. Did a wk on 10, last 3 on 20. My doc told me to stop at 20. I have a really bad head-ake pretty much every morning and diarrhea. Had stomach cramps first wk but not so much now. I do feel this drug is helping lift my depression. I have been on all kinds of A.D. For 20+ yrs. I have high hopes that this drug will work well for a long time. I am waiting for the head -akes to stop! I take my pill every morning with peanuttbutter toast, milk, and an apple. I am having a little agitation from time to time but hoping it will pass also. I am going to continue this drug because for me the lift in depression out way the side effects. I have had no weight changes but have had an increses in libido, yea! Everyone's different, but I know from taking meds for as long as I have that you really have to give these drugs time and wait out the side effects, if there not to severe for you. The side effects have always past for me. Blessings to everyone in this battle we are all fighting together.

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Hi all! Male 32 - 3 weeks in- here is my experience so far. I have been on the starter pack, I tried the 40 last week but felt like I was high. Legs were like jelly and felt wired for about 3 hours ( I take it a few hours before bedtime). So I spoke to my dr and he gave more sample packs and said to stick to the 20s for now. I have had no noticible side effect, I clenched my jaw all day on Zoloft and lexapro and it seems to have gone away. Also have not had the diarrhea that others mentioned. Everything was mostly fine until tonight... I thought I had taken the pill and laid down for bed as usual and all of a sudden it felt like someone whacked me in the forehead with a pipe. It actually jolted me out of bed. I then had some smaller ones every few minutes and fell asleep. It was then that I proceeded to have the scariest nightmare of my life. It felt like a Freddy movie that you can't wake up, and the same horrible dream kept repeating like a filmstrip about 6 times before I was finally able to wake up approx 3 hours later. I then proceeded to cry like a baby for a few minutes once I saw my pill set on the table. Now I'm scared to go back to sleep, but even more scared what will come if I continue on viibryd. I welcome and appreciate any comments.

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Well, it appears that you have just experienced what most call a 'brain zap'. I've never had one, and I'm sorry you did. I do have a problem waking up in the morning or after sleeping for a decent amount of time. I take 20 in the morning. I have experienced one nightmare/hallucination in the past, which I've described in a past post. I'll make it the Cliff Notes version here (although I'm sure you're too young to know what they are-LOL). I was sleeping and heard a fire engine going by my house, but in my drug stupor, thought it was a wildfire in my hills and proceeded to phone my Mom and tell her not to worry and then gathered up my cat carriers to secure my pets for evacuation, when a fire engine was simply passing by my house. Very scary.

I'm down to 10 now and will be stopping taking this med. It's just too weird.

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I had the same zaps and nightmares. At first it was when I missed a pill, then it happened even when I took the pill. I had to go off of the viibryd. I think it shouldn't be on the market. I'm soooo happy to be off of it.

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Im an RN as well (which sometimes i think makes things worse). I had a near syncopal episode at a grad party for my little sister (was not drinking) and ended up in the er. I then was on the couch for a week with severe weakness, dizziness and fatigue after stopping the drug. Prior to me er visit i had jist increased to 40mg 4 or 5 days before. The doctors dont believe its from the viibryd but cant pin it on anything else. Im going to go to a neurologist and my pcp this week to rule out any other causes. Ive missed two full weeks of work from this. Its been 5 weeks of off and on symptoms. Their studies were not sufficient before releasing the drug it seems.

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I'm so upset that I started this drug!! My doc added this to my wellbutrin 150 back in Oct 2012. I thought it was great----at first! Then came the brain zaps and some of you call them. Especially bad at night when it gets quiet. Then the awful nightscares! I have never had such scary dreams. In December, once I was at full dosage, I started having spasms in my hands and feet, like I had Muscualar dystrophy. On christmas eve, I was in bed having awful pain down my legs. I went off the meds gradually. It wasn't worth it. The PROBLEM is, here we are July 31, 2013, 7 months later and I still have the pain in my legs and feet. I sometimes can't sleep. I have to take lyrica now but it doesn't help completely. I'm only 49, sometimes are can hardly walk and forget wearing heels for long periods. My suggestion is to do your homework on this stuff and decide if the side effects are worth it, especially if they won't go away, like mine.

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I have been off of med since about 6 months and I am still in awful pain. The pain in my head the diagnosed me with Occipital Neuralgia . My legs and my my heels hurt constantly and my hands and my wrist. Well, they now want to send me to Mayo! This all started when I was was on the Viibryd. Please don't take that medicine. Ibuprofen 800mg I take for the head pain and and Lortab for all the other pains. The doctor just looks at me like I am crazy when I tell him I think the Viibryd is to blame. I hope this all goes away someday.

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I'm having the awful head zaps too. They are mostly @ night when I'm laying down. I'm afraid to sleep. These are terrible. I wondered if I was actually moving & spinning but my husband said "no." I feel like I've been electrocuted from inside my brain, swishes (sounds like a swoosh) around in my head, the weird sound gets loud & I feel as though I'm getting ready to go unconscious. When that feeling is gone my neck is weak & I feel wore out. I'm afraid to stop it because I don't want the zaps to get worse. I've noticed if I'm tired but awake ill get a lil light headed without the swooshing feeling, I keep my eyes wide open to try & avoid them.

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Viibryd is poison get off it cold turkey before you have permanent damage. I quit cold turkey and the zaps diminish day by day.

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