Sudden Withdrawal From Neurontin (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been taking 600 mg of Neurontin 4x a day for about 2 years and recentlty ran out of this medication due to excrutiating slow service from mandatory mail order RX company.... I was extremely agitated during this time (approx. 5 days), nervous, stressed out, etc. Has anyone else had these symptons as a result of sudden withdrawal from Neurontin? I can't understand why this happened, I felt so scared and lousy for that time. Is this a known reaction for this med? I haven't been able to find an answer. I take it for relief from carpel tunnel syndrom. Thanks

274 Replies (14 Pages)

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Yes. You were experiencing withdrawls. I tried to go off of the drug cold turkey but after a few days I went back on it and it took 2 months for me to get off the drug. I substituted Zyflamend by New Chapter for the pain I was suffering from along with Alpha Liporic Acid as I was suffering from diabetic neuropathy and arthritis. Neurotin damaged my liver and I had to go on a liver cleanse and I still put milk thisle in my nutra smoothies and drink dandelion root tea (infused from real kosher dandelion root) to keep my liver cleansed and recovering. In my opinion the adverse effects of neurotin on our bodies is not worth the price we pay for damaged organs. It is a dangerous drug and there are alternative holistic medications like essential oils that do a much better job to releive the cause of the pain we suffer.

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I've recently started taking gabapentin I'm only on 100mg for pain. I took it for 3 days and decided to stop because I was getting sour stomach and a lot Of heartburn and before that I wasn't! Since I stopped I still get the heartburn and I can't sleep at night! Has anyone had the same reaction??

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Also wanted to share that 1000-1800 gabapentine gave me nystagmus. Destroyed my vision till I got off. My optometrist said it happened to him at 2oo mg. he hated it. Be so careful with this drug.

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I'm still taking gabapentin 800 mg 4 X day. When I was laid off at my job and it took almost a month before I was added to my wife insurance policy. So I went 3 weeks with out them. It was like I had a really bad case of the flu. My wife just went back to work after having our daughter so I was at home taking care of a new born. I am on OxyContin 60mg 2xday and 30 mg of oxycodone 4xday and I had some stolen from me so I went a week with out them and the withdrawal of the gabapentin was 3 times as bad of the OxyContin withdrawal. So hang in there it is not fun at all.

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hi, i was taking gabapentins off and on for about a year, had the sweats and feeling not good, til up to last November i ran out of gabapentins and dreaded the sweats so 2 days later i feel weird so i went to er, right there anxiety started and i didnt know what it is then but when it started, i felt pressure on my chest and pain, couldn't has been going on almost a month now, er drs say it ll go away in few days but tht is not true!

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What is OPC3 & how does it work & where can I get it. I can no longer ( after almost 5 years) afford it my medicaid no longer is covering mire than 4 scripts a month

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Thank you for the information on OPC3. I am on the first day of no neurontin & can already feel my nerve endings starting to bother me. I am TERRIFIED of going through withdrawal from this medicine. My pain levels are extremely high anyway with the neurontin,but with it I was able to at least live a semi normal life.
I truly fear what the next few days/weeks are going to be without neurontin. The stories I have read about the withdrawal from this have me to the point of thinking I will end up in the hospital for pain control once again. This not only affects me but more so my 14 year old daughter.
So any advice or help in dealing with the withdrawal is greatly appreciated.
Thanks to everyone in advance!!

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Wow! I'm sooooooo grateful I looked this up, bcuz I've been on 2400 mg of neurontin a day for about 14months. Recently, within the last few months my husband had been just taking them as he do very well pleased! Well, since I get so many mgs I was able to sliver my way to the end of my script by portioning them differently..... I just had twins and am having memory loss.. bad! So, after hiding the bottle this month, I forgot THEY EXISTED!!! and in this few days without any neurontin, have been chalking up this horrible depression with suicidal thoughts and pure fatigue up to postpartum depression. After reading what you all had to say, it seems like this will always be the side effect from going off the med. Neurontin!!! I wouldn't have guesed that in a million yrs! I've been suffering horribly w the pain from the inside out this time! Not vice versa. Thank you all! You may have just saved my life!!! I'll continue dosage now, but at least I know now how horrific the wd is!!! God Bless

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Well, Melissa you are sadly mistaken when self annalizing Gabapentin weaning.I was on 1800mg per day for 18 months and just upon lowering my dose by half I started having tremor like symtoms not knowing it is an anti seisure medication. I have gone from 1800mg per day to 600 and hope to be off this crazy drug totally by May 1st. I can somehow deal with the nerve pain but can not deal with this insane drug.

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Titrated down as slowly as possible to avoid any if the horrible withdrawal symptoms. I don't know the normal amount you are taking but if possible take 100 mg less a day for about 3 to 5 days, then after that take 200 mg less a day for 3 to 5 days, then after that go down 300 mg a day for 3 to 5 days. Continue decreasing every 3 to 5 days til your completely off of the medicine. It may seem like it's taking forever to be done but in the long run its better than suffering with any withdrawal symptoms. Best of luck to you!! I'm not a pharmacist or dr but my advice is from personal experience. I had to stop cold turkey and went through withdrawals that were horrible and I was miserable for over a month. I wish I could have titrated down slowly. Even my drs said I shouldn't have stopped so suddenly. I had no choice due to financial and insurance reasons. I personally will NEVER go back on gabapentin / neurontin. Yes I have major nerve damage and suffer with neuropathy but the thought of ever having to go through the withdrawal symptoms again is more than enough reason for me not to even think of going back on it.
I wish you the best and hope this helps!

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hi I have come off gabapentin after using it in varying doses since Beginning of March for peripheral neuropathy only got up to 600 mg a day halved that then within a week came of it lost a weekend went back on 200 mgs and brought that down within a week horrific withdrawal bloating vertigo generally feel rubbish made sinus worse just worse than when taking it ,doc said he can't say how long withdrawal could last ,have never felt so bad in my life have lost 3 weeks in total anyone else felt this way ,have ordered some quick absorbed magnesium should be here tomorrow .not had any since last friday so 9 days ago.

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Hi TT while I am not a DR I am a person who has been on Gabapentin for years and have gradually tried to get rid of this med for a long time! Doctors are not aware and I agree they should have to try this med over an extended period and have to get off it! YES, YES, YES, it has helped with the pain of my damaged spinal nerves, but really the side effects are maddening! Probably spelt wrong but that's another side effect I think I am stupid have the time and I know I am not in my heart! I feel at times like I am going crazy and it has significantly hurt my memory! I spoke with a woman in person and she said her sister was on it for a year and they all thought she was going crazy! After several attempts at getting her on the right track and therapy they discovered that the gabapentin had taken much from her and they all decided to support her in getting off the gabapentin and giving her the much needed support! It took almost another year to go thru the withdrawals, losing her job and her marriage, but in the long run it has helped her get back to a normal life. Good luck and don't be too hard on yourself while trying to slow down, you can not do this overnight!

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I ended up just stopping it. I can definitely tell the difference- I'm more hyper (agitated) but my eyes are back to normal and I'm not yawning constantly! I go back to the Dr in 10 days and will see what he recommends. I'm still on Cymbalta, but not sure what that is doing at all. I am having a little more pain, but it's not too bad. I think I'm going to start exercising this coming week and hopefully that will help the agitation. :)

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Well done, it's worth it in the end. I have not regretted for a single second coming off both pregabilin, a while back, or gabapentin more recently, horrible mind altering drugs. You just need to keep strong & you can do it as we have proved..

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Try medical marijuana. Get oil in capsules. Poke hole with needle and do few drops. Wait for few hours. Adjust as needed. My wife has been on this for along time. She is coming off with the help of mm. And she was a person who thought mm was a joke,but now is a believer. Watch Sanjay Gupta's doc on this legitimate med.

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I am reading the book, "The Antidepressant Solution". It is very helpful in understanding how to step by step overcoming antidepressant withdrawl.

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I was on Gabapentin for a year..built up to 3200 mgs a day..decided it was not helping with my pain so wanted to get off of dr. told me to take 1600 for 5 days then drop to 800 for 5 days and I should be good..WRONG..I should of been brought down very slowly..was to quick..had flu like systems, upset stomach, tiredness, anxiety, sleeplessness, nervousness, was not fun at all..I have now been off of it for exactly 29 days..I am better but still have some anxiety and sleeping issues to deal with..I have been told that the longer you were on it and the higher the dose the longer it takes to get it out of your system..time will tell..just hope each day gets better..had a person tell me to start back up and come down slower but I don't want it back into me..good luck..

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you are so so right opiate withdrawal is so much easier than neurontin withdrawal. its killinfg me.

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I've just done the same. Was on x6 100mg a day. (x2 tablets, 3 times a day). Was on them from beginning of August to about 4 days ago when I stopped cold turkey. Tbh, as silly as this sounds, I didn't realise the possible effects. But then, tbh, I didn't realise/know the type of tablets I was on. You just do what you're told by the specialists don't we? I/they think I've got Fibromyalgia. I go back to Rheumo end of Feb. The reason I stopped the tablets is due not knowing what was 'my condition' and what were side effects. I had bowel probs, anxiety, aches and pains, numbness (to name but a few) prior to taking them and also whilst on them. Having read the possible sides effects which are same as above and more, you have to question why take them. I have to say, 4-5 days into cold turkey and I've experienced bad headaches (which I didn't use to get), and slightly more intense pains. Since stopping the meds I've decided to take Ibuprofen (when needed) with a top up of Paracetamol if needed.

I really didn't realise this cold turkey malarkey would happen until I researched it today. :-(

I'm hoping (obvs) the headaches will pass asap. I know the Fibromyalgia pains won't. I wish!

Hope you feel a bit better soon. HNY2017

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Re: ydoowmai (# 257) Expand Referenced Message

I am on day #8 COLD TURKEY from 800 mg 4x a day, for 3-4 years! I was in horrible pain, and it 'collided' with Lidocaine, Baclofen, and an opiate pain med. I have a skin disease called Pyoderma Gangrenous, with Fibromyalgia, and Arthritis in my lower R back and neck. My husband came home and found me incoherent, after I had 'heard voices' telling me I was being shocked through our electrical outlets since midnight, and it would last all day because I am a smoker, or if I used medical supplies (Instead of being seen in ER), and I have loss of some memory from that first day. If my husband would not have called 911, I would have died. I wasn't given ANYTHING in the hospital, but Ativan every 8 hours, 1 10 mg Percocet every 8 hours, Extra Strength Tylenol, and Ibuprofen. I was discharged with orders to stop ALL medications, except my Immune Suppressant, which I am on for the skin disease. I can have Extra Strength Tylenol every 4 hours, and a stool softener. No Ibuprofen anymore, either. I do not have any options, but to go 'Cold Turkey'. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can help ease these withdrawal symptoms? The insomnia, anxiety, and panic are the worst. The pain has been tolerable.

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