Topamax And Eye Twitching (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHi, I have been using Topamax for depression for 12 months and must admit that it has been very sucessful. The one major draw back is that I have developed a very annoying eye twitch. It only affects one eye, but is very noticeable. I was taking 100 mg twice a day, but have decreased it to 100 mg daily. The twitch has decreased somewhat, and I realize that I now have to come off this drug completely to get rid of the twitch entirely.
Has anyone else experienced this problem. I read 1 other reader, but are there more?
I have been taking Topamax now for about 3 weeks. I started out taking 25mg twice a day after seeing the LPN and then had a Spinal Tap and a follow up with my actual doctor. He said that dosage was pointless and raised it to 100mg/day. Since then I have developed an annoying twitch in my eyes that almost feels like electrical sparks going off in both eyes all day long. when I lay down to sleep I feel it in both eyes to the point tha tit makes it quite bothersome. I also really miss my sodas, but have delevoped an addiction to green tea. I am trying to get used to taking medicine, I have never had to take any meds before this at all and now I am on Topamax, Imitrex and Naproxen. I just hope the twitching either subsides a bit or I get used to it or it goes away. If not, I am going to have to have a word with my doctor. I am loving not having 3-4 migraines a week, but not sure if I can handle putting up with my eyeballs jittering about in my head all day every day either!
My eye twitch has stopped. I am still taking the same dose ( 100mg per day) but the twitching has stopped and doesn't bother me at all now. I do not have any side effects at all other than the vivid dreams. The numbness in my fingers has gone away and life is wonderful again.
I have been on Topamax now for a little over a year. I had the eye twitching for a little bit in the beginning and numbness in my fingers too. It all stopped and my migraines went from 3-4 a week to 6 in the last year total. I am very pleased with this drug and will stay on it as long as it continues to give me the relief I need. I am very happy that my doctor prescribed it.
Does anyone have all over twitches? Like I have literally for the past two weeks have had all over body twitches idk if it is from topirimate or something else. Kind of scared. Developed finger and toe tremors too. This was for weightloss.
I come from a genetically obese family, with my mother and sister being over 300 lbs. I used to eat so little I was afraid people would think I was anorexic, but it is what I had to do to not be unhealthy. I also used to have three-day migraines, lying in the bed in the dark unable to function. I have been on Topamax since 2005, and it has been a miracle drug for me. I can eat like a normal woman, and my migraines are controlled enough that most years I don't miss a single day of work due to them.
But two years ago I developed severe muscle twitches under my right eye, that would go on for an hour at a time. I am in a profession where people look right at my face, and these were very visible. then they started to spread around my face - the other eye, below my lips. I became very concerned that I had hemifacial spasm, in which the twitches get worse and then your face kind of freezes like that. I researched it, and found this herbal stuff called SPZM. I also made an appointment with my neurologist, which took a while to get. I also stopped chewing gum, tried to keep my face relaxed, and kicked the person who was causing me horrible stress totally out of my life. The twitches stopped completely (BTW, some people with actual hemifacial spasm report that when they move from a place with a lot of stress to a place where they are calm, their twitches stop). I saw my neurologist, and he did an MRI. Hemifacial spasm is caused by swollen blood vessels at the base of the brain, and I don't have those. He told me to stop taking the SPZM, but by that time I had noticed that the major thing in it is magnesium, and read that lack of magnesium causes muscle twitches. When I stopped taking SPZM, the twitches came back, but I take magnesium taurate (good for the heart) and magnesium threonate (good for mental clarity) and the twitches are much less.
I was still afraid that maybe I had MS or some dread disease, so reading that the twitches are a side effect of the Topamax is actually a HUGE relief. I can stand the little twitches I have now a whole lot better than a three-day-long migraine, and I am afraid that if I ever go off Topamax I will balloon up to 300 lbs like my relatives.
I just stopped it and now I have eye twitch in right eye like a flutter that comes and goes.
Yes it happens in one eye, then the other eye, and sometimes my chin.
Since my last post I switched to taking the 100 mg at night, which has helped me 2 folds. One with the annoying twitch and 2 with the lapse in recall (not sure if that has affected anyone). My pharmacist dispensed my last script in 25mg dosage, as they do not dispense it in 50 mg (here in Canada or only at my pharmacist I'm not sure). I still have the twitch so I guess they coat the tablets the same for 100 as they do 25s....... Not sure what to do now as I do not want to come off this medication. It is working too well.
thanks for the reply.
When I was taking Topmax for my Bi-Polar and PTSD I begain at 300MG and I too had the 1 eye Twitch from Beyond! Nobody would acknowledge it was the MED! SO after a BRAIN SCAN etc. I had to Force my Mental Health Dr. to LOWER my Meds to 100mg. Since then I Rarely get the Twitches or Muscle Spasms any more..
I started taking Topimax a few days ago and my right eye has been twitching ever since the first night I started taking it. I have to take the pill once a day for the first week then twice a day after that.... I'm afraid the twitching will get worse but I'm taking this for migraines. So far its not helping them but I'm willing to give it a shot just to see if this medicine works. Should I tell my dr about the twitching? Either way I'm miserable! Help!
I would definitely let your doctor know about the eye twitching. Topamax has worked wonders for my migraines. My doctor had never heard of eye twitching as a side effect, but did not dismiss it. He lowered my daily dose and it has helped. I only get twitches once in awhile now and the headaches are still in good control. Talk to your doctor.c
i am on 300 mg a day and i have started to notice that my lips are twitching (yes i know that this sounds weird) but its starting to annoy and freak me out so much that im about to just throw the towl in.
I,too, get the left eye twitch and it's quite pronounced however I only take 25 mgs bid...a low dose for migraines...I used to be on 100 mgs. a day when I had a seizure under nitrous oxide sedation @ the dentist. Petite Mal right in the chair. The Topamax helped but this eye thing is driving me nuts!!
I have been taking topamax for about 2 years 100mg and have twitch in one eye. Any ideas how to get rid of it?
I have been taking topamax(generic topirmate(sp?)was fine til the increase in August since then I have had under both my eyes a steady twitching.I have mentioned it to the Dr. the last couple days I haven't had the meds. in me and the twitching has stopped the first time since Very begin of August (Ran out and need to get more I take them for Migraines and Simple partial seizures take 200 mg in the am and 200 mg at bedtime)So I def feel it is the meds but I do need the pills Because they have been helping to some extent on the migraines.but I still suffer daily headaches
I woke up today with both eyes twitching and was a little concerned, but now I feel much better knowing this may be the side effect of the medication. I have terrible headaches and this medications is working :) I hope the twitching goes away soon.
I have been taking the 50 mg twice a day for years for my migraines. When I miss a dose my left eye twitches...I have been out for a week and my eye is twitching like crazy. When I take my pill I don't have the twitches...but when I don't they seem to surface.
I have a twitch above my left eye which occurs around 9 PM since I've been on topamax. Sometimes the twitch also occurs under my left eye, and rarely in my left cheek. It seems worse when I don't get enough sleep. Why is it the left eye only?
I tried reducing the does, did not work. Only way I got rid of it was to quit taking it.
I have experienced this twitch and tried adding Vit D and potassium to my diet and it did not work past 3 days. I reduced the dose and that did not work either, had to go off of it. No choice.
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