Taking Hydrocodone For Depression (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am wondering if anybody else out there has taken Hydrocodone and noticed that symptoms of depression are alleviated? I find that many of today's anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs come with unpleasant side effects, whereas while taking Hydrocodone they aren't there. The caveat to all of this is that yes, I know that Hydrocodone and opiates in general can be addictive. So long term use would result in withdrawal symptoms. I'm just wondering who else might agree with me on this?
I have been on zoloft for eleven years now...sometimes I feel like it doesn't work as it should. I suffered a herniated disk in my neck a year ago and ever since have been taking hydrocodone. It seems to be a good supplement to the zoloft as far as my depression goes.....
@ Donna . Most of us on this page, if you actually read our comments, are actually taking it for the right reason and depression relief is basically a side effect. As I stated in my original post, 5 days ago I had my 7th surgery in 18 months. Believe me when I tell you that I know pain. However, I also have a doctor who believes in treating the patient, as well as the disease. We are seeking relief NOT A PARTY! We are not the reason that patients in pain are having trouble getting their medication.
Yes! I have treatment resistant depression. I had a major depressive episode (disorder) that lasted 6 years, chronic, severe without remission. 6 YEARS! Accompanied by panic attacks 3-4 per day! I had agoraphobia (I wouldn't come out of my house and ran when people knocked). It was so bad they gave me 90 MG Adderall + 3mg xanax per day. No help.
I happen to have degenerative disk disease with facet arthropathy. My pain led me to treatment. The magic drug hydrocodone was given. I started at like 5mg 2x a day. Within months, I had energy again. I was happy! I could sleep at night and get up at sunrise. My panic attacks vanished! I started leaving my house! I started minimally socializing again. I thought "this is what normal people feel like!" I'm now 5 years into treatment. I recently witnessed something horrible that gave me ptsd. Low and behold, my pain management bumped me to percocets (oxy) 10mg 4x day. I still don't have depression. No panic attacks. I do have horrible nightmares, and a few other ptsd issues but my mental health is overall bearable. This also caused me to lose my desire to smoke or drink. I havent had a drink in 5 years or a cigarette in 3.5. I was put on disability it was so bad before the opiates. Yes, I am physically dependent, meaning I will withdraw if I suddenly stop. However, that is not an addict. An addict craves, takes more and more, etc. I never do. I take my dose at the appropriate intervals exactly as prescribed every day.
I understand there have been studies on this and they know the opiates work. There is evidence not all depressions are serotonin or norepinephrine related, but rather a defect in the endogenous opioid system in the brain.
I've been on everything...they were suggesting ECT! Then I was prescribed these. I DO NOT CARE that I am dependent. I can play with my kids. I answer the door and go in stores again! Unbelievable. I am a chronic pain sufferer so I must tow the line and not skip up, ever. So in short, I'd say it cured me.
I agree. I am on hydrocodone for pain issues but I find that it really allev iates my anxiety and depression. I don't like antidepressants. Too many side effects and weight gain. Anti- anxiety meds in the benzodiazepine family just make me stupid and really knock me on my add. Vicodin to me is a miracle drug. I only need to take it as prescribed and I feel great! Not only takes care of pain but depression, anxiety And social anxiety.
Opiates were prescribed for depression and many other ailments just a little under 100yrs ago....why they aren't now I have no idea. Once I reached 180mgs of Oxycodone a day, I was able to discontinue 6 other medications I had for various other conditions.of course now that pain doctors are cutting our meds...I'm sicker than ever and yes depressed as well. One of the reasons they help with depression is that Hydrocodone and Oxycodone are made from Thebaine. The ONLY NONNARCOTIC alkaloid of the Poppy and is in fact a STIMULANT! Also Oxycodone increases T levels in the Thyroid enhancing mood and creating a burst of energy. Also there is EDS Endogenous Deficiancy Syndrome. If you receive opiates at an early age you never produced enough opiate receptors and are low....most who are treatment resistant to antidepressants are really just low on natural opiates and require an external supply...good luck with that. I know this sounds sick but hopefully you need pain management and can find a good doctor to prescribe you opiates.. The way folks feel about medical marijuana and CBD/THC, is how I feel about opiates. They have many, many uses other than pain and now they are even extinguishing that use!
Have used hydrocodone for years. It eases post-mastectomy nerve damage, helps with a neck and back injury, and eases the depression I've lived with almost all my life. Have no idea why the doctors are so afraid of it since it doesn't have the nasty side-effects of the anti-depressants, and I've tried many, and I've never used more than two of the 5-325 dose hydrocodone tablets a day. By the way, I'm 80, and these pills are keeping me going. Yes, I have stopped using them at times and cut back to 1/2 a tablet at other times just to see if I can, but I feel much more stable when I take the prescribed dose.
My position is this, I've been suicidal more times than I can count, I've tried every anti-depressant out there, what does it matter if I become addicted to Vicodin or anything else if it will save my life?
Good information, Dawn! My daughter was overdosed on Cymbalta by a nurse practitioner when she was 26 and developed serotonin syndrome (google seratonin syndrome--it's a nightmare!) Anyway, as a result of this, she developed horrific anxiety and panic attacks, and was eventually diagnosed with PTSD. She discovered that she couldn't take ANY antidepressant/anti-anxiety meds; many give her serotonin syndrome and others give her seizures. Then she broke her arm and was given Percocet for the pain. While it didn't make her "high", she discovered that it did significantly decrease her anxiety to a tolerable level. She was also finally able to sleep. Obviously, even though she has now lived with crippling anxiety and panic attacks for 8 years and cannot take the "usual" meds for this, no doctor will use an opioid for an "off-label" purpose such as treating anxiety. And so she suffers, year after year, struggling to get through each day in terrible EMOTIONAL pain, not suicidal but still wishing she would die.. Even though her doctor knows all this and knows also that anti-anxiety meds like Xanax help only a little and only in very high doses, all the doc does is dole out Xanax at a level which doesn't touch my daughter's anxiety. This means the doctor can pat herself on the back for "treating" the anxiety while my daughter continues to suffer. Again, I believe the US medical profession needs to get over it's fear of opioids and use them as a valuable tool rather than treating suffering people all as drug abusers and addicts. It's easy to call for the elimination of oxycodone-based medications such as Percocet or Oxycontin (or any opioid) when you or your loved ones are either not suffering or have made a choice to deliberately misuse/abuse them. It's not so simple when you observe and/or experience the tremendous value they have in treating all kinds of pain in those who respect the pros and cons of such medications and use them appropriately.
I know they can be addictive but have taken them many times during my life (59 years) and have never experienced any addictive symptoms even after taking for extended periods after major surgery. I am extremely depressed and the antidepressants no longer seem to help. I recently got some lortab after hurting my back. I was amazed at the improvement in my mood and outlook. No problems with taking more than one per day. I am almost 60 years old. Why can't I get the lortab I need. Don't have that many years left. Would be nice if they were happy years.
Going through that as I type. Been on them for about five years. Wasnt addicted just dependant. I used them for anxiety and depression. While on them got a job which I've held for over 3yrs. Moved up into management and bought a car. I only allowed myself 3 a day max most days less. Decided I wanted to stop. 2 weeks today was my last one. But Im having extreme anxiety and depression. Dont know how long I can stay feeling this way. Seriously reconsidering my decision as they only made me feel normal nothing more. No crazy side effects. They only made me more productive. Is there light at the end of this tunnel ? How long can i expect to feel this way?
Your right...I've taken it for years for pain...and I wouldn't be alive today without it...it's saved me from depression and I even stopped taking the blood pressure medicine they were giving me... Now everyone's ( The News Media ) is vilifying this medicine from the actions of some people that have abused it by taking to much...and dieing.
I had no idea my post would stimulate this topic. My only intention was to verify that hydrocodone is an off label antidepressant and that it works for patients who otherwise had TRD (treatment resistant depression) and not to be used to get "high". For those of you new to conversation please read my story. I'm grateful for a doctor that takes their oath seriously. Please know that if you are taking hydrocodone to relieve depression then the dosage should always stay the same and that dose should be effective to combat depression. As I have said, I take 10mg hydrocodone 2x's a day for 4 years and break from it every 3 months for 1 week to verify that my chemical makeup has not changed. I do not have any withdrawal symptoms, not one. Unfortunately my depression returns within 3 days. I don't have feelings of euphoria or a "high". This really bothers me. Do not take this medication to get feelings of euphoria. You will hurt those of us that really need this medication whether it be for pain or depression. For those of us that legitimately use this medication for depression you do not need to increase our dose. I cannot speak for those that take the medication for pain. I feel pain on this medication. I had to have extensive work done on my jaw, bone grafts and such, and anyone who has ever had a broken jaw knows the pain. The maxillofacial surgeons who have worked on me are aware of my history and current medication. Hydrocodone is the only prescribed medication I take being I used to believe that diet and exercise could cure anything. I was wrong, again please refer to my earlier post. However I'm glad that I changed the way I think because now I take vitamins and herbal supplements and they work well too. If you have to increase your dose of hydrocodone to get relief from depression then maybe you don't have depression and something else like addiction, but I do not judge. Please read this study opioids.com/antidepressant/opiate.html
For those of us that use this medication for depression and do not abuse it (have taken the same dose for a year or more) let us speak up. I do not think that a stigma should prevent us from using this as an antidepressant especially for those of us that have TRD. Be well everyone and exercise!!!!!! I'm sure that we will be running into one another in the future if we speak up about this. It hurts me to think that people aren't getting the help they need because of drug abusers. For the record, I don't know what it is like to go thru opiate withdrawal but from what I have read the withdrawal from antidepressants and benzodiazepine is much worse. I cannot verify and I only know from my doctor and what I have read. I'm sure the psychological effects of any addiction and then withdrawal are a constant battle. This subject is obviously a controversy and this is when things go wrong. Let us look at this on an individual basis. Let us look at one another as people and not a group. Don't be afraid especially when a portion of the medical community is behind us. And for everyone on this board please do your research before you post. Know what you are talking about and if you have never had depression then please do not comment. For ME and only ME depression has been much worse than any bone graft from my jaw or hip (hip is worse) that I've had. I mean no disrespect to anyone who has chronic pain it's only that this discussion is support for depression and not pain. There are numerous online support groups for chronic pain that leads to depression. Let us not judge and make threats. This isn't a witch hunt it's support. Again, don't be afraid to speak up as we have a portion of the medical community that agree. Please read the study I have linked to and do your search. These studies may be hard to read because they are meant for the medical community and use language that is specific to their lexicon. I have a PhD in biology and I understand this lexicon but you will be able to understand the "meat" of these studies. If you have questions please feel free to contact me but it would be better to consult your physician. I study animals and although some are close biological relatives they can never replace human trials.
I am 67 and like you have suffered depression since the 70's. Takeda every antidepressant on the market and it lifts you in a tiny way. Hydrocodone is the only thing that rids my depression.My point...so what if you are addicted. No different than being addicted to food or sleep.
I feel you!!!! I found out extended release opiates cause the false drug panel readings, AND DRAIN YOUR ADRENALS causing HYPOTHYROIDISM!!! Nothing like being pinned to a sofa without meds on a beautiful day....they don't care about quality of life!!!
Cindhy, my heart goes out to you. I've read about people getting relief from morphine implants. They are implanted right near the nerves center that is causing the pain. Much less morphine is needed because it is absorbed directly by the nerves.
It is outrageous that you are forced to suffer due to inept politicians. Can you contact a legal aid attorney? Or, perhaps a non-profit advocacy group for pain management? I've even received help by writing to President Obama. His staff often try to help by making contact with Federal and state agencies.
While I love Florida and its natural beauty, they have a horrible record of restricting pain medication for patients who have a legitimate medical need. Several years ago, a man from N.J., who suffered from M.S., was actually prosecuted when he moved to Florida. He tried to fill a prescription from his pain management specialist, who practiced in New Jersey. Because he had built up a very high tolerance, he had to take large doses of opioids. When he tried to fill prescriptions from his pain management specialist, he was actually charged with attempting to distribute. The prosecutor could not understand why anyone would need such large doses. This patient was a 45 year old family man, with 2 daughters, in the terminal stages of M.S. Even a letter from a nationally renowned pain specialist, explaining the principles of tolerance, would not move this prosecutor. The patient refused a plea bargain because he had done nothing wrong. He received a 5 year prison sentence. Ironically, he found pain relief when the prison doctor implanted a morphine drip.
This story appeared in all the major newspapers and probably can be found with an internet search.
Unfortunately, this is not only Florida's problem. Every day, our country's citizen's are victimized because both political parties think it's more important to fight with each other than do their jobs: Serve their constituents.
im depressed im left in so much pain since all my meds were taking away. I cant even wash more than one dish at a time n have to go back to heating pad. Just talked on the phone for 4 min. pain so bad i have to lay down. So yes it would help greatly with depression
Hi Marie,
Against all the public bs about how dangerous opioids are, they are quite safe when used moderately. I hope you are able to get back on them.
Best wishes
yes it's true but once you stop the hydro....watch out...depression through the roof
Bird it's only been illicit for 70 years! Opiates are known as Gods gift to man, since they were the first natural antidepressant..WHICH they used to be prescribed for! Notice how everybody is bi-polar? HOGWASH! It's first generation endogenous deficiency! Addiction is nothing more than Chemical Pica--using an external source to supplement what the body lacks....
There are several reasons why you don't take pain pills for depression, but one dam good one is there addictive as hell! Dr.s don't prescribe them for that very reason! After a few months of "just popen one" your tolerance goes up just like any other drug, but here's the funny part why you don't do that! WITHDRAWAL! ...the withdrawals from pain pills will spin you into a world of depression you never thought possible! And here's why...when the drug detached from your receptors that were making you oh feel sooo goooood this is when the withdrawal takes over and that ohhh sooo gooood feeling goes to s***...now the sweats start...the body aching, throwing up and nausea, crying for no apparent reason at all, your legs will shake uncontrollably and effortlessly! And that's just the beginning....the better you try to make yourself feel with the wrong meds the higher price you will pay! If you actually manage to get through all of the physical and mental problems of that.... fight everyday to stay off them..also you by doing that oooh sooo good feeling just rewired your brain! Your brain doesn't know how to deal with anxiety!...and that will go through the roof! You will be on anxiety meds most of your life along with the antidepressants you didn't like the side effects of....the easy way out is generally the most difficult at the end...I've had both knees replaced and have been on pain pills and will be the rest of my life....not fun, not a quick fix and your personality will change indefinitely and not for the better.....lots of luck!
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