Valsartan, Can You Stop Without Withdrawal
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Can you stop this med right away if there's too many side effects? I was on metoprolol, that stuff is terrible. Tapering off it now as it kept causing high blood pressure spikes.

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I've been taking valsartan for 2 years and I'm tired of feeling tired with headaches and many more problems. I'm doing to start taking lexapro. In and out of the ER. How can I stop taking these pills without going cold turkey?

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I have been on Valsartan 80 mg for years. Now my doctor wants me to stop taking it, so as I have stopped taking it I get no sleep, I get restless leg syndrome, restless arm syndrome and I just can't get to sleep. And this be a side effect of stopping Valsartan cold turkey? It's driving me nuts!

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Re: Lee W (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

What is a good mag level to have? The norms are usually minimum and not really what is required for necessary health of all cells and organs.

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Hi, I'm taking Valsartan 80mg. In the morning it makes me feel unsteady with a queasy stomach and sweats and I blacked out once and could not remember it happened. I also take Effexor 37.5 mg at 6pm. At the time, I was also drinking alcohol and did not have dinner yet. I feel I should go off my BP med as my BP has been pretty good at 136/80 and did spike on occasion when I went to the ER for PVC which is caused by stress and anxiety. Is it okay to stop my BP pill now?

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Everyone on BP meds, make sure you get a good blood workup done, check your magnesium levels, most labs and ER rooms will never check your magnesium levels, it is vital to regulate blood pressure and relax mussels so your not tense. i had to ask 3 times before my cardio and the ER doctors would test, first thing they said was they doubt my magnesium would be low and did not want to test. i demanded it be performed and to their surprise i was at barely min level and was put on magnesium which inturn lowered my BP, helped with the constipation and made me more relaxed. all because a shortage of a mineral.

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I stopped Diovan and was using Niacin 250 mg now 500 mg. I started on the 12th of April 2017 and as of today, my blood pressure has been normal, though I did have high bp during the third day at 155/86, 152/85, 152/142.. But now it has gone down to 129/79 and now 123/65. I am having some bloating and frontal headache and nausea, however I'm drinking a lot of water. I feel this is the withdrawal symptoms of being on Diovan 80 mg for 4 years.

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Hello, I was on Diovan 80, for the last 3 years, and I just quit now, its been 2 days, and I have been experienciing some mild hypertension, blood pressure of 151/82.. Sometimes 155/86. This this part of a withdrawal symptom? I have replaced this with Niacin 250G..

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Randy, I'm off all meds. It's been a year but still have problems caused by blood pressure meds, benicar, metoprolol, losartan, etc. which caused a lot of problems with my pancreas. I lost 30 lbs in 3 months. I'm seeing a gastro doc, have had heart tests done by cardiologist, etc etc. I will never take anything without checking on side effects again!! My blood pressure was only borderline then, if I had to do it all over again I would have never taken one pill! My blood pressure is good now with NO MEDS!

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I have the same issues. Was on metoprolol. Switched to valsartan per Dr prescription. Same fast heartbeat higher blood pressure and hard to relax or sleep!

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Was on metropolo , switched to valsartan , per dr. After one pill of valsartan the next day have problems, get winded just walking to mailbox and back, fast heart rate ,just got back from emerg. Room they checked everything said I'm ok to call my cardiologist in the morning

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Hello, Ralph! How are you?

As reported by the U.S. FDA stopping such a medication abruptly can create the risk of rebound effects, which may include dangoeursbly elevated blood pressure and heart rate, such effects could cause a risk of heart attack, stroke or heart failure.

What problems are you experiencing with it? What are you taking it to treat and what will you be replacing it with?

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