Suboxone Withdrawal What Would You Do?


I was on H and suboxone binge for the last 2 months I'd take H 3-8 bags for 2-3 days then hold off for 24 hours and take an 8mg suboxone pill to taper (just one dose that would last for 5-7 days. This last week though I needed more suboxone to feel comfortable and did an 8mg, 8mg, 4mg dose and then stopped cold turkey. I had been clean for 5 months and the last year and half with 2 very short relapses. Anyway the first 5 days i felt fine a little fatigued at times, then day 6 I started to get really depressed (like suicidally) in the afternoon and then fell asleep normally but started RLS and kicking around 5am watched tv for 2 hours then napped for one more (So i ended up with a full 8 hours) but then Day 7 I had mild chills and then late afternoon again i felt super depressed and thought I couldn't make it. I had the option then with my doctor of doing a small taper like 1mg, 0.5, 0.5 type of thing or just clonidine and some compazine for nausea. Oh also I haven't eaten anything since day 6 or 7 which is depressing since day 6 was thanksgiving. I opted so far to take just the clonidine and I slept like 3 hours, had super RLS w/hot cold flashes that the clonidine helps with initially but wears off. I was just wondering what people thought if the suboxone taper at this point would help, or if I should just keep working through because I'm already 7 days out.

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Sorry to hear about your predicament. And please correct me if I'm wrong, but from your description it sounds like you may have already went through the worst of it? I don't know if the rest is mental outside of whatever physical symptoms (i.e RLS w/ hot/cold flashes) remain, though if you wanted to gradually taper off, it would probably make these symptoms much less severe. And that would probably be a decision you'd have to make on your own based on how much of these symptoms you feel your body can handle until things begin to level out - (an estimated time frame that is likely going to be different for everyone).

Perhaps someone else on here can fill in the blank as to just how long you can estimate the withdrawal effects to carry on for? That way you can better determine if it's worth tapering or not.

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It's different for every one but if you can taper than that's the best way. I'm currently on six mills and slowly trying to get off. I'm at a good clinic and my doctor is cool, he lets me partake in marijuana but tells me he is gonna cut me off every time lol. But this stuff is not fun to be sick on and the rls part is HORRIBLE. If you can fight it a little longer you can be free but it can take several weeks to get past the depressing part, maybe longer.

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Yes the mental aspect lasts a long long time and anxiety. It is worse for people who've been on methadone or suboxone a long time then opiates. If you use the suboxone to detox from opiates like 5-7 day taper you should be good. Thats what detox's do here.

People on methadone/suboxone for a long time could take 3 months to over a year or two to feel normal depending how long you took methadone/suboxone. Never ever ever choose maintenance people, always detox yourself. Trust me maintenance is not the way to go, you will suffer worse in the end.

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I took the first dosage of Sub at six thirty am Fri 8mg/2mg. Because i was still sick . At nine am a bump of h. Sickness gone.
Now take Sub at six thirty am Sat. Continue this for two or three days until the sub is in my system well.Then stop using h completely. It's one am and can't sleep because I don't feel good. WD,

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