Swelling In Legs And Feet Levothyroxine (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I just started taking Levothyroxine 2 wks ago my legs and feet are swollen so bad by nite I can barley walk. They go down a little at nite but swell back. I am taking 25mcg and I am afraid to continue taking this med. Has any one else had this problem?

138 Replies (7 Pages)

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yes same here my feet swell hv tyroid to dr dont believe its tyroid but it is,

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I have been on levothyroxine since I was 7, now 32. About 7 years ago I stated getting abnormal swelling in my ankles and then my knees. I was passed around doctor to doctor ALL saying "stay on your thyroid meds, your levels are normal. Now I was just diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondilitous and am finding a lot of other people with hypo thyroid have it as well. My question is, could it be caused by the meds or by the hypothyroidism??? No one seems to know. I want to go off my meds but am afraid of what's going to happen...

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Thanks I was going to the dr. You told me too and my husband took me and my dr left we ask her to do upper and lower because I'm bleeding from my bowel I told her I had 4 strokes she said no go tell my obgyn that she will not do that even though they found paulista on my colon and took them off three times she is a hard dr to try to talk with I told my nurse so she is gonna try and get me another dr thanks for all your news

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Thyroid generic medication in my opinion is not properly monitored by the us government food and drug dept.

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I posted earlier. Well, Bromelain relieved some of the foot and lower leg swelling but not all. I started taking Dandelion root tea daily and my feet are almost back to normal.

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Well my doctor suggested I remain off levothyroxine for now, added a combination herbal diuretic, kelp, and blue green algae. My feet are almost back to normal, my turkey neck is a third the size and I feel better. I am sure we will be doing blood tests soon. I had been on levothyroxine for several years before swelling started so it wouldn't be adjustment problems. It isn't just straight hypothyroidism since its improving off levothyroxine. The causality escapes me.

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I have been taking.88 mcg of synthroid for 8 yrs. Have hypo thyroidism. I was just changed to 100 mcg.last week. 7 days ago. Three days ago I started swelling in my feet, legs, both hands & am getting worse. Thought I would check here to see if its possibly my synthroid bc that's only change that was made w my health issues. Now that I know it could be this, my mother says Stop Taking! I took one synthroid already this morning. Darn! Thanks for sharing your experience bc I had no idea! Hoping you are better! Calling my Dr Monday morning!

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Was on levo for 6 months gained 30 pounds hair fell out have no eye brows and worse yet heart skipping beats switched to armour lost weight hair not falling out and heart back to normal. My pharmacy told me they get a lot of complaints on levo. Get off it. It is dangerous!

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It has deffinately has to be this Levothyroxine until 3 weeks ago i never suffer from swollen lower legs and now every day my feet are swollen and tight it even hurts to walk laying down and you can feel the tightnes n painfulness. I was prescribed this 3 weeks ago and was told to take on empty stomach every morning with a glass of water. But the tightness n pain in my legs afe making me worried. Dr cant come tell me its not this pill because i have never once complained about swollen legs or feet ever and now as soon as i start taking this pill im swollen.

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I get tight feelings in my chest and left shoulder and ankle on left foot is more swollen than right. I think my generic thyroid med messed my body up and my legs ache. I skip taking the med on regular basis.

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i read on here last week of somebody switching to taking this at night before bed and i tried it and have been taken them at night instead now my legs are not as tight during the day they dont hurt to walk they get a little swollen but not noticeable at all. i do still have all the joint pain still but feel better during the day as my feet and legs dont bother me now hope it stays like this because if it takes the 3 months for my body to adjust to this meds i dont know if i will be able to hold on the pain in the joints are bad

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I have been taking low 25.mg of thryoid meds for about four weeks. For the last two weeks the swelling has increased so much I can hardly get on shoes on.

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I was initially told it was the amlodipine I was taking for blood pressure. NOT. The swelling didn't go away with a change of B/P medication. The swelling has gone away now that I have been back on dessicated thyroid for about 3 weeks. Now all gone and they don't swell at all anymore. I am a nurse and should know better. I had been off the thyroid meds before but never had my legs swell before now.

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I am on levothyroxine and began having foot, ankle, and lower leg swelling 3 weeks ago. Putting my feet up helped slightly. Boswellia, curcumin did not help but Bromelain gave significant relief. I have ordered Bromelain, but until it arrives I am eating fresh pineapple. The core has the most. I will also check with my doctor.

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It is called myxedema. It is more common for it to affect the face, eyes, tongue. I have had it where I bit the side of my tongue or the inside of my cheek while chewing. The leg swelling, pitting edema over my tibias aka "pretibial edema" is new to me. I actually had to look it up and I am a RN and hypothyroid for many years.

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That is what worries me about all of this thyroid stuff, and the posts, and medications, legs swelling, red, hot, on fire, half way up calves, dry dry skin, etc. etc. I have suffered with the swelling for a while now and Norvasc also causes it. Got off Norvasc and was getting better. Ran out of Levothiroxine for 6 days and my feet, and legs got even better. Took my first one again yesterday and I am back with my feet, ankles, calves, swollen, bright red, hot, searing hot pain, and I cant take it. Seriously over last weekend I had on tennis shoes and now I would never get them on again! This all got worse when I suffered my first bout of Cellulitis and was in the hospital for 4 days and it did not hurt this bad. So there is something between thyroid, cellultis, norvasc, and I have been on those meds for years, and have slowly then more rapidly been developing the feet, ankle swelling. I tell the doctors and they just ho and hum, but my one new doctor took me off the Norvasc and thank god my feet started to go down immediately. But now......I get back on that thyroid medication and I am on fire.........We are all in a bad way and it appears no one has any answers for us and this leads to thin skin, sores, oozing, and now I have like a bruise under a very thin strip of thin skin and I do not know if I hit something or it just appeared? We need to find someone specializing in thyroid medication, and the practice of.......the thyroid

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I was also told it could be the Norvasc aka amlodipine and switched to lisinopril. It made no difference in the pretibial edema. The NP who saw me didn't recognize the swelling as a thyroid issue and thought it was from the B/P med. Big Pharma has most doctors duped into using the synthetic synthroid. As I said, it will make your labs look great, but frequently does not alleviate the actual physical condition and outward signs. Thyroid issues are not a simple cause and effect scenario as is something like strep throat. It is not unusual to also have adrenal involvement, especially if the thyroid issues are long standing. I carry a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I am not so sure, after all these years that this is an accurate diagnosis. Fibromyalgia may be part of the issue, but I doubt it is the sole cause of my misery. This is a multifaceted disease process. There is a triad of glands involved: pituitary, thyroid and probably the adrenals in most people. A complex communication system exists between the three. I would suggest a book called "The Calcium Lie". Improperly treated this myriad of issues can, and often does lead to other maladies like Type 2 diabetes. The key to treatment lies in finding a good doctor who is willing to "think outside the box". You can sometimes find someone near you listed in a practitioners list on the internet. I have decided to pursue the strategy in the good doctor's book "The Calcium Lie". I think most who read it will find many of his observations resonate with thyroid patients. Lord knows that over the 12 years I have pursued a "cure" I have tried darn near everything. What's one more protocol? I believe that my issues are not as simple as "thyroid". I also believe this is the case for most sufferers of fibromyalgia. I think that the causes are multifaceted and include potential heavy metal exposure as in with our annual dose of mercury with flu shots, residue from roundup sprayed on our food. I have come to believe that the "cure" or even effective treatment will involve changes in medication, addition of a balanced mineral supplement, and most importantly changes in diet.

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Good info! Thanks. I was taking 150 mg of Tirosint for two years while suffering from swollen feet and ankles for a year and a half. Ironically after consulting with my endocrinologist, who offered no help, I switched to Armour just as a long shot. Less than two weeks later the swelling is finally gone and I feel much less depressed and have more motivation than I have had in years. Too bad I had to waste the time and money getting all that blood work and ultrasounds just to find out I was having a reaction to the thyroid med. For those of you having similar issues, don't give up. Insist your Dr. Give you options.

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My swelling has not gone away. I was 125 and now 150 mg. I was told my level was too low a month ago and I hadn't had it checked in almost a year. I personally don't know what the answer is except the med is no good.

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My feelings also. All of the symptoms I was having along with weight gain are all still there. Nothing has changed at all except maybe I SWEAT MORE all of the dang time and I hate it.

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