Viibryd Reviews (Page 37)


Going to start it tomorrow. Anyone else taking it, and if so, how do you like it?


1053 Replies (53 Pages)

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Yes, I've taken Viibryd for two days and each time about 4 hours after taking it I became short of breath - like oxygen was not working and my breathing became rather rapid and lasted for about 1/2 hour. Yuck. I think I am not going to take anymore of it.

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That is the first I have heard of that kind of side effect. That side effect would not normally be what SSRIs would do. Maybe there is something else going on. Your doctor ought to know about this and give you more advice. You may with Dr advice cut the pill to 5 and take that a couple of days and try 10s again. The10 is just for start and most doctors want to reach 20-40 as the norm eventual dosage.
Give more info if you can on your past rx usage and why you are being put on Vii. Vii is like two pills rolled into one. It is the best one I have been on and I am doing really well after 6 months at just 30 mg.

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Nic- im sorry to hear that my doc and i have been talking my whiching because what I've been taking just isn't working anymore for me and the sex drive part of it is HUGE ... im 36 and my newly wedded husband is 27....this has over the years possed quite the problem....its obviously he loves me being he married me anywher but i really wanted that to change....if this changes for you or anyone else has some imput on the sex drive aspect please let me know......also Im praying that it helps provide me with some happiness and clearity of mind

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My shrink originally told me that in his experience with this Vii that it has the "least" amount of sexually related sided effects. I found that to be true.

I found this for you at the Mayo Clinic Website:

Why isn't there an equivalent of Viagra for women?

from Jacqueline M. Thielen, M.D.

Given the success of drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra), pharmaceutical companies have sought a comparable drug for women. Viagra has even been tried as a treatment for sexual dysfunction in women. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved this use of Viagra. Indeed, there are no FDA-approved medications for treating sexual arousal problems in women.

Female sexual response is complex. For most women, simply addressing difficulties with arousal may not get to the actual problem — which is often a lack of sexual desire. Many factors can influence a woman's sexual desire. For example:

Many women find that the stresses of daily life deplete their desire for sex.
Highs and lows in sexual desire may coincide with the beginning or end of a relationship or major life changes, such as pregnancy or menopause.
For some women, orgasm can be elusive — causing concerns or preoccupations that lead to a loss of interest in sex.
Desire is often connected to a woman's sense of intimacy with her partner, as well her past experiences. Over time, psychological troubles can contribute to biological problems and vice versa.
Some chronic conditions, such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis, can alter a woman's sexual-response cycle — causing changes in arousal or orgasmic response.
If you're experiencing changes or difficulties with sexual function, consult your doctor. In some cases, hormones, creams, clitoral-stimulating products or other treatments may be helpful. These products don't work for everyone, however. Your doctor may also recommend consulting a sex therapist.

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Wow joe you really know a lot and look up a lot of stuff....i had asked my doc that same question and she said the same thing that if its an arousal issue no pill will help that that the drugs men take are for men that hve the drive but just cant perform.....i was a bit disappointed in hearing that but she stated a lot of the same things that can cause the lack of drive....but what I didn't even think of a sex therapist....huh.....thank u so much joe for all your support, info and time i think im not the only person who feels you hve been a great help

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You are welcome. I have had many years of exposure to medicine and doctors but I am not one. Yet what I have learned has been very solid helpful in my own dealing with medical issues.
There is a legitamate website on sexual issues called Go Ask Alice. There might be some help there.
Also many studies have shown that many people men and women have heightened desire after sweat producing excersize gym workouts. Often the heavy excersize creates great energy and vitality and sensory response. Another well known sexual activator is get away from kids and do intimate activity at different locations or in discreet and private nature locations. The basic idea is that almost 98% odds that something will work and it takes time and effort to succeed with good results. So keep reading and talking to experts in human sexuality and the odds are you will obtain results.

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Hi everyone,

I've been on Vii for a few months now. And the side effects were horrible in the beginning. Dreams, brain shocks, twitching, stiff arms and legs, seeing stuff that wasn't there, bowel issues. But I continued the Vii. And now my body is use to it. I'm doing better and only have few sides effects every once in a while. But the dreams are still horrible. But only happens every once in a while. I do feel better. Sometimes gotta way the pros and cons. I hope this helps!!

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My current hubby is in his first month on Vii so I've been reading all I can from postings. I lived 5 years with an uncontrollable rager. Scary. I feel for you. After a couple years I got him to a psychiatrist who prescribed an anti seizure med that is often cross prescribed for anger outbursts. No side effects, and can be used with ssri's. I'll look it up. Could change your life. It made a huge difference for him, though the damage to our marriage was by that time irreparable. Thanks for your posts.

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my hubby is on on day 7 of 40mg. I was no weird effects since the first week eith one day of shaky hands and nervousness. He says he is feeling like the world isnt so grey. Years on lexapro and prozac stopped helping. Night sweats are more than before but andropause could be part of that since it wasnt unusual before. He's 61. Tough year, as he started using again, when the anti depressants stopped working. So far he has made 30 days once but used after 1 week on Vii. Cold turkey off lexapro. Went out last night again so the addiction is fighting with him for control. It doesn't want to let go, but were hopeful with the Vii kicking in for normal brain function. Id appreciate some experiencef input.
My last husband should have been on ssri meds but finally got Tegretol. Thats the stuff for siezures used for
uncontrolleable anger outbursting.
Good stuff.
Also ladies, please make sure you get bio identical HRTs as the others are equine and cause cancers in too many women. BHRT good. HRT bad.

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Well its been 17 days on viibryd, I tried increasing to 20 but just felt like I was high, had some dizziness and headaches. Going to stay at 10mg till I see my doc on the 11th. I think I want to try Pristiq while i'm in limbo here, don't want to settle if something else will work better. BTW my mood is stable but no better than it was on Lexapro just not as lethargic.

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I don't think 10 mg is much theurapeutic value. People start at 10mg to get eased into the drug. Seems like your doctor ought to assess and figure out another route for you if Vii is not being tolerated that much.

My experience with SSRI for myself and many others is that they really kick in 2-3 months and many feel so much better beyond that, provided life issues are under control or other life stressors are stable. Vii in my case is working better today than ever after 6 months. But my life conditions are stable and not causing complications. Hope you find better results because something always works, including taking an adjunct second med to assist if necessary.

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Just wondering if there has been any diagnosis of bi-polar which used to be manic depressive diagnosis? When I hear about rage and anger issues, that might imply possible bi-polar which can arise at any stage of life. It is something to evaluate and consider for the right drugs. Google bi-polar and see the symptoms and compare, but only really a shrink figures these out. Sounds like a tough case and when people are not treated correctly for so long of a time it takes longer for cures to happen too. Best of luck on this.

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Many people who have no history of bipolar disorder are finding themselves having manic highs and rage on Viibryd. I did. I did not recognize myself and had to stop. But at first it was nirvana. I felt just as I wanted to: creative, energetic, as if I had something wonderful to offer. Then I lost all patience and became a total shrew.

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Drbeth: You are darn right, that at anytime taking any meds causes such strange personality or emotional characteristics, that has to be checked out and decisions made. I am glad you figured it out and did the right thing. That is especially true so that other people, loved ones and friends, are not caused extra relationship troubles that then makes everything worse for all concerned. How are things doing since you last posted? Things better? What meds are working for you now? Take care. Joe

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the drug reps do offer their time. it is the doctors who do not listen to them. all they want to do is sign for the samples that are being dropped off. I've seen it happen.

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so I just picked up my sample pack and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on when the best time to take it is..... in the morning at night? is it better if you take it with food? I know it explains it all in the packet but I like to get feedback from people.... starting something new is always scary you'd think I'd be used to it by now but side effects are never fun I just hope in the end it's worth it

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I was on it for six months and in my first week getting off of it. Initially take it in the morning and with a meal. I work in a Dr. office and spoke with drug rep and she said the meal part is very important. My first day I took it made me a little nausea and diarrhea which is common. That subsided after a day. After a month I felt great. My dr gave it to me to control my anger outbursts during pms. I felt it worked out pretty well. Then I started gaining weight. Then I got really scared when I started having these horrible dreams and hallucinations. I would be in a very light sleep mode and I would think my husband walked into the room and I would start talking to him. I would wake up then realizing I was either dreaming or hallucinating because my husband wasn't there at all. My dreams became so intense and scary I was afraid to go to bed. I would see shadowy figures chasing me and I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my body. I did not sleep well at all. Then, I would feel my brain getting these zapping feelings as I would fall asleep. It got worse. I upped to 40 mg and then my body would jerk involuntarily and I started feeling a weird thumping feeling. I really thought I was one step away from calling 911. I thought I was going to have a seizure. The weird stuff always seemed to happen at night! I searched the internet and saw everyone had at least one or all my experiences. I was so relieved. I would like to know how an SSRI can give someone such horrible nightmares. I would love for a sleep study or an EEG to be done on someone who is on this med. It really brought me to a dark place. I don't really recommend it. I have been on other ssri's. This is the first time I was convinced I was going to be committed. I have been off for a week and having a really rough time. I have been having big mood swings and I feel sad and angry. I feel worse now than before I started the med. Please read a little more and do research. I will be writing to the pharmaceutical company about this. Not a happy woman. Please be careful.

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Jenny, I experienced the SAME thing on this was always at night when I was very tired. It was horrible .I think it is some type of seizure. Id wake up from sleep and not know if I was awake or still sleeping, very frightening. I was on this med for a year. It took me eight weeks to wean off of it. Ive been vii free for 3 months and I feel amazing. Take ur time weaning.good luck !

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Steph and Jenny,

Tough the nightmare are horrible, they are not seizures. It is called Sleep Paralysis. If you will look back through the messages you will see some people that have had the same problem....and you will see that I had it way before viibryd. It does get better with time I promise. If the med is working other wise....I would stick with it a little longer...although still understanding your scarey feelings. There is also another thread on this Viibryd site that explains called something like Sleep Paralysis and Viibryd. I posted an article that explains it a little more. And back a few post another person posted some really interesting facts about it....just letting you know...

Good Luck!


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My shrink said to take with food, start 3 days at 5mg, cut 10 in half, then proceed with 10s as pack instructs. Then he said to take in morning if stress issues are more bothersome in day, or before bed if stress is at night.

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