Tribedoce Compuesto (Page 2)


Tribedoce compuesto - I was told this Mexican pill would help relieve pain in my legs. I walk three miles daily and it has helped or its my imagination. What is the pill used for? Is it safe?

104 Replies (6 Pages)

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how can I order some tribedoce in the USA?

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I looked at Walmart in Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico and they had Voltaren but not the Voltaren Neuro that I was looking for, which would be the equivalent of Tribedoce Compuesto. I found it in a Farmacia de genericos (generic drugstore) in Ajijic. Generic drugstores are all over Mexico. I don't know about other countries. A red box of 30 pills cost 40 pesos. Something like $3. US. It was recommended for my back pain and sciatica. I just bought it today so don't know how well it works. It's not really a Mexican pill. Tribedoce Compuesto is made in Mexico but it is sold in many other countries under a different name. Look it up on Google or Wikipedia.

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I use the Tribedoce with Diclofenac for bursitis and fibro. You can usually find it at a Mexican Botanica if you have one near you (it can be on the pricey side). You can also order it from other places for around $3 - $8 plus S&H.

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I bought some while in Mexico - some are in bottles of 30 and I have some in baggies

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I was just in Algodones, MX this morning. Asking for B12 shots or nasal spray. They showed me the Tribegoce, 5 IV's for $4.40. I take it for Peripheral Neurophy due to nerve damage. My neurologist said that B12 is important in providing the coating on the nerves to minimize the sensations associated with PN.

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is tribedoce dx the same as b complex injections

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I have been prescribed this medication in Mexico for the Shingles.

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they sell it in Madera Ca.

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I have been in Zapotalanejo, Mexico for five weeks and you can get Tribedoce Compueesto at any ofarmacia. If you don't speak spanish WELL then you should have an empty box to show them what you want. Even if you are an expert in pronounceation in English you would never pronounce the name of the city corrrctly (as the natives do). As for the nutter that got upset because people referred to Mexican medicine it is a designstation of where you purchase it at! Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen is an American medicine because you can't purchase it in Mexico! As a side note let's abolish the DEA! It is responsible for more deaths than drug overdoses an car wrecks combined.

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Do you know where one can get Tribedoce Compuesto amplules?

{edited for privacy}

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Where can I find it .

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Still need it? I can get it for you... I keep an extra box at home at all times. It works for my migraines, anxiety and neuralgia pain.

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I have a box and have never taken it. I'm in excruciating back pain and I don't know the dose. It just says on box that the dose is per doctors recommendation.

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I live 2 miles from mexico. Borderline to mexicali. I usually go once a month to eat tacos. I got the injection form of tribedoce it works faster than pills. I do crossfit for workout and pain was always my partner til now. It costs me like less 20 dollars box with 5 already filled injections.

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How long does the relief of your sciatic nerve last after taking it

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I just got my first shot (3 hrs ago) and I my nerve disconfort has almost disapeared.
I pruchased Tribedoce compuesto in Farmacias y Similares (Dr Simi). The cost for 3 doses is fifty pesos (@four dollars).

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What are your dosing instructions? How often do you administer the inj? I can't remember what they told me if it was one a day for two days or once a month?

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It's available at Swap-O-Rama on 4100 S Ashland Ave in Chicago, IL 60609

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I know a pharmacy in mexico that has it. I think i paid like 3 to 7 bucks for a box of 3. If it has Tribedoce in a red box, then that is a combination of B12 with Diclofenaco.

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Yes u can get at the yeberia stores,,there Mexican stores.but there very expensive. .might as well get it in nogales..

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