Trazodone For Insomnia (Page 2)
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I have read the leaflet that came w/ my meds. Its listed as an antidepressant but was prescribed to me for insomnia. Two questions now.
1. Do I have to take it every night?
2. How worried should I be about the side effects?
Frankly, I've put off taking it because I've never been diagnosed w/ depression, just insomnia & migraine. Any concise info you can provide would be great! Just speak to me like a person, not a doctor. Thanks!
Re: Rob (# 5)
Yes, you have to be careful with Trazodone. You can’t take with: pain meds like Opioids or Norco and Percocet, Antianxiety/Depression meds like Paxil and the like, bcuz these meds ALSO cause drowsiness! Combined with Trazodone it could be dangerous-monitor closely!! CHECK ALL YOUR MEDS!
Re: RB (# 4)
I have been on Trazodone 100mg b/4 bed. It does cause some drowsiness, but with me, it went away eventually. I can function all day long w/o any drowsiness. I sleep great too! I am taking it for Insomnia that I acquired after 2 hospital stays this year!!
Re: TransplantedYankee (# 35)
Yes they have tried multiple meds the last year including Valuim , Trazadone, etc and so far none have worked for e personally- even the newest med for insomnia Rozerem. I had a child late in life at 36 and have insomnia since so for 13 years. Xanax only med that worked on my slight anxiety and insomnia both-sad to not receive it as been a nightmare for me personally. I do not take others meds. I have thought about ordering from Canada but one never knows what they are receiving....Trazadone when even eaten w food, just made me so tired, but my mind would not rest type of situation and seemed to make my insomnia worse. I was never able to take over 3 consecutive days as too tired. Headaches the next morning too. Thank you.
Re: Jamie (# 7)
If you take a small snack, like a piece of toast just b/4 you take your dose of Trazodone, it works much better! You’ll fall asleep faster and sleep longer!
Re: SweetNicole (# 15)
Try a saline nose spray like Arm&Hammer “Simply Saline” - My PCP recommended it for me. It is OTC. It works great for me! And I can use it anytime - no build up! She knows something about Trazodone!
Re: scott (# 1)
My PCP prescribed Arm & Hammer “Simply Saline” nose spray for me. It is OTC. It solved the problem instantly for me! Just one spray b/4 bed. And you can use it as many times as you want.
PCP = PrimaryCarePhysician.
Re: Diane (# 8)
My PCP prescribed Arm & Hammer “Simply Saline” OTC when I told her I was having stuffiness at night while on Trazodone. It works great!
blondieslp (# 13) --
Take a small snack just before you take your dose of Trazodone, like one toast. It makes a world of difference! You’ll fall asleep faster and stay asleep!
Re: Brandi (# 22)
Adderall is a ‘stimulant’ sooo? Trazodone is only supposed to affect men. Supposed to produce a long lasting erection! So...your clitoris??!!
Re: Jean (# 23)
You can’t take Tramadol and Trazodone! Tramadol is an opiate! Too much sedation!!
Re: Diana (# 30)
Sometimes Trazodone reacts with other meds, like pain meds(you can’t take these two bcuz of too much sedation)! Check your other meds!
Re: Wondering (# 24)
PLIVA is mine.
Take a small snack b/4 your dose of Trazodone. It makes a difference!!
Forgot to tell you...I do not have a depression diagnosis, only Insomnia. Trazodone works for me! Be sure to take a small snack just before taking your dose of Trazodone. Safe for seniors! I am 72.
Yes you have to take it every night as it builds up in your system. I take it also and I am 72yo. But take a small snack, like 1 toast - then take Trazodone. It does the trick for me!
Re: Jean (# 23)
Try a small snack just b/4 you take you take your dose of Trazodone - it could be 1 slice of bread or toast. You will really sleep like a ‘brick’, and fast too!!
Re: Diana (# 26)
Maybe you are used to Valium! Anyway, take a small snack, like 1 toast just b/4 your dose of Trazodone. You will sleep like a baby!!
Re: Diana (# 26)
Have a small snack like a piece of toast b/4 before taking your dose of Trazodone. It makes a world of difference! You’ll sleep like a baby!!
I am a happy go lucky guy during the day - so, NO to depression! I have taken Trazodone before with no side effects other then more energy during the day, and yawing during the day. It takes about a month for full effect, maybe because I was taking it wrong! I just read an info sheet from Walmart Pharmacy. It stated, take a small snack, like 1 slice of toast for instance, then take your dose of Trazodone. This hint made a ‘world of difference’ for me! Before, I would just take a dose and go to bed. Then, sometimes it would work and sometimes not. With a small snack, now it works EVERY NIGHT!!
Re: Mason (# 29)
Hard to clarify as just repeating what our major providers told us, about prescribing here in Springfield MO. My friends in AR were "weaned off" their script for xanax a few years ago if they had been on it for more than 5 years. Something to do with all the "selling" of this particular narcotic. So now my OCH Dr.s who are now at Jordan Valley refuse to prescribe meds after April of last year. Say their hands are tied? I was going to change to Cox but after speaking with a Dr there, he ALSO reported they too would soon not be prescribing. I may end up at Mercy, who I dislike but they appear to be the only hope for our area. It seems tied to large practices only but it is so damn hard to find a private PCP anymore. I still know one person in MO who gets it and 1 in AR and both are over 70 years of age (so apparently too old to sell lol)...sad.
I am taking 100mg of Trazodone before bed for insomnia. Sometimes it would work and sometimes not. Then I read an info sheet on it. If taken before bed, eat a light snack first, then take the Trazodone. Now it works EVERY night! The snack could be a couple slices of toast, for example.
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