Torrent Pharmaceutical Zolpidem (Top voted first)


I had this 10 mg from torrent and the pharmacy could not supply a refill. I do not like the substitute mfg. How can I get torrent zolpidem?

86 Replies (5 Pages)

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Recieved RX of 30 tabs Some are Peach-Yellow in color Others are white in color. Isn't that odd? Should they be 2 different colors in the same order? The inmprint on the Peach colorder ones is 10 MG on one side The other side has 5 dots congained in a square.
Are these pills for real or what 'cause they too don't work. The White one's have a # 6469 on one side and a sigle letter V on the other. All pills are oval in shape. b

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I refilled my prescription for zolpidem yesterday. I have always gotten the qualitest brand from my local pharmacy. When I opened the bottle and saw it was from different from what I usually get I was a little worried. I did some research and found out it was manufactured by Torrent. I kept reading and found out it was a company based in India and that a lot of people were having problems with it. I decided I would try it last night and if I had problems with it I would contact my pharmacy and Dr to let them know the issues. I took 10mg last night around 11:30, turned off the light, and I didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning. With the qualitest it would usually take an hour to fall asleep and I would usually wake up around 6:30-7. The qualitest always worked for me but in my case the torrent worked faster and better. I guess it just goes to show that everyone reacts differently to different generic manufacturers and you'll only know which is best for you by trial and error.

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I want Zolpidem from Torrent only and can't get it and now am only getting 3 hours a night on the other generics and on ambien with Torrent Zolpidem I could at least sleep for 5 hours I've checked with all the pharmacies around me

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I have taken ambien for 4 years and sleep like s baby. I recently receivef a new order from express scripts,mfg by torrent. These are totally worthless,. Where are these made?usa or india.. Worthless, and i am awake and pissed


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I have taken just about every generic Ambien they make. Some really suck but I have amazing results with the Qualitest brand, The Torrent brand did nothing and these came from Kroger pharmacies, mainly down south. Now I need to figure out what to do as taking Torrent a month will be a waste of money and sleep. So frustrated.

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Hey AMillion2Juan - GR8 post! Thx! (Plz excuse my "Text" typing here! I'm a major league "txter" but I'll try 2 keep it straight!)

As a Nurse --- I'd also like to add that if you take a sleep or anxiety or pain med with a fizzy type **no sugar no caffeine** beverage - it helps kick it in. Especially if you've eaten too soon before taking. But it's SO true having an empty stomach helps a lot!

But speaking as a Nurse, if we're going to really help each other here ppl - we need to state these specific things for each other:

*The brand of Ambien (Zolpidem) that worked for you (& what brand did not!) Along with its dose. 5mg? 10mg?
*Our Weight & Height
*Our Gender
*Our Age

These things are important to know. Of course the types/brands & dosages are self explanatory in importance to know --- but our weight/height/age & gender says things about how the meds are (or are NOT) metabolizing correctly.

For example a male thats very thin & tall will metabolize a med much differently than myself -- a 5'6/160lb/47yo/f. My liver is different. It is "fattier". (Most women's livers ARE! Thats why Morphine works better on men - whereas on women Dilaudid for pain does better - bc it gets through our fatty livers much more efficiently. There have been studies. Google it. Some men have fatty livers too of course, but even if they do - then they're usually not as much as ours. their's is usually leaner. And metabolism of BOTH genders change as we age & meds will work differently with different genders at different weights & at different ages.

So come on ppl!! Put your stats out there along with your good & not so good (on you) generic sleep brands!

Generics only have to hit the + or - mark within 20%. That 20% can make a HUUUGE difference for a smaller or larger male or female! And some generics try to stay on the lower end to cut cost; and that's not gonna work for a chubby lil' nurse like me! ;)

So lets be **super specific** folks with brands/doses/weights/ages/& genders when we talk good and rotten generics!

I can guarantee you the Big Pharma Companies the whoooole world over aren't going to tell you ANY specifics, so we **MUST** help ourselves & let each other know every detail we can!

The above poster - AMillion2Juan - gave us all some *fantastic* info! Empty stomach - hot shower - melatonin! Remember to turn lights low so it can work best! (Google that! ;) it's true - Melatonin works optimally in lower light) & speaking of Melatonin, knowing how ppl suffer just to get a good nights sleep, let me say I've personally used "Compounded Modified Release Melatonin". You have to look around for it from a Compounding Pharmacy. My friend got some at a Compounding Pharmacy in Miami Florida for their Modified Release [E-4] 6mg Melatonin. I'm sure you can Google it & find it. Personally, I don't know if you even need an Rx bc it's **melatonin** & I was just given one to try and it was GREAT! I took a 15mg Tranxene (an old OLD school Benzo class med that helps me sleep with regular melatonin. To me it seems smoother/longer in duration than regular Valium, but lighter than Klonopin which gives me major next morning "med-head"!!) So I took it with the Tranxene and BAM! Straight to La-La Land! Never had a melatonin work SO GREAT with an adjunct sleep med! May not have even needed the Tranxene! Some Urologist in Fort Lauderdale called it in for him to help him to sleep & he let me try one. WOW! I'd rather ppl have correct information when it comes to even over the counter meds bc there are just too many shady characters out there that will take advantage of ppl when they are desperate for help!

And the point Juan made about you only having a certain timeframe to take another half if need be is so true! There is a type of super Immediate Release Zolpidem that you put under your tongue if you have trouble waking in the middle of the night. I've taken it occasionally as a "booster" to the "ok working" Zolpidem (Ambien) at the same time I take the "ok working" one - instead of another half.

Juan - u might wanna talk 2ur Doc about trying it instead of cutting 1 in half. But check first if your Insurance covers it. Can't recall the name of it - just Google "Ambien Zolpidem dissolve under tongue for nighttime wakefulness waking up in the middle of the night".

Ok - that said, heres the rest of my story - I also take melatonin about an hr b4 or even with it. If I take it together & lay down in bed to watch tv - then I dim it down super low so its not a bright light. Melatonin is sensitive so juans method of take it then shower is probably best. (Heck - light candles & make it super soothing!) Usually just 3mg does me fine although I can take up to 6mg without the crazy dreams it can give u! I couldn't take but 1mg when I was younger. (Youngsters Beware! Google it!)

So here's my lowdown on Ambien/Zolpidem (& others I've tried).

I am (as stated earlier) a 5'6/160/47yo/f. I have tried the following meds to sleep:
* Mylan Brand Tranxene 15mg
* Mylan Brand Restoril 30mg (15mg might work for you)
* Mylan Brand Zolpidem 10mg
* Teva Brand Zolpidem 10mg
* Torrent Brand Zolpidem 10mg
* All brands with a no sugar no caffeine soda with 3 - 6mg Melatonin in Lowered Light Conditions.

Mylan Tranxene - works fine for me
Mylan Restoril - does also fine for me.
MYLAN ZOLPIDEM* --- does *OK* for me.

The Teva was a horrid waste of money!! I've heard their Klonopin was ok, so maybe their Benzo class of meds is on the level, but their Zolpidem was a sleepless nightmare (for me anyway) & I've read too many other ppl say the same, so I'm done with them for that med! Even with melatonin I may as well have taken an aspirin! It was really bad...

And the Torrent Brand Zolpidem 10mg was SUCH a surprise! I had read mixed reviews on it; but of the 3 - Teva/Mylan/Torrent --- Torrent worked the best for me. Mylan a distant 2nd by comparison. And Teva - well - NEVER AGAIN!

I've heard nothing but praises for one called Gador from South America? Argentina I think? But other than Canada, Germany, Australia - I've never dealt with olines. I have no idea if its even available still. If you can get it to just try it I'd love to hear what you think of it. Seems I read somewhere they tried to cut it out of the pipeline bc it was too far on the "stronger end" of the 20% mark!

I hope if that's the case then the person responsible for cutting it out of our choices comes down with at least a 3 year case of chronic insomnia & feels the desperation of millions of us out here that work so hard just to *consistently* get a good nights sleep!

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I have had to take Zolpidem for quite some time, always got ones manufactured by Quality Labs. The last refill I recieved was different, made by Torrent Pharmaceuticals. They were totally ineffective. I think some inert pills were sold to pharmacies at discounts here in US, a quick way for pharmacists to turn a buck. I will be specifically asking for the name and country of origin for my generics from now on. After a month of sleepless nights, I'm tired, but smarter.

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I have been on ambien since 2001 since ambien first came out so I know what a real ambien feels like. I have taken almost every generic there is out there and on weds I went to pick up my ambien at cvs and again it was teva zolpidem which is worthless I asked if they had any other manufacter that I could order from and she asked the pharmacist and said they have ambien by torrent and I said within myself wow I've read mixed results about this ambien but most from yrs ago on this site and good stuff more recently. Also there is nothing worst then teva ambien then the purple Mylan ambien so I gave it a try and all I can say is thank god I did. It works fast like 20-25 tops where others take 45- 1hr so this is by far the best generic out there and strongest I had 1 weds night ,1.5 last night just to see cuz normally all other ambien I have to take 1.5 to get sleep and the 1.5 torrent ambien was no different then just taking one I just slept longer 8hr+ instead of 7-8 on just one. I definitely recommend it I got mine in Orlando fl. Also remember no food in your stomach for ambien to work I stop eating at 9p take my 300mg seroquel at 1130p, 500mg of magnesium and 5mg of melatonin I then take a nice hot shower and by 1230p I take my ambien and I'm gone in 25mins tops. Also best ambien cr I have found there to be is by winthrop it's a blue 12.5 pills says ZCR I takes 1hr-15mins but remember I've taken ambien since 2001 so it could be less for you to work but when it kicks in your gone so plz wait that long don't take double. Also in regular generic ambien no matter what brand by experience you should not take 20mg because u are guaranteed to sleep walk. If u just ate within the last hr and u cannot wait 3hrs then just take one ambien by torrent but try to give yourself 1hr without food. or 1.5 of other generic ambien will put u to sleep on a full stomach. Also if u just take 1 and are not asleep u have 1hr 5mins tops to include the extra 5mg to sleep because ambien is at its peak at 1.5hr approx. if u wait say 1hr 30mins+ And have not remotely fallen asleep u are starting all over again and need 1.5 pill (15mg) otherwise it won't work. I have tons of tips and tricks just reply here and ask your question. Hope this helps someone out. Sleep well. There is hope.

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Have you tried asking your pharmacy if they can order it in for you?

This is a generic for Ambien and the one that a pharmacy carries can change, at any given time, depending on who was offering the cheapest price, when they had to restock their supply. This is how the keep the price as low as possible for customers that don't have insurance.


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I'm not sure where you live but I live in New England. You can get Torrent Brand at CVS or Stop & Shop. Those help me sleep the best as well.

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CVS in the southern longer has access to the TORRENT brand of Zolpidem Tartrate has been replaced with a crappy Mylan Brand....round and lavender in sucks.....Torrent was the better of any zolidem tartrate I've taken in the past.

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I'm in Florida and I cannot find the torrent ambien at any pharmacy. Do you know a store that carries them here? Thank you.

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There is something very wrong with Torrent Zolpidem 10MG tablets.

I have taken several other generic brands.

The last two months I was given Torrent generic Ambien Zolpidem 10MG

I have never written on a forum such as this but felt compelled to after experiencing total and complete lack of efficacy potency - but also a FDA WARNING LETTER sent to Torrent

Here is a link to the Warning letter:

After reading it, it was difficult for me to envision why the FDA did not immediately shut Torrent down.

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Re: tiny bubbles (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

I think Torrent manufacturer of Zolpiem a lot of people are getting fake pills with no medicine at all in them.

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I have been extremely satisfied with the Torrent zolpidem tartrate 10 mg....oblong peach in color.....but my local cvs pharmacy can no longer get them....they have replaced by a lavender colored pill manufactured by Mylan....the Mylan brand is not worth the drive to the drug store to pick up. The Mylan brand Zolpidem Tartrate is worthless.

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CVS carries Ambien by Torrent. It is far better than the ones by other companies.

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Qualitest (a Endo USA owned company does not make Zolpidem 10mg anymore , PAR makes 12.5mg ER ) They were the best generic in the usa you can get but no more :(

Torrent is from India and there junk worthless .

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Re: Roy (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

I encourage anyone who who has experienced horrible effects (actually, a lack of any effect) from Torrent to submit a complaint on the FDA.GOV web page.

It only takes about five minutes, and they don’t call you (ie no harassment).

If there are some questions you do not know, simply google it.

For example, lot number and other questions.

Torrent has already received 2 Warning Letters from the FDA.

A warning letter is a big deal.

It just takes five minutes. Maybe you can help. I did and I encourage those dissatisfied to do the same!

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Re: Joanie (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

I think they are describing this accurately. Torrent did work for a while but the last few months it's like taking a placebo. There is nothing there that makes you even a tiny bit tired any longer.

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Having the same problem with these peach colored generics.

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