Teva No Longer Manufacturers Clonazepam (Page 6)
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Teva No Longer Manufacturers Clonazepam, and I personally feel it is a good thing.

Teva, in my opinion, is a low-quality company who actually manufacturers 70% of their products overseas, in cities and communities I don't think you would want to live in.

I find the change-over, in terms of most of my medications, including clonazapam 2mh hs to be more effective than before.

There are, of course, individual differences, but this is how it is for me personally.

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Do you think Teva will bring back Clonazepam......Have been taking it for nine years...I have a problem with generics, but never had a problem with the Teva brand...I only take a half of a mg. twice a day.......

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Activis is probably the closest thing to TEVA brand.

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Re: skipper (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Are you saying the Actavis is better than Teva? I've been taking Teva for over 10 years and was told by my pharmacy that they cannot order it. Kind of freaking out.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

From my pharmacy, as then confirmed by web research.

You are being given tabs still available.

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Re: skipper (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Are you saying the Activis is much better than TEVA brand? I am almost out of TEVA and am looking for other generic that is same or better than TEVA
Thank you

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Re: Eric (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

TEVA aquired ACTIVIS and are no longer making their own TEVA brand of clonazepam. My CVS switched to the Mylan for a week and then back to TEVA and now that they have run out they are Using the ACTIVIS and much better

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

my pharmacy last week told me TEVA stopped with production of cloneazepam. I am not sure I have a good or better replacement. I'd like to know which one is closest and best.

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I just spoke with TEVA and was told they have discontinued making Clonazepam?!? I have been on this specific generic for over 10 years. I tried Mylan brand and it was awful!! I take this for anxiety and panic attacks. What are my other options?

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Is there any way to get TEVA brand clonazepam anymore? If so, how?

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I work in a pharmacy and our wholesaler has all strengths as being pulled. Note says manufacturers have discontinued this product. Only the dispersible tablets are available to order.

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Re: Ed (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I have checked all pharmacies in my area. Everyone has switched to the blue 1mg pill. After looking at both brands the blue pill is a cheaper brand a totally different make up with less ingredients.

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I'm a mess without being on clonazepam.......what is the equivalent replacement?

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I couldn't get Teva the past two weeks and I'm trying to adjust to a different generic, not fun at all. The new generic doesn't work as well for me, I'm taking 3 or 4 times as much (a low dose of 1/4 mg/day to begin with) and it doesn't leave me as protected. Not happy. I hope Teva returns, I had no problems.

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They still make it. I am on it. I have been on the TEVA brand for years. I was on Carico at Walgreens and then they carried Mylan which never worked. Went into withdrawal. TEVA did quit making the 1mg for a while but they are back making it. I have been on the 2mg since 2010.

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From what I can see on their site, they still list it as being currently manufacturer. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability.

Where did you hear that they discontinued it? What company manufactures the ones you are receiving, now?

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