Suboxone Withdrawal Support And Advice (Page 2)


Hello all! I am now on day #11 of no suboxone after 3 years of being on it for Tramadol dependancy after numerous shoulder surgeries from an old football injury. I was able to ween down to 1-1.5 mgs a day before stopping. I was so sick of the Dr's appts, fees, trips to the pharmacy, etc. although I never felt like I was "using" while on subs, I never felt like I was sober either. I've been trying to stop for almost 6 months now but I kept going back to the Dr after only being able to go a few days here and a few days there before giving up due to bad withdrawal. This month, I blew off my appt because I knew that that would be the only way I could stick to my guns. It was "ripping off the bandaid" so to speak. Because I canceled the appt, even if I were to try to get back into the program it's an automatic 6 month wait (his rule). So I have no alternative but to do this damn thing and get clean once and for all. The first 7-8 days were pure hell. As I suspected. Day 9 it seemed to ease up a bit and was actually tolerable. Day 10 was even better. I felt pretty good for the most part with random waves of crappiness that would come and go every hour or 2 but I even had random waves of energy and renewed motivation as well. I thought I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then today came like day #6 or 7 all over again. No energy, stomach issues, achey legs, sneezing attacks, anxiety, basically the usual suspects, only today they persisted ALL DAY! No waves of energy and motivation. Just doom and gloom. Tonight I even have RLS (my least favorite part of wds) after sleeping like a rock the past 2 nights. I thought that symptom had passed! So now I can only imagine that tomorrow will be another day of no energy, body feeling like a lead suit, crappy day because tonight probably won't be very restful. Does anybody know if these recurring symptoms this far into it are normal and how long I can expect to have them? I know about the sub half life, but really after 2 pretty good days, why did it take such a negative turn almost 2 weeks into it? I'm still staying positive and I know that after making it this far I'm never going back. Just need some advice and support! Thanks!

36 Replies (2 Pages)

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I've been taking suboxone for a few years in a program. I go once a month and see a counselor there. I also go to my regular doctor that prescribes me klonopin for anxiety.

The suboxone place I go to was trying to cut down on the amount of patients and subs they were prescribing. So they suggested I ask my other doctor to prescribe me the subs instead. They gave me a script for 2 weeks and told me to come back if my other doctor wouldn't fill them. That was 3 months ago. My other doctor wasn't able to do that. He said he's over the limit of patients he can give subs to.

Then I got really sick and missed my appointment to refill my script at the program. So I never went back. I had a lot of subs leftover and decided I could use them to taper off myself. I took the last of them last week and had some withdrawal symptoms but it wasn't horrible. I'm on week 2 now and I'm having serious cravings. I haven't done any opioids in 8 years and I never want to do them again.

I want to get off the subs for good. But do it the right way by going back to the program so they can help with tapering off.

I'm scared that since I never went back and it's been 3 months they might refuse to help me. They're gonna ask me how I went 3 months without any subs. Can I tell them i was getting them somewhere else? I don't wanna tell them I had a bunch of leftovers bc that won't look good to them.

Does anyone have experience with going to these programs? Do you think they'll help me even though it's been 3 months and I never went back? I feel like that might be an issue.

Thanks for any advice you can give.

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How do I get a Doc appointment for Suboxone. What is the quickest way to get the ball rolling? J

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I've been withdrawing from Suboxone for 14 days and my stomach hurts so bad I can't sleep. Will taking hydrocodone-apap 5/325mg make it worse? I've been taking it every other day. Please help!

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It's been a long horror from the bottoms of prescription pain medications. Even IF I HAD BEEN WARNED of the struggle to stop Suboxone then Bupe, idk if I'd have gone a different route. I had to do something. The days of withdrawal from the hydros, etc. were NOTHING in comparison to tapering and stopping Suboxone type medications. I don't need to pass a drug panel. I need to get off this train wreck and feel my own, natural self. I've seen people taper then struggle for energy and drive which has yet to return. Please post your success story and the way you succeeded. Is there life after this has passed?

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Help me please. I took Suboxone for nine years for pain. The Dr. stopped it in four days. It's been two months and I still have no energy at all. Diarrhea every day. Still sweating at night. I'm scared to death. Can anyone out there please help?

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Re: Jennifer (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I read your post. I took Suboxon for 9 years. The DR stopped it in four days. That was two months ago. I still have zero energy diareea leg pain and now depression..i.feel like I never going to get thru this. I got a kidney infection and colitis during this. I used it for pain. The pain is back with a vengeance. Can you give me some hope

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Re: dolly (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I waited to open this page again after posting. Ever hopeful, I only see 1 spec of positivity...yours. may I ask how long you had taken them? Sigh. When living with extreme pain is desired over $500/month to not use pills...such ignorance I feel I'm full of. Vicious. The new "pill high" for street users I see rampant. So sad. I digress. No one has replied with a success of stopping sorry. I hope it's because they quit and never looked back. I'm a string person, a woman who's been thru some rough times and having a dependency is so negative in every way. Misunderstood. Thank you for general optimistic post.

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I have been taking 8 mg suboxone per day for about three years. Dropped down to 2/3 strip daily (2 doses). Misplaced meds, left on family holiday. Had about 3 mg Wednesday morning, none since. Experiencing significant back pain today, 4 1/2 days since my last dose. Is this physical withdrawal? Will it increase? If this were miraculously the worst, I think I wouldn’t need to fill another prescription (I have my monthly appt. tomorrow). I have recently started a new antidepressant and Hermann replacement. I think I can handle the Mento sometimes. Have physical withdrawals started? If so, do you think physical discomfort will get any worse? I know everyone is different, but would appreciate some input from people who might have some ideas about the situation. I have an appointment with my sub doctor tomorrow. I need to stop wasting money and making this lazy ****** rich.

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I'm waiting to hear an answer to your question re how long this goes on, the getting it OUT of system and back to normal. I'm still waiting. It has an obviously hard hold on the body chemistry. No one I have had reply has felt tolerable with less than a fraction a day. No one. Thank you for replying to this. Agreed with you on Dr protocalls, outrageous and can't even share the cost, embarrassing amounts just from seeking help with opiates. It IS hell. Let us know how things continue. Many are waiting to see how It's going...some hope, if you will.

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I have been taking Suboxone and Subutex for the past three years and it’s getting to the point where it’s ruining my relationship. My girlfriend that I have been with for six years now is ready to walk out the door because I can’t seem to stop taking them. I want to stop as well but I don’t feel like myself when I’m not on them. I’m very irritable and agitated and just the very thought of not having them in my system scares the s*** out of me. Is there any way that I could make the withdrawal effects pretty much nonexistent so I can come down off of these? I made it a New Year’s resolution that I will not be taking them anymore after January 1st and I have a quarter left which is enough for two more doses for myself. I just wanna know how I can feel like my old self again through the entire detox process? I’m tired of waking up miserable when I don’t have them, I’m tired of these things making me so angry that I scream at everybody and most of all I am sick and tired of being sick and tired when I don’t have them. It’s time I get off these things once and for all and when I do I will never be turning back again.

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Re: Xane (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

Try to make the quarter last for a couple weeks. Taking crumbs of it will help. It took me 6 weeks to finally feel like myself again. Suboxone withdrawal is the worse experience I have ever been through. It is the devil! I will pray for your strength to get through it but never go back. Best of luck!!

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Re: Camelsback (# 28) Expand Referenced Message

I’m telling you right now you will know when the physical symptoms are at its worst, it feels like you have the flu but 30 times worse. That’s my personal experience anyway, but achiness and flu like symptoms aren’t the only part of the withdrawal symptoms... You also have crazy diarrhea, you vomit a lot, it’s just pure hell. If you ever had a withdrawal from an opiate, it’s exactly like that but a lot worse...

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I live in MA on the South Shore area. I’ve been clean from pills for 3 years now. I took whatever was a controlled substance I basically could. Started with Tramadol, then oxycodone 5mg, then I got 10’s bumped to 30’s. After a little bit I became hooked. If I couldn’t get 30’s I took whatever I could. I finally had it and was offered suboxone. So I found a new clinic that had just opened up when this went on, which I was super lucky because in MA waitlists are up to 3-4 months long of a wait before being considered on having your first appt scheduled. This new place also had many openings due to being a cash only clinic. I paid almost $490 the first visit and then $180 for my first script of like 30. I went to 4 more monthly appointments then at $200 each every month plus the $180 script that got covered finally by the third month. I also had to go twice a month between appts. for U/A's which I had to pay $55 then. I realized fast I was paying an insane amount. I am now screwed. Is there anyone who lives in the south shore area of Massachusetts that can help me and point me in the right direction? I need to get on suboxone ASAP. I’ve tried to google any walk in same day clinics that give scripts then and there and nothing’s showing. Few urgent care places claim it’s walk in, but they got such an overload of people that walk in monthly they now began making appointments and have a waiting list now. Is there a dr maybe someone knows who will write the 3-day supply emergency script they allow in MA? I need something and fast. I’m anxious and freaking out knowing withdrawals are right around the corner and I’ll be hitting 36 hours very soon.

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I have been on 16mg of suboxone for a year and absolutely nothing else, had a very bad lortab problem. I had to leave home in Louisiana and come to Georgia 2 weeks ago so I stretched my suboxone as far as I could. Day 2 and I’m freaking sick, my family thinks I have the flu and I’m freaking out! If you know what withdrawal sickness is, is that me?

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I have a urinary tract doctor who gave me a prescription for ciprofloxacin and said I might have withdrawals from suboxone. Could the 2 interact with each other? My family doctor doesn't know much about suboxone and he does not prescribe it to me; I see another Dr for that.

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I was on suboxone (peach pill 54 375) for 11 years, went to a research facility and they weaned me off of 2mgs a day in 6 days. I was without them for 6 days..then got vivitrol..slammed into instant withdrawal for 4 days then slowly started feeling great!! With a dopamine reuptake of course. Well, 2 months later fell back into subs..on 2mgs a day for 6 months.. I looked up a weaning chart that seems to make sense. Has anyone weaned with this 90 day chart? It's supposed to give u little or no withdrawal symptoms...

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