Urine Test Soma (Top voted first)


I was sleeping along side of the road because I was tired. An oficer came up to my car and arrested me for dui. They took an urine sample and it came back possitive for soma which I have a prescription for and have been taking for over 15 years. Is there a limit that you have to have in your system or just having it there makes a person guilty?

6 Replies

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Just to clarify, in light of Lindsay's comment, it can be detected, it just requires specific tests to do so.

Almost any substance in the body can be detected, it just takes the right test to do so. Generally the standard panel urine screens would not include the ability to test for muscle relaxants.


Another example would be Buprenoprhine, which is the active narcotic in Suboxone and Subutex, it is not something that is detected on the standard tests, but it can still be detected on specific tests that include it.


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Soma contains the active ingredient Carisoprodol, it is a muscle relaxant. As to the ramifications, I am really not sure, because it can vary according to state law.

A DUI can apply to being under the influence of anything that could impair your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle, including legally prescribed medications, not just alcohol.

What state are you in? If you can post back with this information, I may be able to find out more information for you.


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I live in Idaho

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Unfortunately, I'm not finding much about your laws, except specific references to alcohol. Have they charged you with anything or fined you?

You should be able to show them that you have a doctor's prescription for it and then, it might simply be a matter of how much was in your system.

Have you been taking it as prescribed, or did you take more?


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They gave me a ticket for DUI which is a misdeamenor for the first offense. I have gone and pled not guilty and then to a pre-trial which was post poned until August. They were waiting for the urine sample to come back. It tested positive for the prescription medication soma. I take it as prescribed and have for more then 15 years. They did not tell me what level was in the urine or even if it was over any limit. The dmv has sent me a letter informing me that my license will be suspended for 90 days starting August 10. because of the urine sample testing positive. I have asked for a telephone appeal to try and fight that but dont know if I will win. I would like to find out how they determine how much is over the limit. I gave a letter from my nuerosurgeon to the prossicutor stating that I can take this medicine and it does not affect the way I function at work or my driving abilities. But so far they have not offered to dismiss the charge or reduse it down.

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thank you for updating that info, as there are lots of people here online that say SOMA cannot be detected in a drug screen. Hope everything works out and God Bless

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