To Many Side Affects


MY son, cousins and I were started on this medication from the cardiologists and primary doctors. We both had awful side affects with this medication. Each time when telling the doctors of the side effects the doctors wanted to continue to prescribe this medication. Extremely fatique, diarrhea, terrible chest pain, shortness of breath, excessive abdominal swelling, ecessive water retention, edema. Constant pain from legs and ankles swollen so bad that causes pain all the time making it almost impossible to stand, sit or walk.
Why is it that the doctors are still recommended this medication?

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Hi Leroy,

I completely agree with you that doctor's shouldn't be recommending things with so many adverse effects. To them it seems to be all about the money and not the patient's well-being.

Many doctors these days are bound to the consent of insurance companies, because that's where they get a good chunk of their money from. If they don't recommend what medications the insurance company offers, then they probably loose out on pay or compensation.

This is just my theory based on research, as I don't know the full scoop on every detail that goes on behind the scenes; but if it weren't for insurance companies I truly believe doctors would be a lot more grounded and honest with their patients.

Have you considered trying any natural alternatives?

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He Leroy, I switched from Bystolic to metoprolol because the side effects were detrimental to my well being. I went to the ER three times since starting this medication with heart arrythmias, dizziness and extreme anxiety. When I told my doctor about my anxiety he wanted to put me on an anti-depressant as well as the Bystolic. I knew the Bystolic was not working for me, but he refused to listen. In the first 2 days of the drug I went to the ER because I thought I was having a stroke from BP because my brain felt so weird, and like it was on fire. I could even feel it in my brain stem. The whole experience lasted 2 months and it was a living nightmare. I switched to metoprolol 2 weeks ago and am starting to get me life back. The anxiety is GONE, and the heart symptoms are normalizing. I agree, doctors should not be so stuck on the decisions they make when patients are reporting unacceptable side effects. In my opinion, Bystolic is an evil chemical that should be avoided at all costs.

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