Teva No Longer Manufacturers Clonazepam (Page 5)
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Teva No Longer Manufacturers Clonazepam, and I personally feel it is a good thing. Teva, in my opinion, is a low-quality company who actually manufacturers 70% of their products overseas, in cities and communities I don't think you would want to live in. I find the change-over, in terms of most of my medications, including clonazapam 2mh hs to be more effective than before. There are, of course, individual differences, but this is how it is for me personally. Would anyone else care to comment?

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Ok I'm really upset with clonazepam generics. Doesn't Teva get the hint to keep making at least the famous 1 MG pill. Ok first TEVA the good ol green one's ARE DEAD, there were close to the K Roche that all should probably get. All though with insurance 60 1 Mg price was over 200 bucks a month. Cause there is too many generics and they all suck. That's why they are 1 bucks to fill... My doctor and pharmacist have so much to do with complains non stop work and patients. 10 percent they are paying attention. Now with Teva until YESTERDAY. I swore I thought Teva stopped making the green pills which it seems like they're gone. And they bought Actavis. Which I figured oh there's hope. So the yellow 1 MG R 32 were under the Teva brand and I thought they were replacing there green 1 MG which would worked with these Yellow Actavis. Today I see there's a company called Purepac which also makes the exact same pill and they are apparently Actavis. I bought these at a Wegmans. I was upset I special ordered a last 500 bottle of Green Teva's but there not for me NO there for anybody. Makes no SENSE WHAT SO EVER. That bottle should of had my name written on it. Cause the 500 pills lasted two refills of 120 pills total where did the rest go??? They're gone and couldn't get another bottle. This battle with Teva Greens have been going on for a year. So I'm on the Actavis for the first time and they are mild I think I don't know. And on the bottle it didn't say Actavis or Teva it said PurePac. What the hell is a Purepac??? So now I'm mad this has been happening with multiple pharmacies. I want that K Roche brand with a medical excuse for the insurance to just over ride the generics the hell with em. and have my insurance pay for the damn real versions. Cause Teva isn't coming back... Here is what they have instead. They bought Actavis ( Ok so Teva has replaced their great Greens with Yellows that I read everyone hates. Should of did my freaking homework. They looked good they were pretty easy to break... So the new Teva Actavis replacement is bad what generic beside the brand which I'm going to get aggressive with these people who just don't care. Wegmans had NorthStar and Solco and Sandoz and Accord which I tried and sucked big. SO I DON'T KNOW... ROCHE no more Teva go back to Roche with a medical excuse it will probably work with insurance. So more crap about generics. Signing off.

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Re: dubskii (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

Don’t know if they work the same as they don’t have povidone in them. Just letting people know that people can buy Teva branded klonopin. I just got a wafer script and had them filled with the Par brand because nobody had them in stock. Walgreens told me they could order them and have them the next day but hurricane Florence was coming through so I just got the Par they had in stock. They are much much better than any other pill and possibly better than the Teva brand. They kick in fast and require no water.

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Re: GSH (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

Hey there this is the best news I have heard all year. So the teva wafers work the same as the regular teva tablets? I looked at the inactive ingredients and the wafers didn't have providone like the regular ones. I have tried Brand K, accord and actavis and none have worked so far, I had been on teva for 8 years w no problems. I really hope the teva wafers work the same, let me know what you think when you try them. Thanks

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Re: Dystonia patient (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

well I take tell you right now it ain't even close. I have two bottle of the new release Actavis and its terrible. No where near Teva. Teva still makes the klonopin wafers, I just got mine filled. Go that route.

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HIGHLY disagree. Two Teva Rxs have been my seizure disorder brand for many years. And I'd accept no other. They stopped making Gabapentin so PRESENTLY take Cipla brand. They no longer make clonazepam, and it's a nightmare for lots of us. Praying Actavis, who they sold out to, has the same formula.

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Re: Matt (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

The NorthStar clonazepam is the old Sandoz pill. Not sure if the ingredients are the same but I looked it up and it says it is manufactured by Sandoz for NS. They must have bought the rights for it. Teva is one of the largest generic manufacturers so no the .5s will not be back but the 1.0 mg which I’m currently taking is on back order says Teva. I called yesterday and they said it’d be back in stock the 1st of Sept. Don’t know if I believe her but she gave me the sku number that it could be ordered from by a pharmacy

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Re: GSH (# 28) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks man, I don’t see my pdoc until mid September so I’m going to try Actavis. From what I’ve been reading it seems to be the second choice as far as generics, people mostly say to stay away from Mylan and Accord. I can attest that the accord are no good for me. I know I’ve had Mylan b4 cuz I recognize the M but I don’t recall it. It’s weird with this Northstar brand, the pill is actually labeled as Sandoz if I punch the # on the pill online. But from what I understand Sandoz hasn’t been around for a long time. Is it possible that another generic company could possibly have bought the Teva formula and will continue manufacturing their old formula? All I know is I was sweating all night and had super fragmented sleep which hasn’t happened in 12 years, it’s like I’m going through withdrawals. Hopefully the Actavis works otherwise I gotta try Klonopin.

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Re: Matt (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

No, the brand name doesn’t even have Povidone in it but I’m sure it has the exact amount of Clonazepam in it that it’s suppose to have. Teva from what I’ve read and seen on their site still produces their version of Clonazepam in the 1mg tablets. Whether you can actually get it or how long it will be around is questionable. If someone could give some input on receiving the 1mg version recently would be appreciated. I take .5 mgs nightly but I had some green 1mg Tevas leftover from a year ago. I cut one in half and took it last night. It was amazing the feeling it gave me this morning when I woke up with no anxiety and total calmness. I hope they keep making the 1mg so I can get a script for those and keep cutting those in half.

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Re: GSH (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been scouring the Internet now to find another generic manufacturer with Povidone in it. I’ve been unsuccessful, your comment makes sense, the Northstar brand helps on a day to day basis but I don’t feel a base level like I did with Teva, the Teva brand felt like it created a shield for anxiety. I never realized how much it helped with manic episodes until now, I’ve been a seesaw lately, getting really angry with road rage somedays and elation on other days. It’s during these elation periods that I believe the drug is working so on my most recent refill a few days ago I requested the Northstar brand again, I’m regretting it now because I’ve been sleeping about an hour less than usual which is bad for me cuz consistent sleep keeps me balanced along with my meds. I’m considering asking my doc for name brand, does the name brand Klonopin have povidone? I just hope Medicaid/Medicare will cover it, I feel bad though cuz I’m the type of person who tries to be responsible with keeping the price of healthcare down and Kpins are expensive. I’d honestly like to know if Teva sold the patent to another company and try to go with them. This sucks, I’ve been doing well for the last 7 years and ever since the change I’ve been flip flopping with my mood. Thanks for the info on povidone, I have an undergraduate degree in behavioral neuroscience with a decent grasp on psychopharmacology but when it comes to straight pharmacology my education is lacking.

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Re: Amsterdameric (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

The brand name is just as bad as some of the generics. Works ok for anxiety but leaves you/me depressed and in a fog at .5mgs

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Re: Eric (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Demand the brand name klonopin from your doctor and insurance.

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Re: Skipper (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

According to all the problematics reported here, you must be kidding.

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Re: Matt (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

and everyone else...

The reason the Teva brand clonazepam worked so well is because it contained the ingredient povidone which basically makes the pill an extended release version of klonopin. No other manufacture includes this in their clonazepam generic. If you notice like I did when you took the Teva brand it didn't make you tired like all the other generic brands do. That's because the release of the Teva brand is slow and controlled over time rather then just being dumped in your system at full strength all at once. Overall, reproducible and pH independent sustained drug release rates could be achieved successfully by incorporating this new polyvinylacetate povidone based polymer excipient in matrix tablet dosage forms.

Here is cut and paste proof from a study of povidone in sustaining the release of the drug:

"Overall, reproducible and pH independent sustained drug release rates could be achieved successfully by incorporating this new povidone based polymer excipient in matrix tablet dosage forms."

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Re: Who Dat (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Go to your local Walmart sir...i found one 10 miles away that have a 1000 count bottle of .05s You have to ask especially for it but they have it there. I plan on getting all I can from there.

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Re: Skipper (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

No, Actavis's drug is it's own. Teva bought Actavis, but the pill is of a different origin amd make up.

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Teva was caught bribing Russia and Mexico to get drugs into their countries, (India Times). 2 million$ fine, Teva has bought Actavis and quite a few other "generics", mind you distributed and manufactured are 2 different things completely, Actavis, Apotex, and Accord are all manu. in India! Most generics show an american address, but, are manufactured in India. Remember Puerto Rico has had no power grid, so no more generics from there for awhile, I believe the few last generics from there were shipped to the U.S., but, do not get generics made in Mexico, heard there have been quality control issues. Lack of quality generic drug manufacturers is wreaking havoc on us all, as I take clonazapam and have one script filled with 3 different manufacturers, Walgreens did not have 30 of the same brand and ordered Mylan 2x's and warehouse sent Accord and another generic brand. It's getting bad folks.

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Re: Izzy (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Teva's is a generic for the brand, Klonopin. Ask for that, telling your doctor and insurance company, who already know or should, for the name brand, telling them none is effective.

Generics are cleared by FDA for +/- 24% of the active ingredient. So a change leaves nobody knowing how much you were getting and are now getting, and thus the change, along with the ingredients that make it a pill,which are different and interact with individuals differently.

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Re: Matt (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

You are having a bad reaction to the replacement. Ask for another manufacturer until you get it right.

Teva still apparently makes their 1 MG tablet,or there is still a significant unused supply which can be easily cut in 1/2.

I had the same experience.... within 5 days perseveration.

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I’ve been taking the Northstar brand for about 3 weeks since Teva stopped manufacturing them. Teva is in a lot of trouble right now financially, their stocks are dropping big time which makes me scared cuz I also take Teva Seroquel. The Northstar has taken some adjusting to, you won’t notice until about a week cuz it’s such a long lasting drug but I was finding myself getting really angry and depressed. I honestly think the Northstar May be a bit stronger than Teva because I’m not having anxiety just very gloomy depression which could be due to its depressant properties. I’m gonna stick with it and try to break the pills in a way that makes one half smaller than the other. I’m prescribed for .5x3 but only take 2.5 pills so I just toss the other half in another container, have like 100 half pills of various sizes. Northstar works, it’s actually the same pill that Sandoz manufactured years ago.

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Re: L (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I take Clonazepam and it was working very well and my Cvs changed manufactures to the One company that still distributes it. Why are they discontinued? Does this mean only brand is going to be available?
The recent one hasn’t worked for me at all. I don’t know what to do. Publix carries North Star but never heard of it.

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