Trepiline Drug Information (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy wife takes trepiline as she is bipolar. My question is: how many, taken at once, is considered an overdose and is it fatal?
My doctor recently prescribed Trepiline 10mg for my migraines. I started taking them a few days ago, last night I took it after 10pm and i could not wake up this morning, I only woke up at 11.30am. And got to work late! Is this normal? Does my body need to get use to them?
Can Trepiline cause water retention or swollen and painful lower legs where the skin and muscles are actually painful to the touch?
I have been using 25g trepiline per day for 30 days now, it has helped me to sleep normally again, it has also helped reduce my migraine attacks. I used to have at least 6 - 8 a month, this last month I only had 3, apparantly they will go away completely. This in itself has changed my life!! the only side effects i am experiencing are very sore joints during the night and early in the mornings in my hands and feet. I walk like an old lady for about 30 minutes before it goes away and i can start my day.
last nite was my first nite of using trepiline, and i didnt sleep all night long. this morning it felt like a train hit me, i struggled badly to get out of bed, driving to work i almost had a accident becuase i was falling asleep every 5min then quickly wake by sounds, lucklily someone hooted me awake just before there cudve been a accident. is this normal for the first nite or week? it is prescribed to help me sleep, as my docter doesnt feel comfortable that i take sleeping pills every nite
I'm using trepiline 25mg. I'm 6 weeks pregnant can I keep on using the the trepiline durring my pregnance.
I have been using Trepiline for about two months and i have been experiencing severe hair loss. is this normal?
does this trepoline cause confusion with which day it is and some memory loss? my mom has taken these tabs and just went off it. since she's off im noticin unusual behaviour. PLEASE HELP MY MOM.
It's so funny reading all these posts coz I know exactly what y'all mean! I started with Trepiline 5 days ago,only a low dosage. I'm drinking it to sleep because my mind goes wild once my head hits the pillow-I can't shut down.Anyway-I'm suppose to drink it before dinner.The first night I kind of passed out at 7:30-wow!and woke up at 5:30.It's getting better now but it works wonders with the sleeping.I'm also told that it's gonna take a while for your body to get used to it......and to play around with when you have to take it (in the evening ;-)) that sutes your body. I have a question though- I have a kind of sandy paper feel to my skin around the chin area since taking the pill---have any one experienced this because I don't know if it is a reaction from Trepiline or something else??
i don't take my prescription in the morning - i take mine at night - it puts me to sleep - i wake to go to the bathroom as normal - or when i hear noises - but i go straight back to bed, it has really given me a new lease on life - no more insomnia, only a dry mouth in the morning which is quickly cured by a glass of water - i am also noticing some weight loss - which ofcourse is welcome!!
i want to take trepiline but im afraid after reading all ulz messages...i cant sleep at night at all i feel like im suffering from insomnia its bad guys please help
Guys, play around with time you take the Trepiline. i find if I take it around 18h30, I go to bed normal time and its all worked out in the morning. If you are groggy in the morning, try taking it a little earlier at night. never ever take in the morning!
Somebody reported dehydration, so it could just be that. Drink some more water and see if that helps.
I just started on 10mg tables 4 days ago for my headaches. I hardly have a day go by where I don't have a headache. I sleep very bad as well, so am glad to hear that Trepiline works for insomnia as well. :-) Lets hope it's a two-in-one cure.
Is Trepiline a permanent thing, or do you only have to take it for a few months and then stop? I forgot to ask my doctor.
This is a reply to Petra's comment:
Take your trepiline and hour or two before your usual bed time. Take one or two tablets have a warm bath. If you still feel groggy in the morning, reduce your tablets to just one per night. You will not feel drowsy and sleepy in the morning.
The active ingredient of Trepiline is Amitriptyline, which is classified as a tricyclic antidepressant.
"Although there are differences in toxicity with the drug class, ingestions of 10 to 20 mg per kilogram of body weight are a risk for moderate to severe poisoning, however, doses ranging from 1.5 to 5 mg/kg may even present a risk.
The peripheral autonomic nervous system, central nervous system and the heart are the main systems that are affected following overdose. Initial or mild symptoms typically develop within 2 hours and include tachycardia, drowsiness, a dry mouth, nausea and vomiting, urinary retention, confusion, agitation, and headache. More severe complications include hypotension, cardiac rhythm disturbances, hallucinations, and seizures. Electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities are frequent and a wide variety of cardiac dysrhythmias can occur, the most common being sinus tachycardia and intraventricular conduction delay resulting in prolongation of the QRS complex and the PR/QT intervals. Seizures and cardiac dysrhythmias are the most important life threatening complications."
So this medication should be taken with care, following the instructions of the prescribing physician.
You may also want to read the page for Amitriptyline Details.
Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...
Meglyn:- i also have RSD, and have been taking trepiline for about 5 years now. 25mg in the am, and 25mg in the pm. stick with it! I promise you, your body will get used to it, and eventually yur body returns to normal. you're not sleepy or dizzy, it just helps you get a good nights sleep, and definitely helps the pain of RSD. if you do not take an anti-depressant for RSD, you may as well get a gun and shoot yourself, because the pain and discomfort of RSD will drive you insane. RSD is no joke and there's no cure. an anti-depressant and pain medication that is NOT a morphone agonist. you can only take Ultram (tramadol) or Stadol. NOTHING ELSE FOR PAIN. anything else only makes the pain worse. trust me, I am a seasoned veteran of RSD. good luck!
Hi I was Diognoised with endometioses about 8 years ago. I have had about 4 laparoscopies in that time. I was on the ejection nur esterate for about 6 years and on the depo for 1 year but the endometioses came back and I had to go for the operation again. When I went for my 6 week check up, the doctor said he is going to take me of the injection for 6 months so that my body can funtion normaly. I have to go back in January. But I still have'nt started with my period. Is that normal? The doctor also gave me Trepilene 25 mg. I would just like to know what is it for and can it make you fat because I have put on some wight?
I. Live in South. Africa. And have been prescibed. Tripilene. For. My spastic. Colol (IBS) as well . Doc. Said tripilene would calm the colon and relax me . But what I read. Here sounds like its only for depression. I am 59 years old and female
i use trepiline25mg at night for 15 years for my headaches. now i stop using it for 9 days because my legs start swallen. i dont know if it is the trepiline. now for a whole week i was dying from headache, and cant sleep. what can i do. i also use thyroid pills and cholestrol pills
The doctor prescribed me trepiline almost 30 days ago, as well as an additional sleeping tablet for 10 days. I studied all the feedback below. I don't really feel any side effects. I also don't even feel tired when I take it. However, the spams in my back feel much more relaxed. I actually want to ask my doctor if I can continue using this product for longer. From reading the below, the only side affect that I also experience (and I only realised it now), is my joints are a bit more sensitive. specially with gymming etc.
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