Two Sisters: One Died & Other Sister Is Bed Ridden..


I have 2 sister's, one was older and the other one is 1 yr younger then I. My older sister by 4 yrs, had type 1 Diabetes since 2 yrs of age. Beautiful young woman she was. She was always in the hospital from her illness being in a coma or had many Diabetic Reactions. She survived a heart attack at age 22.. She survived a Stroke at age 33.. She was very sick a lot of the times. But, she was very strong willed. She walked everywhere even to go to work. She couldn't make ends meet. So she cut down on her insulin from 2 shots per-day to one shot per-day. She never told anyone in our family.. She lived on her own in a studio apartment. Fitchburg, MA. is where my entire family is born & raised from. I hated Fitchburg, MA. I moved when I was 26 to VA and love it here. Anyway, by her not being able to afford the second shot? She landed up in a coma at age 36. She was found in her apartment on the floor. She had one of those bags from the hospital they use to put fluid in you intravenously? The tube attached to the bag, was in her mouth, when she was found brain dead in a coma on the floor. My guess is she must had been very thirsty! Sad part is: Being has ill as she was, she couldn't get medicaid or help from our wonderful system to help her with money to afford her insulin. Yet, other people come right into this Country & know all the ways to sneak through the cracks & get money with no disability! I didn't say all! But, a lot of them do. I for one know how they do it since I was engaged at that time to a man from Uruguay who had friends who came into this Country paid an American-street woman, 1k-2k to get married so he could be legal then act has if they were a loving couple with pictures around the apartment and when they got interviewed separately they study with one another before the interview happens with one another & tell each other types of food they love to eat, favorite movie's, etc..You get the Picture? After they're interviewed and after about 8 months to a year they go off their separate ways. He get's a job in construction, about 5 to 6 months on his job, he pretends to hurt his back on the job and from there on, he collects disability & send's most of that money back to his family in South America. I watched this happen so many times. Don't worry I dumped the guy I was engaged to because of the way they treat their woman and the dishonesty! So they get all the best care & all the medicine they need? Meanwhile I had a sister who died because she couldn't get medicaid.. She applied for it and was denied! She eventually died after one month in the coma. This is not right in so many ways!

Now, my younger sister is bed ridden in so much pain everyday with Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, 3 disc in upper neck bulged out & lower back disc bulged as well. Inflamed diverticulitis, Her OBGYN did a fibroid removal inside her and the blade perforated into her colon wall. So bacteria is now getting filled inside her in a bad place. Not one Dr. in all of Fitchburg, MA and surrounding areas are taking her in has a patient because they say: "She's to complex for them to handle"!! I've taken many trips to her home to help-(16 hrs drive!) She has Cigna for her Insurance. Each time she tries to see a specialist? They hear the word Cigna? And then it's all over for her. No one likes to take Cigna Ins Co. for some reason. I heard in the past, (I don't know if this is true or not) that Cigna Insurance company was once known for not paying their dues to Doctor's. So a lot of specialist will not take my sister because of Cigna Ins. Company. It's been now over 7 yrs since the accident with the OBGYN perforated into her colon wall with the instrument with blades to remove a fibroid! I keep telling her it's HIGH TIME to call the MA Board of Health & get them involved with all that's going on! If they don't help you, time to make calls to Lawyer's and state your case. I myself wrote down each & every Doctor's name down who refused to help her. I have all dates of everything she's been through since all these things started in her life. I keep records for her since she's to sick to even think! I'm extremely scared at this point since she's been saying she can't live anymore like this & wants to go home to Jesus. FOUR different Dr.'s in MA. dropped her has a patient because they say they can't help her (My opinion they are lazy & keep passing the buck off to have her see another Doctor!) BUT, she's on Heart medication, Diabetes medication, High Blood Pressure meds., Fentanyl Patch, & other meds. What in the world? Can a Doctor really stop seeing a patient just like it's nothing for no reason what so ever when your in their care & on medications? CVS pharmacy has treated her horrifically as if they are the Doctor's themselves. They charge her over $600.00 a month for medications and she has Cigna Ins.? No Brand name meds. I'm afraid I will loose her if something is not done quickly. Her husband works so hard in a factory. (MA. is known for their factory's) He tries hard to get all the over time he can to keep up with all the medical bills & house bill's & car bill's. She's alone 99% of the time. I need to find out her right's & how can all these doctor's get away with this? That OBGYN that did this horrible thing to her is in denial about it all. She also had her gallbladder taken out years ago because of many stones. I had mine taken out long ago in 1998. My sister showed me what they did to her from the gallbladder surgery. OMG she has a HUGH round flab that's bigger then her breast in the area where her gallbladder surgery is. Talk about Malpractice! It was so hard to look at this disgusting surgery, they Massacred her big time. Behind her back I balled my eyes out for her. She had the exact type of surgery I had for the removal of her gallbladder and I have two very tiny lines I can hardly see & I have know clue what the heck they did to her! If anyone knows of anyone who went through or is going through a nightmare such has my poor sister is going through, please in all that's Holy give me some direction on how to help her before it's to late. My sister is still very young. I want so much for her to enjoy life! Not be in bed from being sick 24/7. Actually I mentioned some of the worst of her conditions. But, in reality there are so many more things ailing her with all of this going on. I myself have a tumor in the base of my head on my Pituitary gland & another protruding lump coming outside the left side of my head. Thank God I have Military INS. So I have many great specialist. I had 2 head trauma's when I was younger they both happened on 2 different birthday's. The second accident of my head, I had cracked the head open a bit and I had a concussion. That's how the Tumor started to grow on my pituitary gland. I fell backwards in a shower on my head on that one. The protruding lump on the side of my head will be taken out first & biopsied. Then my Doctor's will decide what they're gonna do with the Mass tumor on my Pituitary gland. After I get back to good health I'm going to see what I can do for my younger sister who's suffering. Oh and the discount cards for Pharmacy's we get in the home mail, I had one mailed to my sister when I called the company who gave me one in my mail long ago. And she had tried to use her's at the CVS Pharmacy in Fitchburg, MA. They refused the card & said: ("We don't accept those cards"!) What hurt's me the most about everything is: Why is it when the true American citizen's who are suffering and can't live a normal life because of their medical complications can't get the help they need? (a lot of them) they are left for dead. Not one Doctor actually cares at all about her & it's like this can't be real at all! Yet, other's like I said earlier get everything because, they know our system better then we do! Help me please if you know what I can do ASAP. God Bless You All!

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