Tricor / Fenofibrate Is Ruining My Life! Severe Neck, Back, Shoulder Blade And Arm Pain! (Page 2)
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Two weeks after starting Tricor, I started developing muscle stiffness that within two more weeks was so severe, I was only sleeping a couple hours a night because the pain kept me up. I went to the Dr and she said keep taking the tricor -she prescribed muscle relaxers and an NSAID pain med. They said maybe it was bad posture, and caused by working at a computer. They also suggested physical therapy. Neither helped. Two days later I went to a Chiropractor, with no relief. The next week I was calling her office again, after waiting in pain a couple days, she prescribed another kind of muscle relaxer and NSAID for pain, and again said to go to physical therapy. The medicin did nothing at all, and again I was so severly in pain, I felt as if someone was trying to rip my arms from my shoulder, while also beating the hell out of my tricep. I spent most of the night crying in pain. The next morning I went to an immediate care doctor. I told them that I weas taking Tricor and thought we should look at that as the cause. I was told that would be a good thing to look at, and they said it seemed to be musculoskeletal, and they couldn’t find really anything wrong with me – he prescribed a “better” muscle relaxer. Feeling exhausted and defeated, I broke down crying. I new that I was gerting worse and the muscle relaxers were doing nothing at all. This was on a Friday, That Saturday, I called my Doctors office and spoke to the on-call nurse. I explained the amount of pain I was in and everything I had been going through – I again, broke down crying – lack of sleep and constant severe pain will do that. I told her that the meds the Immediate care doctor gave me no relief at all. She said that I should just keep taking them and they should work. She confirmed this with the doctor on call as well. Out of desperation, I doubled the prescribed dose, and had minor relief for a few days when I ran out of the pills. I know that I shouldn’t have done that. My sister was taking the same medication at 3 times the amount I was prescribed, so I figure I would try it. The following Tuesday, I stopped the Tricor and went to PT – they thought that I had high shoulders, probably because of the pain, but couldn’t figure out why my arm hurt – they thought maybe a pinched nerve or something. I got an appointment with my Dr for the next day. Again in there explaining my symptoms again…I asked her if we could do an MRI, to see what was going on – She said we should do an Xray first- this showed nothing.
She prescribed a sleeping medication and another NSAID, to help me sleep – I sleep just fine if I don’t have pain – anyway, I tried it. That night I started sleep walking and woke to find myself pulling on my moms leg trying to move her off my couch. My husband said I spent the rest of the night moaning like I was in a lot of pain and I kept him up. At that point, I swore off all medication – I also niticed when I tried to get up off the floor, my arm gave out and I fell. I sudden;y realized my arm felt really weak – this was the same arm that has been hurting. I got my little dumbbells out and found that I could barely lift 5 lbs from level with the back of my head, up with my left arm – I mean, I really had to strain. My right arm could do 10 pounds like it was nothing. I called my doctor the next day, Friday, and they weren’t working, so the nurse, and doctor on call for them said it would be ok to stop the Tricor- I had already done this, and they would leave a note for my Dr so she could follow up the next Monday. Monday came and went with no call back, I finally left a voicemail around 4pm. The nurse called me back around 5;30pm and said it was ok to stop the Tricor – really???? I asked her about the weakness, and if I should have blood work done because it could seriously affect my kidneys. She said she woul dhave to ask the doctor and get back to me the next day. Well, I received no call on Tuesday so I left a voicemail Wednesday afternoon. Hours later I got a call back and she said that the doctor said that I should just keep doing hat I was doing…. Since then I have only taken Aleve for pain. I am feeling much better, but still wake up at night in pain and have pain in my back but mostly my arm is very weak and is constantly in pain…..I feel neglected as a patient, and don’t know where to turn. I have been off the Tricor for 14 days now, and hope I continue to see improvement. I only consumed a total of 22 of the tricor pills, but they have really messed me up!
I have been on this medicine several times. Now it is around 2 months. The sides of my legs hurt so bad, Friday I notice a dryness on legs, then my knee was stuff and painful when I stand up, next there was something in my that back that pops like a rubby band I could not move for a while. Then the medicine came to me. That was Sunday , started to drink vinegar water and other liquids did not Take medican Monday or Tuesday I can tell the difference all ready. Drinking cranberry juice also. I just stopped it.
Info before I starting taking the med I did have a very high count. (866) after eating different and taking meta mucil a table spoons 3 times a day it dropped (166). Now that is great. All I can thinks is it was the meta mucil because the fienfibrate did not work the other thee times I tried it before.
Parsonage Turner syndrome look it up caused symptoms you describe
I am sorry and I do wish you the best of luck! I hope you feel better very soon.
As to your medical records, if you are requesting them to send them to you, there might be a fee. Many doctor's charge a certain amount for the base record, up to so many pages, then an additional fee per page after that.
They are usually only sent free, when requested by another physician.
Are you doing any better?
Thank you for the reply. I am currently looking for a different doctor, and called and requested my medical records be mailed to me. My arm is ok, sometimes more painful than others, but aleve has helped make it manageable. I take 2 once a day. Still having issues sleeping, it's hard to find a comfy position when my arm hurts. This is awful, more people need to know the risks involved with this drug. I may contact the FDA. Good luck to all of you.
Hello, Eah! I'm very sorry about what you've been through. How are you feeling, today?
Yes, it's really just going to take time, until it all clears up and you feel back to normal. Sadly, you aren't the first one that this has happened to and I highly doubt you'll be the last. These medications have a horrible effect on some people that take them.
As to feeling neglected as a patient, I'd suggest seeing a different doctor, if that is what's happening there. When you have an emergency, your doctor should be on it and paying attention, immediately.
Is there a different doctor you can switch to? How is your arm?
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