Tramadol Hcl 50 Mg Tab Mylan (Page 6)
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one side of pill is a M and the other side of the pill is T7

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Marijuana + Tramadol + Hash + Neurontin...none of it kills the pain completely. I am going to a neurologist, shortly, for further follow up on my fractured skull and spine. My physician said that Tramadol is NOT addictive, too, BUT, I stopped taking it for a day to see how I would feel, to see if I could notice a difference and all I noticed was EXTREME WITHDRAWAL symptoms. I guess all we can do is the best we can do. I am about to turn 62 shortly and after having survived a heart attack and two heart surgeries, along with a host of other things, I guess I should just be grateful I am alive and breathing; hm? Take care.

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I have been taking Tramadol hcl 50 for about 8 years now. I had broken my leg in a snow skiing accident and was given Tramadol to replace the Morphine etc. that I have been taking originally.

It helped with the pain management and also gave me energy, and as a few other people have described, a mood change for the better, happier and more optimistic.

On several office visits, I spoke with my physician about the posibility of it being addictive because of the withdrawel symptoms I would have if I missed a day or two of taking it. My mother-in-law worked as a Therapist/counselor in a rehab facility and said that it was what was being perscribed to help people get off of other opiates. So needless to say, they shrugged it off as my imagination.

My husband had taken it for a back injury and told me that it didn't seem to help with his pain and for the first week or two after he stopped taking it, he felt like his pain was worse and said his kidneys bothered him. He suggested that I try to stop taking it and if I could just get throught the first week, I'd feel much better. Well, that was complete hell.

One day I received a phone call from M-I-Law saying "Guess what??...We just received a notice saying that there was addictive properties to Tramadol and the consumer warnings would be changing.

To make a long story a little shorter, I still take it and have a perscription to take 1 to 2 pills twice a day if needed. With my work I'm on my feet a lot so some days I take 2 pills in am, 2 at lunch and 2 when I get home.

If I miss 1 day, I start getting irritable, scratchy throat headache, restless; day 2 of no Tramadol brings fever, flu like symptoms, moderate to severe depression, erational thoughts, uncontrollable crying, feelings of complete dispair, sometimes anger ........the list goes on. It sucks!!

Unfortunately, I have been told that my leg is as good as it is ever going to get so I will always have to take something. We just have to make sure that I make a point of not letting my perscription run out before getting back to the Doc for a med check. As far as my liver and kidneys, I have a complete blood work up every 3 mths and as long as I've been taking it, my test results always come back clear and with a clean bill of health.

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Tramadol in itself has no acetameaphin but in Ultram there is Acetametaphine which is, tylenol. My doctor prescribes tylenol because it is NOT an NSAID. NSAIDs are blood thinners, among other things. I cannot take another blood thinner because I am already on Coumadin.

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I was told that for Tramadol to work to work it must be taken consistently and on a graduated dose. I am on my second dosage, that being 200 mg at bed for two weeks and then up to 300 mg at bed...I am told by my PCP that once the level is up in the blood, it should take care of the pain. We'll see. I am still self medicating with marijuana. I am also on several heart medications and none of it appears to be interacting. I am told that this Tramadol HCL ER WILL work once the level has been stabilized in the blood. So far, it's not touching the pain. We'll give it another couple weeks and see. May have to try something different. I was told that this Tramadol is just short of morphine, etc. -

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I have irritated muscles in my shoulder do to a work injury and the doctor was put me on several medications the newest being Tramadol HCL 50mg. I don't feel any relief. I once took 13 lower tab 10s for my leg injury and they didn't do anything. Is there something that will actually work and help?

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i know someone that was takeing hodricoden 10mg the dr changed his meds to tramadol 50mgi know the hodricone is stronger is he gping to go threw with draws when he starts on tramadol ?

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Well, I am at the end of my first script of tramadol and am coming through withdrawal symptoms like you wouldn't believe!!! It never did take care of the pain it was suppose to have done, this whole time. I also learned, through independent research, that tramadol and coreg and/or simvastatin do NOT mix well together. ?? ACK!
And an MD gave me this? Not only did it NOT take care of the pain I was having, it has also made me addicted to a drug that does absolutely NOTHING for me. Here I am with a serious heart condition, coming through withdrawal from a drug that has done absolutely nothing for me. NOW I get the A FIB; right?

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have you gotten bloodwork done for hep c

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I am on my 3rd week of Tramadol and neurontin, along with simvastatin, for my heart, coreg/carvedilol, and lexapro. I also self medicate on the side with marijuana and the pain I feel from my broken spin (3 vtbr) persists. I haven't noticed ANY interactions although, I take 7 pills at night, kind of like a 'drug cocktail' and I must say that I sure do sleep well at night. I never want to wake up is how nice the sleep is. It's all prescribed and it all works well but still, that nasty pain persists.

I still do have lots of A FIB from my CHF and the two surgeries I had a couple years ago. Sometimes it's overwhelming but it's six of one and a half dozen of another.

Be careful the drugs you mix together. Do your research and read and do not mix too many downers together. There are also medications out there that while they work for some, they only make matters worse for others.

*Happy Holidays*

Hope you all will enjoy health and prosperity in the New Year ahead.

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No, not one bit. I've taken 6 at a time, and nothing. I think it's a sugar pill. A friend of a friend of mine says it works for him. But maybe it's just a psycological thing.

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Can tramadol cause autism in children if the mother takes tramadol hcl 50 mg 4 times daily? I have been on tramadol hcl 50 mg 4 times a day for the last 12 years prescribed the US Navy and the VA. Both my kids were born autistic I was taking this medicine while pregnant and the doctor knew and said it was OK to take.

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Will this medicine interfere with my blood pressure medicine.

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I am back on Tramadol HCL ER 100mg/x3 daily.
As far as mixing with Pot, I've experienced zero side effects or reactions, but then again the Tramadol doesn't work as per it should anyways.
It's terrible for withdrawal. For me the brain shocks lasted 3 months. I've detoxed from OxyContin many times and yet I consider that to be less tortuous.
IMO Tramadol is far more useful as an antidepressant than it is at relieving physical pain, as it's an SNRI anyways.

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I started taking Tramadol HCL 50 mg for pain and although I think it does help quite a bit, it still leaves a lot to be desired. I have 3 fractured vtb in my spin along with several other injuries. I also self medicate on the side with marijuana and hash wax mixed together. I am also on several medications for my bad heart. So far, I have found NO interactions - HOWEVER - and I can't stress this ENOUGH: Be very careful of the drugs you mix together. It could be too late to find out you have an allergic reaction to something. In fact, it could be a lot more dangerous than you would suspect. So be very very careful about mixing drugs. I am also taking lexapro to help with my PTSD and anxiety. This all works for me, and yet, it still leaves something to be desired. That is how bad my pain is. I have lived with it for years and I am not going to live with it anymore. So: before you do anything, seek medical advice; talk to your doctor. Don't just take someone's word for it because what might work for them, might be very dangerous to you.

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I was at one time on the same maxalt and tramadol and was advised by my pharmacist NOT to take tramadol and maxalt on the same day.. if taking maxalt one day, skip tramadol ...if tramadol needed next day but still having migraines, you should contact BOTH prescribing dr's.
I had a bad reaction by mistakenly taking both one day in a 'migraine fog' state of mind...was sick from it for days

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I wouldn't it's addictive and causes brain shocks. Look into any drug you take before you take it. A headache isn't as bad as a 10 day withdrawal. Try taking over the counter migraine med try everyone till you find one that works for you.

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My name is Chely . I starded taking tramadol for headaches. Is safe to take this medicatoin for headaches?.

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Mylan is the best, most potent, of all generics, if you can't afford brand name Ultram.

Ultram is going Schedule IV as a controlled drug in many states (about 10) Wiki has an accurate accounting of the states where Ultram is now controlled.

It is not FEDERALLY controlled yet, but only in certain states, but there is a fast moving wave moving among most states to move it to IV.

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