Teva 30mg Vs Aurobindo Pharm Amphetamine Salts (adderall) (Page 3) (Top voted first)


For several years I've taken TEVA 30mg Amphetamine Salts 2x daily with consistent positive relief. Focus and a feeling that I could have a productive day gave me a reason to get out of bed. On 8/21/2014 all that changed to nervous anxiety filled days staying home. What caused the dramatic change quickly became clear. The generic Adderall produced by AUROBINO PHARM which my regular CVS Pharmacy filled my RX with on 8/21 was less than effective it was exasperating the very symptoms for which it was prescribed. FDA is an ineffective bureaucracy controlled by lobbyists for foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies making huge profits in generic drugs at the expense of the health and quality of life of others. The manufacturing of inferior or possibly harmful medications by greedy corporations will continue to grow until a strong GOOD DRUG coalition is formed. Tomorrow I know I will be calling my pharmacy, CVS Corporation, my Dr., and make a report to the FDA. I will also try my damnedest never to purchase a drug produced by AUROBINDO PHAR.

254 Replies (13 Pages)

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Sue in Texas, I also felt very sedated on the Aurobindo pill for a long time. And I mean a very nauseating, dysphoric kind of sedation.

Eventually however this effect changed and I developed racing thoughts and psychomotor agitation which led to the horrifying body focused repetitive behavior I mentioned earlier.

This happened roughly a week or so after I quit my job because I couldn't think clearly enough to even remember my work schedule and my performance at work was so bad that there was no point in even trying anymore. Even staying conscious at my desk was a titanic effort. I always felt like I was going to pass out.

I didn't experience UTIs while I was taking Aurobindo but I did experience stomach upset and nausea and a loss of bodily sensation.

Be very careful with this stuff. The Aurobindo pills are not normal. Something is wrong with them. I too wish I could get them evaluated but it's beyond my means. I don't know what I'd do with the results, anyway. No one will take responsibility for these junk pills.

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I experienced the exact same thing today with Aurobindo amphetamine 20 mg. I've already taken 3 extra and I am still tired. I tried to return the medication after I noticed it wasn't working, but of course, the pharmacy refused. It would be nice if the pharmacy could notify us when the manufacturer changes prior to selling us the medication. I didn't even realize the medication had changed until I had taken my prescribed amount without any benefit. Needless to say, this really infuriates me. I will never purchase generic amphetamine from this manufacturer again. I have Narcolepsy and this really affects my daily functioning and quality of life. Selling ineffective drugs should be against the law.

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I've ALWAYS received Teva/Barr when filling my prescription at Walgreens so this last time I filled my prescription I failed to verify with the pharmacist that I was indeed getting the Teva/Barr generic brand. I didn't think much of it when I read the label and noticed the manufacturer was Aurobindo... that is until I took it. I felt terrible after day 1, but I assumed it had nothing to do with the medication. I took it for a total of 3 days (I was unable to take my usual dosage because I did not feel like myself) and I'm positive it has to do with this manufacturer. I literally felt like I had the flu. I experienced chest pain, heartburn, numbness in my feet and hands, headache, neck pain, HORRIBLE stomach issues not to mention irritability, depression, and waves of feeling super tired then overly jittery and unable to concentrate. I contacted Walgreens and was informed that they had Teva/Barr in stock for every other strength except 30mg!! I was fortunate enough to get ahold of my therapist and have her write me a prescription for a different strength (same dosage) so that I would be able to receive Teva/Barr. She also told me that she's heard multiple complaints surrounding the quality of Aurobindo pharma and their questionable manufacturing practices. In the future I would hold off on filling a prescription if I knew I would be getting Aurobindo. I don't know if it's the inactive ingredients that makes their product so TOXIC, but I certainly will never accept this crap again. I advise others to file a complaint with MedWatch as I did already.

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This AuroBindo is absolutely NOT qualified to pass as an Adderall generic. Does anyone recommend sources for GCMS evaluations?

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I agree totally, anymore you must ask the pharmacy what generic of adderall they carry and ask it every time because I've went to the pharmacy one and time and it was Barr teva and the next time something else. Aurobino is the worst of all; no motivation, all I want to do is sleep and have increased anxiety. But also mylan and malinkroft are both complete crap. The FDA regulations says that 80% of the active ingredients are the same as brand and there is no way this is true with these generics!

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Re: ChadB (# 115) Expand Referenced Message

I think you work for Aura pharm. Nobody except you says that Indian crap is good.

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Aurobindo Adderall, or as my bottle says, “Amphetamine Salts,” is horribly defective. After my first dose, I knew something was wrong, taking my prescribed dosage the next day, it confirmed what everyone has been saying online since about 2014. I had all the adverse side effects others have described, most notably a sinking feeling in my chest and a severe headache that lasted 10 hours. Feels nothing like Adderall, and just made my inattention worse on top of the unexpected side effects.

I can’t believe it’s now almost 2018 and this crap is still on the market. Makes me sick.

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Big pharma and the AMA are two of the biggest lobbyists in the country. They have public healthcare paralyzed by their greed!!!

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Re: James (# 197) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely right! It's unbelievable how poor alot of the generic medications coming out now are. It's criminal! If I get prescribed a medication and get it filled I'll most likely will get a crappy verion of what the name brand was and people are suffering because of this I'm sure.

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Re: ADHD (# 202) Expand Referenced Message

I have been switching between Teva 30mg and Aurobindo 30mg.

This month (today) I picked up the Aurobindo 30mg at CVS.

To my surprise this batch was way more potent and therapeutic than previous months. As a matter of fact, I could of split this pill into (2) 15mg . I mean, wow, these are definitely the newest batch as last month they had no Aurobindo.

So my question is did Aurobindo "step it up" with their recent $900 million acquisition of Sandoz generic and dermatology?

Perhaps the strategy was to make a more effective pill knowing the FDA (and others) would be crawling up their rears with these acquistion.

In any event, I am happy I chose Aurobindo this month....but as we all know, everyone reacts differently to a med.

Good luck.

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Have experienced the new Aurobindo and want to nickname it AirheadBimbo. It is essentially ineffective for me. Spoke with original brand Adderall pharm brand name last spring and they told me "Teva" follows the original formula. I have taken adderall for years for neurofatigue from a traumatic brain injury - TBI - and w/o proper medication and dosage, I sleep most the day, am unproductive, unfocused, moody and get depressed and quick to anger. Proper med and I function like my normal professional self. Airheadbimbo brand is THE WORST I have ever experienced. Didn't think to ask at pharm today and I got the same peach pills. I thought my symptoms were due to life events, but it is clearly the inferior brand. On medicaid, so no way I can remedy this now. Will call pharmacy in AM because I cannot afford to be lethargic and dimwitted all day every day for a month. The ongoing generic Adderall debacles (shortages, price hikes, now ineffective brands) is killing my career. Stanford grad - even with TBI - and I'm not functioning. If anyone knows what steps to take to file complaints, please let me know. Other stimulants are not effective for me, so I'm in a pinch until next month. This inconsistency in ingredients, percentage of active drug and fillings needs consistency; the FDA is sleeping on the job.

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WALGREENS has Teva. Check them out.

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Pharmacies have to get you the brand you want so if you know what you want, or specifically don't want, let them know.. you shouldn't have to search around.

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A lot of pharmacists say the various brands are "equivalent". But they really aren't. Aurobindo is not the same as Teva. The effects are profoundly different.

The multiple reports of Aurobindo causing bodily numbness, for example, are evidence of this.

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Wrote maybe too long of a message yesterday, but this manufacturer is dangerous. Even if the medication works for you, be careful. This generic Aurobindo Adderall, in my opinion, toxic, possibly lethal, or just plain counterfeit. I only take 10 mg/ day & always whatever generic my pharmacy gives me. New insurance this year switched me to CVS, my prescription was filled last week with this disaster of a medication. For 4 days I thought I was getting the flu, on top of horrible migraines, vision issues, dizziness, heart raising, etc... So, suspicion set in after realizing these symptoms came on within an hour of taking this new generic. On top of no relief for the neurological issues I suffer from. Stopped taking it for 2 days, all my usual pre-diagnosis symptoms are back, but the crazy migraines, etc...gone. Just to test my theory, took again yesterday, within an hour, felt like death! Please fill out the medwatch complaint form. Yes, this sucks for me, but this is a med (especially my dosage of 10 mg) that's prescribed for so many kids with ADD. And we have to be their voice.

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My husband is a pharmacist, my brother is a pharmacist, my uncle is a pharmacist...retail and hospital pharmacists. Generics are NOT always the same as the real thing. They try to get as close as possible. Aurobindo is not consistent with their formularies. I've gotten a couple of prescriptions that seemed ok but most didn't do anything. When I discussed this with my doctor, he believed me and explained it like this, and this is layman's terms because I don't understand chemistry and the brain; People get the symptoms of taking too much because it's hitting "whatever" in the brain and then releasing it too fast so the affects last for about 30 minutes or so giving you a terrible headache, jitters, etc. Then you're exhausted. That can be with one batch. Apparently with Aurobindo, they aren't consistent with their "recipes" (formulas) because some batches don't do anything at all. After I told him of my brother's research on the company, he's now telling his patients to ask the pharmacy what brand they carry and if it's Aurobindo, go elsewhere. The hospital pharmacists in my family have told me they've had to stop ordering from some drug companies because of problems with the meds. Hope this made sense.

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In my case, I worked my way up from 20 to 30mg of Aurobindo brand Adderall, and now today after around 6-8 months, I received Teva brand Adderall which seems to have no effects at all. Is it possible the Teva releases more slowly or contains less medication and I've dulled my receptors?

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I agree! I've had a wasted month on Adderall by Aurobindo. Ask every time or better yet check with your pharmacy every month to see which generic they have. I had mine filled for 2 years at the same pharmacy and was always given Cor-pharma. It's not the best like Sandoz but this Aurobindo is like taking something that makes you anxious and lazy at the same time!

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Hey guys... you can ask your doctor to write on the prescription which generic adderall you prefer. Now, your pharmacy may have to order it for you. Hope this helps.

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I agree... Aurobindo's generic amphetamine salts 20 mg tablets from CVS is making me feel horrible. I thought the effacay was poor there so took 1/4 tablet late in day and really felt horrible. Constipated, headache, can't concentrate or put a thought together or remember anything.... basically I was useless and will never take this manufacturers meds again. Feel very anxious which has never happened. I can't accomplish a single thing. Better to not take this manufacturers drug and call physician. I will report to FDA!

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