Telma 80 Side Effects


I was taking telma 40 before due to b.p. problems and my doctor advised telma 80. Does it have any side effects?

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All medications carry the risk of causing side effects.

Telmisartan is most commonly used to control high blood pressure.

Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and headache.

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By changing from T40 to T80, I had problem of Loose motion, filling gas in intestines and every two hours passing motion. After changing over to T40 I am perfectly O K

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I was suffering from high BP. As per doctor, I am taking Telma 80H,Metpure XL25, stamlo 2.5 and minipress 5 along with other medicines.What precautions should I take?

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I am using telma 40 bd for four months but bp of upperside always 150 or 160 150/90 or 160/90 what is the reason? kindly help I am CKD patient

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i am a kidny patient:i use daily these medicines Telma 40mg, Nicardiaretard 20mg (2Nos once) D/N, Pantap 40mg, Meto ER 40mg, Becausels-Z, Prozopress XL 2.5,Acutrol C 400mg, Laretol 0.25mg,Moxovas 0.2mg,and ultracet these are uses daily. My question is , what type of precautions shall i take ? I AM NOT COMFIRSTABLE TO USE THESE ALL MEDICINE IF IT POSSIBLE THEN PLZ IT HAS TO BE REDUCE THEN I WILL BE HAPPY.

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i am taking telma 80h for the last 4 years earlier it was 40 but cough and allergy is frequently to me due this hearing also probem

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I am prescribed to take Telma H 80 along with Minipress 2.5 to control High BP, but still am feeling giddiness through out the day. Is it possible that The drug combination in Telma not suiting my body ?

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I am diabetic and for hypertension been prescribed telma 80 H along with amlodipine 5mg & metoprolol succinate 50mg. My B.P. IS 160/90. What precautions I SHOULD TAKE? For diabetes I am taking vildagliptin 50mg along with metformin 500mg, acarbose 50mg, & glimepiride 3mg BD

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I am using telma 40 from 15 days. I am getting headache. What shall i do ? Continue or discintinue. For two days i didnt take then i am perfect.

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I am a 35 years old woman with MDD. I am prescribed qui r ipne, talopres, nitcalm and mdd rx 100. In my suicidal bout i consumed 400 mg of telma once, and in 2 days took 1200mg of telma and again 1800 mg of telma in a week's time. I also consumed a bottle of MIT's linctus codein. However except for drowsinesswhen i took linctus codein, i have not experienced any other side effect except constipation and diaoreah one day. Will i have long term effect?

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My husband is 33 yrs n has hypertension n kedney stone. He was having telma40 n now he is having telma80 n amlip 10. Does these medicene has any side effect? Plz do reply he has become very unfit n get irritated all da time... N loose focus in everything. M really worried. Plz help.

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I started using Teltas 80-H from yesterday. I now feel back pain, loose stools, abdominal pains and mucus like feeling in the chest. Could this be the effect of Telmisartan 80 or choriothiozide 25 components?

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I am 53 I am using Losar-H,in the morning and stamlo 5mg in the evening. To relieve from anxiety doctor advised me telma 40 mg in place of stamlo5. is it sufficient to meet the problem.

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Using Telema 80mg
Having side effect of fast heart beat
While walking getting tired very soon

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I was taking telma-40 for many years. Now for the past week i've been taking telma-80 and am having frequent loose motion.
Is it because of the telma-80?

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Doctor advised me to take Telma-80 AM instead Tellzy 40. What are the side effects of Telma-80 AM?

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What is the difference between Telma AM H 80 and Repace H . My doctor has changed the medicine which I was taking since 4 yrs

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l have been on Telma am for the last 8 years and my bp remains more or less normal, however, due to raised serum creatine levels (0.83) my doctor has changed telma am to telma 80; otherwise it was going to be telma am with telmisartan 40 and amlodipine 5mg. I have not started yet and need a second opinion.

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I was taking telma 40 but recently doctor advised me to take telma 80.after that sometime I feel headache this is due to change of medicine ,please reply.

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