Trazodone For Insomnia (Page 3)
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I have read the leaflet that came w/ my meds. Its listed as an antidepressant but was prescribed to me for insomnia. Two questions now.
1. Do I have to take it every night?
2. How worried should I be about the side effects?
Frankly, I've put off taking it because I've never been diagnosed w/ depression, just insomnia & migraine. Any concise info you can provide would be great! Just speak to me like a person, not a doctor. Thanks!
It has still not helped me any w insomnia same as Ambien, New formulations. Used to work w Ambien but does not now...Trazadone made me soooo tired..but no good nights sleep.
Re: Sweets (# 28)
I have no clue. I was asking Diana (#26). She stated that Missouri took away her right to xanax. I don't understand it either and am hoping Diana can clarify.
Re: Mason (# 27)
what? I just got my script filled this month no problem so I'm not understanding this. Or when is it supposed to go into effect?
Re: Diana (# 26)
What do you mean the state of Missouri took your right to have xanax? Xanax is banned in Missouri?
Trazadone makes me feel like the walking dead, yet does not necessarily help me sleep? It may take hours then the sleep is choppy to say the least and i wake up w a Trazadone headache which sucks in itself. Worthless product for me. Back to just taking 20 mg of Valium, as our state MO took OUR right to have Xanax the past year, the only thing that WORKED for 5 years. Tried Ambein last monht and actually took 3 hours to take affect smh. What is going ON!!?!?!?
After already trying once a year ago and not liking as so groggy and irritable, but did NOT make me rest well- My new PCP put me back on since ambien changed its ingredients, it no longer works for me (the past 2 years) -Rozerem didnt work and Lunesta which i thought would be the winner-fell flat. And they took everyone in MOs Xanax the only med that made me sleep fine. Grrrr.. .This med does not help me sleep at all. But if i take thru the day-tried once just to see-it made my groggy. I know my dog gets it too for pain, but it does not seem to lessen my back pain a bit, im 49. Good luck. I recently tried the new drug
Re: Amber (# 17)
Amber, what brand of Trazodone works for you? I am looking for the manufacturer of the most effective Trazodone for sleep. The Teva isn't working. Thank you.
I've been taking Trazadol and Trazodone along with many other pills and cannot sleep at night. I sleep for 2 hrs then lie there awake for the rest of the night.
Re: Diane (# 8)
Trazodone also makes me feel extra aroused. I mean the Trazodone makes me feel even more 'sultry' similar to Xanax, but not so much as a sleep aid- I'm also on Adderall too. I hope this will be helpful! XOXO
Be aware of the long term effects of trazodone, I am have experienced memory loss. And it's not getting better it's getting worse. I know 2 other whom are experiencing the same. Contact your Doctor! 6/1/2017 lisa
Duh, no it isn't a coke withdrawal drug. Its an antidepressant! It's calming and sedating, which is probably what helps your withdrawal.
I was just prescribed this 3 weeks ago for insomnia and night time anxiety. Started off at 150 mg before bed which helped my sleep and anxiety throughout the day but left me in pain from muscle stiffness and also extremely fatigued They lowered my dose to 75 mg and the pain and lessened but my anxiety returned ten fold accompanied by the feeling that I am going completely psychotic. This medication is definitely one to watch out for. Know that it is extremely addicting and the withdrawals are some of the worst I've ever had. Take cautiously at low doses to save yourself from "losing it."
I was prescribed Trazodone for a sleep problem which I think the doctor, incorrectly in my view, assumed was due to depression. I found it to be absolutely useless. The dose was increased until I felt more ill than I've ever been in my life. I stopped it! I would advise you to steer well clear of any of these drugs. No one has a clue how they work. The simplistic explanations about Serotonin vastly underestimate the complexity of brain function. The best way to solve a sleep problem, as well as addressing obvious causes like pain, noise, lack of comfort etc. is to stop worrying about it. Lack of sleep never killed anyone. Its the anxiety and worrying that causes most of the suffering. I'm not being flippant. I had a really bad problem which nearly drove me over the edge. It takes time but if you can find a way to accept the situation and stop worrying, it will correct itself eventually.
I'm on 100mg of trzadone for insomnia, never been diagnosed with depression, but I tell you it works. And I have no side affects. It is a personal choice and everyone reacts differently.
I had heard that Trazodone in doses of 200mg or less is for sleeplessness - and higher doses are used for depression. Just my $0.02
I too am prescribed this medication for insomnia. I began taking it after notifying my specialist of difficulty falling asleep, juast after the slightly over-a-hour night drive home from work, the lights and attention required to make it home safely prevented me from sleeping. When I first took the medication I did oversleep. But the medication has in fact solved the issue of getting into bed at a reasonable time. I can not speak on behalf of nasal pathway issues as I do take antihistimines from the get-go. As for the claim about useage for illegal drug therapy, this is the first I ever heard of such a use, then again I don't go around huffing glue and dime bags of drywall.
On the contrary, if you see my earlier post I had an awful time trying to get off it and then I couldn't sleep because the myocalm did not work for me. So, I had to go back on 50 mg. of Trazadone. I now also take a Melatonin tablet with it and can finally sleep much better. I will at some point try again to get off the Trazadone and hopefully manage with just Melatonin.
Blondieslp - It sounds as if you didn't have a very difficult time stopping the trazadone. That's great!
I hope that the 50 mg. & melatonin works for you.
I started coming down to 100mg. then I would cut that in half for about 1.5 wks then half of that (1/4 pill) for about 1.5 wks then stopped. I have not heard what my Doc wants me to do but I spoke with another Dr. I see and we decided to go back on a half pill (50 mg.) and take one Melatonin pill. I am finally able to sleep but not as good as before I started all this. Thanks to all of you for your comments and suggestions. I am hoping that sometime soon I can try again to get off and hopefully the melatonin will be enough. Thanks again!
to Blondieslp-
How did you taper off? How long did it take?Did you cut the pill in tiny pieces? I am having very scary symptoms when I try to cut off even a tiny amount.
I have racing, pounding heart,irreg. beat, electric jolts all over. I don't know what to do.
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