Subutex / Suboxone Withdrawals (Top voted first)
UpdatedSurely I'm not the only person reading in shock and disbelief. How is it that so many people are unaware of the basic facts and information regarding bup. I am reading in horror that woman are trying to detox during pregnancy. That is the worst option - it is risking both lives. I also read a question regarding the effectiveness of mixing bup with methadone. Anyone using these meds should know it causes withdrawals, that's the point of bup. I feel lucky to have drug treatment services that are free but able to stand along what is provided to private patients. It's horrible to think of pregnant woman on bup having to come on here to ask for info and not telling their dr in fear of judgement or welfare. What is up with a woman thinking its an option to detox at five mnths preg.? How doesn't she know she is risking both lives? Addicts have and always will be stigmatized society frown upon us, but i want to get ppl thinking and talking, why are woman making the choice to risk the health of their unborn baby rather than tell the dr they're on bup, all addicts who choose to engage in. and show consistent sustained compliance desrve a chance at rejoining society and pregnant woman deserve unbiased healthcare. I am still feeling sick from a post i read,a woman 8 mths preg asking what she can do she was already hanging out and cant get more bup for 12 days, a reply stated that the hosp prob won't give her any. I wanted to shout i was reading it days too late, how doesn't she know her baby is gravely ill?
Accurate information is never too late, people frequent these sites so it will help someone even years from now!
Thanks for sharing: )
i know this is an old post, and i sure hope you arent still spreading your bad advice. you know you are just plain WRONG, dont you? as i read your post from 2 years ago, i am hoping you have since learned that buprenorphine CAN AND WILL throw you into the worst w.ds EVER if taken too soon after opiates. in fact, why dont you prove it to yourself? take some H or vicodin or whatever, then do some subutex right after. then report back to us of the HELL you just went to. im sure you will love it. i know i did!
i see other people on other posts recommending that you not be listened to. so apparently your bad info is getting around. hey we all make mistakes and it was 2 years ago. so i am hoping you now realize that you were wrong. but if not, my next step with you is to report you for dispensing bad and downright HARMFUL info. these people need help. and YOU ARENT HELPING!!!
Did you take the oxy BEFORE or AFTER the buprenorphine? if you took the oxy AFTER taking the bupe, you would not have precipitated withdrawals. if you took the bupe after the oxys, then you would have trouble. but only if you took it too soon after the bupe. you arent very specific in your post about this. and by the way, i didnt have "precipitated anxiety" in any way, shape or form. i didnt "think i would be sick". I just plain took the bupe too soon after taking opiates. precipitated withdrawals are a FACT, and myself and many others like me know this. please dont dismiss what i/we have gone through as being "in our heads". if you take bupe too soon after full agonist opiates, YOU WILL GET SICK. this isnt something you can "make up" in your head. this is a fact. it has NOTHING to do with what a person "thinks" and has EVERYTHING to do with how soon a person takes bupe after full agonist opiates.
Actually, Subutex by ITSELF can cause withdrawal because it has a higher affinity level for your opiate receptors than actual opiates do. This being the case, even if you've taken an opiate and then take subutex shortly after, you will experience acute withdrawal symptoms. The subutex will replace the opiate, not because it's a partial agonist but because it has super affinity (binding ability).
I know all this info is years too late. Lastly, the way people keep using the terms "suboxone" and "subutex" can be confusing for people who don't know that they are not the same thing. Just my "too late" cents.
I have found this site 2/2/2015 and I am also shocked by all the misinformation being passed on these threads concerning bupenorphine. There should be a warning somewhere stating that it is not recommended to follow medical advice given by all these people. Holy crap it's insane I've read many posts that have someone truly trying to help another addict but don't realize what ammo they just handed to to the poor soul. Just read Story of a guy who is obviously trying to score some subutex specifically so he could do that and his choice of a painkiller on a daily basis. Someone mistook his question and thought he was trying to get clean so this lady gave out the name and location of a dr. And what to tell him so he could get it!?!? And of course you have people think they know everything and tell you it's fine to take subutex then take your "d.o.c" and won't experience withdrawals..... Smh why would you even suggest to do that? You would have to take so much of a oxy,hydro,...etc that you could over dose. Another thing , naloxone is dangerous and if anyone ever needs medical advice on suboxone or zubsolv do NoT listen to the guy on methadone that tells you naloxone isn't a blocker and suboxone is no different than subutex. What!? That's dangerous misinformation. Anyway all I can say is for all readers to do the research first before you go do something and get yourself really sick, or worse od.
keep telling people they can take H and subutex together, and you are going to throw someone into serious precipitated withdrawals. god i hope no one takes your horribly misinformed advice.
Hey seen your post, I would call pharmacies and ask around about specific suboxone prices with or without Medicaid in FL. It actually varies state to state so the coverage information you're asking on here is probably going to vary, drastically.
BTW, I think it's AWESOME you guys have had such success and are weaning so early. If you're going to be completely drug free (from opiates and subs) in a week why do you want to know how and where to get it cheaper? ? I feel the price issue though, clinics charge insane appointment costs monthly, I've ran across 150-800+, and then paying out of pocket can be pretty hard. But between the two of you being prescribed a total of 6 mgs a day, that's basically 6-8 dollars. That's not too shabby, but every dime helps so I can relate. Anyway google suboxone savings card, select the OFFICIAL manufacturer's site and print the card info. It will save you 50 every 28 days, as long as you buy a minimum of 14. I use CVS, I'm in Ohio, and I usually pay 45 for 5, somehow when I presented this same card, which I estimated would give me my 14 for 90 dollars he told me I could get them all for 56 bucks. Stupid me didn't bring my cash and was stuck paying 28 for THREE. Now tell me how THAT makes any sense lol. I'm no beautiful mind but I can add! Anyways update us about how y'all are doing, FL is beautiful, I'm from New Pt Richey area, Stuart originally: ) Get tans for me!
One error will NOT experience withdrawal symptoms if you take an opiate while taking Subutex. It does not have the ingredient Naloxone (Suboxone has both the Buprenorphine and Naloxone).....Naloxone is the ingredient that pushes you into withdrawal.... That is one reason why doctors will not prescribe it unless you are a pregnant woman. However, if an addict wants a high from either medication, they will figure out a way. I don't really understand why doctors are so hell-bent on NOT prescribing Subutex. I have a friend who legitimately gets HORRIBLE headaches if she takes Suboxone but obviously can't prove one person stated, once known as an addict, you will always have that stigma....even when the majority of people on these sites DO just want help getting better. Anyway, I drifted off topic there! I just wanted to clarify the difference between Subutex and Suboxone and reiterate that you will NOT experience withdrawal symptoms if you take an opiate while taking Subutex.
dont know where you are getting your information, but both suboxone AND subutex can send you into precipitated withdrawals. i know this from personal experience AND from the doctor who used to prescribe me subutex when i used to take it. the only reason naloxone is in subs is to keep people from abusing it. if you take subutex too soon after using H, YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY GO INTO WITHDRAWALS. and before you tell me that i "must have been on suboxone instead of subutex" i was on suboxone for about 2 weeks but the naloxone caused me major stomach problems, so my doctor switched me to subutex. i once used H and only waited 8 hours before i went to the subutex....MISTAKE. i was CLIMBING THE FRIGGIN WALLS!!! i had thrown myself into precipitated withdrawals from taking the SUBUTEX too soon. NOT SUBOXONE. you are going to throw someone into a world of hurt with what you are claiming. again: THE ONLY REASON NARCAN IS IN SUBOXONE IS TO KEEP ADDICTS FROM ABUSING IT. the buprenorphine ABSOLUTELY can and will cause precipitated withdrawals.
Subutex or "bup" most certainly causes withdrawals! Buprenorphine has a higher affinity than other opioids and as such will compete for the receptor and win. It will "knock off" other opioids and occupy that receptor blocking other opioids from attaching to it. If there is enough Buprenorphine to knock the opioids off the receptors but not enough to occupy and satisfy the receptors, withdrawal symptoms will occur!
Thank you K!!
We have a voice.
Mother Theresa said drops make oceans!!Were putting drops of wisdom into the huge ocean of life.
Lets fill it with love for theaddicts still in pain.
Perocet is given to woman in the hospital while they are breast feeding. Subutex is safe for pregnancy
I have never once been thrown into withdrawal after takin subtutex Within hours of using H. Suboxone is mainly used to stop withdrawal an block the receptors if trying to use opiates. .. subutex does not have that block so mainly only prescribed to pregnant women or people allergic. Doctors rarely prescribe it because its so easy to use opiates still if u have taken it, that is the total opposite point of the entire program. ..
sorry, but as i stated, precipitated withdrawals CAN be ABSOLUTELY caused by buprenorphine. which is why you have to wait until the H is out of you. YES you can use bupe within hours of using H because H is a short acting opiate. depending on how good the dope is/ how long it "holds" you. i have used it within 4 hours of some crappy dope and been fine. i used it within 8 hours of some really good, long lasting dope, and went into the worst precipitated w/drawals OF MY LIFE. im not just saying this to screw with anyone or prove anyone wrong. i am saying this because it is absolutelty true and because i would hate to see anyone go into this type of withdrawal just because they didnt wait long enough. i have had HUGE, DEALERS habits and not had the type of withdrawal we are talking about. i was literally climbing the walls, running from the living room to the bedroom to the living room to the bedroom.....i was about to jump of the friggin ROOF. the hubbs started feeding me trazadone until i finally passed out from it. this was SUBUTEX, NO naloxone whatsoever. i told my doctor about it and he said i didnt wait long enough and must have had some really long acting dope. yes this was very good H where you really wouldnt need to fix again for 8, 10 hours after using. yes, you wait a couple of days to do subutex or subuxone and you should be fine. methadone as we all know takes longer to leave your system. if you thing im wrong, take some methadone and then take some subutex afterwards. believe me you will regret it. you guys believe what you want. i will go ahead and believe both of my opiate addiction doctors. one of who used to be the addiction specialist for the denver nuggets. even the wiki entry for suboxone says the main reason the naloxone is in there is to "discourage inj.". bupenorphine can throw you into withdrawal. SO CAN SUBUTEX. like i said believe what you want, i know from experience and from two different doctors who specialize in addiction and prescribe suboxone and methadone regularly. i will say it again....NALOXONE IS IN SUBOXONE TO DISCOURAGE PEOPLE FROM ABUSING IT. because of the mechanism of the bupe in your brain, the way it completely knocks any remaining H or whatever "real" opiate off of your receptors throws you into the worst withdrawal EVER. this is my personal experience and the facts as given by two different addiction specialists. believe it, dont believe it. your choice. i KNOW it to be true.
thank you. see my other post. i have experienced this PERSONALLY, and was on SUBUTEX, no naloxone in there, JUST THE BUPE. im tellin ya, you DO NOT want to take that subutex too soon after doing some H. YOU WILL REGRET IT. i thought i was going to die, i was begging my hubbs to smother me with a pillow, AND I MEANT THAT S***. im sorry for all the caps and all but people on here are just plain wrong and im trying to save someone from a really bad time. like BAD. i thought i knew what bad withdrawal NO.
"......within hours of taking H" yes thats the key. you can have short acting H, and you can take subs and be fine. but if you have some long acting stuff, or stuff that was cut with other opiates, even methadone, and you have to wait longer. the stuff i had was really good, really long acting stuff and i absolutely didnt wait long enough. i have also done it within 4, 5 hours and been fine, b.c the H was not as long acting. im tellin ya, you DONT want to mess with that subutex if that H has not gotten every crumb out of you. i should have known better b.c this was dope that really did hold you for a good 8 to 10 hours. i didnt wait long enough.
I have taken Suboxone, the generic Zubsolb and Subutex and have actually taken Oxycodone and Methadone with all three. Never have I had preciptated withdrawal symptoms of any kind. HOWEVER, every body and brain is different. It also depends on tolerance, body weights, amounts taken and food intake. I do believe that alot of what happens is PRECIPITATED ANXIETY#! If you think you will be sick, you will. That being said, I am happy that I no longer need any of the above because of the cost and it just feels good to know that that part of my life is over. Good luck to you that are really trying, and dont beat yourself up, it takes time to finally be done with a past life and return to a future of hope again.
NANCY: Because from the late 80's to the early 2000's, doctors were prescribing narcotics left and right. So now we have a LOT of pain pill addicts. And now there's a bit of a backlash with it all. Doctors are realizing what they've done, and are now hesitant to prescribe ANY. Apparently in Florida, you can walk into these "pain clinics" with a friggin HANGNAIL and get oxys. So try Florida! Sorry, I'm not making light of your situation, but the doctors have gotten themselves and their patients into this mess, and now it's a reaction to that. Don't prescribe ANYTHING!!
It's so sad! I'm not sure which is worse but clearly the Doctors have to give her medication even if it means going to get it daily! God that poor baby and we adult cry from withdrawals poor baby
Hi ash,
Just started 8mg Subutex today. I paid 44.00 for 90 8mg!!
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