Viibryd Has Anyone Else Had A Positive Experience? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I am starting to get a little nervous with all the negative feedback in this forum. I was on Cymbalta for a couple of years, but when my doctor increased the dosage I started gaining a lot of weight. He decided to put me on Viibryd. I just finished my trial pack and feel like I have much more energy and can get up earlier in the morning. I feel more focused on things and I feel like my libido is finally working again. The only thing that has happened negatively is the last two days I have been under a lot of stress and have been crying. But I don’t quite know if it is the medication because I may have just had a couple of bad days. I just increased to 40mg today. I am hoping to feel even better. I have not been as hungry since I started the medication so I was surprised to see that other people said that they gained weight on the medication. Has anyone else had a positive experience on this?

80 Replies (4 Pages)

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I also went up to 40 mg and didn't like it and went back down to 20, unfortunately I got rid of my hotflashes at 20 going up to 40 mg, but when i backed down to 20, i got them back. However, did you gain weight? I don't know why it seems like alot of people lost their appetitie, i don't feel like i have an increased appetite, i eat the same, i just put on 15 pounds, that's as bad as why i went on it in the first place!

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I have had a great a great experience with Viibryd when I finally got the dosage right. 40mg was too much. I became a nasty, angry person. I cut back to 20 and I am very happy. Through all of it I have found myself far more creative. I am picking up projects I have not touched in ages and my depression has really changed for the better. I have had real memory loss, which is the only problem that I am experiencing now.

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I have to amend my report. I am going back to Lexapro because even at 20mg I was a harpy shrew. I was angry all the time and could not focus. Then my memory disappeared. I was starting not to trust myself...totally the opposite of emotional comfort that an antidepressant is supposed to help your brain create.
I will miss the energy and creativity that it gave me but I am really in bad shape.

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Just getting through the starter pack and seems to be going well. This replaces Zoloft and Seroquel for me. I had gained 25 pounds from those two in a year and a half but don't see an issue yet with viibryd. No other real issues with side effects other than a quick temper but I think that will work itself out as I get further into the program.

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yes, i've had a positive experience changing from pristiq to vybriid. it does not make me hungry, which kinda sucks as it is necessary to take it with food and i usually don't eat in the morning--actually, i'm glad as it is important to eat breakfast. for the first few days the 40mg. seemed to space me out a bit, but after that, no problem...

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I have been taking 60mg, and it is working for me. Problem now is that I changed jobs and insurance so there is no coverage. It is not generic yet, correct? Anything on the same lines I could try? I have tried them all for my major depressive disorder & am anxious to start all over again.

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Glad you are feeling better, but if there is any way you can ditch that job, please do it. I had a nightmare job situation a long time ago, and when I finally let go and escaped, I felt so much better. Have never regretted the decision even though it meant a LOT less money! Take care!

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took about a week. Things just got better

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So, after taking Viibyrd. My dr thinks I have Serotonin syndrome. Caused from taking this med. I went from being a very healthy, active 42 yr old to a 70ish yr old acting old woman. Did the med help ,my depression, yes in the beginning. I thought I had found the miracle drug. It even helped with my pms! But, then I began to to have restless legs. My joints ached. I was dizzy, my vision was blurred. I had severe confusion, not being able to complete my sentences or hold conversations. I gained a bunch of weight. I had night terrors... Blood hurling scream nightmares. I would wake seeing images standing over my bed. I would have these bad dreams and wake up, when I would go back to sleep It would start right up where it left off. I can't walk up and down stairs like I did. I am weak. I am in pain very often. For almost two weeks I was barely able to get out of bed. My limps are swollen. My lymphnodes are swollen. I was also very angry. I have lost my strength. My muscle usage. I was a very strong woman that there wasn't much I couldn't do! I can barely hold my coffee cup now. I can't focus well.. . IMy short tem memory is damaged, my vision is damaged. My new dr thought I had some type of cancer. I've been checked for everything under the sun. He has now come up with I have "maybe even permanent" damage from the viibyrd. My old Dr. Didn't want me off the meds, When I called ten days into taking the meds telling her something wasn't right, she up'd my dose to the 20mg. I had to get my pharmacist to help me to ween myself off the viibyrd. It is a drug of the devil! The worst I have ever heard of. I'm still in shock of the person it has turned me into. And the damage it has caused!

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i have been on it for about a year and a half, not only did it level me out it also took out the anxiety from quitting chewing tobacco, i chewed for 25 yrs at 2 packs a day. i love the viibryd

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Hey Reeya,

Same thing happened w/ me. All was fine for mos. on Vii & then BAM, one nite after missing my dose (I tried a few times successfully w/ AM or PM dosing to see what worked better) I had my 1st sleep paralysis attack & really frightening dreams!

Thanks for sharing your story. I am being followed here by an evil spirit vii drug pusher! Lol!

And no, why should I shut up & not tell my story, which is so similar to thousands of other stories (demonic dreams). All because 1 Viibryd addict cannot handle the truth. I'd like to think of it as paranoia that her drug might be taken away from her?'s just strange to be followed by someone on psychiatric medicine, that's all. A little creepy!

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Hi Amy (post #13)...

Did you continue on the Vii after the demonic dreams began?

I am a Vii survivor I know how you feel! I wouldn't wish those side effects on anyone!!!!


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sometimes if your antidepressants doesn't feel like its working and giving you anxiety etc sometimes taking a low dose of a benzo with help you get to a stable dose and give a better onset experience where you wanna quit before letting it work. more for people who's anxiety was a huge factor and symptom of there depression. some people or doctors would prob dismiss the idea but thats what xanax was made for. 4 week use. even though 99% of the people take it for years or even life. used the right way and your doctor should obv no if you show addict tendencies. but xanax can be useful in helping with the anxiety of starting an antidepressant.

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I have been on it for nearly a year and I feel so much better, I was on abilify and gained an ungodly amount of weight. I have taken most of it off. I recently cut back to 20mg as I was feeling tired and most of the stress I was under is gone. I have a positive reaction to this med.

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Hang in there I think you will like it. I have been on it for three years now. It has been the best medication to keep me level. No weight gain. No funky side affects. I have been very pleased in vibryd 40 mg. I was on Cymbalta before and was glad to get off of it. Very positive experience!

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Yes - go to Allergans website. You fill out a form for a coupon for discount for 1 year

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Everyone will have different experiences. Me there is good and bad. Good was I actually went of 15mg a day of adderall without even knowing it. I was in first week of 40mg and went, oh wow!, I haven't taken adderall. No need for it! No withdrawal from adderall either! Weird because I have always had withdrawal from it. Viibryd certainly gave me energy and a very good mood. I've been on every drug out there. Now it's lamictal but that started to lose effectiveness after two years, so he added viibryd. Very much a change in my mood. I have found I will go thru a phase of depression, almost bi polar every once in awhile. The WORSE side effect EVER that I have had is sleep paralysis with demonic type dreams. So disturbing. I've had 6 in two mths. Need to think if its worth the med or not. Otherwise that is my only SE. Thus is the only drug that I have really noticed a positive difference in mood. Appetite has not changed.

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i've had a positive experience--been on it for a couple of months now. funny, the paperwork says you must take it with food or it will not work--i usually don't eat in the a.m. but now i have to. i do not eat more on it, either, which is good, because i have no weight problem and didn't want one...

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You can sometimes get the drug companies to send you your medication. One had a cap of income of $21K a year if you had no other health insurance.
It is brand new and it takes 17 (?) years for patent to expire so you could be waiting a while.

Glad it is helping you.

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In response to kroster - my appetite hasn't increased either, but I have gained about 2 pounds a month since starting Viibryd (up to 40mg after the first month) in spite of dieting and exercising and doing all of the things that usually help me to lose weight. No telling how much I would have gained otherwise.
Until I read all of the comments, I didn't realize that dreaming was a side effect, but I have definitely been dreaming up a storm. Used to dream all the time but haven't remembered hardly any dreams for the past 5 years or so, but I'm guessing the Viibryd is what is bringing them back. Dreams are just weird, not necessarily bad, but I'm getting off - can't handle the weight gain!

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