Viibryd Has Anyone Else Had A Positive Experience? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I am starting to get a little nervous with all the negative feedback in this forum. I was on Cymbalta for a couple of years, but when my doctor increased the dosage I started gaining a lot of weight. He decided to put me on Viibryd. I just finished my trial pack and feel like I have much more energy and can get up earlier in the morning. I feel more focused on things and I feel like my libido is finally working again. The only thing that has happened negatively is the last two days I have been under a lot of stress and have been crying. But I don’t quite know if it is the medication because I may have just had a couple of bad days. I just increased to 40mg today. I am hoping to feel even better. I have not been as hungry since I started the medication so I was surprised to see that other people said that they gained weight on the medication. Has anyone else had a positive experience on this?

80 Replies (4 Pages)

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Yes I had positive results. Seem to have more energy and I am more out going like I was before my depression. Also finally able to climax. With my other medication I wasn't able too for the past year. As for the crying I do that too when under stress. Also you might cry at different times in the beginning until your body gets use to it. As far as side effects I got sweating a lot. I have to keep my air on low to decrease it. If I am doing any housework I just drip with sweat.

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Yes, a very positive experience for me. I was also on Cymbalta before.

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I was on Zoloft for OCD, Pure O. Unfortunately that began to poop out for me, so my doctor is weaning me off the Zoloft and slowly adding viibryd. I started just over a week ago. Just increased to 20 ng. Has anyone else tried this for OCD?

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I was on Zoloft for OCD, Pure O. Unfortunately that began to poop out for me, so my doctor is weaning me off the Zoloft and slowly adding viibryd. I started the viibryd just over a week ago. Just increased it to 20mg. Has anyone else tried this for OCD?

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Yea, I want to be able to cry but don't want to feel like doing nothing, and gain weight, and have stomach issues

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I have just started viibryd today and have been battling health issues. I just received a pacemaker and deflibulator 7 weeks ago and taking heart meds. I am supposed to start exercising but during this process I got deep depression and high anxiety and panic attacks and insomnia. I have been a mess. Tried Zoloft but could not sleep, then Lexapro and made me more anxious. I have reading some of the comments and getting a little scared of this med. I have never been on antidapresants before and I am scared of all the side effects. I am going through enough without adding to it. I am seeing a therapist and I just saw a psychiatrist who gave me the viibryd. Anyone have suggestions or positive feedback!

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I love this med. It has helped me and hasn't caused any side effects to my libido, but the only problem I have with it is it's so dam expensive!

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Do you take them together or one in the moring and the other one at night

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Re: Teresa (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

Go to Viibryd's website. You can download and/or print a coupon to take to the pharmacist. With my insurance I only pay $15 for a 3 month supply. I have been on 20mg Viibryd for 9 months now and I love it. I don't ever see myself going off it.

I take my dose at night around 8pm. The only undesirable side effect is if I take my dose late (~10pm or after) I sometimes get brain zaps, ringing in ears, and just recently for the very first time, I experienced what I imagine to be sleep paralysis. There was this weird, floating, evil face that was initially at my dresser (near the foot of my bed), but then it kept getting closer and closer; I couldn't get away and I'm not sure if my eyes were open or closed during this "dream," I just know it felt very real...but what ended up "waking" me was a brain zap lol. But LITERALLY...the ONLY thing I need to do to avoid this, is to be sure I take my dose ON TIME.

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I have had nothing but wonderful success with Viibryd! I have tried 8 other medications over the years and Viibryd is the one that has worked with little side effects. I have been on it for 2 years now and don't plan to stop taking it ever! The only thing I have found is that after 2 years on 40mg it isn't working as well as when I first took it but I am going to add Abilify and see if that helps.

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I found my emotions to get totally out of control the more Viibryd I took and it took me into what I now recognize as a manic depressive reaction. I am depressed, but this was a wild ride and I could not get it out of my system fast enough. I am happy for those who have a good result but please listen to yourself and note your reactions. One day I was king of the world. The next I was a nasty b****. It really sent me on a wild ride that is very much like the one that you describe. As a matter of fact, I have not been able to get right since. I quit Lexapro which worked until I went up to the highest allowable dosage. Now I am trying to get my balance back but it has eluded me. Trust yourself, please! There is no one who knows you like you.

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readytofeelbetter--i had the same insurance problem. my prescriber had samples--then my unemployment ran out and i'm on general assistance which includes pharm. coverage. yay!! but, if that didn't happen, i was going to which will tell you which of the pharm companies have programs to help you with free meds. try that!!!

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in reply to 'fat from viibryd', i have been on it for several months and haven't seemed to have gained any weight at all--i do have very vivid dreaming, but i always thought that was my nighttime seroquel. i was originally on pristiq and seroquel, and was definitely having very vivid dreaming then as well--that's why i had chalked it up to the seroquel.

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And LS is referring to my post #47 to someone else, where I very calmly talk about Viibryd. Was it the "Devils Drug" (taken from a previous poster!) that makes her say in her "hey this person is not nice & needs to shut up & stop spewing hatred...." Blah blah blah.

NO ONE here or anywhere deserves to be responded to, like you did in #48. The writing is on the wall. LS....just come clean or disappear or change your end this drama you keep continuing.....are you or are you not a drug rep.

Whose Theresa, theoldman, & Monty (are you real?)

Peeps....this has been going on now for 2 yrs. w/ her.

I can understand why Forest drug reps have been scrambling. It's a ?'able drug & many want to sue. And that's just from prev. convo's on this site. Oops....there I go talking logic again! Lol

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Post #54, Viibrydishorridtoweanfrom:

As a medical professional who is very knowledgeable on the American psychopharmaceutical industry with personal experience also taking Viibryd, I recognize and empathize with your experience as a former (and now current) Viibryd user. However, you must realize your experiences are not superior to that of any other person and the effects of medications are highly individualized. Each person responds differently—one person having a horrible time with any given medication is not enough to effectively permanently color the reputation of any given drug.

Vilazodone (Viibryd) is approved for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in the United States by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. While the FDA has expressed concerns over the marketing tactics of prior companies that owned the rights to Viibryd—as the drug has been sold at least once to a very successful pharmaceutical company—it does not mean any company is attempting to apply censorship to the opinion of a few on the World Wide Web. It really makes no sense to try and do so when you consider the below:

Viibryd, in my conversations with several experts, has an excellent reputation in the psychiatric and primary care communities in the United States. The prescription has been highly profitable with over 5 million prescriptions written annually. At least anecdotally I've heard many patients describe their experience with Viibryd as being contrary to that of any other SSRI antidepressant they've tried in the past.

I won't pretend to agree with many of the practices of drug companies. But the makers of Viibryd deserve credit where credit is due. In a country with an underecognized epidemic of psychiatric illness—including the large problem of under-diagnosis and under-treatment of psychiatric disorders—having another drug option in a sea of difficult-to-tolerate medications is a good thing in my book.

Best of health to you. Good luck with duloxetine.

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I had to get off viibryd because is stomach issues and it was hurting my groin sometimes. It was helping a little bit. I was on it for 40 days and the doctor told me just to quit it and put me on paxcil. After 6 days I was in hospital for 3 days. My blood pressure dropped to 70/40.

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I have been taking viibryd fo about 6 years I have had a very good experience the only problem I have is the price I have been trying to call company but they never return my calls

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Here's the link to a thread that's been relatively active with people taking it:


There are some good and some bad experiences, which is typical of most medications.


The only way to really know whether or not it may work well for you is to actually try it.

Are you still doing well?

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I think that we cannot be positive about a bad experience. I found that the more I took, the more my emotions ranged from anger to super confidence. I am not bipolar but I recognized that was what I was experiencing. I know that you want this to work but I think that we also need to be honest. I have been a psychologist since 1894 and I have been following this closely. I don't ever recall this kind of response to an anti depressant. I find it very interesting and I am happy for those who have good luck. But for some of us it was a wild ride.

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I started on 20mg. I am really worried about the weight gain. I cant afford to gain weight.
Anymore positive feedback

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