Tadalafil Forums

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Found this in a package of what I can not share, but it appeared to be a diamond tablet with a brand name “homll” imprinted (from what I can make out of the text - cursive) and of a red-brown colouring. I’ve done research (minimal) and apparently there’s a Japanese brand that makes the same looking tablets but blue. I do not know why the difference in colour, or what they are even supposed to be used for but I have an idea. The Japanese brand “homll” makes ed pills with the same shape and size of the ones I found but in blue (as mentioned above) with tadalafil. I do not know if the ones I found have the same active ingredient. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will not be taking it to find out, or will be taking it if or when I find out what th...

18 REPLIES Updated

Does Megalis 20mg work for women also? ## Megalis contains the active ingredient Tadalafil, commonly sold in the U.S. under the brand name Cialis. It is used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. It has not, however, ever been approved or proven to help with any female lack of libido issues. Did your doctor suggest you use it? ## What is megalis 20 used for? ## Six months before i had taken a supplement called creatine to build up muscle but after some time i began feeling pain in my lower abdomen and feel a lack of sex power. Is megalis helpful for me? ## Is Maglis 10 safe for my wife to use? Can I give it to her? ## I am giving my wife Megalis 20 once a day so that her sex drive improves. Viagra is very effective for males and also for myself. I have obser...

6 REPLIES Updated

What is a yellow oblong/oval shaped pill marked with a "T 20" logo? ## There is a yellow, oval tablet manufactured by Ajanta Pharma that matches this description, they list it as containing 20mgs of Tadalafil, which is most commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction. NDC: 27241-0114 The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, headache, hypotension, runny nose, and priapism. Ref: Tadalafil Information Inactive ingredients may include: Microcrystalline Cellulose Lactose Monohydrate Croscarmellose Sodium Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Low-substituted Hydroxypropyl Cellulose (11% Hydroxypropyl 100000 Mw) Magnesium Stearate Hypromellose, Unspecified Titanium Dioxide Ferric Oxide Yellow Triacetin Fd&c Yellow No. 5 Aluminum Oxide Is there anything I can help with?

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I have a prescription for long-lasting Erectafil tablets. Each pack contains 4 tables color pink. Each tablet contains 20 mg Tadalafil. and Dapoxetine 60 mg. Can you please confirm if these are the original tablets of Combitic Global Caplet? ## I found these tablets in nippon-pharmacy and they are in fact the original. They work perfectly. They increase the libido and help you to last longer. I took only half a tablet and it was more than enough. ## Hi Serafim, Often times when you get prescriptions off the internet or from overseas it can end up being something else, so I'm glad to hear that it's working perfectly for you! However I do want to point out that the manufacturer (Combitic Global Caplet) states that Erectafil only contains 20mgs of Tadalafil (and doesn't actuall...

7 REPLIES Updated

I filled a prescription for Tadalafil 20mg pills from Walmart with a GoodRx coupon. Did they give me the correct pills? They are white, oblong, labeled "T 15" on one side, "H" on the other. I can't find it on any websites. ## Yes, this is a 20mg Tadalafil tablet manufactured by Hetero Labs LImited. NDC: 31722-0647 Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, runny nose, and priapism. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Do these tablets work and are they safe? Does it have any long term side effects? How long do they last and how long does it take to work? ## Erectafil tablets are listed as containing Tadalafil, which is used to treat ED. The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, stuffy nose and priapism. However, you can also read more about this medication, the recommended dosing protocol as well as its potential side effects by visiting the link below. Ref: (Tadalafil) MedlinePlus From what I understand, it's usually taken once a day and has been shown to help for the entire 24 hours. On the other hand, you should not take it if you have low blood pressure or are on blood pressure medications. ## I just received the 5mg Tadalafil - Erectafil. Are these ...

9 REPLIES Updated

How do I get my prescription for Tadalafil filled from an online company? ## The number of legitimate/legal websites that offer Cialis (tadalafil) are quite limited and still require you to possess a valid prescription from your doctor. If you don't already have that in hand, I think your best bet would be to make an appointment with your doctor, let him know what's going on, and he will write you a prescription for what you need. It's really as simple as that. I see so many people here ordering from sketchy sites and they cannot even confirm if the pills they got are real, let alone take them because it might be something else. So when you obtain a prescription and fill your rx in-person, you're not just paying for the medication, but a bit more peace of mind as well. I...

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ls tadalafil or any other brand name of sildenafil citrate a prescription drug in canada? ls there any one I can buy over the counter? ## I would like to fill a prescription for this medication but I need to know how much it costs. If you can help me, please send me prices. Thank you. ## Yes, they do require a prescription in both the U.S. and Canada. The FDA warns that the typical side effects may possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stuffy nose, and priapism. Rickie, I do not have any prices to quote you, they can vary depending on where you live, as well as the dosage, how many have been prescribed, and other factors. Can you provide any more information?

2 REPLIES Updated

I ordered Cialis online and I received Tadalafil tablets Tadora-20. What is it? I have never heard of it. Is it safe? ## "Tadora-20 ( Tadalafil ) is a Low Cost Generic version of Cialis (20 mg). Manufactured in INDIA. It is a treatment for men with erectile dysfunction." Since this is a generic med manufactured in a foreign country, please use your discretion before taking it. The active ingredient is supposed to be the same as Cialis. Please post how it worked for you if you decide to try it... ## thank you for your quik reply. what do you mean when you say use discretion? Do you thing it could be dangerouse or toxic? ## I too received Sanafi / Tadalafil when ordering online Cialis. It is in blister pack and the packages appear to be professionally produced, but I too have neve...

14 REPLIES Updated

I got what I thought was Cialis for women and received Tadalafil Tablets - Tadora-20. Has any woman ever tried these? ## Tadalafil is the active ingredient in Cialis, you just received a generic version, rather than a name brand. It has, however, not been proven effective at helping women with libido-related problems. ## I saw an advertisement for Tadafil (Cialis) for women. Surprisingly the advertisement came from India. Is it safe and does it do anything for women? I am concerned that it may be dangerous to try. ## I have the same question. The drugs that are manufactured in India, are they safe and do they do the job? ## I am a man and I recently received a generic version called megalis 20 mg. Progressiverx is located in Canada but the pills were manufactured in India. I have so far...

5 REPLIES Updated

Is this medication available over the counter & does anyone have any info on this product? ## can tadalafil be purchased without a perscription ? ## No, it requires a prescription. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stuffy nose, and priapism. It is used to treat erectile dysfunction. Are you on any other medications?

2 REPLIES Updated

I have been taking Cialis 20 mg for around a year or 2 and have only taken it around 3 hours before intimacy. Now I am trying Erectafil st 20. How long before intimacy do I take it? Thank you. ## It is actually the same medication, they both contain the active ingredient Tadalafil, so unless your doctor has instructed you otherwise, you should likely take it the same as you did the Cialis. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, runny nose and priapism. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have the 10mg and have been cutting them in half and taking 5mg per day. Seems to work fine. Is there a problem with cutting them?

2 REPLIES Updated

A local Men's clinic in Nashville gave me Tadalafil sublingual compound tablets and said it's the same as the Cialis pill but much cheaper. How is this possible? Wouldn't everyone just start using the tablets instead of the pills. Did they just rip me off? ## Hello, Dan! How are you? Tadalafil is a generic for Cialis, it is completely normal for generics to become available after a certain period of time and yes, most people do end up taking them, because once a generic is available, most insurance plans won't cover the name brand, due to the high price. So no, you were not ripped off. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stuffy nose and priapism. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated

tadalafil, tadora 20. pls can you tell me is there any side effect of taking this tablet. and Am 35 year old, How regular can I take it. (a female take it, how good is it for a man) will it works on me (women). How bad is it , I don’t have any major illness, but my parents have BP, sugar, Will I lose weight, hair, any health problem, colour, pimples, eyes problem, and Skin problem? or any such problem will come up. pls let know ## Hello, Vaman! How are you? My first question, has your doctor prescribed this and told you to take it? This is really intended to help men with erectile dysfunction, it is not going to actual do much for women to increase your libido. It can be used to treat some other health conditions, but should only be taken if your doctor has told you that you shoul...

5 REPLIES Updated

this pill is half bitten .On the remaining pat there are letters " ...ela ", possibly "...pela " ## I found half of which used to be diamond shaped red pill,this pill is half bitten .On the remaining pat there are letters " ...ela ", possibly "...pela " ## Hi Mari, Based on my research, I have found your pill to be La Pela Male Enhancement. From what I've read, it contains 20mg of Tadalafil; which is used to treat erectile dysfunction. I've also read that it originates from the Dominican Republic. I hope this info helps! ## I found a orange diamond shape pill with kgr 100 on it

3 REPLIES Updated

What effects happens to a female if she takes tadora 20 tablet. Will she feel arouse as men..?? ## Hello, Sahil! How are you? No, it may have a small effect, since it increases blood flow throughout the body, but it will not have the same effect that it does on men. And actually, it could be dangerous, since Tadalafil increases blood flow, it can cause lowered blood pressure, lowered heart rate, lowered breath rate, fatigue and could cause coma and possibly death, if she has certain medical conditions, as listed by the FDA. This medication should never be taken, without a doctor's approval. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Tadora, or any other erectile dysfunction medication, will NOT arouse a woman. It will equally not arouse a man. ED pills like Tadora (PDE5 inhibitor) c...

2 REPLIES Updated

I found a bunch of these pills in a house i just moved in an would like to know what they are. ## Based on the description provided, the closest match I could find is a round pink pill marked with "IP" on both sides, that is said to be identified as generic Tadalafil (cialis). This medication is used for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). I'm not sure of the dosage, so this is something that would still have to be confirmed. Apparently it's manufactured outside of the US (perhaps illegitimately, as Tadalafil is also found in many types of illegitimately imported tabs). From what I could gather, at least two companies manufacture tabs marked with "IP" on one or both sides. However, these are often discussed on steroid websites. Other comments I've read, sugge...

1 REPLY Updated

small yellow chewable tablet has C20 on one side. shipped from India ## the side effects of tadalafil tablets are vision impairment ,indigestion,headache,hypotention etc. My brain surgery had been done two years before and i am using 1) Eptoin-100mg thrice a day 2) Levesam-500mg twice a day 3) Folvit and cloba-10 mg one a day . Whether eptoin has affected me for erectile dysfunction as neorosurgeon has doubt it so he reffered me to Urologist . Urologist has prescribed Tadalafil for sexual desire but still desire is not generating for intercourse. Pls.advise. ## is levesam 500mg is safe in breastfeeding? ## Levesam contains the active ingredient Levetiracetam, which is an anticonvulsant that may also be used to treat some other medical conditions. It is listed as being pregnancy category...

3 REPLIES Updated

Beige oval shaped pill with E 20 imprint. What is it? ## I'm not completely certain, but from the limited information I've found online, it seems that this pill might be a 20mg Tadalafil tablet from India, it is a generic for Cialis, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction. Learn more Tadalafil details here. Do you happen to know where it came from?

1 REPLY Updated

todelafil tablet tadalafil tablet ## Once again, a foreign medication unavailable in the U.S. Foreign countries just don't regulate their meds like the FDA does, so it is very hard to find information on them. You could try asking your doctor or pharmacist for more information. ## "Tadora-20 ( Tadalafil ) is a Low Cost Generic version of Cialis (20 mg). Manufactured in INDIA. It is a treatment for men with erectile dysfunction." ## What is the difference between kamagra and kamagra gold. ## price shipping and payment details for tadora-20mg ## whats your take regarding generic meds? ## what are the dangers of taking Tadora-20 tablets. I am aged 78. My blood pressure levels are well controlled with medication ## Yeah and the FDA do such a good job in America, thats why nearly...

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