Sulfameth Trimethoprim 800/160 Tabs 2x Day (Page 2)
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I have been using sulfameth/trimethoprim 800/160 tabs for 2 days (10 day supply, 2x day) and I just started having frequent urges and slight pain/discomfort when urinating? I am using this medication to treat a boil/MRSA. Is this a normal symptom or should I consult the doctor?

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I been finished my prescription and my boil is still here and now I am wondering what to do. Ssoo lost.

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I have been living w BV for about a year now. I have taken antibiotics but it keeps coming back. This is the first time taking Sulfameth/Trimehoprim 800/160. Is it going to get rid of a vaginal bacterial infection.

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i was told i have fiberiods and i have and infection will sulfertrimethoprim will this help the pain

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I am taking sulfameth/tmp for a uti. I just finished them today and the past few days my glands in my neck have been really sore and a little swollen. But I don't feel sick, no sore throat of anything , just neck pain. Is that a side effect.

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my daughter has a boil at the entrance of her vagina. she has gone to the dr and he has given her sulfameth/trimethoprim 800/160. he advised if she isn't any better he will lance it (decision made tomorrow). can you tell me what causes a boil to appear in the genital area?

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I have been diagnosed with Chlamydia and my doctor has prescribed Sulfameth Trimethoprim 800/160 Tabs 2x Day. My 1st diagosis was in spring and treated with Azithymin. I never went back for a follow up to see if the Azithymin was sucessfulll. Will Sulfameth Trimethoprim 800 2x Day treat and cure my problem?

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PEGPOTBRM, yes, both the Sulfamethoxazole with Trimethoprim and the Metronidazole in the Flagly can cause the nausea and tiredness.

If it's really severe, you should contact your doctor, as you may need to try a different medication, or something to help with the nausea.



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Maria, Naprosyn contains the active ingredient Naproxen, it is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that is used to treat pain, fever and swelling.

Its side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach irritation.

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I didn't find any problems or interactions listed regarding taking it with the antibiotic, but you should check with your doctor or pharmacist to be certain.

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Just started taking this and I was also prescribed Neprosem for inflammatory rib cage etc. I am scared to take both and forgot to ask doctor if I should take both at the same time or do I wait for an hour or two hours to take it. Can someone tell me please?? And I am scared to take the Neprosem b/c one of the warnings is that it has a high risk of heart attack and stoke. pretty scary, can anyone tell me about it? I think I am spelling it wrong to but its a anti-inflammatory drug

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Daniel, yes, one of the side effects of most antibiotics is a non-allergic skin rash and almost any medication can affect your appetite.

If either one becomes a severe problem, or doesn't ease, after you complete your course of the antibiotic, then please contact your doctor.


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I was diagnosed with two seperate infections in my lungs, and have been taking this medecine for a week and will continue for another, 14 days total. I have a rash on my legs, and absolutely no appetite. Will this medecine cause such things?

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Meme, yes, it has probably been caused by the antibiotic. Most antibiotics have a bad habit of negating the effectiveness of birth control and this can result in vaginal bleeding, while you are taking it. You should also use some other form of contraception to protect against pregnancy, while you are on this antibiotic.

Amy, what type of infection? Since this is an antibiotic, it can also cause a non-allergic skin rash as a side effect, which could make the itching worse, in some cases.

Terri, only you and your doctor can decide which is the best medication to use. However, as to rebuilding the natural balance of your body, probiotics can help. They are available over the counter, plus you can eat yogurt that has live, active cultures. And you can start doing this now, while you are still taking the antibiotics.


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I am using Sulfameth / trimethoprim for MRSA in the nose. Now my eyes are red. My doctor perscribed eye drops Bactrim.
Is this the right drug and if so how do I rebuild by body after using such a harsh anibiotic?

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i have been taking sulfameth/trimethoprim 800/160
for a bacterial infection but i feel like it's not getting better it seem to be itching more. is that normal

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I have uti and i been bleed for at less too week i just got the medcine sulf/trimeth 800/160 is the bleeding is fron the uti cause i only be on my perioud for 3 day of every month and plus im on the depo shoot

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Sulfemathoxazole with Trimethoprim is an antibiotic.

And no, those are not normal side effects, however, they are symptoms of a urinary infection, so you should consult your doctor.

The normal side effects to this medication can include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea.

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