Switching From Loestrin 24 Fe To Lomedia
UpdatedI am one of the customers unhappy with the discontinuation of Loestrin 24 Fe. I saw so many negative reviews with those who switched to Minastrin that I refused to take it despite what my nurse was trying to say. I researched and knew a generic was coming. I have waited since October of last year for Lomedia and picked up my prescription and pills 3 weeks ago. I still haven't taken them because I'd like to know about the experience on these pills. Has anyone taken Lomedia? Please share your experience so we can all be informed.
Hello, Kimmie! How are you?
From what I can find, there is no difference better the Lomedia and LoEstrin FE, the active ingredients and the dosages are the same. The FDA has approved it as a generic equivalent, so you shouldn't have any problems with it.
Has anyone actually tried it, yet?
I am one week into my second pack, i am edgy, moody, suffering break-outs, bloating. Just misery, I spent hours last night researching alternatives, i wish they would bring back lo-estrin 24fe, was on it for 7 years and had no problems.
I'm on the last week of my first pack with lomedia 24 fe. I haven't experienced much changes from the loestrin...however, I still wish they'd bring loestrin 24 back. If anything, I've noticed a little bit of a break out (could be a result of stress) and a little bit of a change in my appetite. Since loestrin 24 has been discontinued, I've tried Minastrin and Junel - BOTH were TERRIBLE!!!! I can safely say that lomedia 24 is nothing like the 2 previous birth controls I've taken and it is definitely the best out of the 3. I haven't had my cycle yet, so I'm hoping it doesn't change much - with loestrin 24, I'm used to an extremely light, 3 day period. With Minastrin and Junel, I cramped and bled for a full week. No thanks! Lomedia is worth a try if you love Loestrin 24.
I started Lomedia about a month ago. I'm almost done with the pack (currently taking the placebo pills). The first two weeks were kind of difficult. I broke out, suffered some mood swings, had an extra period, ate constantly, etc. After that, I think my body adjusted and I barely noticed any side effects. My skin cleared up. Occasionally, I will feel anxious, but I don't know if that's because of the medicine. I feel slightly less motivated, but no mood swings at least. My breasts have been a touch sore. I got my period about a day ago, and it is fairly light, almost no cramping (I usually have to take Advil, but not this time).
This is my second time trying the hormonal birth control pill, and compared to the other one I tried (ortho tricyclen-lo), this is much, much better.
On my last week of lomedia, I've been MISERABLE all month. I've gained 5 pounds and have never stopped bleeding for more than a day at a time. Can't sleep. I took loestrin for years, this is not the same product. I did NOT have these issues on loestrin. Someone PLEASE tell me if the side effects and bleeding will go away soon...
I have an update sicne my original pack. I finally started Lomedia and am on my second pack. The good: My acne cleared up considerably because my hormones were going crazy without the birth control. In fact, my period was starting early, with a very light barely noticeable spotting days before the actual 5 day period. That ended too. The questionable: Week 1 I felt fine. Week 2 I wasn't sure but I think I started getting bloated. In the middle of this week I was spotting. I continued to spot and feel miserably bloated through the middle of Week 3. I was ready to quit and then Week 4 I had a second short period that ended at the end of that week. So I was trying to figure out where was this bloating coming from, my clothes were extremely tight, and then I started the next pack. And my body felt normal again Week 1. Now I'm in Week 2 and started feeling this weird bloating again. A friend says that it takes about 3 months for your body to adjust so I may be able to work through it. As for mood swings, I only noticed it when I started Week 2. I'll keep everyone posted. I haven't completely bought into it, but I haven't decided to throw in the towel just yet.
I went from loestrin 24 fe straight to lomedia 24 fe. I was just starting my 4 th month when I had a fainting spell or seizure in Walgreens and was sent to the ER. I've had horrible headaches for months on lomedia but no period. I never had one the 4 years I was on loestrin either. As of now I'm off of lomedia or any pill til they figure out if it was a seizure And what caused it.
Everyone, this is my last update. I stopped taking Lomedia after finishing my second pack last week. I continued to experience bloating, lost sleep/restless during the second week, and started my cycle (light) the third week that continued through the fourth week. This happened through two packs, and I decided that it is just not for me. I never felt restless anytime I've taken birth control. I've never had a 12 day cycle. I've never had that level of bloating on a pill. I've decided to just get a hormone test in a few months when the synthetic hormones are out of my system to help me determine the appropriate pill for me.
Exactly what's happening with me, long period starting again on week 3, about a week straight of not sleeping. This pill sucks.
I went from Loestrin to Minastrin to Microgestin. I didn't have a problem with Minastrin but Microgestin leaves me so lethargic that I can hardly get through the day. If all these pills have the same active ingredients, I thought the inactive ingredients might be affecting me (and so many of you). So I made a list of the inactive "binding" ingredients for the 3 I mentioned above as well as LoMedia (which I haven't tried yet). I was hoping that LoMedia would have the same inactive ingredients as Loestrin but it doesn't. It does, however, have 4 of the same inactive ingred. as Microgestin, the pill I'm currently taking and unhappy with. I think it's worth looking at the inactive ingred. in each to see what is different. I don't know what all these things are or do but Loestrin had these inactives: acacia, lactose magnesium stearate, starch, sugar and talc. The other 3 pills have more inactives with chemical names I can't pronounce and my iPhone autocorrect would go crazy with. Long story short, I don't think LoMedia is going to be the new Loestrin we all hoped for. :(
Hi everyone I need some advice... I was on loestrin 24 fe for 4 years with out any problems. I was put on it because of heavy periods. I tried junel fe, but it made my stomach hurt. I took minastrin and it messed me up so bad with hormones. Then I took ortho tri cycles lo and it was even worse. I suffer from migraines, but would only get like twice a year on the loestrin 24 fe and now I get them much more frequent. Can anyone help me with what I should try now?
I switched from aloe strain to Gildess in November'13....I'd never had any issues with birth control. I was on Gildess from November through May. I stopped taking it in early June. I had been having health issues and one day in mid May I had an episode where I was at work and suddenly got weak, dizzy, felt like i was going to throw up, started shaking and having cold sweats, and feeling like I was going to pass out while standing and sitting. I had to lay down to feel any better. I felt an incredible pressure in my chest and had been feeling issues with what everyone told me was anxiety. I wouldn't know because I never had problems with anxiety before. I made the appointment w my doctor because I thought it was a heart issue. I hadn't been sleeping and when I did sleep I would wake up every two or three hours with my heart racing. I was tired all the time, on weekends I never wanted to do anything. While waiting to see my doctor, I looked through my woman log app and also noticed that I had been consistently gaining weight since November. I had assumed it was the holidays, but I hadn't changed my workout routine at all and even the last 3 months or so of really consistent efforts, I couldn't drop the weight. The doctor ran diagnostics and gave me a follow up appt 3 weeks later. So I decided to quit taking the pill. And I remembered what it was like to feel normal. I slept, I had energy, the anxiety, the racing heart rate, the tired feeling....all gone. I felt great AND my weight started dropping. My diagnostic results all came back healthy and my doctor said I was having a reaction. So after reading up on alternatives, I asked for lomedia 24. Big mistake. I expected since it's basically another form of Gildess, some side effects but geez, this is the worst pill I've ever taken. My moods were insane. I'm not a big crier....I was sitting at a light and a song came on nd I'd start crying. For no reason. I could cry just talking about crying. I hated everyone. ANd I mean HATED. I would walk in and people would say good morning and I would bite my tongue on pure nastiness. I've never felt like such a psycho. The racing heart came back and the inability to sleep through the night. Last week I had a borderline panic attack at work and decided to quit this pill too. I was on it for a month. I know they say wait 3 months to stick it out, but I can't. The moodiness, the anger or depression because though were my only two moods, the tiredness....I know what it feels like to be normal and I'm glad I saw the signs quicker this time. There were nights I'd wake up w pain in my arm or calf, I'm not gonna risk my health just because they think it'll settle down eventually. My friend told me about generes and I've called that in but I'm gonna let my body get back to normal for a bit. It did not work for me and I only hope to help someone else if they are going through the same thing. It's not just you.
Has anyone had a seizure or fainted since switching to lomedua 24 FE?
Ive never put that together, but I started having anxiety attacks as well a few months ago which I've never had as an adult, now I'm wondering if it's the pills for me as well. I've posted previously about the same sleep issue, as have others. I will say, I've finished my fifth pack and the periods (although still over a week) are much lighter, the mood swings aren't nearly as bad, and I just in the last two weeks started sleeping normally again. Hopefully that change is not temporary. Im still looking for alternatives before I switch pills and would not recommend this to anyone as an alternative to loestrin, but the side effects and symptoms have improved from horrendous to ALMOST bearable.
I was switched to LoMedia24Fe by my doc almost three weeks ago. I have had my period for most of it. BUT let me give you a bit of history. I get blood clots in my uterus and was told by my gyno. to take my birth control back to back. (meaning no period week) I have gone on like this for over a year with no period (its great!). But then, BAM! I start Lomedia and get my period?! Strange? I think so. Its like the hormones are not as strong as loestrin24fe.
Hello, I have a history with birth control giving me various problems. I was on Yaz and ended up in and out of the hospital with UTI's and kidney problems for months. Then I got put into Loestrin 24 Fe and had ZERO issues. Then they put me on Minastrin 24 Fe and I was constantly on my period and suicidal. So, I got switched to Lomedia 24 Fe and reading some of the reviews; I have noticed I am staying up a little later than usual and my mood swings have always been an issue for me.. But I'm not sure if this is messing with them or not. My anxiety isn't any better but my skin is doing well. I am on the last placebo of this month and haven't had my period yet. I'm not sure what to think, I am frustrated with going to and from the doctor always trying new birth control pills and end up not feeling myself. I wish the Loestrin 24 Fe didn't stop being manufactured. It's a real shame.
Me too loved loestrin 24 I've tried Wymzya fe just not the same bout to try lomedia 24. Praying it works
I think the person talking about the "inactive ingredients" might be on to something... I too was a long-time user of Loestrin 24 Fe and loved it. And I have not had the same results with Minestrin or Lomedia (I'm currently taking Lomedia). It is confusing because the pharmacist all insist all these drugs have the exact same ingredients, so we must be going crazy right?! No, if many women are experiencing different side effects then something in the pills must be different. I just went through and looked up the inactive ingredients for all of these options. And I discovered that Lomedia does indeed contain different components than our beloved Loestrin. I also discovered that a pill my doctor recently recommended, Microgestin 1/20 Fe, contains the EXACT SAME inactive ingredients as Loestrin. The only different is that there are 21 days of active pills (vs 24 with Loestrin). But, I'm going to switch over and give it a shot. Hoping this will be answer... will report back after a few months :)
I'm on the microgestin. I had no problems with Loestrin when I was on it, but the microgestin is giving me CRAZY mood swings! Crying for no reason! Feeling alone in the world after just having gotten married and being surrounded by many friends and family! And lethargy! OH the lethargy!
I think you're right that it might have something to do with the inactive ingredients, but don't be surprised if Microgestin isn't the answer for you.
I have been on Lomedia 24 fe for a little over a year now and still suffer from mood swings near my period and headaches. Nothing like I did when I first began taking it though. The first three months for me were hell. I was constantly bloated, I felt absolutely crazed, and all in all just not myself. It was so bad I almost swapped to a different Rx. I decided to stick it out for at least 3 months and it did get better. Im still not 100% satisfied with it but don't want to go through another trial and risk feeling like a crazy person again.
Most Recent Replies:
Lomedia 24 FE was NOT discontinued. It has been on backorder for months but not discontinued.
Loestrin 24 FE was discontinued years ago and Lomedia 24 FE is a good replacement for it. They said demand has been so high that they have not been able to keep up but should have more supply ready in about a month.
Update my friends. I took the Lomedia and became a hot mess... a HOT HOT MESS. I am crazy enough as it is (I'm kidding. I'm pretty level headed all the time except at work lol) but the Lomedia took me to another place. I was short tempered, had mood swings like crazy, no libido, I was depressed... Lomedia was ALL bad for me. I switched back to and am paying out of pocket for Minastrin now and while it's an added expense I didn't want, I feel GOOD on it. LADIES BE WARE! Get really in tune with yourself so you recognize your crazy!
My wife just switched from Loestrin to Lomedia, after 9 years, because her OBGYN said they are currently only prescribing the generic version. I immediately saw a change in her emotions, sensitivity and overall mood swings. As a husband, there is nothing scarier than seeing your wife's personality change over night. She will NEVER take this birth control ever again.
Men, please warn every female in your life to avoid this birth control at all costs.
So, I thought I'd give an update as to where I am.
After switching from Loestrin to that super generic version of it things were great. I was myself for like a year. It was delightful.
I had an ocular migraine (where my vision got super blurry) that lasted for a half a week. Now, I've had ocular migraines before, but they're usually due to stress and they last an hour max. This one was WEIRD. So I called my GP. She sent me to an allergist. The allergist looked at my sinus cavity and said that it all looked ok, but that he heard something that ocular migraines, while being on BC could either be a precursor to strokes or be a stroke itself. So off to the Neurologist I went. The Neurologist said that the ocular migraines do increase the chance of getting a stroke (chances go from something like .0001% to something like .001% - so still small).
GYN was having NONE of this. Took me off the BC as soon as he heard what the allergist had to say (HOLY HELL were the cramps bad that month it was like I hadn't had a period in a decade - which truth be told I hadn't thanks to Loestrin FE). After hearing what the Neurologist had to say, GYN still didn't think that having me on BC was a good plan and suggested an IUD. Since my family has a history of endometriosis and fibroids, I went with the Mirena.
It's effing amazing people. I did NOT realize the amount of stress that taking a pill every day for 17 years was causing. It was extremely liberating. The Mirena takes some getting used to, but I think we're finally on the same page and if you can afford it, you might want to look into it...
Does anyone still read this? Here's my story. I was on a generic black pack of microgestin 1/20 for years and had absolutely no problems. When I was put on it, I was probably 240lbs and doc had diagnosed me with polycystic ovarian syndrome but that was really just a "hey, you have this and we aren't going to worry about it". Whatever. So anyways, I started taking birth control when I was 17 (ortho tricyclene lo) and have been on birth control ever since. I've taken others between the otclo and that microgestin but I don't remember the names lol. So... I gained a bunch of weight due to sheer laziness and what have you. Up to 280lbs. Still, my microgestin worked wonderfully and my period came like clockwork. And then this January, I started working out and by April I'd lost 30lbs (down to 210) and I start having break through bleeding. What. The. Eff. I was livid. My wonderful gyno left the practice I've always gone to so I made an appt with a new one, saw him once and he called in generess fe for my birth control for the year. I didn't think anything of it. And then... no no and more no. I was a fricken lunatic. Mood swings like a mother trucker, exhausted, so on and so forth. So I make a follow up appt and after waiting over an hour I flipped s*** and left (literally saw 8 women come in after me and go in before me... the receptionist had slid my file under her keyboard... cute). To a new doctor I go. I told the new doc my concerns, what I was on, yatta yatta. He gave me samples of minastrin 24fe and I loved it. I felt great, no breakthrough, no cramps, etc. He called in the script and boom. My insurance doesn't cover it so he called in generous. No no and more no. I called my insurance company to find out my other options. If I could afford over $100 out of pocket, I'd pay for it but I can't. So Lomedia 24FE is on my approved medications that my s*** insurance will cover. Called the doc, told them it's what I wanted, switched on over. I am at a point that I don't know whether to stick with it a couple more months or give up. I just started my 3rd month. I've been crazy, hormonal, exhausted, up and down, angry, you name it, I've been it. Plus I've had breakthrough bleeding each month. It's always the second week of pills and it's that just heavy enough to make having relations out of the question... and my boyfriend and I have a really great intimate life. We're good at what we do. I'm 28. I'm not new to birth control but damn. Anyone else symptomatic like me? Did it go away? I smoke so I figure I'll stop that and see if that helps with the bleeding - I've read that it will cause it. Who would've thunk. And I figure I'll switch the time I take it but i refuse to give up my coffee. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel???
I have posted several times on this board. I know it affects everyone differently, but Minastrin was a devil drug for me. I was a depressed moody mess. Even went to the doctor about it who told me to try it for one more month to see if it straightened out before I switched. I LOVE Lomedia and have had 0 problems on it, I'm back to my happy stable self and been that way for the last 2 years -- best of luck to you and everyone!
I went from Loestrin to the chewable Minastrin 24 FE when Loestrin was discontinued. To me personally it felt like the same pill! I had no odd side effects! So if you guys are looking for a pill similar to Loestrin talk to your PCP or Gyn regarding Minastrin. Sadly, Minastrin is not a generic brand and now my insurance has jacked the price on it so I have to find something else to take which is why Ive been looking into Lomedia since that is the generic version free under the ACA. But with all the negative reviews ive been reading online about Lomedia I am honestly scared to try!
Well, different people react to different meds in different ways. This board was mostly for folks trying to replace the Loestrin 24FE that was discontinued. It seemed to have worked well for us. You might want to search for a different board with other options, but if you're feeling like that about this drug, you should probably call your doctor. There are a ton of different options out there. Good luck!
No fortunately I guess, I hadn't been on loestrin 24 before this. I wasn't on anything for a long time and then just recently decided to go back on and this was my first shot back on. I wonder if I could speak to my pharmacist and see if I could try for something like you. It's worth a shot because I have been feeling so out of whack. I would take all the other side effects if I could just get rid of the cramping for extended periods of time. It's insane!
Oh god. That sucks! You were on Loestrin 24FE before, though?
What you're describing is similar to my experience on Minastrin. My pharmacist put me on a super generic Norethindrone Acetate and Ethinyl Estradiol 1mg/.02mg with ferrous tablets by Mylan. It looks just like the Loestrin I used to take and I've been on it since about April and it's absolutely the same for me as the Loestrin was before. No mood swings, light periods, no cramping, I feel like myself.
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