Sulfameth Trimethoprim 800/160 (Page 4)
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I have an infected large bump on my calf. What is the extensive list of side effects for this medication?
My son has been on the medicine for 5 days. He's been complaining that his left thumb joint hurts and now he can't move his thumb at all due to the pain. He says he didn't hit or injure the thumb and he doesn't use his left hand for writing or other activities. Can this be due to the medicine?
Wow that is scary. My side effects of this stuff was unbearable, passing out, cramps, vomiting, headache,and other, I had to switch to chefton to finish getting rid of it. Sounds like we are all going to haft to be put in the hospital if we get any infection at all, or we are going to have to take a new approach to killing the infection. Some doctors are going back to using older antibiotics that the bugs have not seen before. They made a great point that some of the bugs are released be for there killed, so even with the new stuff some will mutate. They need to work on something new. If you cant take this stuff you cant take it, you cant just keep taking it and hope it will be ok. The drug companies have to put there heads together and come up with something new or at least make something for the side effects. Thank you for your in site this gives us all something to think about
I am coughing up blood I have bronchitis and it seems more blood is there in the sputum. Normally I get a little blood but it is more than usual. Also have a headache but I am living with Diabetes, high blood pressure and spinal stenosis, with neuropathy. I take quite a few pills for these conditions. I have a infected toe and am afraid they will amputate if I don't get rid of of the infection.
I hope that everyone who finds this forum reads all the posts here, because this is the new face of antibiotics. A few years ago, antibiotics had few side effects compared to those today. The reason is because of drug resistant strains of disease causing bacteria like MRSA. Such drug resistant strains of bacteria develop because someone had a side effect, got scared, and stopped taking the drug before the infection was completely gone. The result was bacteria that had been given enough of a taste of the antibiotic to morph into a bacteria that was immune to that particular antibiotic. For every thousand bacteria that die in the host's body, a few hundred escape or become airborn and go off into the wide world to infect other people. The result is an outbreak of bacterial infections that are immune to the popular antibiotic at that time, so a new, stronger antibiotic has to be created that will kill the new bug but won't kill the patient. That translates into more side effects, some more serious than with previous drugs.
That is exactly what has happened with the staph bacteria in most hospitals. The eventual result was MRSA.
Now we have sulfameth/trimethoprim, which is one of the few antibiotics that is still effective against MRSA. From the looks of the posts on this forum, it won't be long before we will have a whole new wave of sulfa/trimeth resistant staph to deal with--most likely with even more severe side effects and allergic reactions than sulfameth/trimethoprim 800/160.
Hi There, I'm taking sulfmeth/trimethoprim 800/160 since Friday. (twice a day).
I feel nusea, headache and very tired. Is this a side effect?
I to feel as if something is biting me on my legs.I am taking the meds 800/160 2 times daily.My side effects are ..mild headaches...upset tummy...sleep is not like it used to be ...I now have blisters on my lower lip??? my appertite seems normal..I stay tired,not wanting to do anything..My wife says I am more grumpy than ever...I am not going to take this med anymore.
I am taking this medication and this is my second antibiotic to help with a bad sinus infection and this medication has me feeling BAD!! I am hot and sweating, sore throat, so tired I can't even get out of bed. I stopped taking this and made an appointment to get something else. This is way too much to deal with in relation to side effects. I wanna feel better but I don't want to have to suffer to get there!!
I took only one pill of this medication for a UTI and had severe anxiety and sleeplessness that night, with the anxiety continuing through the morning of the next day. Eventually the anxiety subsided a bit and switched to feverish symptoms and a horrid headache/neck pain and stiffness. I had chills and shakiness and my skin felt hot. I had some nausea and a severe headache the next morning but no vomiting and I've since had my doctor prescribe something else. At first I thought for sure one pill wasn't enough to have been the problem but after reading these comments it seems entirely plausible.
I just took one pill (about an hour ago). I am experiencing extreme light headed-ness (to the point that I see tracers when I look at things). I feel like I am high-NOT a good thing. Almost, I am experiencing pain in my muscles and am having problems taking deep breaths.
I was on this medication for 4 1/2 days and started getting the normal side effects until the 5th day when I had sever vomiting and could not hold any food down for 2 days then by the 8th day I my lips were swollen and a itchy rash all over my body. I went to the ER and they gave me a shot of epinephrine, one benadryl pill, and two steroid pills. They gave me a prescription for the steroids and told me to take those and some benadryl. It has only been a day so for but it seems like the swell en in my lips went down but the rash has seem to get worse, how long will this rash be here bc I feel like werido.
I started taking Sulfameth/Trimethaprim 800/160 one week ago for a finger infection that was not getting better. My cat had a MRSA infection about a year ago, so there was concern MRSA in my treatment. Also, I had just started taking Trazadone four days prior for a problem with chronic insomnia. After three days on the antibiotic I discontinued use of the Trazadone out of concern with drug interactions. The antibiotic has cleared up the infection but the apparent side effects have been rather severe. They include sleeplessness (remember, I am in insomniac), naseau, headache, bronchial congestion, dizziness, short-term memory loss, tremors, lack of physical coordination, and "rubbery" joints. Also, I have had two take sick leave every morning because I just don't feel capable of alert and responsive driving until 9 or 10 am. I suppose that some of these side effects could be more proximally related to sleep deprivation, than the drug itself. I really don't like the idea of truncating an anitbiotic treatment, but I am going to call my doctor today. Neither my doctor, nor my pharmacist mentioned any possible side effects. So, is this the Brave New World of super-bacteria treatment?
I have been on this drug for 8 days and now I have a red rash . The splotches are getting so close together that I appear to have a sun burn. And my skin just grawls. Pharmacy told me to get off this drug and take benedryl. Took some last night and this morning, no relief yet. How long does it take for this rash to disappear? I will never take this stuff again.
Took sulfameth for a sinus infection for 4 days and now have vomiting insomnia and headaches..been shaking like I'm wired.How long do the side effects of sulfameth last?
You need to go to the doctors ASAP if you are having an Allergic Reaction.
I took this pill for about a week and developed a full body rash, I was covered in insanely itchy hives. I was told that was something else (Pityriasis rosea). I stopped taking the medicine for a few weeks to let my body heal and took a pill a few hours ago and i feel like i have been attacked by a swarm of hungry mosquitoes.
Is this what the allergic reaction is? and how long until I stop itching and the medicine is out of my body??!?
i took it cause i had a uti in once i did i felt dizzy worse headache ever i had diarrhea in it felt worse now then before taking this medicine
I just got this drug today and my dr prescribed it to me as taking 2 tablets by mouth every 12 hrs. So I too am wondering the same thing as you because it is two 800 mg pills. However, he is the dr. and I am sure he has a reason for us taking 2 pills at a time two times a day.
it's a drug with many bad side effects. I wouldn't use it for something as minor as a yeast infection. This is best treated by changing your diet, exercising and taking herbal supplements.
Can i use this drug for a yeast infection?
My husband is taking SUlfameth/trimethoprim 800/160 twice daily (every 12 hrs) for skin infection (abcess). He has extremely red eyes and stuffy nose as side effects. Sometimes he feels a little week, as if having a common cold. Is that normal? Should we see a doctor?
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