Unfair Insane Methadone Clinic Detox (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been a patient at compdrugs methadone clinic for 5 years. Never had dirty urines. I got 1 dirty 20 days ago and they took my dose from 185mg to 100 to nothing. 3 days. Is this legal and do I have a chance of fighting it. The doc. Dr. Alvin Pelt. is god at the clinic. Any ideas on what I can do would be welcome. Hopefully i can figure somethisg out b4 I blow my head off. Anyone out there whos gone thru a methadone withdrawal understands. Thanks all.

209 Replies (11 Pages)

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Bill, Im so sorry you are going through this- a financial detox?! wow! That's another topic entirely that I just cannot seem to find answers to other then funding.. With the serious, new dangers heading our way- all over America, such as Krocodil- we really need to expand our rehabilitation, specifically Methadone & suboxone programs in order to effectively prevent & curb the effects of this new drug alone- before it becomes an epidemic. I am not sure where you are currently receiving treatment, meaning privately owned or governmental nor do I have the information on Texas laws, healthcare procedures or AoD resources. However, If I am not mistaken each state has a governmental Methadone clinic- at least 1- some major states having several. This is a clinic that is federally implemented but partially funded by federal, state, & local governmental funds. In addition to non-profit organizations, private & public donations etc. All of these contributions from each of these mentioned resources combined make up the total funds for operations, numbers of patient intakes, number & levels of services, as well as patients ability to access the services provided. These clinics will always accept your states Medicaid, Medicare etc. & any other governmental insurances. They can individually decide on whether or not they will accept private and/or employment insurances, depending upon their ability to pay & for what necessary. What Im trying to say I guess without a complete Healthcare insurance class ;) lol, is that these clinics have waiting lists because of those funds or the lack of;- that may only be able to pay for so many patients. Now, those having the accepted insurance are great, they get right in. those who don't have insurance or that cannot self- pay must wait & sometimes- this is years. What we have in Ohio, in Franklin county is whats called the ADAMH Board (alcohol, drug, and mental health) an organization who donates a substantial amount of monies each year depending upon the organizations need & services to the public, but what makes these funds critical & why I mention it is because these funds also provide a safety net for those who lose their insurances, Medicaid, & etc. If you are already on the clinic & have been like in your case & you began later having difficulty paying, your counselor could have started the process after of course you telling her & explaining that you needed help. Anyways, in the event of this financial emergency- the ADAMH Board would have picked up the bill on an emergency basis & you would remain funded by the ADAMH Board for the remaining time you are there or until you can establish payment from another resource such as Medicaid, insurance etc. Are you aware if the clinic you are attending is funded by such programs? Are you in a privately owned or governmental facility? Also, have you spoken with your counselor about this crisis? Bill, I've have told "CLOSED MOUTHS DON'T GET FED". For the sake of your own life- get seriously involved, find out these things- find out if there is some back up or if u need to transfer to one of the clinics I am mentioning. Every state has one & yr in a big state, so Ima assume there is probably more then 1. Its worth trying to find out. I really feel for ya, I wish to God it wasn't happening & I pray for a solution. Ultimately, it is going to always come down to funding. Luckily where I am at- our county has come up with this ability to compensate for such crisis. Im not saying they have all the answers but it would have saved your life or a life in your situation. Check into it! Also, other than our new medical department which does suck. Our program is awesome! Our clinical & assistant directors are absolutely wonderful! They possess them skills you were referring to that made a difference in Austin. Our administration WILL investigate if patients speak up & stop being afraid, write grievances, fight for their lives if medical or someone has wronged them. I have personally seen the results. By stating some facts I want to make sure I am not sending out the wrong message about this program at Compdrug. The program rocks! But Recently-The medical department needs a lot of help- they do not have the skill, knowledge, or even experience & it is showing- big time! But, I believe our clinical department has taken tremendous steps to educate & participate strategizing new solutions to these exact problems, concerns & more. Thank God we have some people who do get it! All is not lost here- we have suffered some serious set backs. No doubt detrimental to a lot of ppls lives- but I believe if we all get more involved- patients & staff- we can, we absolutely can make a real difference & find new solutions to overcoming these nasty barriers & truly save ppls lives. With all these other serious problems such as the financial issues with which u r now facing, we just don't need anymore bull- such as what our un-skilled medical department is dishing out unnecessarily because there are already too many barriers. So I pray you get relief & quick. Hang in there- no matter what- U have came too far my friend... Don't ever go back! I know that's easier said then done- but this is yr life! FIGHT FOR IT!

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CHRIS, If I could reach through my screenright now I'd shake some sense into you… I would. You sound like the most ignorant, uneducated and unsympathetic addict who is supposedly in recovery, that I've ever came across in my 36 years.. 15 of them being in and out of recovery whether it was at a methadone clinic or through a private Suboxone doctor or pain management specialist, due to a horrible car accident right smack in the middle of my five years into sobriety. Something you should know, and if you down all you got to do is simply Google or ask a physician and they will tell you… Your weight and body size have nothing to do with the amount of milligrams you need, and the amounts of usage doesn't either because it varies for each person. Every single person's body is not made up like yours. Let's thank good.. Or then you would not be THE ONLY uneducated person responding the complete opposite as all these other sympathetic, generous people have, who are trying to help, unlike you who clearly is trying to push off the negativity in your life and mind on to someone else's. So I also I'm going to flag your comment as inappropriate and just plain wrong and not to mention rude and coming from someone who clearly does not know what they are talking about – at all. Yet talks as though they are so damn smart, at least I got a laugh out of it. Oh, and a clinic that has a limit of 100 mg… I have to assume you live in the south somewhere, where is like 20 years behind the rest of the country… Because that's absolutely ridiculous. Women who are pregnant have to have enough medication for themselves and the fetus. I was clean but I was on Suboxone and got pregnant. Suboxone is not yet approved for pregnancy, so I had no choice but to switch to methadone. My dose went from 90 all the way up to 135 by time I gave birth, and if I really do got explain, it was because I was medicating more than just myself... In a sentence. They say the message down does not even answer/go through the placenta until I think the seventh or eighth month., But you still are using extra strength, extra energy.. Carrying extra weight needless to say. So your dose has to increase. And if the limit was 100, do you realize that would most definitely cause a great deal of miscarriages for any woman who was already close to 100 "? OK, I'm done with wasting my time responding to someone so undeserving of attention, so I'm gonna let you continue to be corrected by the rest of the people on this forum. Notice you are the only one who sounds like a moron? Maybe you should take a note of that and rethink your stance. Something tells me though, you won't.

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this is a very serious issue i know down here they have to detox you within a 10-15 day period. this is called a HUMANE DETOX i still feel its inhumane especially for the amount of mg you are on. but it is better than what they did! You can write a grievance and call the state on them for not giving you a humane detox! I know people in other states on methadone maintenance and they also offer humane detoxes of 10-15 days

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i have been going to this methadone clinic for 2 years,
and i get 13 take homes every 2 weeks, well i went on vacation & did not ask the clinic if i could go(which i did not no i had to) but while i was gone the clinic called my house to come back in and do a call back, well i was not home, i have no cell phone & when i went back to the clinic to get my bi-weekly (13) take homes only to be told that i didn't come in for a call back so they took all of my previllages away & now they want me to come every day until i bill my self back up, this is so wrong & can they do this legally i'm so upset over this!!!

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Joejokester, whomever he is, is a pretender who should be banned from ANY discussion in re methadone.

In CA where I have been on for 30 yrs during which I picked up an AA in molecular biology and almost a BS in Chem (I was in my late 40s). As to the rest of the replies: methadone is NOT a terrible drug. It is a lifesaving and humane treatment for a usually intractable condition. HOWEVER: Some methadone PROVIDERS are straight from Hell.

Unless there was some violence this is above and totally beyond anything humane and is dangerous to your life and health. Refer to lilgirllost post. Her recommendation I will reprint here:

REPORT TO STATE METHADONE AGENCY OR CARF (Commission on Accreditation Of Rehabilitation Facilties) or JCAHO (Joint Commission Accreditaion Of Hospitals Organization) and contact them to start your complaint. CARF 4891 E. Grant Road, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA, (520) 325-1044 or toll-free (888) 281-6531 voice/TTY, (520) 318-1129 fax


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YOU are FOS pal and WAY out of line! I only wish I could invite your pink ass out back. You have neither humanity nor humility nor have you had ANY medical education.

Why are you ON the site? Just for sadistic purposes. You are wrong wrong wrong and know less about methadone than the average Neanderthal. So leave the rest of us the F*** ALONE instead of hiding behind your damned anonymity.

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I fail to see the difference between Methadone and this "miracle" drug, Suboxone. I am on Methadone...I have tried taking Vikes to no effect - just like Sub. It saved my life - like Sub. It took away every single craving I had - like Sub. I am being weaned off of it, at my own pace - like Sub. So tell me again, cuz I am not getting it...how is Suboxone superior to Methadone? IF you are on a maintenance dose of Sub, and you suddenly STOP...you will go into severe withdrawal, just like Methadone. Hmmm...they sound exactly alike, except that Methadone is tons cheaper! It is up to the individual to stay on, or wean themselves down to zero, for either drug. So again, not sure what your point is.

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JoeJokester: You are illiterate. What the hell is a "pheamer"? I finally figured it out..you mean "femur"! At first I thought it was that fancy pants German car you drive...a "Pheamer" instead of a "Beemer". Ha! Hey...the rest of us normal folks here - don't let this doofus get to you. Chances are it is a 14 year old male child goofing around on the 'net. It's just too stupid and silly to be anything else!

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Dr pelt is a stupid sexist racist prick who gets off on administatively detoxing people off methadone he really enjoys seeing people suffer I coulf go on all day about him and his overpriced methaone clinic but im not gonna give him the satisfaction im so glad I found the Maryhaven methadone clinic.and that his candy A** no matter how baf he wants to cant keep me off of it lmao pelt f*** you tellin me to go do 6 months in rehab it aint gonna happen bastard and there aint a thang u can do about it I lovr the treatment I get at Maryhaven its not overcrowded and ya cant buy your way in there unlike Compdrug!!

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ALL people with the DISEASE of addiction have experienced irratiomal , sadistitic, ugly treatment from staff , nurse , or Doctores because he/she is just a junkie is who is only reaping what sow right? WRONG!!! The Medical Community CREATES at least 50% of methadone patients then charge exorbitant amounts for the provision of methadone for a condition THEY created! Then there iare hereditary /genetic factors - my brother and I were both born opiate addicted. Then in college, him in Florida and me in California and we both develop opiate addictions independently,, and as a result surgery/morphine for me and spinal damage for him. The ANSWER, as always is to expose the TRUTH. The pervasive judgmental a**holes who know nothing about the pain and mental stress , anxiety, panic attacks, etc. LOVE to call a PAYING PATIENT with a DISEASE called ADDiCTION "JUNKIES" and I tell you from experience these type of people have no compassion, empathy or brains, BUT they would NEVER treat a CANCER Patient with the same disrespect. I've been to clinic all over the coutry guest dosing and they ar CHOCKED FULL of sadistic, judgmental, undereducated "counselors" and usually one Dr who sees u for 5 minutes and from that point on, YOU ARE A CASH COW with NO HUMAN RIGHTS. YOU WILL BE TREATED LIKE A CRIMINAL, BUT ONLY IF YOU LET THEM! WE ALL KNOW THEIR TACTICS - intimidating you into silence for what all fear - forced detox , which by the way is contrary to the whole point and LIFE SAVING nature of SLOW & GRADUAL dosage changes of the methadone. STAY STRONG AND REMEMBER YOU ARE A PAYING PATIENT VOLUNTARILY SEEKING HELP FOR YOUR DISEASE OF ADDICTION. DO NOT ACCEPT INHUMANE, CRUEL treatement from sadistic pigs who's JOB it is to HELP you, NOT TREAT U LIKE they do the poor in Third World Countries. THIS IS STILL AMERICA (well kind of) SO TO SOLVE THIS NATIONWIDE EPIDEMIC of the very people who run clinics and profess to care about your well but really just have a sick problem where they enjoy havin control over a patients LIFE and will do everything they can to PREVENT u from curing your DISEASE of addictio, because if Drs didnt create addicts to feed the multi-billion dollar methadone treatment INDUSTRY or the ,linics actually CURE patients (its not hard or as bad asthey want you to fear- done properly and slowly it is almost painless to walk down to 10, 5, then Zero milligrams. BUT the ANXIETY invovled is unbearable and must be controlled. i know because ive been thru ALL of this and I am working on several avenues (website, a book, and reporting to JCAHO and all other organizations that govern the medical community) to draw national attention to this problem of inhumane treatment of ALL who SUFFER from the DISEASE of ADDICTION and the Nationally-pervasive problem with the sadistic greedy trash who routinely mistreat Their own PAYING customers,(and it is the nationwide acceptance and propgation of the attitude and AMA policy that "Addicts" are unethical that encourages and makes it "acceptable" to be judgmental and mistreat ALL opiate addicted patients who are merely asking for HELP from thre medical comunity?@? for a LEGITIMATE diease. They would NEVER treat Cancer patients with no dignity or respect like they do Addiction patients.

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Yes, find out if your clinic is licensed by CARF or JCAHO (you can go on to either site with just these letters on the internet.) get your doctors name and location and go to MBC (medical board) and find out all the doctors information (license # and DEA # and more) you can file a formal complaint. PEOPLE ARE DYING BEHIND THIS and no one seems to care. They are not GOD!!!!!!! This is a serious problems or is it just another way to deplete the population....and put money in someones pocket$$$$$$ I am a CAADAC drug and alcohol counselor and was on methadone for many years until 1999 when I started to see the problem and detoxed myself. I have been on line with many agencies we must do our own fighting, because no one is helping. I have also contacted the "methadone advocates" (they are also listing this way on the internet.

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Wow MMT patients putting down others for their dose levels. Mindless out of date propaganda of a person that has been on a clinic that isn't up to date on current medical studies, facts, practices that back placing patients on therapeutic doses. There is a therapeutic dose range.

Some people need more. Rarely do people do well with less if they were in fact addicted to begin with. In the state I reside on clinic's still use a 70's approach of making the patient come into the medical intake in serious withdrawals. Never mind we have more sophisticated blood tests and even urinalysis that can show how much opiates are in the system and if the source of the positive was on massive dose or if the person is a habitual user. Oh no. Must come in sick. Barbaric and unnecessary.

I was a habitual methadone clinic hopper. I would get on one to take a break from using and eventually get kicked off for chipping but mainly for cocaine and benzo use. This went on for years. Then in the winter of 2006 I decided to try once again. Two weeks into treatment I found out my husband and I were expecting our first and only child. I quite all drug use and committed myself to the program. I also sought outside counseling for my other issues which lead to my drug addiction and on top of that I was seeing a domestic violence counselor and attending support groups there so I would have the nerve and backbone to leave my abusive husband who wouldn't stop using in our home despite me being pregnant.

I attended AA and go a sponsor. I worked the steps. I voluntarily signed up for a focus group focusing on cocaine addiction among methadone patients. It was sooooo embarrassing showing up for group with a big pregnant belly because people assumed I was still using. I wasn't. I was deathly afraid I would fail my child and use after he was born. I was deathly afraid I wouldn't have the guts to leave my husband even though he was abuse, controlling, still using, etc. That's why I sought specialized d.v. counseling and support groups. I was afraid I would relapse due to my issues that lead to me using in the first place so that's why I started traditional therapy. I was still required to see a drug counselor at the clinic. Which was pointless. No help there.

My highest dose was 180mgs while pregnant. I'm 5ft 4 inches tall. When I delivered my son I was 142lbs. I went back to 120lbs also immediately and dropped to 150mgs. Then I was diagnosed with Hep C and chose to stay at that dose while undergoing 12 months of Rib and Interferon.

I waited a year after clearing the virus, yay, before resuming my taper. I got to 80mgs and stayed for one year. Then last June of 2012 all hell broke loose at my clinic. I was on weekly liquid carries because I wanted to taper. I had been on once a month pill carries but at 10mgs a pill it makes it harder to taper. Well I'm a techie and had a work trip coming up and the clinic was being stubborn and required I come in on a Saturday to pick up my travel carries. I hadn't been to the clinic on a Saturday in 6 years. Well I woke and took my dose and drove my son to his t-ball game. Then it hit me, I forgot to pick up my travel carries! This was a Saturday. My clinic is closed Sundays. I called and left a message immediately although I knew it was pointless.

Soooo I called a clinic in the city I was travelling to an arranged a courtesy dose for that week. Called my counselor on Monday and she signed off on it. So I missed one dose, Sunday. They pulled all my carries. I went back to having zero carry status and having to drive to s*** hole of a clinic 6 days a week overnight.

This lit a fire within me and I decided to start tapering. So I went from 80mgs to 28mgs from the end of June 2012 to March 2013. I sought out an addiction med specialist to switch over to bup at 26mgs. My last was to be April 29th 2013. The nurse practitioner wouldn't approve two 5mg Valium tablets daily to help me with my taper till I get on bup. I got the script in March. My last dose date was to be April 29th. There is no doctor on sight at this clinic. Two NP's and a PA. The doctor whose name is on the script is out of state indefinitely. So these people have taken it upon themselves to act as doctors. The NP wouldn't approve the script. I had my ADDICTION MED SPECIALIST, AN M.D. fax a letter and still no dice.

Soooo today I ended my treatment with the clinic. I will be fine. I have my end under control. I won't suffer. I'm still transitioning to Subutex April 30th. My doctor actually knows the doctor of record at the clinic and said the man is out of state and has been for ages. He feels the NP's have been acting as MD's and no one has called them on it. Well I ended my treatment today. They refused to allow travel carries for a big tech convention I must attend next week because the NP won't approve the Valium script and since that is up in the air the head counselor above my counselor says she cannot approve. So chose to vote with my feet.

My family is in the legal field. I don't wish to disclose more. This will be hard on the clinic but not bother me to do what needs to be done here. I'm tired of these power hungry abusive and inconsiderate people employed at clinic's treating us so wrong. They think we will all roll over and take it. WRONG. Some of us have the means, connections, will, strength, fire to fight. I don't want money. I want their asses. Methadone is great but the system SUCKS. NEVER AGAIN.

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We addicts have made the choice to walk a difficult road and unfortunately that road was paved by those addicts who came before us ! While its easy to blame our parents, friends , doctors or even society the reality is there is no one to blame but ourselves ! I to go to compdrug and I to have seen the staff be hard on clients but all you have to do to understand why is sit in the lobby with your eyes & ears open and you will see some of the most childish disrespectful behavior you ever thought possible coming from adults ! I think people sometimes forget that the clinic's Dr's & staff are people with feelings like everyone else, people who at one time began working there because they wanted to help people and make a difference . I can't even imagine the level of disappointment those clinic staff members who are there to help must feel on a daily basis when clients talk to them like dogs , have meltdowns in the middle of the lobby and consistently lie manipulate or even try to outright cheat the system. let's face it the experience the staff has with addicts tell them we can not be trusted and when they do finally begin to trust one of us more often than not that trust is destroyed by relapse.The clinics will remain the way they are as long as the clients behave the way they do "for every action there is a equal but opposite reaction" The clinics have a great responsibility to properly medicate and counsel us clients and if we had been trustworthy and responsible enough to manage our own medications we would not have ended up at the clinic at all. The most important step in recovery which also seems to be the most difficult is taking responsibility for ones own actions and during the intake procedures the rules are made clear along with the consequences if those rules are broken!!! One last thought who does the world blame when a client drops dirty for benzos and the clinic continues to dose them then that person eventually overdoses and dies ,the person who took the drugs or the clinic who gave a client methadone knowing there could be a lethal reaction with a medication already in that clients body ?

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I started at Compdrug 10 years and 10 months ago. I have had no dirty urines since my first month at the clinic. I did have one false positive in my 8th year. It turned out to be that the small bathroom that I shared with a room mate was full of marijuana smoke and not just the cheap cigar tobacco which I thought I was smelling every morning when I went in after him. The doctor at the clinic said, " You'd have to be in a phone booth with Cheech and Cong to get enough second hand smoke for a dirty urine." My response was, " Well, the bathroom is in a finished basement with a sink and a toilet and zero ventilation. So does that qualify?" I paid my 40 some odd$ and took another urine test, and it came back negative. Fortunately that false positive was for the lowest level of marijuana.

To Cobra- I started at Compdrug with day one being 30mgs, day two 40mgs, day three 50mgs, and then I believe they asked if I felt like I needed to go up a little more. Ultimately in that first couple of weeks I determined that 60mgs was the perfect dose for me. I recall dropping urine often in those first few weeks and was finished playing with all illicit street drugs. So when I got another dirty urine it startled me, but they said that the dirty was for no presence of methadone. " Wow", I said, " You've been watching me at the window swallow every drop every day??" I kid you not, the nurse at the dosing window said, " Well maybe you were spitting it back up." I found it hard to reason with anyone about it and by no means wanted to be kicked off after waiting for 20 months to be called in from the waiting list. So I complied and it wasn't until I hit 85mgs before methadone appeared in my urine. Fortunately I did lawn care for a living and it kept me from nodding off, but had I been doing a desk job I would have appeared high as a kite.
I'm sure we all know about half-life by now. And we all know about that grey area where a little more means you need a lot more. This what happened with the 85mgs I was essentially forced to be at in order to comply with urine tests. It took 105mgs for me to have a 24hr symptom free half life. Keep in mind, I was fine at 60mgs for a 24hr half life as well. For the past 10 yrs & 6 months of the last 10 yrs 8 months I have been at 105mgs or 110mgs, but it could have been 60mgs-65mgs just the same.
Hope this helps dispell the myth that a higher dose means you are more hooked.

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Let me get this right in 5 yrs only 1 dirty ua & they took you dose down that much in 3 day? Lets me tell you. Everything about that is wrong. First of all 5 yrs & you messed up once. Omg. No warning nothing. Fight it. Sue. Their wrong....Good Luck..

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For one thing telling someone in the midst of withdrawal there's basically no hope is a pretty s***ty thing to do. I mean you basically said pull the trigger to a person threatening to blow their head off. Second thing is don't comment on things you haven't got an F'ing clue about. The facility does have the right to kick a person out of the program but the doctor or an appointed representative of must have a face to face meeting with the individual and once all other options have been exhausted a "safe and humane plan" must be agreed upon and documented and then executed to end treatment. There are extenuating circumstances we may not be aware of such as possibility of the failed urinalysis being caused from the use of a benzodiazepine which obviously can have fatal results when combined with opioids especially at such a high dose of methadone. Which brings me to probably the biggest reason your strike me as a moron that being the fact your willing to toss advice about a potentially life threatening situation like your tweeting Justin f***ing Beibers favorite color without knowing A- the whole story and B- what the f*** your talking about.

And for the record I don't claim the info I provided is 100% accurate but it's info acquired from state and/or federal government websites pertaining to Public Health Service and patient rights etc. I guess to put it a way a person with a simple mind and single digit I.Q. will understand....... Shut the f*** up and to the original post I hope you got some sufficient help man I have 4 years with zero dirty urinalysis and these clinics are so frustrating and treat us like piles of s*** for the most part but I hope you've made it through clean good luck.

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I know it's been a long time but if it was never resolved what I have to say may at least ease your mind as far as knowing wtf happened. I've been in treatment for 4 years I've had just one dirty urinalysis at my initial physical on the first day. About 3 months ago I went in to pick up my take homes and they informed me I tested positive for coke. Truth is I hadn't done any coke since high school I was in the program because I've got a screwed up back and I liked my pain meds a little ok a lot and abused OxyContin,morphine,etc no hardcore street dope for many years. Eventually they found out that the lab that does the testing had transposed some numbers therefore putting another persons results with my name. Clinics are so quick to believe we messed up even though our record in treatment shows otherwise it seems like the clinics should be the first place an addict gets to feel one of the best rewards of getting clean..... Being treated like a normal trustworthy person. Anyways even though they don't like to admit it labs have employees that make mistakes just like us.

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Sue,sue,sue. With those same three letters use,use,use....they drove you back to it. If by legally,your bottle has date on it, he gave you it for a year each time you dose, take pic. Hell, i got four take homes from a doc i have never seen, and now they found another doc to put his name on the labels, he doesnt start for two weeks......but yet, we are the misfits.

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You have to be kidding me man, so you were on everything in the book. Bro that's your f***ing opinion. Also f*** suboxone, I had tried it and was prescribed it several different times with no help. Hearing the horror stories of methadone I kept not going to the clinic. I started going to years ago, and although subs might work for some, methadone saved my life and restored my will to live. Each Addict is different and when the doctor told me there was a such thing as a therapeutic dose, I said no disrespect but thats bulls*** and doc if you were a junkie you would understand. So I tried it, got up to 150 and my blood test showed I was at what is considered a therapeutic level. I stay for a year like that an am now coming down comfortably. The clinic sucks because they usually treat you like you are lined up at auschwitz. If you get the nurses and counselors that are well established in recovery it sucks, as much as they try not to they look at you as a junkie or just that there better. I wish it was required that the counselors be in recovery, I understand the dosing nurses should probably not be past users. Methadone has saved my life and helped more than anything else I've tried. I'm so thankful, thank God I have Insurance because without its 15 bucks a day. Out here in Appleton Wisconsin there is know help for folks trying to get right, besides na which is a blessing to all addicts but sometimes it's not enough. As far as how long I've been at the clinic, when I started as in other times in my life I told myself I will stay on it forever. I believe for so long I would not be able to live a normal life without a dally dose. After almost 2 years I'm getting off now because I'm truly ready. The other thing I recommend to anyone trying to decide between sub and methadone. The reason the clinic worked so well at first was that I had to go there every day wake up every day, it made me conmit fully and times Pryor on sub the doc would send me home with a scrap, from the pharmacy parking lot to the dope man I went. I was covered by insurance so I seen it as free dope. Also the price of 10 a strip when I lost my insurance killed me. Besides not taking a good s*** since I started, sweating, gaining 65 pounds and always craving sweets. The clinic has really helped me regain a reason to live, it's not being clean but it's better than dead.

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Good for you for sticking up for real people with real problems! My husband has to take 2 to 3 diaretics a day to relieve the pressure off his heart. These diaretics make him have to urinate every 15 to 25 minutes and thus before bedtime he is twitching and aching from having depleted his 130 mg. he gets each morning.

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My husband has been on methadone at a local clinic, drug tested often, never failed a test, unemployed...want info to ge...

methadone clinic

new to area need methadone location ## I'm sorry, but you didn't post your location and without knowing that, al...