To Reduce Sugar Cravings


My therapist and psychiatrist worked together to prescribe the most effective treatment for my anxiety and alcohol abuse. I have been taking Zoloft for the past six years, and for the past two weeks I have been taking Topamax. I started with 50 mg at night the first week and increased to 100 mg at night the second week. I have been sober for 40 days, but my sugar cravings have not declined! I am eating bubble gum, Oreo cookies, candy ... mad sweets, sweets, sweets. Has anyone else had experience with this course of treatment with Topamax? How long does it take to kick in? Was it effective? Thoughts? Suggestions?

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Hello, Ricki! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having.

It may take about 4 to 6 weeks for the Topomax to reach its full level of effectiveness in your body to see if it's going to work for you. Its typical side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, nervousness, memory problems and loss of appetite.

It's actually being used, in some cases, for weight loss now and it has successfully helped many people.

Have you considered going with sugar free sweets, in the meantime, so you get the sugar taste, without the calories?

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Hope you are doing better i have cravings of sweets too but getting on a bipolar medicine helped my food cravings. Have lost fifty lbs since being on latuda. For the anxiety the best thing I have found is Buspar if you are still having issues with that.

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