Tribedoce Compuesto (Page 2)
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Tribedoce compuesto - I was told this Mexican pill would help relieve pain in my legs. I walk three miles daily and it has helped or its my imagination. What is the pill used for? Is it safe?

104 Replies (6 Pages)

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You can sometimes find it online as an over the counter drug from some vendors in border towns up and down TX.

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I'm taking it for my sciatic nerve pain. These are very good pills.

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I’ve been doing the shots of this medication. It is a miracle worker I don’t know what and after it removing the paint for my sciatica not been able to move for three days and within five minutes of the shot I was walking I don’t really care what is in it.

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Re: Pickles (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

I buy the Tribedoce 30 count box with a purple strip on Mondays for $16 MX pesos, around $0.85 USD, when they offer a 25% discount at Farmacias Dr. Simi.

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Re: Esther (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I just had it prescribed by a dr. in Mexico. He said once a day in the morning for 6 weeks.

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Re: Albert (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

It's not illegal you can bring it back... I go to Mexico twice a month and I declare them at the bridge.

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Re: Albert (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

I wouldn't go to Mexico and bring it back. You face the possibility of a search. Is it worth the trip? The problem is, it's brought in illegally and being sold from under the table. It can be found in small Hispanic herb shops.

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Is Tribedoce elixir good for increasing one's appetite? I've got no appetite at all and someone brought this for me from Mexico.

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Re: Theresa (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

Local Bazaar, flea market. Or Hispanic candy...piñata store in these establishments. It's an item that is not in visibility. You have to be very discreet when asking for it or know someone that knows someone. I have to say that the product is so good, it's worth the effort that you put in as to looking for it. Good luck!

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Re: Theresa (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Theresa: I spend a lot of time in Mexico, and can tell you that Tribedoce is widely available, either at your typical "farmacia", or at one online in Mexico. When that specific brand is not available, a competent clerk should offer the customer a different brand with equivalent ingredients.

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Re: Maria (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

DX acts as a steroid. Compuesto is more of a NSAID. I prefer Compuesto, however, too much of either is not good. Look up the side effects and pick your poison. I take 1 dose every other day for a total of 3. No sciatica pain after about 3 months.

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Hi. Can anyone please tell me about the current availability of tribedoce compuesto?

{edited for privacy}

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Re: Susie (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

As far as your question - "what is the difference between the blue box and the red box of Tribedoce inj's.?" I am not sure about the injectables, but for the boxes, there is a comment (earlier on in this discussion thread) by Greg (# 8) on Feb. 2nd, 2012 that may help address your query.

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Re: TERE (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

The following from a Yahoo post mentions that it helps the heart, which is involved in problems with high BP......


(Vitamin B1)Thiamine: it Is part of a coenzyme that breaks down and assimilates carbohydrates. It is essential for the nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, the carriers of the genes. It promotes appetite and normalizes the nervous system functions, vitamin B-1, it is also necessary for the function of the gland suprarenal, for nerves, for mind and for the metabolism of food and alcohol.

(Vitamin B6 )Pyridoxine: promotes the metabolism of fats and proteins and is involved in the transformation of the amino acid tryptophan in niacinaLa vitamin B-6 also helps the heart and nerves. This is the vitamin B most preferred by women as it helps in digestion during pregnancy and to rest at night during menopause.

( Vitamin B12)Cyanocobalamin or hydroxocobalamin,helps form nucleic acids, contributes to the normal functioning of red blood cells and helps maintain nerve cells in a good state.Vitamin B-12, it is also vital for the production of energy, for nerves, and for the formation of cells. This vitamin converts carbohydrates and proteins into energy and helps the HEART, especially when it is combined with folic acid and vitamin B-6. Many people receive injections of B-12 on a regular basis to the energy.

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What is the difference between taking Tribedoce C/L inj's. or taking the Tribedoce in tablet form? Also, what is the difference between the blue box and the red box of Tribedoce inj's.?

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Re: Rose (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

At any Mexican mall bazar or where Mexican products are sold.

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I get mine in Mexico ... It has helped me and I have so much energy and hardly any pain in my legs and knees

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It's basically a vitamin b complex and I personally get the injection to hell with my ciática pain and it does work in my opinion

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Re: Greg (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

So im diabetic can I take this vitamin I have arthritis on my neck and shoulders would it work to heal my pain

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