Torrent Zolpidem Does Not Work


This brand does not work at all....Have taken ambien generic all along with no problem. Until this brand...Kinney's is mandated to dispense this brand... Does not work. Am taking 2-3 a night to sleep... Never had to before. It's own chemical composition by torrent does not work. Sucks.

13 Replies

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So just curious bc as a nurse I know these different generics seem to work differently on different ppl. Are u male? Younger? Older?

I am 5'6/160lb/47yo/f & I tried 10mg Teva brand and it was a sleepless nightmare!

Mylan 10mg worked ok.

But surprisingly Torrent worked fine for me.

I was surprised bc I'd read so many mixed reviews on that brand.

But I have found that no matter what I use I have to take 3-6mg melatonin about an hr b4 & make sure the lights are lower so it can work with the generic Zolpidem. Empty stomach. Take it with a fizzy soda no caffiene or sugar in it.

I'm starting to wonder does Torrent manufacture their product in one place. Mine was from cvs & it was a little peach oblong pill. What did yours look like?

***So what brand ultimately worked for you?

I hope you found a brand that DID bc as a nightshift nurse - I know how HORRIBLE it is not to be able to sleep!!

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I completely agree. Have been taking for years as well and just switched pharmacies and no sleep!!

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You can usually request a different generic brand at most pharmacies I have been to. Like I know that Rite Aid does it for me all the time. Yeah, they have the base brand they give out normally, but if you tell them you want a different brand, they are able to order it. I sympathize with the Ambien generic struggle. They are all various types of bad since Qualitest went under.

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This is the only brand that works for me! I had to change pharmacy to get this brand after they switched to another brand!

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TORRENT needs to be taken OFF MARKET. Give me name brand ANBIEN I sleep like a baby. I want name brand Ambien, no substitute and I want my Cigna SR to pay for it.

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Re: Nightshift Nurse (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Torrent is not working.

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I have the same problem been taking Zolpidem for decades and these do not do the job. I only slept 3 hours last night. Did you call the pharmacy? I am calling the pharmacy right now they said call back on the talk to the manager

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Re: henryoh (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Pharmacies buy this Torrent brand because it is the cheapest. Since this opiate BS started, I started to have problems with Torrent brand drugs not working properly. I heard a generic drug is not monitored by FDA. So no one going to do anything about them.

People need to start getting on insurances to get name brand drugs that are monitored. If someone would test these drugs they would find no medication in them that is why they want you to do 90 day supply so they can put only certain amount of Zolpiem or other drugs with medication in them. I really believe it’s the doctors and pharmacies are in on this. I can not prove it and I talk to pharmacy and my doctor and they look at me like I am stupid or crazy.

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Re: Deb (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I thought that generics still need to go through FDA approval, but the amount of active ingredient as well as inactive ingredients used may differ?

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Re: Roy (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Generics have to get approved by the FDA and the drug has to be within fairly tight parameters as far as the blood concentration of it over time as compared in the same people as the name brand. (people will quote the 80/120 or 80/125% rules but they have no idea what they are talking about when they do.)

The problem is the inactive ingredients. Some have their own mild effects on things, others help your body retain the medication, etc. But cheap ingredients can often have lower results. So blood concentration may be the same, but the drug actually doing it's thing may be impaired or the name brand may be enhancing the effects with quality inactive ingredients. The results can be very different. And the FDA leaves most companies to self regulate once they get approved. They have to test each batch they make and keep documentation on it. But, some have been caught manipulating the numbers of bad batches etc.

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Re: Sweetpsp (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

AGREE doesn't work completely different components were created, only 3 horas maximo, TORRENT MANUFACTURY ABSOLUTELY DOSENT WORK, and different color tables as well.

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I've been taking ambien for 10+ years. Torrent is by far the worst manufacturer I have tried, had no effectiveness whatsoever. I had to switch pharmacies because of how bad this brand is.

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I just took torrent for the first time. One was ineffective, 2 was ineffective and now taking a third with 2 muscle relaxers in the hopes that combo will work. These are oblong peach. My white oblongs always worked. could be another sleepless night. I get a refill in 5 days of my 1 mg Xanax. I’ll take that with the 1 Ambien to sleep. The Xanax I take for anxiety but I’m gonna try it with the Ambien in the hope of getting some sleep, any sleep!

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