Teva Vs Actavis Clonazepam (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have taken Clonazepam for a number of years. It has always been the Actavis product. On my last prescription refill, the pharmacist arbitrarily switched me to the Teva product. Is this a problem? Which, if either, is the better product? Is there a product better than either one of these 2 mentioned above?
This can happen from time to time as manufacturers change their production schedules around, etc. It is hard to say which is the better product because technically the same generic product from multiple manufacturers contains the same active ingredient(s). That said, some people do experience slightly different effects from a product coming from a new manufacturer. What has been your experience so far? Does anybody else have an opinion of the Clonazepam from Teva? Please keep me posted....
Have taken clonazepam for years, I have liked Teva the best and still do. I tried the brand name and did not like it.
Re: Kpin (# 6)
You are actually the first person that I have ever seen say this - most people feel the opposite way. I know that the Accord pills that you’re referring to are like a placebo to me and act do absolutely nothing. I can literally take more than I should and it does nothing but everybody’s chemistry is different. Teva works amazingly for me I can’t tell you the amount of difference between the two pills for me. I cannot understand how anyone can take those a quarter pills (no offense to you). I mean it’s just a pill and that’s whatever works for you that’s what you should take but if you read so many of the comments on here you’ll see for yourself that many people feel the opposite of what you’re saying about Accord. In my opinion and many others is that it’s like a placebo I can literally take a handful of them if I wanted to and it’s like taking candy. It’s nothing and it sucks. They’re from India and I don’t know it’s like they don’t put the stuff in it that it makes the medicine work. Glad it works for you but Teva is the way to go for many of us fight to get it back the same way or formula I should say that it used to be because they did take it off the market. Am I opinion any other generic form of Klonopin is better than accord accord is nothing you might as well not take it in my opinion but yet no disrespect it’s my opinion alone that I’m stating here but like I said if you read the comments you’re like the only one that I’ve seen that says a quart is amazing. Best wishes to you.
Teva has a generally good reputation as one of the better generic manufacturers. I recently switched from Teva to Actav Clonazepam and can't say I notice any difference in efficacy, but I split a 1 mg. pill in half and where the Teva pills split cleanly and evenly by hand, the Actav pills are difficult EVEN WITH A PILL SPLITTER! I asked my doc to write my script for 0.5 mg pills, so problem solved, but I would still prefer Teva if available...
Re: No generics (# 3)
Teva is white, green and orange 2,1, .5 mg - I take the 1 and 2 mg pills,they work great for me, apparently not so well for others.
Re: Roy (# 1)
I was taking Teva and then the pharmacy didn't have it so they gave me Accord that did NOTHING for me. I went back to the pharmacy and they gave me Teva to my surprise. Teva is now being manufactured. There for a while they ran low so that's why Accord was substitued. So happy Teva is back. It Bellmore for my anxiety and insomnia. Now the doc told me I've been o. them and he can't prescribe that for me anymore so I'm going to take it less than what's prescribed so it'll hold me over until I can find someone to prescribe it for me. I hope this helps you. Now that Tiva is back in business hopefully you can find a pharmacy that is now carrying Teva
Re: Stirfry (# 8)
I made a petition, maybe we can get it back. All other brands make me sick and I'm going to lose my job.
Actavis was bought by Teva in Aug 2016. That is what I found googling actavis.
Re: Deenie (# 14)
I am from upstate New York where I get my prescriptions from the grocery store called Wegmans. All I had to do was go to the pharmacist and explain to him that I cannot tolerate the accord brand for the clonazepam and they do have Teva 2 mg available again the same formula it was re-introduced because on P and so many people were complaining about it and you should be able to get it filled. If you’re having so much trouble you can also ask your doctor to write a note saying that he wants you to have a certain brand and to specify the brand that you would like. You do not have to go with whatever they have they might have to special order for you and they may not have it right away when you go there so what I do is every month I call about three days before my prescription is due to make sure that they are going to have my Teva brand clonazepam they’re therefore I can get it on the day that it is due was no problems because they will buy the cheapest that is available and that they can get and that seems to be this accord brand and it’s like a placebo it does nothing nothing at all I could literally take the whole bottle probably and would not Even feel anything. Not that I actually would do something like that but I’m dead serious that accord is terrible and should really not even be on in my opinion the market at all is useless in my opinion and it seems to be that way and quite a few of other peoples opinions to so I know I’m not the only one. Most pharmacies that will work with you if yours isn’t willing to then maybe you should switch pharmacies or like I said tell your doctor to tell what you’re going through and have him say that brand that you want they will and have to follow through with that if you’re having problems trust me I know I went through it.
Re: Deenie (# 13)
They were going to discontinue and they did the Teva brand at one point but so many people complained that they brought it back the same way and same ingredients at me and I should say that they had and the old Teva so it is available. You have to ask the pharmacy to order it for you specially so you would have to call a few days early before it’s due to make sure that it’s there because they’re going to get the cheapest brand that they get the deals on and then finding that it’s a cord around where I live in New York area. I have no issues Just asking my pharmacist to help me but if you are pharmacy is giving you a hard time you can also go ask your doctor and explain to him your concerns and he should be able to tell them or write it in your file when he sends the Scripps over to the pharmacy not to fill it or to fill it I mean as a brand-name that you would like and Teva is available it’s on the market that’s a rumor it was discontinued and it is now back we won.
Re: Sue (# 12)
I see all these posts on here and I just don’t understand it because I am located in upstate New York and they have every brand Oakland A’s of him available you might not be able to get it was our special ordering it so you would have to call like three days ahead of time to make sure they’re going to have their brand that you want but the pharmacy I go to is through Wegmans it’s a local supermarket that’s huge here and my area and they were kindly with me and they give me the Teva brand that’s what I prefer I like that and they have activist because I also would take those two I actually just picked up my script yesterday for active us 2 mg tablets so I’m not sure where you’re located but Active us is available because I have them from a pharmacy that I just got.
Re: Briards (# 15)
I am also having trouble with the .5mg Teva’s. They don’t seem to be consistent. I am having withdrawal symptoms. It seems like each batch is different. I was wondering what kind of symptoms you are having?
This is the new Teva. I never had any trouble with the old.
Thank you.
I woullld like to know what are the side effet will happen?
Re: Roy (# 1)
actually technically not,nor legally. FDA allowed for +/- 24% of active ingredient in generics.
I have Actavis clonazepam Thor numerous here. And all the sudden I can't get it anywhere. Some are saying that they are not making any more. I know Teva had bought Actavis out. Now Teva's brand is on the market along with other ones and I'm having trouble finding one that will not give me bad reactions. TEVA brand does the total opposite of what it's supposed to do. It causes my heart to race so bad it feels like it's going to pop out of my chest. I don't have a history of heart disease. It doesn't calm me down at all. Can someone tell me if Actavis will be manufactured again?
Need a pharmacy in Orlando that provides Actavis/TEVA clonazepam. I know TEVA rumor of discontinuing production but some people can still get it. And where can you get ACTAVIS brand .5 Clonazepam? Also, who sells BARR Labs Clonazepam? The strengths might make weening easier. Have allergy to ingredients in Accord and others.
Re: Sue (# 12)
Thank you for Responding Sue. I called Teva today. They confirmed that Actavis was purchased by them but they stopped production of Actavis while supplying wholesalers with the remaining inventory. So some pharmacies could get Actavis/TEVA until recently; now, they are producing a .5 mg TEVA tablet (yellow)... in case that is the one you’re getting that is causing you such trouble. Unless enough people make them aware of the problems it is causing, they will have no reason to reproduce the Actavis .5 mg. There is a difference in the ingedients (2 different items that were not in Actavis. If this helps you, 2 mg. Actavis are still available to the wholesalers that contract with drug stores. But they stopped all other Actavis. Try to hang in there. I am dealing with same issue. It is scary & dangerous. These fillers cause allergies. I can’t breath from the Accord .5 mg. So need to try the new TEVA you are having trouble with. I think there should be exceptions made for patients being forced the change as when faced with a new allergy, the drug stores refuse to change the prescription for a month. We are being forced to live with allergies caused by inactive ingedients and to take an antihistamine along with a depressant drug. Not safe.
Re: Deenie (# 14)
I am having problems with the .5 yellow Teva. What brand should I try? Are the 1mg Teva effective?
Thank you.
Re: Stirfry (# 8)
Your doctor is not very professional if he says that he can just stop giving you a narcotic that will put you with and severe with drawls if you just stop having them. Why would your Doctor No longer prescribe you this medication out of nowhere when you’ve been on it? That makes no sense and it’s very unfair and just not right and it sounds to me that he doesn’t understand the side effects that people go through when they are just taking off of these kind of medication‘s he should be weaning you off of it if he feels that way so strongly and yes I suggest you personally get a new doctor what a jerk. Good luck to you.
Yes this can be a serious problem. I have taken the teva and the variations of +- 20% is far too dangerous with long acting benzos. I would ask the doctor to request the same brand.
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