Topamax And Eye Twitching (Top voted first)
UpdatedHi, I have been using Topamax for depression for 12 months and must admit that it has been very sucessful. The one major draw back is that I have developed a very annoying eye twitch. It only affects one eye, but is very noticeable. I was taking 100 mg twice a day, but have decreased it to 100 mg daily. The twitch has decreased somewhat, and I realize that I now have to come off this drug completely to get rid of the twitch entirely.
Has anyone else experienced this problem. I read 1 other reader, but are there more?
Hey guys I take Topamax and I had a weird twitching in my cheek just below my eye and I read online that it could be a vitamin deficiency. Either in magnesium, or potassium and so I started eating bananas and taking Potassium Gluconate 550 mg and Calcium Magnesium Zinc combo made with D3 (vitamin D) (so basically it a has vitamin D in it also 200 i.u.'s of Vitamin D, Calcium is 333 mg's and Magnesium is 133 mg and Zinc is 5mg's all in one pill) and I started taking a Hair and Nail vitamin just a basic one by Spring Valley, the other two Potassium Gluconate and the Calcium Magnesium Zinc combo pill are both from Nature Made. Then I added something that sounds really weird and stupid, but its a Skin Renewal Age Defying formula vitamin that has pro collagen vitamin D and others in it, and it's made by Rejuvicare. I think the Kardashian's endorse it.....big whoop!!!! LOL Anyway my twitching stopped in three days!!!! I have to say I would swear by this at this point because my twitching had been going for 2 weeks straight NON STOP. Just like a heartbeat. Crazy!! Try it guys it certainly can't hurt!!!! If you try nothing else, I would try the Potassium and or Vitamin D first and in that order. Or eat bananas. Seriously!!
I too have the "twitchy eye" it's driving me nuts! I do not want to stop taking the Topamax because it has been a godsend for my migraines. Has anyone had labwork to have their potassium levels checked since the eye twitch started? I am supposed to have mine checked next month but I may have completely lost my mind from the twitching by then......
The generic toprimate is NOT the same. when I use the generic I break out in a terrible rash! So I have to use the brand name topamax! And yes I get eye twitches , only in my left eye! drives me insane! I am like everyone.. i want it to go away .. but nee the meds! the doctors don't believe its the meds either!!! why don't they believe us??
Sorry it took so long to reply. I had the same problem with Topamax which I use for epilepsy. It is the coating of the 100 mg for me. The 50 mg does not cause this on me, so I take 2/50 mg tablets instead. Ever heard of Topamax causing gout?
I have been taking Topamax for 10 years, 400mg a day generic or non. I have experienced different side effects over time most have faded or come and gone. The benefits out-way the minor annoyances mostly.....About 2 weeks ago my crazy doctor decided to not call in my script and I was out off pills for a week. ( she wanted me to try a new medicine, why when Topomax has been working for 10 years!) Finally saw another doctor who realized how dangerous that was and i am back on my medicine, but now my right eye won't stop twitching!!!!!! So aggravated!!!!!!
I have also noticed a twitchy eye only on the left eye. I didn't develop this until I started on topemax. I didn't think it was possible until I read your story. I don't take it on the weekends and the twitch is light but when I take it regularly throughout the week it twitches all day! It is so annoying!
WOW! I have had this left eye twitching going on for months, and it's been driving me crazy!! I am stunned to make the connection now to when my Topamax dosage was increased. This is frightening. I will begin to wean my dosage tonight! Thank you all for your input.
I've taken Topamax on and off for several years. I can't take the generic because it creates an eye twitch that could become permanent. (So says the doctor) I've never heard of it being the coating, but it is different from the brand name (yellow, not white). Since I don't have insurance I tried to get it via a Canadian pharmacy, only their "brand name" Topamax is simply the US version of a generic. I was told by the Canadian pharmacy that because it was manufactured outside the US it had to be coated differently, and the ingredients may be slightly different (as in, what you would find with a generic) Bottom line being, brand name US = no side effects, but "brand name" Canadian = eye twitch.
I called every reputable (yes, EVERY) Canadian pharmacy that sells to the US and they sell the "same" Topamax. (Manufactured by Janssen-Cilag, not Ortho-McNeil Neurologics)
I do get numbness from the generic, as well as foggy brained. Not so much from the US brand name. I'm not sure what the solution is for anyone, just thought I would put what I've found out there.
Despite being told the generic is EXACTLY the same and works EXACTLY the same way ..... not exactly. I don't know if it's the delivery system, the coating, or whatever. All I know is my body chemistry knows the generic when I take it. It is what it is.
Hope this helps.
Yep, just tried starting the Topomax (Topiramate) again for the 3rd time. Wanted to see if the twitching in my left eye would occur. And it did!!! After the first 50mg tablet!!! Crazy...I cannot handle the twitching. And the medicine is a godsend for my migraines. This totally sucks!!
As a followup to my post a few days ago.. I reduced my Topamax dosage from 100mg/day to 50mg/day. My incessant left eye twitching has STOPPED. It ceased as quickly as the very next morning after I reduced the dose!
I have been taking Topamax (Toprimate) for almost 4 years now. I recently developed a twitch in my left eye and it is driving me crazy. On a whim I googled this topic and could not believe the info I found. I only take 100mg a day. I think it is time I try to go without this medication. I also have other side effects, dry mouth, foggy mind and my hair is ruined. I also think the generic form is worse than the "good stuff." Good luck to all my fellow migraine sufferers.
Following up to my earlier posts, my neurologist confirmed that Topamax can indeed cause the eye twitching. However, she said it is not dangerous, just annoying. She recommended that I divide the dose in half each day. That has helped.
Hello my daughter has been on topamax since June and has experienced a lot of twitching in the eyes usually one at a time. Gets is usually in the upper lid area, I have been searching for an answer as to why this is happening but haven't gotten a straight out answer yet.. She has other problems to, so I'm not sure how to relate these symptoms yet..
I would like to post an update to my October post. I have cut the lowest dose in half. I'm still getting the eye twitch on the 12.5 mg a day but not as bad. I have not had a headache in almost 3 months. It is so worth the trade off.
Yes, the coatins on pills and the inactive ingredients can have an effect on your body and how it reacts to taking it, just as much as the drug itself can.
I have recently come off of Topamax and the twitch has gone away completely!! What a relief. My GP also wanted to send me for a CAT scan, which I did not do because I KNEW it was the meds!...So there you go! Thanks to everyone who has responded!
I was been on 400mg for about 8-9 years for migraines (the most I've ever heard), another doctor reduced my dosage last year to 350 because my memory is pretty shot and I'm concerned. About 6 months ago, my left eye started twitching. I received Botox in my lid, it lasted 3 months and the twitch is back. I'm just now realizing it's the meds. I need to cut back more...or maybe all the way. I read last night that many people have gone blind from this drug. I'm getting nervous the more I learn.
Yes. I had to quit taking Topomax completely because of the eye twitch...just in my left eye. SO ANNOYING. Great drug but an awful side effect:(
Hi, I know this is an old post but are you stil using Topamax and are you still getting the eye twictch. I've only been taking it for one month for migraine. The first week was 25 mg and that was fine just a little tingle in feet nothing too bad then 50 mg at night before bed. The tingle in my feet has got a little worse but about an hour after I take it my left bottom eye lid twitches. It's not painful just irritating but then I fall asleep and forget about it. It's still there when I get up and I've worked out it stays for about 12-14 hours after I've taken it. I've started taking it about 6 p.m with my evening meal and the eye twitch doesn't start till I go to bed about 10.30. So I think maybe the problem with the whole eye twitching thing is don't take the Topamax or topiramate in my case on an empty stomach. As for helping my migraine it's only been a month and I've had to two 72hr episodes which cleared with zomig. I will keep taking the topiramate because I'm sure the side effect will subside like most people say they do.
I would like to read more good thing about this treatment from people but I suppose they are all off out enjoying thier new life's migraine free. That will be me one day.
After developing an eye twitch, I reduced the topirimate to 50mg taken at 4pm. Since then, the twitching has stopped. When the doctor tried putting it up by just 25mg, it started again, so it seems that at a minimal dose there isn't any twitching (at least that's the case with me, can't say if this works for others).
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