Switching From Xanax To Valium (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedPLEASE HELP! For the past 7yrs I've been on 1mg Xanax (3x) per day for anxiety and panic attacks. I take my dosage of Xanax as prescribed by my Dr unless I have a severe panic attack, then I may take an additional (1-2) 1mg xanax when I'm actually having a severe full blown panic attack to stop it. I've been on other Benzos before but Xanax seems to be the only thing that stops the panic attacks when I'm having them.
Recently my Dr decided to switch me from 1mg Xanax (3x) per day to 10mg of Valium (2x) per day because he says Valium is "stronger" and has a longer half life than Xanax. He says the Xanax isn't working for my anxiety anymore. From what I've read on the Internet about Xanax vs Valium is that Xanax works better than Valium for panic attacks. I like to mention I have a phobia of taking new medications. I stressed my concerns to my Dr that my anxiety isn't as much of issue for me as my Panic Attacks. He said not to worry cause the Valium is stronger. Then I asked him what if while I'm taking the Valium I suffer a sever panic attack? What do I do to stop the panic attack? His responce was that I could take a 1/2 of a 10mg Valium tablet to stop the panic attack. I wanted to tell him that from what I knew, Valium is slower acting and that I didn't agree 1/2 of a 10mg is going to stop my panic attacks but I didn't want to question his professional expertise over my Internet findings. I know he's the Dr and the Dr knows best right? So I guess to finally get to my point is I'm terrified to start the Valium because im afraid that when I have a panic attack and I say WHEN and not IF cause it's only a matter of when I will have a full blown sever panic attack what would I do to stop it? From reading up on Valium I know it wont help stop my panic attack like the Xanax will. I asked my Dr before I left his office that while I'm on the Valium and I have an attack could I take a Xanax to stop the attack? He said absolutely not! He said if I have a panic attack while on valium I can take a 1/2 of my 10mg Valium. I didnt say this to my Dr but I know from what I read about Valium is that it won't stop an attack as fast as Xanax will. I dont know what to do? Im so scared and I feel helpless cause I feel like my Dr isn't getting what im saying. My panic attacks can last as long as 2 hours or more. I know because my longest panic attack was while I was driving through the desert and realized I forgot to pack my Xanax. 2 hours in to my attack after trying breathing techniques and what not I had to taken to a hospital by ambulance cause my heart rate went up way to high and so did my blood pressure. My panic attacks can lead to an ambulance ride to the hospital. I feel like my Dr is focusing on treating my anxiety more than my panic attacks which are of greater concern to me at this time. I read on line that other people have been prescribed both Xanax and Valium to be taken as needed. Valium for anxiety and Xanax for panic attacked. I spoken to 3 pharmacists who tell me that I can take the Valium and if I should have a major panic attack I could take a Xanax no problem because they're both Benzos but only on the occassions when I'm having a bad panic attack. Why couldn't my Dr just say that? I know some of you may read this and say that I just have an addiction to Xanax. Honestly that would be further from the truth. If I knew that Valium would stop my sever panic attacks I would switch in a heart beat but from what I'm reading I know Valium won't help with an attack as fast as Xanax will. I'm not looking for the Xanax "kick" some people love to feel or to have a feeling of Ephoria. I just want a reliable medication to treat my disorder. I want to trust that my Dr knows what's best for me but only I know what my body and mind is going through and I somehow can't get him to understand! If anyone has had the same problem as me or can offer any support or advise I'd love to hear what you have to say. Has anyone ever taken both medications in the same manner im suggesting or together at the Sametime? How did it make you feel? We're you able to cope and how? Please anything will help. I know there has to be other people out there experiencing or have experienced the same thing. Thanks.
6 mg a day is considered a large dose Elizabeth. I was reading through some older posts in this thread assuring people they will not have withdrawal problems, absolute morons posting. Yes Xanax does not work as good after a period of time, but it is best not to compensate by taking more as Xanax is a nasty drug!
Sorry, that last message was for Adam posted on April 11th
@ Michelle: thank you for your comment. Since I started this thread I have come a long way. I did make the switch from Xanax to Klonopin and I also switched my anti depressant. I'm doing much better!
Since switching my anti depressant my anxiety level has gone way down! My anti depressant has also lowered my palpitations because it helped my body regulate my resting heart rate. When I initially wrote my first post my resting heart rate was over 100 bpm. Now it's in the mid 60 bpm. Thus keeping me calmer and since my panic attack trigger was rapid heart rate and that's been controlled I'm not needing the Benzos. Although I still use them its only used to abate a panic attack or if I'm having a ongoing episodes of insomia BUT its not daily.
I still have both prescriptions. I have 1mg of Klonipin I use for occasional bouts with insomnia because its longer half life and less withdrawl symptoms as I don't take it everyday. 1mg Xanax I use for panic attacks.
I'm sorry that you had such a horrible experience while tampering off. I fortunately didn't have that happen to me. I was able to go from taking it daily for 15yrs to taking it only a few times per month with very minimal side effects. I have a good Dr despite some comments about him prescribing me two Benzos at once. I guess that just goes to prove to those who said I was mistaking my illness for addiction. I was not addicted I needed the medication at that time. Everyone has there reasons for contributing thier opinions to this thread. Some want to help some want to troll.
I will continue to respond to every post as I was the one who initiated this thread and feel responsible to respond to people seeking advice from other people who are or have gone through the same thing. As always I let people know most of us who contribute aren't Doctors. We are only giving advice based on our own experiences. I always tell people to ultimately seek a professional opinion as we are not doctors.
Then again for those who post on here saying that we should not be giving advice, I say I started this thread because I WANTED ADVICE FROM PEOPLE GOING THREW WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH. I had already spoken to my Dr but reading about it and learning about symptoms from a text book is different than actually experiencing it for yourself. I just wanted to speak to others who could empathize with my situation without JUDGING but some people want to point people fingers and put down others who just want to understand what may happen to them.
So Michelle, thank you for your comment. You cautioned me without judging me and that is so wonderful its what this thread was created for. Thank you so much!
Hi This isn't much use to you but I have had a few full blown panic attacks, and they are not pleasant, and mine only lasted a few minutes, I was given .025mg of xanax, and after a few years they went away,never to return and no more pills. Hang in there and get the help you need. Cheers
I empathize with all the struggles here. It seems that people switching from one benzo or GABA drug to another will often cause discomfort, because few of them are exactly the same with regards to what cell receptors they act upon. Then there is the issue of onset and half-life which has been discussed. Objectively speaking, it seems that because this is to be expected, it is in a way "nothing to worry about."
Having had some feelings of anxiety before also, another thing that worries me (some people say everything worries me :), is how someone can function with most of these medications: How a person drive or work, especially if there job has some dangers or requires a level of judgement?
From this idea it occurs to me that tapering oneself down and relying more on psychotherapy might be a good goal. If someone is one a fairly high dose of a potent benzo or GABA medicaton, there is always the real fear of running out. That in itself must produce some real anxiety. I would bet that anyone who has taken them for any length of time has run up against running out. Again, that would be very worrisome!
Hi Syrus! I am a 63-year-old woman who has suffered from severe anxiety & panic disorder since I was 18 (1968). In those early days, I was given Paxil along with almost every benzodiazepine including Valium, Librium, Tranxene (sequentially, not at the same time). Nothing worked. For years I thought I was losing my mind, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn't drive, I couldn't leave the house, I was at ER at least twice a week, hysterical & having a "heart attack." Finally, in 1983, my therapist told me about Xanax, a new benzo designed specifically for severe anxiety & panic. It not only changed my life -- it saved my life!!! For many years, I took 1 mg 3-4 times a day & 2 mg at bedtime. Recently, I felt I was becoming tolerant to it so my current therapist put me on clonazepam, a longer-acting benzo. I take 2 mg twice a day. In addition, I continue to take 2 mg Xanax at bedtime (for insomnia) & my doctor provides extra Xanax in case I feel I need to take one in addition to the clonazepam. I feel great! I don't (nor have I ever) gotten "high" from these meds. I've never experienced any "bad" side effects. I just feel "normal". Of course, this is only MY experience but I think you would do well to ask your provider about clonazepam. It has really worked well for me. Good luck!
I apologize if I come across rather blunt. I'm having an issue now and I don't wish to offend anyone. Anyone comparing benzodiazepines like, 20mg of Valium = .5mg of Xanax isn't just irresponsible, it's completely inaccurate.
I was on 10mg Valium 3x a day for ten years.
Then I was on 2mg Xanax 3x a day for 3-4 years.
Then 1mg clonozepam 2x a day for 3-4 years.
Then my Dr died a few months ago! They didn't follow procedure and I cannot get my records released, etc. etc. but that's besides the point.
I used to think Valium was the best for panic attacks. Then I thought Xanax was the best. The fact is, whatever you have in your system right now isn't going to work as well as the one you haven't taken in a long time or you haven't taken at all.
Also, Valium works amazingly for me only when I take it on an empty stomach. It starts working in LESS THAN 30 MINUTES!
When I was on Xanax on a regular basis, it didn't work for panic attacks unless I doubled the dose. That's not good! Anyone seeing a pattern here?
It's all about the tolerance you build up with Benzodiazepines!
What worked very well for me after 17 years of this anxiety nightmare was taking my 10mg Valium 3x a day and THEN SKIPPING A DAY ALL TOGETHER. I took it 3x a day EVERY OTHER DAY and it was amazing.
With Xanax and Clonozepam it was basically the same thing. Every other day and your tolerance doesn't spike.
Xanax was never meant to be prescribed for long term anxiety!!! 2 weeks max. So why take it everyday? These are not miracle drugs ppl? They all have they pros and cons. With Xanax, the con is the short half life and how you will become defendant on it in a few weeks. Not possibly but assuredly addictive!
I stopped Xanax and didn't think I was addicted. A week later I knew I WAS NEVER ADDICTED. At the end of week 2 and no meds at all, my muscles started to twitch, I'd wake up as if someone slammed a door by my bed. I'd jump out of bed because my startle response was out of whack!
Then the nightmares started! Then the waking nightmares started. This all started 2 full weeks after I stopped taking Xanax and I wasn't taking ANY FORM OF MEDICATION. I felt great for 2 weeks and the withdrawal kicked in.
That was in 2004 and to this day I leave the ringers on my home and cell phone off as much as possible because they make me jump out of my skin.
There are a lot of people out there who don't seem to be in touch with their bodies enough to tell what is causing the anxiety. If your taking Xanax everyday, 3-4mg a day, as a result of the short half life THE XANAX IN YOUR SYSTEM WILL INCREASE YOUR ANXIETY LEVELS.
In a perfect world, I think people would respond well to 5mg Valium or 1mg Clonozepam every day with a few 2mg Xanax FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY.
When I was on Valium all the time, Xanax did not have an effect on me. That can be said for any combination of benzodiazepines for the most part. Maybe it's just me, but saying 20mg of Valium is equal to .5mg of Xanax is ridiculous mainly because it depends on what you have the most of in you system at that time.
For a while, before my Dr dyed, we tried Valium for 1-2 months then Xanax for 1-2 months, and back to Valium so my system never had a chance to really get used to either one.
And don't take Valium on a full stomach. It's going to work very slowly or not well at all. Xanax simply wears off way too fast.
It's also worth stating that Men and Woman react totally different to medications like these. Maybe it's because I'm male?
Either way I'm super stressed and anxious now that my Dr of 17 years dyed and I can't get my records. So, I can't just walk into a Dr's office in the new city I'm in with proof of my medical history. What's worse, I simply don't have the patience to deal with the local Dr's looking at me like a drug shopper.
I tapered myself off 8 Norco per day, 2-3 (1mg)Clonozepam a day & 3 (10mg) Ritalin a day ON MY OWN. My Dr dyed so I had no choice and I had no clue when I would find another Dr.
Now I'm off of all of it and I didn't have withdrawals because I tapered off very slowly. HOWEVER, I need to be back on my meds and it doesn't have to be the same quantity BUT it's obvious to me I need what I need to lead a productive life without curling up into a ball every time something triggers my anxiety.
I'm so frustrated and I'm no having luck with new Dr's.
People always say you can get anxiety meds from online. IF SO, I'd greatly appreciate a link or phone number to a trustworthy solution to the problems the Dr's office caused by not referring me to another Dr before he dyed. They knew he was ill and had a stroke but kept seeing patience with a Physicians Assistant handling his patient load. Please let me know of an online solution to my problem if possible. I'm no drug addict. My Dr and friend simply passed away and the new school of Dr's is pissing me off trying to get me to take medication that's too expensive and doesn't work as well. Cymbalta is a joke for me. I do well with meds that are tried and have been around forever for a reason. They work!
If anyone can help me, let me know. Please? Thank you and good luck to all my brothers and sisters out there fighting the good fight to be anxiety free! Much love and positivity to you all.
This is very simple and
If you were not educated on the facts of Xanax and were taking more than 4mg a day for a long time and you really want off the Xanax and benzos in general,
with THIRTY (1mg) Clonozepam do this:
Take 1 (4x a day) for 4 days
Take 1 (3x a day) for 3 days
Take 1 (2x a day) for 2 days
Take the last 1 on day ten
and you shouldn't have to take anything else.
I was in such bad shape I never thought that would work but it saved my life.
and while I have taken Xanax again, I've never been physically addicted to it since I learned how to get off of it.
On day 11, when I wasn't supposed to take anything, by then I already could tell I was going to be fine and I was.
Pass that on to someone who doesn't know what to do. By all means, ask your Dr if it will work for ppl who've been taking a lot of Xanax everyday.
Be responsible and be careful! Best of luck to everyone!
Everyone needs to know the importance of vitimin d in all illness including anxiety. almost all of us is low on d and no one knows. low affects the brain vit d is a nuron protector and it is involved in every cell in the body including the brain get out into the mid day sun or take d 3 utube vit d and watch dr horlick and canell
It's good to see a new entry. I rarely check this site anymore due to lack of new information about this topic. I want to
Know what is the advantage of switching from xanax to Valium? Taking 2 doses .50 xanax twice a day which totals
1mg. Or taking 20 mg of Valium? They are both in the same class of drugs.
Hi Bob. Well, I have found that Valium is less addictive and has a much longer half life. To be honest...if you slowly damper down your xanax for a couple of months and switch to 10mg of Valium every 12 hours, the transition is pain-free. Also, you can go up to 3 weeks without taking it before actually feeling withdrawals. The hardest part is lowering the dosage of xanax to the point where you can switch over to Valium...that requires a little work on your stress levels.
I hope i have the good experience you had with the switch. I was on 1mg Xanax x3 a day for 8 years. My dr weened me down to 1 and a half mg Xanax 1 time a day. I started having withdrawals i guess, just my emotions a wreck so he switched me to 10mg Valium x2 a day. only on my second day of the switch. my back started hurting don't know why. But i am gonna stick with it and hope it works, cause if i can live with out the Xanax for panic/anxiety i will be glad to!
Great advice.. I believe that facing the issue will 9 times out of 10 solve the equation... :)
I would say Valium is a much better medication to use for anxiety. If I ever become stressed due to lack of sleep, work, etc and I can imagine it turning into some type of panic attack situation then I will take valium for 3-4 days in small doses. It is a psychological virus more or less. Don't quote me or go looking for references.. If I think about a panic attack, or situation where I was inside of one then it can create the onset of one. If this continues because of the scenario then a small dose of valium helps through the thought process of facing the event. Xanax is bad for this because it's half life is too short, and will ensure you need to take more rather than less.
I've given this advice with positive results to a few other people already. I'd suggest discussing it with your doctors and definitely not quitting Xanax cold turkey as I did. However, I think Valium as a mechanism for working through an already existing panic attack until you are able to think about the memories without having one is not an issue whatsoever. I'd used this technique to overcome any lingering attacks I've had from whenever I did take Xanax, etc...
Good luck.
This post is from 2012. Are you reposting?
I'm just the opposite. The valium works better for my anxiety and panic attacks. Xanax I never felt anything....it seemed to take a long time for me to tell I took it. Valium is stronger.
You are entirely correct. When my doctor switched my medication I felt much better. Xanax did nothing for me. I would have panic attacks almost every day. Once I got off Xanax I was much better. I rarely have attacks any more.
You can't have both.wouldn't we all love to have both for panic attacks, however from someone who takes valuim for panic attacks ,asked if I could try xanex and I did,and I went back to valuim.you asked 3pharmacists?wouldn't one be acceptable? You can't have both.
True colors came out after poor syrus poored his compassion to you Tiffany! As needed ?six times maybe a day?I read your last post crystal clear! Your abusing Xanax! Its not fun suffering panic attacks! I am greatful for valuim 3x daily.your going to be out and really have withdrals.
Let me first say this. Valium is by far the best. No, it will not make you feel as clear and lucid as quickly as xanax will, it actually is one of the older benzo's, and got the bad rap for benzos started many many years ago, and now we have the three most common ones, Xanax, Klonopin, and Ativan, all of which are much MUCH more dangerous than valium. I was prescribed 1mg Xanax 3x daily for about 4 years, then switched to 1mg xanax 3-4x daily as needed for roughly five years. It helped me work, and hold jobs. It helped me be social. It also made me wake up with rage and fear, and about 6 months in, the medicine would only last a couple hours, then full fledge panic worse than before i started (and before i started it was so severe i would wait till night time to take the trash out or get the mail, and trust me, im not a lazy person.) I got into a legal issue, at a 'party', punched a car window out and ended up getting about 30 stitches and a LOT of glass pulled out of my arm. The hospital kept me, made me cold turkey. I convulsed one time, dont remember it, they just said i did, i have no recollection. They kept me until my arm was healed, and stitches were out. Then kept me longer because my vitals, ie bloodpressure and temp etc, were still not on track. I can tell you what benzo withdrawal feels like. But i wont, because you should never EVER have to experience the kind of hell it was. After x amount of time, i got out of hospital. My withdrawals lasted for many years. Yes, my body adjusted after about 5 months, possibly less, but the mind did not. It was like a one year + acid trip followed by another 2 years of anxiety so excrutiating and painful i would literally put my ear to bedroom door to listen if it was not busy outside bedroom, so i could use bathroom or get glass of water. Then finally, after being stubborn, got klonopin. the klonopin was much better, .5 mg 3x daily. it took a while to kick in however, about an hour to an hour and half, but i would still wake up with panic and aggitation, even though it helped me function in society. After doing that for a couple years, i did my research, Xanax cold turkey, literally froze the receptors into a numb state as far as GABA is concerened, they had no chance to re-adjust. Klonopin did last longer, and did make me feel functional, however i wanted to get off of benzos, which i am trying now. I have been on valium instead of klonopin for 1 month, 5mg 3x daily. The first 2 weeks were terrible. The equivilent dose of valium for a 1mg KLNPIN or 1MG XNX is roughly 20 MG. so i basically underwent a half-way detox, going from halfmg kpin to 5mg val. I have adjusted, and something i notice, this is not a medication for people looking to feel happy and silly. It does take time, you do adjust, i do not wake up in anxiety or aggitated states anymore, the half life is 200 hours instead of 50 (kpin) or 14 (xanax). It works, it helps you function, it maintains y our sobriety, and it will build in your system over time. But for a doctor to bring you from x amount of benzo to x amount of valium, it will NOT work unless they know, or you understand even if they dont, the equivilent dose. If they dont know, but you understand, that is what i did, and now have finally started feeling level, yes, i still have klonopin withdrawal, but its mostly physical. Gastrointestinal tbh. But i will say this. Valium is for adults, people who want to function, who have panic attacks or severe anxiety in general. And it is MUCH better of an option than the mainstream benzos docs are handing out at the drop of a hat these days. I will say, while i am sitting here with klonopin withdrawal, and have done severe xanax withdrawal, that Valium does work, and if you can switch, do it. It might save your life. In fact there is a very good chance it will. Also i reccomend looking up the Ashton Manual. .
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