Suboxone Withdrawal After Taper Question. (Page 2)


I've been on suboxone 7 years. Started at 24 mgs and recently tapered down to .25 mgs. I planned on skipping one day, then two, then three and so on. HOWEVER....I am on day four and what do you know? Hardly any symptoms. And no terrible symptoms at all. I've been restless a little, pupils a little big. WTH is going on? I've read all these terrible stories about kicking sub, I've been terrified to even try...and here I sit just fine on day four?! Is the worst to come? Should I keep holding my breath? Please any advice is appreciated

35 Replies (2 Pages)

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UH WRONG OH ON THE IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE NO WITHDRAWS! I was on it for years yes YEARS! And I tapered from 12 to .25 or lower cut it as small as I could, and as far as withdraw goes, I am on DAY 4! And I went to my sons school, I sleep at night. There is a way, and it is described by a sub doc on youtube, Tramadol and Clonodine. I have had some cold spells, not chills but being not able to get warm unless under a blanket and sneezing, which is kinda funny it tickles! But only at night I feel a SLIGHT tightness behind my legs. Other than that, NOTHING. No wishing for death, no rocking no kicking no bowel issues, no nothing really! STOP LISTENING TO SCARY STORIES! There are alot of people saying almost the same

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I was on about 2-4 mg. a day ("street" obtained) and had really really bad luck at the methadone, excuse me! Sub clinics. They let 3 of us go one day because our Medicare ride was 10 min late!
I digress. I tapered; I'm a junkie and that's just common sense. 1/32 of a strip a day. Never felt a bit different. About 3 days later, I was in the ER, in visible abdominal pain of unknown origin. Did not occur to me, it was the sub withdrawal. I'm just getting sicker and sicker. Hmmm, I'm finally catching a clue, even though it's been 2 weeks. Nobody treats you for Suboxone PAWS, it is "the cure!! I, stupidly drank a liter of vodka-which makes very sick, very fast, and eligible for treatment. I received the level of care one might expect in prison. Too bad I can't use names or I'd out em all! So, do not do that. My PAWS is remarkably similar to alcohol withdrawal, only alcohol is gone in 3 days. Nobody knows how long this may because there are no long term studies....
And hey, I loved Suboxone! I'd still be on it if I could-if-I didn't have all this1st hand withdrawal experience. Yes, for this addict, worse drug ever.

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You say you are never coming off subs? What if you have to? The program is notoriously corrupt & I foresee government agencies stepping (no conspiracy theory crap!) in. Soon.
Or, consider this: wouldn't a "magical" pill, getting people off the streets, etc etc be a little "Big Brother"ish? "Good pig, here's your pill."
Not to be a hypocrite-I'm on day 50 off of subs & I'd lick one of your big toe! I had to stop (long story); I'd like to think that I wouldn't because I'm just now starting to feel normal & that was the worst withdrawal-ever.

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Best of luck to you! I'm 55 days clean of that orange s***. I didn't have a physicians aid as I was unceremoniously booted from the sub clinic for a false reading on my drug panel for benzos. dont even know where to get any. they sure would have helped with the PAWS! I don't know where to get ANYTHING. I moved while on subs. But, I had 15 & I tapered (any junkie knows that!) and then....crap got cra-zee! I didn't even relate it to Suboxone withdrawal; I just thought I was losing my mind. Panic, anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, insomnia, depression, inexplicable fear-so awful. I've been reading a lot & there's a chance that because I am a (sober) late stage alcoholic, the naltrexone may have affected me more. I read about these taper, Gatorade, go for a run detoxes and I haven't changed clothes in 4 days...

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I was clean from coke for over 5 years and when I met my hubby he was on sub ozone, that was in 2009 and we lost our daughter during delivery and I became yet again dependent on something to get me through, he has been on them since 09 myself since 2010, it is 5 years now and I still cannot bring myself down, he is taking a quarter to half daily and me I am still taking 1 to 1 1/2 even though fully knowing in my brain I do not prob need more than a quarter or half but 1 thing I am a stay at home mom now and I have always worked with my kids in daycare and school. Now it is 2 home-schooled in grade school and 1 home-schooled preschooler, I think that's my biggest problem. I have such anxiety and ADHD I need a strict routine and someone to force things spin me, I have no personal motivation and no reason not to have it then there is the fear of the withdrawals. I do not wanna have my children see me go through that, that scares me more than anything else.

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I was on OxyContin 120mg per day for five years. Started Suboxone and was on 8 mg for five years. Tapered to .5 mg per day over a period of five months then jumped. I am 69 yrs old and found the withdrawals to be a lingering problem. I have been clean from subs for four months and still am in daily withdrawals. There are several reviews on YouTube where people are having the same issues as me. The toxicologist told me the withdrawals could last 9 to 12 months and an additional year to get my brain producing the correct chemicals. I just want everyone to know this is not a walk in the park. A younger person with a faster metabolism will clear faster but not in one month. Getting off of subs and to continue working takes a strong tough person. I am luckily retired.

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The weird thing about Buprenorphine is that I kicked opiates successfully even easily the first time used it. Now i have kicked opiates with it again. The first time i experienced ZERO withdrawals from Buprenorphine. This time though only about 8 months later I am trying to kick the Buprenorphine and it is so painful I seriously want to kill myself..........If I had known it would be this bad and last this long and make me feel psychotic I would have just used clonidine and benadryl. My opinion is dont ever touch this drug to detox. Detoxing the Buprenorphine is much worse than kicking opiates.

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I was curious. After taking medication for 20 years I tried to kick my dependence by myself, and after 7 days of not sleeping I gave up. My doctor is slowly reducing my pain medication, then I go into treatment. I suppose it Suboxone. But after 7 days of not sleeping I'm terrified. I have no support system. With several chronic medical problems everyone has left me and I understand. They wait for you to get well and you never do. I need to know, How bad is withdrawal from Suboxone? I can indure almost anything if I can sleep. I have to quit pain RX to start living again. I can honestly say for myself the dependence is worse then my pain. Well 98% of the time. Since the pain medication no longer works. At least from the pharmacy. Demerol was the last time I was pain free but it didn't help the last time after surgery. So please be as honest as possible about withdrawal after Suboxone. Also, any suggestion that will help during withdrawal will greatly appreciated. Thanks

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I realize your post is from march, 2015 and today is MondayJan 4, 2016, but if you're still around I'd love to see how you're doing! Please give us an update is you're still around! Thanks!

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I am now in month 10 of SUBOXONE withdrawal and have had no relief. I'm going to the University of Michigan hospital for brain imaging and scans. I know others who have the same issues. This drug is poison and I recommend you never take it.

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My post wasn't saying I was not getting off, Lol, my post was about being scared of what's to come and hoping for some pointers. I wanna take the easiest road possible so my kids do not have to be affected by the withdrawal as much as I can keep them from it. And with the adhd frame of mind the feeling of needing it to go through life is hightened, it is more of a routine them nessacity and I was hoping for some pointers

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Im on week 5 coming off a 5 year habbit of 20 plus 10/325 a day. Been on suboxone 8mg 3x a day for 2 1/2 years now 5 weeks off them i went from 1 8mg a day for a week then cold turkey. I took 20 Imodiums a day for 5 days and you know what i feel ok i stay busy and feel great frist few nights were can be done for sure if you want it. Alot of it is in our heads.

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Long story but recently cold turkey off 1 strip (sometimes 1/2) per day. On full strip for three years. 10 a day norco habit off the street for 8-10 years. Recently moved 800 miles from home for better job and 1st day someone stole my script. Anyway I'm on day 5 of zero subs. Been taking all sorts of supplements fluids Xanax ibuprofen Valium a little pot here and there epsom salt bathsand I'm just feeling so fatigued body aches chills a lot. Have new full time job and so worried about Monday work. Can hardly get out of bed. Any suggestions!

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Hi I am currently taking 2mg I tried to take 1mg yesterday and had a really bad day and took 2mg today again and I'm worried I won't be able to taper myself off help what do I do?

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Very Proud of you!! god bless sweetie, started with oxy and opana then became to expensive so moved to other things that did just as well and cheaper. I def have the want to get help and stop just scared to death of being sick. so what your on subs and other meds if your not abusing them then great your not an addict. Addicts will do all they got just because they have it an want that feeling. Truth is you will never reach that feeling you had the first time. God Bless and best wishes to all stay safe

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