Viibryd Nightmares (Page 4) (Top voted first)


HI I am on Viibryd for 4 months now and i have these terrible horrific nightmares that i am dyng or sufficating a kind of sleep parasis and it happens a few times a night to where I am aware this drug is causing it. However it happens maybe once a week or once every otherweek so should i just stay on 20 mg i decided to bring it down and go on prozac but i want to make sure i am making the rght dec w doctor of course. I have been on cymbalta 2 years and ristiq 2 years prior and they were terrible to get off i notice that if i am 2 hours late for viibryd i have a night of hell with the nightmares. Does anyone else? Is viibryd going to be a nightmare to get off im very nervous. ;/

92 Replies (5 Pages)

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I too have these nightmares, where you can't wake up, even though you try. It only happens when I forget to take it at night, take it too late, or without food. Other than that I feel great on it

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Yes, that's called Sleep Paralysis. Everyone has this while sleeping, so we don't act out our dreams & hurt ourselves. But for some reason, which I hope Forest Labs is figuring out, their Viibryd is causing many to immediately fall into 'SP' & it can be a seemingly never ending cycle dozens of times for 1-2 hrs. By then, most have been raped, smothered by demons, burned, pinched, feeling cocooned/unable to move, you hear yourself scream, but it's only in your head, and the visual & auditory hallucinations are also terrifying.

I was taking 300xl of Wellbutrin while on Viibryd. No one told me not to. WELL....after feeling so dull on Prozac for mos. I started Cymbalta. Continued to gain more weight, & only felt the benefits from back pain relief & it works perfectly for GAD. But makes me too tired during the day too. So I tried cutting back. I've read the Cymbalta horror stories w/ weaning. So...after not being able to wean, I got so fed up w/ feeling tired all the time & took a 150 Wellbutrin for a couple of days. I felt a little loopy, so stopped. Weeks later, fed up with fatigue & took an old 300 XL of Wellbutrin. I was fine the 1st day. Didn't notice side effects. After the 2nd dose though, I was trying to nap & all of a sudden in my dreaming, I woke up to a blinding ORANGE light and my head jerked forward so fast, involuntarily, and I felt and watched a huge ball of orange light explode, which felt like my whole brain.

So there you have it folks. I don't recommend mixing Wellbutrin w/ any SNRI, as they already work in Dopamine, I haven't taken WB since & have cut down to about 20mg. of Cymbalta/nite along w/ taking a 20 mg. of Prozac EOD. So far, feeling good. Xanax too, as needed.

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i have been taking viibryd for about three months now and the nightmares that i am having are intolerable. I wake up terrified and am scared to go back to sleep. in my dreams i am aware that i am dreaming and try to wake my self up but am unsuccessful . i feel like i am going insane. i get trapped in my nightmares with no choice but to live them until i somehow wake up.

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I would love to know what u decided to do? I love the better mood and it's so hard to give that up but the horrid nightmare like u described makes me so scared to sleep that I've just decided to wing myself off the medication. All I've had so far is the sample pack so it's a strong drug! I've been taking 10mg so I'm thinking every other night and then every three night, then every four nights till it runs out.

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Omg.....I have been on the Viibyrd for a month and I just started (2 days) and I'm having demonic dreams. Very graphic and disturbing I'm afraid to fall asleep. Snakes, Knives, murders, guns just to name a few disturbing things. I will call my doc asap.

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The dreams eventually fade away. I've been on 40mg of Viibryd for over a year now and the benefit far outweighs having to deal with the nightmares. Mine were also very scary and vivid, but I felt good otherwise and kept taking it. Glad I did since the dreams are now just normal ones. Hang in there!

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Amen, Maria. I hope things will improve for you, soon.

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I've been experiencing nightmares for about a week and I'm on 20 mgs. I'm also extremely irritable and tired a lot. I've noticed if I take 2 ibprofen before bed I don't have the nightmares......odd

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I had a similar experience with crazy scary dreams! However, since I felt so much better on this drug, I kept taking it, and now I no longer have the nightmares. I've been in it for over a year and it's been worth it for me. I say just hang in there!

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You explained the experiences I've had to a T! I've been on this drug about 6 months and I had the weird vision thing like I saw a flash or a flicker of light and like a 2 second experience of how it feels when you pass out! And if I take the medicine and stay awake past 30 minutes that's when I have the night terrors. I feel that I'm awake and I'm trying to wake my body up by screaming in my dream for someone to physically wake me up. I love the medicine but I'm having a hard time with these dreams and may decide to discontinue.

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I really hope the dreams stop. I got off of the drug, cold turkey. That in itself was a nightmare.

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I am an RN. I have been on Viibryd (tapered up to 40mg) now for 3 1/2 months. Gained 20 pounds. Ugh. I've been a distance runner for 25 years. Now it's an effort to run 4 miles. And I just feel dull. First time ever on andt-depressant- SSRI. I have nothing to compare it with. Nausea was terrible. But the nightmares/night terrors are unreal! Consciousness while dreaming. Screaming aloud and with the mentioned paralysis. Worse if I've missed a dose. (Only done that 3 times) Trying to wean myself off now. Thank God I have a friend who is a PharmD. Guiding me through a gradual weaning. I just hope all of the adverse effects disappear.

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yes, I had horrible nightmares from viibryd. The the thing is that I take 6 meds, and the addition of viibryd seemed to be the one that was the miracle drug that has med me feel great!! I have found that the addition of seroquil to chase the nightmares away. I take 40 mg of viirbryd and 400 mg seroquil . Yes, the seroquil makes me tired, but it lets me go to sleep, without dreading those horrible nightmares. Hope this helps

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Yes I have had bad nightmares and sleep paralysis it is terrifying to say the least! I have heard to take in the am if you experience these effects. I am about to try this myself to see if it helps. Best of luck

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My name is Anna and this is 2015 so I do not know if this will be read or not. but I have gone to NAMI for help. I have gone to the church for help. Noone will help me. I had my first demonic hallucention from viibryd about two months ago. At this time I am terrified of what is to become of me. I am stuck on the drug. my last psychiatrist who I have left, did not believe what I experienced was true. She literally laughed in my face. I have a new psychiatrist who I will start seeing in two weeks. but I know what is coming. he will want me to taper down and I know that any small dose you miss causes these hellish things. I do not know if I can take it because I am far from mentally stable. I am afraid they will drive me truly insane and I will end up in an institution

I am deeply religious and thought that the trip in which I went to hell by missing a dose was my fault or some kind of gods punishment. I am still not over what I experienced and honestly would rather be dead than go through this.

What happened was this, I was paralyzed in my sleep like other people. I could not scream I could not cry out. even though I desperately wanted to. I could not wake up.. I was a prisoner in my own mind. it started with me being half naked and crawling around for what seemed like hours in deep thick mud. I was cold I was scratching at the ground. people were walking all around me.. at first I could not see their faces. I tried to raise up from the mud and scream for help but nothing would come out. people continued to ignore me. that kept going on and on. somehow I was able to sit up eventually. then for what seemed like more hours I was walking through a sea of faces screaming for help a sea of disembodied faces

it was all black dark and cold suddenly the faces started to turn demonic. every face I looked at was some type of horryfing demon. I still screamed for help. suddenly towards the end. I ran into a more demonic figure. I asked something to the effect of where was I.. he laughed and said why your in hell of course.

I know it doesn't seem bad compared to the ones ive read. but trying to come out of it. I thought I was in my grave. dead and buried. I could see dirt. Coming out I honestly did not know if I was dead or alive. where I was. what my name was. It took hours for my boyfriend to calm me down and that was a small one.

I came out to where my boyfriend was sleeping crying and in another world saying I needed to go to the e/r. What I am saying is these will get worse. I could not handle a small one. they are challenging and questioning and shaking my faith. I don't know what to do. no one will listen to me. I have never been so afraid in my life and I have been through some very bad things. I just want someone to listen. to believe me and for my faith not to crumble as I try to taper down.

Thank you for reading! it was good to get it out.


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Hi everyone! Well, I'm so sorry to hear of everyone's experiences on this drug, but at the same time, so relieved. My hubs is no support at all. I have tried taking these pills both at night and in the morning. Both options offer horrible side effects. If I take it too early in the morning, then because it doesn't seem to have a full day half life for me, when it starts leaving my system in between doses is when I fall into those night terrors...the most terrifying things I've ever experienced. But if I take it at night, then I'm wide awake all night and get to greet the sun each morning. I've been on these for about 1 1/2 years. I'm on 40 mg/day, and while it has helped normalize my emotions, my hubs just blew up at me last week because he notices that all I want to do is sleep/stay at's time for a change. I know the process might not be wonderful, but I'm going to have to fight through it in order to get to something better.

To the woman who is very religious and terrified about losing your sanity....pray. Put this in God's hands, look to Him to protect you...don't lose hope. He came to give you ABUNDANT life, not this circle of hell you're experiencing. Ask him to send you the right healthcare professionals. And hang in there. You're going to get to the other side of this.

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I know exactly what you mean with the nightmares. I had the worst one in my
Whole life today. I had accidentally missed getting to the pharmacy for my refill and took a long nap. I had missed my dose by several hours. The dream involved being trapped in a world away from my family. A world of so many atrocities I can't describe it all. After I woke up I had to bawl my eyes out before I could calm down! This drug works so well for me otherwise but this nightmare effect is scary!

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Please call Allergan at 1-800-272-5525 to report your experiences with Viibryd. My personal experience has changed my life. I have never been in such terror and fear as I was when demons were taunting me and spinning me while I lay there in sleep paralysis on this terrible drug. I am weaning off with the help of my doctor. But so many people experiencing demonic dreams is no coincidence. We need to call this in and let the manufacturer know what is going on. I was told the report generated from my call would also be reported to the FDA. Let's make them change the side effects. Sleep paralysis, brain zaps and terror dreams are COMMON side effects and people need to know that before trying this terrible drug.

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I too had nightmares, so vivid and life threatening I'd wake up abruptly, literally shaking. One dream was of a home invasion, three cruel, vicious thugswith knives and guns holding my husband and me prisoner with an absolute certainty that we would be murdered. I'm an old lady, with great grandchildren, but I dreamed I was a young mother with a young infant. I thought I'd put it in its crib but could hear it crying. When I went looking for it, the nursery had turned into a basement full of
monsters. I was absolutely frantic hearing my baby crying for me and my home had
turned into a monster filled hell, and they had my baby. When I woke up it was shaking uncontrollably and actually sobbing in my sleep. My heart was beating so hard I feared I was having a heart attack.
There were other nightmares ... of being lost, totally unaware of where I was and very frightened.

At first Vibryd seemed like a miracle drug. My doctor told me it would take 8bweejs and It seemed to kick in for me within two weeks. I had the package the took four weeks to get to the therapeutic dose. But for me, the depression and anxiety lessened within two weeks, I loved it! BUT . . . . AFTER THE "leveling off" period, it didn't stop there. It increased to almost a euphoric state, high energy, creativity, cleaning closets, rearranging furniture, writing poetry.... feeling almost manic. And at the same time I lost the ability to eat or sleep. If I slept 2-3 hrs a night it was a miracle. I simply could not eat at all, even the thought of food was nauseating. I went three days without a single bite of food, which of course made me weaker and shaky. My anxiety was totally out of control and I became so fearful. I was afraid to drive or leave my home.
On two occasions I was convinced I was in the middle of a serious cardiac event.. I even told my husband I needed to go to the ER. Fortunately I did have some anti anxiety meds which my psych had severely limited me, but they saved my life, my anxiety level was totally out of control and my mind was racing uncontrollably.

I knew exactly what was causing it all, so I started cutting back, at first skipping every other day. It was horrible but I determined to do it. Then after a week I cut the tablets in half skipping every other day. A week of that then I cut the half into halves still skipping every other day. By now I had loss 22 lbs and even cutting back I could not sleep or eat. One more cut left me with a sliver of the tablet, but I continued the every other day for a week and after that week I quit. It took me a month ad wasn't over yet. I still had major sleeping problems and no appetite.

I believe this drug is dangerous . If I had not had the anti anxiety med I believe I would have died.

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