Viibryd Reviews (Page 52)
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Going to start it tomorrow. Anyone else taking it, and if so, how do you like it?


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I'm so sorry you're having problems finding something that works for you. I know how that is. It used to be kind of exciting, starting a new med, getting hopeful about it's potential, but after you've done it a dozen or more times, it's easy to get apathetic about whatever wonderdrug is being pushed down our throats, or up our butts this week. I know how my appointment is going to go based on which drug rep is sitting in my psy's office before my appointment. I love my psy, she's 105 years old and I've been with her forever, and she's the sample queen, but I think she sees more drug reps than patients. She has no qualms saying, "Hey, look at this! Wanna try it out? It might be kind of trippy!" Ok, so I guess that's a little fun...

Amen to pot. When I was a teenager, no one knew what was wrong with me. I was just "strange" and "out there" and "creative" and "interesting" and "hyper" or "overly emotional". Being bipolar with teenage female hormones raging wasn't fun. If not for a few good friends, I'd probably be dead. Pot stabilized me in a way that no fancy pill has done since. I slept well, I ate well, I thought clearly, I wasn't depressed, and I wasn't manic...I was honestly normal. Then I went to college, and I found my manic energy useful, and my access to pot limited, so I never did it again (plus I was a dork and no one would share with me). Now, with kids, there's just too much to risk to even think about trying it, even if I were 100% positive it would work, until it's legal, I'll just have to stick with good ole FDA approved hard stuff at inflated prices. MMmmm Capitalism!

I took my wellburtin this morning, and I'm going to take my viibryd tonight. I'm also on topamax, which I usually take at night since it makes me sleepy. I don't see why I can't take them together, but if someone knows why I shouldn't, please let me know. I hope I'll be able to sleep through that horrible queazy feeling and wake up clear headed tomorrow. At least being the weekend, if I don't, I have someone else here to pick up the slack.......hahhahahahahahhahahaha......oh gawd, I'm so funny, I kill me....

Have a nice weekend folks, stay cool.

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So sorry to hear you are going through all this!! My son took respirdol (sp) at some point...he took a lot of things... The Limictal seemed to be the best but he was scared of it and stopped taking it and decided on I really think they should legalize it. It has been the best med he has been on...(of course not leagally) Just to be clear...I am not tring to get people to illegally smoke pot!!!...I just have my own feelings about it...though I can't stand it myself...yucky feeling to me!! He is 21 now and has changed a lot, but still has major anger problems at times. The other meds were for ADHD and anger...I can't even list all of them...but all I can say is that I tried to help. He is OK see him tomorrow. He is one of my babies!!! and I love him!!!

I hate to read that so many are having this nausea problem. I just make sure that I eat something with fat and carbs in the morning before I take it. I also take my Wellbutrin, but take it earlier with the rest of my herbal supps and medicine. I wait to take the Viibryd til about 9 or so at work. But I do have to eat, which normally I don't do in the

As I said before, I did feel really dizzy...kind of like I was walking on a cloud the first couple of days and then when I went up to 40mg the same happened for about 3 days.

I really like this med so far. I haven't gained weight...though I have craved sweets, but have been on 4 different antibiotics for a I don't know which one is doing that. I actually wanted to sit and watch a movie, which generally I can't concentrate that long...I watched one and am going to watch the other after I cook breakfast this morning. To me just in general is awesome. I have been so jealous of peole that could just sit down and My naisl are longer than usual, don't know why...guess I haven't been chewing on them. And work is a little better, accept for the foggy days that I mentioned. Hoping for the best with this!!

Hope all of you are feeling better!! Keep in touch!! I really like being able to tak to others that are living this new experience!!!

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I'm on my 5th day of 20 mg Viibryd (12 days including the week of 10mg to start). I felt so sick and tired on the first 20mg day that I tried taking it at night for a few days but that didn't work because I couldn't sleep, no energy just couldn't sleep. So today I took it in the morning and have been feeling sick to my stomach (burning & nauseated) and dragging around, no energy. So I'm not sure when taking it is best, I still feel sick to my stomach when I take it at night and even the next day so I didn't escape any symptoms at night.
I still feel quite depressed but haven't had an impulse to act on any suicidal or self-destructive thoughts. Although those thoughts linger in the back of my head just as much, at least the impulse isn't as strong as it has been.
I've tried every SSRI, Welbuterin, some tricyclic antidepressants, with all kinds of combinations like lithium, neruontain, depakote, risperdal even though I've been diagnosed as having Major Depressive Disorder and not Bi-Polar Disorder. I have anxiety too which I've used Buspar, valium, and xanax for short times. I have a new psychiatric nurse and was recently on Welbuterin and risperdal, had a seizure & gained a weight so after two weeks of being off those meds was given Viibryd. The psych nurse has said that I probably have treatment resistant MDD and I'm not sure where that leaves me... in the dust is what it feel like.
Thank you all for posting your experiences, it's nice to know how you all are doing on this new med (as well as old ones).
Good luck to you all!

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Oh my gosh!! With your Vit D that low, it can cause all kinds of problems!! Get on a D3 supplement if you haven't already. Vit D levels are important and low levels can cause all kinds of things....

Problem with if he did or didn't is how you read the numbers....most docs don't get it.

I felt that dizziness when I moved up to 40mg..but this is day 4 on 40mg and I am not feeling that way. I read somewhere that you should make sure to eat something with fat in it when you take this med...

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Thanks for the advice ls, I'm going to have to check with my Rheumatologist and find out exactly what she did. I thought it was a full panel, but I noticed that a few years ago, when I did a pretty strict low carb diet, all of my symptoms went away- and once I fell off the wagon, they came back. I was diagnosed with PCOS at one point, but that turned out to be false- I've had 4 pregnancies to term with no issues...if I look at a pair of pants wrong, I get pregnant. It's been a rollercoaster ride trying to figure out what's going on, and now I'm trying to find any doctor that's willing to test for Lyme disease. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and RA, I'm 34, and my vit. D levels were 3 (should be above 20). Lord knows what's going on, and it's frustrating as a woman, especially in the South, because being sick is our local passtime. Once you reach a certain age, every conversation revolves around your last doctor's appointment and what new prescription you're on, and what horrible thing you've been diagnosed with. As a result, most men dismiss legitimate health issues out of hand because it's such a part of our culture...even my grannie was "dying" for 35 years, and my husband's grannie had a "broken back" for 20 years, but still managed to get around just fine. It certainly makes it hard on those of us that have something real going on, but lack access to doctors with the training to a make definitive diagnosis.

Today is my first day on the 40mg tablets. I took it with the wellbutrin this morning, with breakfast. I went big for breakfast, but it was mainly carbs- pancakes and cereal (quick fix because it was 7am and I was still pretty sleepy). I laid back down for a bit and was in and out of it for 2 or 3 hours. Then I woke with horrible....and I mean HORRIBLE nausea. I really thought I was going to ride the technicolor schoolbus, but I wanted to fight it so I grabbed a sleeve of saltines and started munching. It took about 15 crackers and a can of pepsi, but the nausea passed and I felt better. Seriously though, if you're going from the 10 to 20, make sure you have a real meal with protein, and fiber, not just carbs. Anything that will take longer to digest and sit on your stomach- or maybe try taking it at night if you're a heavy sleeper, then you might sleep through any tummy trouble. I'm going to take it tomorrow with eggs, toast, maybe some sausage...I'm not a breakfast person, but I'll do anything not to have another morning like this one.

Not so much reflux in the last day....whoohoo!

Also, more regular now....whoooooohooooooo!!

I'm feeling a bit spacey this afternoon, a little dizzy, like my blood pressure might be a little low, but other than that, I feel okay. I don't feel great, but I'm not a wreck either. I'm just okay.

OHHH! I wanted to mention for those of you that also take Adderall- I ran out and didn't get my Rx refilled, and honestly, I feel so much better. I had no withdrawal, nothing. I finally got around to getting it refilled yesterday and took a total of 20mgs, and I swear, I was so edgy and moody with no increased energy or focus, in fact it had the opposite effect and made me shifty and gittery. I've decided to go off the adderall altogether- I mean, why take it if it's not helping, and actually making things worse. So if you're on something for ADHD and you're taking Viibryd, if you find yourself more moody, less able to focus, angry, shifty, etc, don't automatically assume it's the viibryd.

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Laura....Did they just test TSH? Did they do the full panel? If your TSH was like 3 or more than likely have a thyroid problem. They should test Free T3, Free T4, and antibodies,, and several other things. Problem being most docs just go by TSH. There is a forum caled lowcarbfriends that has a thyroid forum. There is alot of great the stickys. There are also some explanations on pschy manifestation because of thyroid problems. Anyway...check it is really informative. My doc also only goes by TSH, but it has finally gone down to like 1.7. I do feel alot better, but would be better off if it were 1 or under. It would probably make my mind much better I said, it is hard to find a doc that understands the thyroid completely. Even endos, which you would think know what they are doing, don't normally go by all the numbers...I have tried them out... You have to find a thyroid doctor...which is very hard to find. Anyway, I am rambling, and it may not be a problem, but check out the site.

As for Viibryd, I am on my 3rd day on 40mg and don't feel quite as But I made sure to eat with it. It does make a difference. I read somewhere that you should eat something with fat in it for it to metabolize and effectively work.

I haven't had the reflux problem, have had a little heartburn, but I am on antibiotic I don't know which is doing that.

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ls- I really wish it was my thyroid, but that's been checked within the last 6 months and my levels are right in the smack dab middle of "normal". It's frustrating.

Chuck- I've been enjoying the extra few hours in the morning too, although honestly, with it being summer and the kids out of school, I was looking forward to being to sleep in just a little bit. I suppose I'll love it in a few weeks though.

I wanted to mention another thing that I can't believe I've left out......reflux. Not really heartburn, but reflux, like I'm having trouble keeping things down. I'm not sure what that's about, but it's driving me crazy. Is anyone else noticing this, especially when they lay down? If anything forces me to stop this medicine, it'll be that.

I was trying to go back to taking the Wellbutrin in the moring, and the Viibryd at night, but I caved and took the Viibryd this afternoon after I noticed myself getting really edgy. If the Viibryd works well, I may try tapering off the Wellbutrin just to see if the Viibryd alone is enough....I mean, what's the worse that can happen?

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Started 40mg Viibryd today. Feeling a little spacey, but otherwise ok. Went to doc on Monday about anxiety and asked about Xanax. He's not a fan of Xanax, but put me on Klonopin for anxiety. Seems to be helping with the anxiety, but makes me a little sleepy. Also noticed that I'm waking up earlier than I used to on the Viibryd, but that's not so bad because I used to sleep a LOT when I was on the Lexapro and effexor.

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Laura, have you had your thyroid checked? You sure have lots of symtoms of Hashimotos thyroid.

I started my first 40mg yesterday. It did the same thing as the 20mg when I first started it. Dizzy and kind of weird feeling....but it went away...hopefully it will this time But I do like this so far!! Boy, I needed something.....

CT, I wish my doc would give me my xanax like that! I have to go every month...but I think they just want the

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What a coincidence CT, I live in Podunk too! Aren't the people here just the best *insert extra-wide grin here*.

Paxil almost scared me off of AD's for good. After 10 days of taking it, I was sitting in a movie theater (what is it about theaters?) and it felt like someone had slipped a cattle prod into my head. I bolted from the theater, ran straight home and flushed the rest of the Rx. Cymbalta felt much the same way when I was coming off it. I paid out the a$$ for a 50lb. weight gain, hair loss, and worse depression symptoms. Not to mention, they don't tell you that coming off the stuff is like coming off a street drug, only worse, because at least when you're coming off a street drug you get a little sympathy and help, a free clinic, a bucket to puke in, a meal cooked for you....instead, I was trying to explain what a "brain zap" felt like and why my face was twitching, and why I couldn't drive the kids to baseball because my brain feels crazy...that went over like a lead balloon. Finally I put it in terms my husband could understand, "honey, I've got snakes in my head." For some reason, this makes perfect sense to him, because he truly believes that most women are born with snakes in their head, only some of us have more than others. Oh yeah, and some of us have twigs in our uteruses, but that's another story. So Cymbalta is a no-no. Nice idea, poorly executed.

Yesterday was my first day taking the Viibryd in the morning with the Wellbutrin, and at first, I had a wee bit more energy....winning! Then I started to feel like I was slogging through waist deep mud...winning, not so much. Then I was dizzy for some time, specifically the time I had to drive across town to drop off my eldest...losing, definitely losing! I'm already not a confident driver. I don't know if I'm really lucky, or unlucky, but in the last year, I've been on-scene seconds after a fatal accident 4 times...yes, FOUR times, and one of those times involved the fiance of a dear friend. And by seconds, I mean there before the emergency crews, while the cars are still spinning, before the glass has settled. So I feel a little like a character from one of those Final Destination movies where because you've cheated death once, when it catches you, you die in the most horribly ghoulish, freak accident you can conceive of. I SOOO did not need to start feeling out of it half way across town in traffic with all my kids in the car. I was whiteknuckling it all the way home, sweat pouring, teeth grinding, eyes wide and fixed. I'm sure other drivers thought I was demented, or having a seizure.

I have noticed that regardless of when I take it, this combo seems to shorten my sleep cycle....actually, to be more accurate, regardless of when I go to sleep, I wake early (6am), every morning, even when I went to bed at 1:30am, even if I go to bed at 1:30am after taking two Tylenol PM. Ordinarily I'd see this as a warning sign for a manic episode, but I'm not having any other symptoms, which are typically very mild to begin with, and usually my sleep disturbances aren't this pronounced- I'm a soild 6-8 hour per night kinda girl, rain or shine, manic or not. I like having a few extra hours of productive time every day, my house has never been cleaner, but I'm worried I'm running a sleep debt that's going to catch up with me sooner or later....or I'll eventually start hallucinating and things will get real trippy around here. I'm curious if anyone else has noticed any chances to their sleep patterns while on Viibryd.

I've also noted some very mild hair loss, but this is more likely because of the wellbutrin as I seem to recall the same thing when I was on it before. That coupled with increased shedding during the summer makes it look like a lot more, but it is disconcerting all the same.

Some blurred vision. This is definitely the Viibryd. It feels a little like my eyeballs are swimming in my head....actually, it reminds me of the way things look when I'm really, really drunk, except no one looks better. This lasts pretty much all day, but because I've had a severe astigmatism my whole life, I'm pretty good at compensating for it. Still, it makes everything, from driving to reading things online, to reading my books, much more difficult.

I've also had some hot and cold flashes. My first one was the day after I started taking the Viibryd. I was flushed bright pink and my husband suggested I was going through "the change" 34....thank you Mr. Sensitive, now guess whose snake won't be plowing my twigs anytime soon....And later I had zombie feet (and hands) and I just couldn't get them warm for the life of me. It's like I was chilled to my core, and the outside temp was 115 (counting heat index), inside temp was 82 (old heatpump). I was under two blankets and my hands were still like ice. It was the oddest thing.

I will say that even with those side effects, the benefit I'm feeling outweighs the negatives, at this point. The Wellbutrin has a tendency to make me edgy, angry, downright mean, in the first few weeks of starting it, and this Viibryd has really taken the edge off it, BIG TIME. I don't feel that undercurrent of anger, or rage...I feel more mellow and controlled. I think it's the perfect augment for Wellburtin if Wellbutrin by itself hasn't been cutting it for you, but I don't know if either alone would be quite enough to handle more severe meds resistant type depression, or mood disorders.

BTW, I'm taking the sample pack as well, and started with the 10mgs, moving to the 20, then the 40mgs....I think the original sample packs started you at 5mgs. I wonder why they doubled the dosage in the sample packs? Seems surprising that they would be able to do that considering that the drug hasn't been available that long.

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LS, my dr is a Godsend too. He has never let me go a day without my chill pills...sends them to me in bulk. LOL (We have to use mail-order for maintenance meds, so I get a 90-day supply of big ones. This almost-empty bottle has lasted me almost 8 months!) I've been with him for 11 years now and he knows my history, my conditions, and that I'm not an abuser/dealer, so we're cool. Yep, I was diagnosed with GAD circa 1996 after a major panic attack - in the movie theater of all places - in the middle of a cold N.O. night. It took me 2 1/2 bottles of wine to get through it...and I was ALONE. Scared me straight to the drs office ASAP. Paxil handled it for a long while but it fizzled out. I can relate - I made a vow to never end up like my Mom too. She was diagnosed with depression in the 80s, tried ONE (old school) antidepressant, said it didn't work for her, and now she says there's nothing wrong with her and won't try meds again. HA. *sigh*
OMG, Laura, you are too funny. (That's meant in a good way.) You sound a lot like me when I'm talking to my "real-life" friends. I'm sarcastic as hell and the people around here in Podunk just don't get it...but that's another issue for another board, I guess. I take Topamax too for migraine prevention. Anxiety + a migraine - there's a winning combination, huh? I'm kinda pissed though that the massive weight-loss effect of my Topamax has worn off. = ( That was so awesome in the very beginning.
OK. Obviously my ADHD meds have also worn off, cause I am all over the place. LOL

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i had to go cold turkey off the zanax, and that truly sucked more balls than a bingo machine. right about the time withdrawal hit, they released me (1st day spent coming out of a drug stuppor induced by a bottle of zanax chased with a bottle of adderall....i was manic, but really calm about it; day 2 spent trying to fend off the 300lb 18yo resident "hugger" who kept creeping into my room to "say hello"; day 3 spent trying to convince a panel of doctors that I'm not crazy, but the drug cocktail they had just put me on was making my ears ring, so I also wanted to know if they heard the bells too...; day 4 was spent trying to convince my husband that if I come home, I'll be a good girl and not go snacking in the medicine cabinet they let me out). So I do envy those of you that can still take those neat little blue chill pills, although I suppose I should be happy that I get a steak knife at dinner and shut up about it.

I'm still doing the Welbutrin and Viibryd together, splitting the dosages between morning and evening. I think I'll try taking them both in the morning because I honestly feel no difference as far as my energy level goes, and trying to remember them gets tedious especially since linear thinking isn't really my bag. The muscle cramps are gone, I'm still hungry more than usual, and...well, this might be TMI, but I'm a bit backed up, if you know what I mean. And not just eat-a-few-prunes-and-read-a-mag kinda backed up either...more like, I-wish-this-ficking-toilet-bowl-had-handlebars kinda backed up. If something doesn't give in the next day, I'll have go last resort...thai food and ky jelly. Anywho....

I'll update on the progress, perhaps not in so much detail, but I am hopeful that this combo is able to balance me out without snuffing out the parts of my personality that make me, me. I've been on everything, and nothing is worse than slogging through the day in a grey, joyless, numb stuppor. I won't say it's worse than the crushing depression, but it's not far off.

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Mc....Definately about the xanax....But the xanax is something I really have to have to function driving from home to work...ect... and at work just in general! The Viibryd may be the cause of more anxiety, will definately find out when I go to 40mg if it is just stuff or the med. But I do like the med so far. And until I read what GAD was Tiger, I had know idea that I guess they just haven't diagnosed me with that, but I definately have the symtoms. My kids have always just called me negative for worrying or thinking something bad in certain situations..ect...Wow, an eye opener!! Actually I do, do some of the things that are suppose to help the symtoms, just because I need to...but WOW...I didn't know there was a name for it!!

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You mentioned that you're feeling a little more anxiety. I too am feeling that. Not sure if it's the Effexor leaving my system or something else. You also mentioned that Xanax helps. Does it help with the anxiety? I have a Dr Appt this afternoon and am thinking of asking him if I can try Xanax. I start my 40Mg dose of Viibryd in a couple of days. Thanks!

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Laura, how are you doing now?? I cracked up about the crazy sex I guess going to the hospital isn't really worth it! :)

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Wow, Tiger, glad I am not the only one...people just don't understand...I didn't understand when my mother was going through all of it either, just thought it was nuts. Just kind of snuck up on me little by little. I swore up and down I wouldn't be like that!! I have noticed a little more anxiety too...course going through I bunch and my son has been home from college,sooo, I don't get to drive much. I have to keep my mind in xanax is definately my saving grace! And I thank the Lord for my doctor that will give it to me!! I start on 40mg of the Viibryd tommorrow, I really think it is making me feel better!! :)

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Going into day 7 and so far, so good. I do feel a little bit better already, although I don't know if it's the Viibryd itself or the "blah factor" from the Cymbalta wearing off. We'll see, I guess. Wonder what the jump to 20mg will be like. I also take Vyvanse for ADHD and it seems like the Viibryd is prolonging the efficiency of the Vyvanse. (I hope so, because I am maxed out at 70mg of Vyvanse and it was starting to lose its effect too quickly.) I will say that I'm with LS...thank God for my Xanax! I have felt a little more on edge the past few days, but just a little dose of Xanax takes care of that and I feel pretty darn good. = ) LS, I know what you mean about driving. I sometimes become overwhelmed by the fear that someone is going to hit me and I either creep along or pull over completely. I have GAD and people always ask me how I can drive/function on Xanax every day. I have to tell them that there are often times that I can't drive/function WITHOUT it. And thanks everyone for posting! Keep it up, because it sounds like we are all kind of "guinea pigs" with this.

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I had a better night last night, although I woke up at 4am again, just not hungry like I was before. I didn't have much trouble going back to sleep, so I think I'll keep trying to take my wellbutrin during the day, and the viibryd in the evening for balance. i'm also on topamax and i'm going to try to take all 100mgs of that in the evenings since it makes me really loopy and sleepy, perhaps it will knock me out enough to keep me from waking up at 4am again. so far no headache today so that's good, and less of a fog feeling, also less anxiety, feel more calm. yesterday my heart was racing a bit and i was worried i might be getting a bit manic but i didn't. husband was disappointed cuz he really likes the "crazy sex", but i'd prefer not to end up in the hospital for a week again.

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I am taking both Wellbutrin and the Viibryd. I am on my 9th day and am doing wel. I was a little sick at first, and now taking Flagyl for a abcess tooth (hopefully getting that fixed tomorrow) so I have had to make a point to make sure I eat (which I normally don't) breakfast. The doc told me not to take the Viivryd at night because it could cause insomnia, and I definately don't need that, I have had enough problems sleeping..... I don't know which is making me a little sickly in the morning, but it isn't anything a couple of peanut butter crackers doesn't help. I don't see why the Wellbutrin would have anything to do with the Viibryd, they are different least to me. I have to take the But, as you said, I have felt hungry too, but so far haven't gained any weight, which is a very big deal to me. I also take thyroid meds. Hope you get to feeling better, keep posting...


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I took my first dose last night with food and woke up at 4am sick to my stomach and hungry. I hate to eat a bowl of cereal and it was hard to get back to sleep. I hope this side effect stops soon. I was really hungry today, but I've been trying to eat light, just several small meals throughout the day, but my stomach is growling constantly. Also tired, with a tension headache. I thought I would try taking this with my Welbutrin since welbutrin isn't a maoi but an ssri....anyone else doing this? Maybe it's too much together?

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