Subutex Doctor - East Coast - Help Me Find One Please!!!! (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have been on Subutex for a year. My Doctor has retired, abruptly. I cannot find another physician willing to prescribe me Subutex (24 mg. daily) instead of Suboxone. I travel a lot w/ work. I would be grateful if anyone could tell me ANY Doctor anywhere on the East Coast that prescribes Subutex. Suboxone breaks me out in horrible itchy rashes and welts, makes breathing a little difficult and gives me blinding headaches- within ten to fifteen minutes of taking it. I am serious about recovery. Can someone help?!

255 Replies (13 Pages)

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hello please HELP ME i need a subutex dr quick my right arm and leg were amputated in iraq after being hit with a car bomb in november i got out of hospital 4 months ago now i am in excruciating pain and only found a doctor to prescribe me small amount of 2mg dilaudid for only the first 2 months and no doctor wants to prescribe opiates in NJ its sucks being judged for being young they think every young vet is a junkie. I was in army and this is the help i get coming back with 1 arm and 1 leg?? They forced me to find oxy 30's on the street. if anyone knows a nice doc in NJ area that knows for sure they could prescribe something like oxy 30's even 6 months after getting your arm amputated? if not maybe SUBUTEX not suboxone ANYTHING WILL HELP please email me: {edited for privacy}

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I have an appointment to see This Dr you mentioned. I want to know how good she is. Is she going to rip me down from my current dose? She extremely expensive for the first visit. Which isn't a problem but if she takes all my money and then doesn't help me then I'm screwed. Please tell me what your experience has been with her. I can't live on 1 mg a day. OH NO, that will never work. I'm a long term person. I have tried and tried to come off it and always the same thing I end up going back to something. So for me this is the lesser of two evils. Any info on this Dr would be so helpful.

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I have an appointment to see Dr Blanchette, I am in desperate need of a Dr who will listen to my needs and genuinely help me. The Doc I'm seeing tomorrow is charging me 350 for the first visit. That's a lot not to know what is going to happen.

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Hi Star45...i am not sure if you are seeing a new doctor for suboxone or subutex but i guess it doesn't much matter. the 350 you are being charged for your first visit is totally the norm. my first visit with my doctor in PA was $375 if my memory serves me correctly, this was October 2010. after that first visit, it's generally $25 per week, ie I go every 3 weeks and pay $75. it sure as hell does get old and sometimes i feel like shaking my doc and saying come on dude it's been almost 4 years, please stop taking my money...i've seen him so much i now use him as my primary care doctor cause he's a great doc, even if he is a moneybag Ho. if you are currently taking a certain dose, then that is the dose you should be able to continue to have prescribed to you with the new doc. if this is what you are used to and this is what works for you, it would be negligent and possibly dangerous for your doctor to cut that dosage just because she doesn't agree with it. I am an indefinite suboxone person and I am not ashamed to say so. yes it's a pain in the a** and i really HATE it at times but thinking back to what i was doing prior to 9/30/10 sends me back to the reality of what life would be like to go back on that route again...honestly with how so much has changed since my opiate addiction days, i don't even know how i would get any and i'm sure i couldn't afford to buy enough to satisfy my addiction. I was doing great with the original suboxone orange octagon shaped tablets and since they are no longer made, i have struggled with the film, it's just not the same as far as i am concerned. i could easily get by with one tab a day, maybe 2 once in a while, but with the film i am back to 2 a day every day. it is what it is. my addiction is always just an arms length away. Not sure what your current situation is but if you are perhaps unemployed or working part time, if you are making less than 23,500/year at this present day, you can qualify for a one time, one year free suboxone. it's very easy to sign up. i lost my job last year and if i didn't find out about this program it makes me sick to think of where i might be now. on this program they approve 90 strips a month. i asked my doctor to please let me get the full 3 per day (to get the 90) and i told him this is because of the uncertainty of what i will do once i am off the program, i need to stock pile while i am getting them for free. Good luck to you and please be firm with your new doctor on your current dosage. i know if someone were to decide to play God on me and cut my dose, i would be a mess and ready to jump off a bridge.

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I know it sucks, but its not gonna get much cheaper than that, now the issue is how can you get the money to pay for it. Its hard I know, but you can do it..... its like a smoker that is killing himself and easily spends 300 per month on cigarettes, well consider this as you are saving your life for less...

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Do you have to show medical records that you have been on subutex for an extended period of time? I am so desperate for a doc in PA.... I just moved to WV from NC and cannot find a Subutex doc anywhere! I've been on 3 waiting lists in the passed year but by the time I finally get in, they have started putting everyone on Suboxone instead. They will NOT tell me if they even do Subutex on the phone, so my only option is to get on the list, wait the few months, and then drive 2 hrs or so to PA just to be told they are no longer prescribing Subutex to new patients. I DO have an ALLERGY to Suboxone, so I have to get SUBUTEX. So, I'm forced to search off the street. I need at least one per day, so I'm spending over 1000 per month and I cannot afford it. PLEASE HELP! I NEED PA DOC. I'm also close to OH, MD, KY, and VA. I'm willing to drive wherever I need to. Its gotta be cheaper than what I'm doing now.

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by the way, every doctor that can perscribe suboxen can perscribe subutex as well. its a matter of telling them the reason why u cant take suboxen.

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Did you have any luck? We are literally in the same boat. I just stopped going to Valley due to the financial side of it... I am desperate and have been super ill the past several days. Can you get back to me please. You are a Godsend. Thanks- StephM

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know the feeling your all goin thru, I was taking subutex from a psychiatrist and then moved with work and it was like oh my god, now im treated like a drug addict, not that I have anything against them and have been an addict all of my life, its the medical people that lack the respect. Finally got a script and went to a wallgreens, and the head pharmacist subutex police lady was there, and flat out said "im not filling this", I was like why? total disrespect and I will NEVER shop at any walgreens again, not that it matters, but f her and them. Only reason I wanted subutex was, one less chemical in my body, you know....Its all b.s.....

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There is one in Statesville, NC his name is Bobby Kearney...

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Please help me I don't live far from Baltimore I just got my life on track n I don't want to mess up I was on subutex for 6 yrs n never used

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Please see my post that gave the name a number for a Dr. That post is.the very first one on thread!

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Oh. ....I'm sorry Doll....we tried.

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I used to see dr bowden because i too had a terrible suboxone reaction and could not find any local pa doctors to help me. Even with allergy diagnostics and in office proof they all still chose to call me a liar and deny me help even though i had never abused suboxone/subutex and before my doctor retired did excellent in the program and never failed a urine scheduled or surprised. Bowden looked at my records talked to me about my past and also reent experience with doctors and wrote me a prescription for the medication that HELPED me. He is an amazing doc kuddos to him and his staff

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one thing you all might wanna consider: Recently, I was basically about out of all the subutex, suboxone, I had, and with all the pain of being an out of state traveler, it was getting harder and harder to get. (for some reason, some are making it out that subox is a bad drug and its not the case). Anyway, I jumped off from 4 mg per day, I was slowly declining from 8-12 mg per day, as I had less and less of the drug, I could see I was running out. Well it got down to where I had 4 pills suboxone generic) and cut those in half, so went to then 2 mg per day. I then went off and on day 7, I was like in hell, and couldn't take it anymore, so I decided this was too much to jump off basically at approx. 4 mg consistently to then go without at all. THE GOOD NEWS: On day 7 when I was feeling really bad, I took 1 mg, just a slither of the pill. 15 mins later, my symptoms went away, and guess what? I am now only taking approx. 2 mg per day, and it enough. So essentially I went from 8-12 mg per day, down to now 2 mg per day. I figured I would bring this up, to show that it makes me feel the same, and now Im on so much less, I can actually afford this. Think about it, an 8mg will last 4 days now, instead of one day. Now I can get a script and save enough from one script to last a few months, atleast. Just a tip though you would have to basically get to where your willing to go without for a few days til you feel the withdrawl and then just take a very very little, then sustain yourself on out with that little amount. GOOD LUCK

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ya not alot of doctors will write more then 60 tex a month, here they cant by law, but they can write up to 120 suboxone, i still went with the 60 tex instead cause there alot cheaper and it rly dont matter how far u are into addiction 2 8mg tex a day is more then enough lol. dont forget these doctors are not i****s. Most people think there getting over on the doctors but really they just want to get u out of office asap. and the bupe doctors just want that visit payment money, so honestly just go in there and tell them u dont have insurance and its a significant price difference but if they do give u that chance n take your word and u come back n fail a U/A for opiates while taking subtex its gonna be hard to get again

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If you find any please let me know. I just found out I am pregnant and have been on Suboxone for almost 2 years. My current Dr also runs a Methadone clinic and they want me to go there instead of giving me Subutex. I have called so many places trying to find a doctor that will prescribe Subutex - the only one I found wanted 675.00 for the first visit - which was just an assessment basically to see if they will take you and then 100 a week for the first 13 weeks or something along those lines I kind of stopped listening because I knew there was no way I would have the 675.00 for the first month.

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Dr. Steven Parry
Smith town, NY
On Long Island

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Because this thread seems to be ongoing.... there are great doctors in Greensburgh pa for subutex.

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Whatever you do don't come to Mississippi, there are doctors in this state that will actually refuse to treat you when they do a "pharmacy check" and find out you are currently on suboxone and/or subutex. They won't even see you for s normal office visit! My wife has been in treatment in Texas because my job as a construction superintendent had us there and now I'm scared she will relapse because we can't find doctors in Mississippi! Any one who has been the other person in this horrible nationwide opiate scandal knows how horrific it is to watch the person you love be consumed by this drug that nearly every doctor in this country was handing out like Halloween candy! Now that these hundreds of thousands of our friends neighbors loved ones and strangers need help most of the medical community turns their heads because they don't want to face the reality of their contributions to the problem!! And yes I agree 100% that a lot of the responsibility falls on the person who was taking the drug in the first place..I haven't seen or heard of a website for a suboxone clinic or doctor in heaven, so we better come together and help these people who need it so badly or we could find ourselves in line behind them getting in the "GATE"" Amen? Big shout out and thanks to the thousands of people who are actually volunteering their time across this country to help , for no pay I'm sure, people like my wife of ten years and the many people who are struggling with this epidemic!

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