Suboxone Helps But I Cannot Stop Taking It (Top voted first)
UpdatedSuboxone helps, but it's been a month and i feel like I can't stop. I was taking a lot of opiates before. Does anyone think that's why I'm 24 and been on it for 4 years? I'm ok as long as i take 8 mg every 24 hr. I can't take pain very well. I guess that's why my problem was so long. How long should I be on Suboxone?
10 Replies
I'm from Chicago. I took strong opiates for 8 yrs. u should take subs for at least 2 if u have had opiates for 5. Your brain is fried but it's easy to stay on the same dose. subs r addictive but a lot easier than opiates. I've been on subs for 2 yrs. It's safer and cheaper than illicit drugs. It is what it is bro, with subs u still have a life.
Dear Blumist, I was addicted 2 Oxy 4 almost 11 years. I've since been on suboxone 4 almost 8 years now. I don't plan on getting off of it any time soon, b cause, I know I would b right back on the pain pills. Due 2 many of medical problems. Don't feel bad or beat yourself up over the time u r on subs. U will know when u r ready 2 come off. Good Luck!
I totally agree with your advice. You will have to taper off slowly, there are ways to do so, google "taper off suboxone" you will find advise to help you. I was on 8mm and up to 12mm daily, now I am down to 2mm twice daily, it has taken me about 6 months to get to where I am.
I think colonapan helps with the withdrawal symptoms, see your doctor for helping with the withdrawals and get help. This is the best and only way to do it effectively for the majority of people.
There is no perfect amount of time to be on Suboxone and if you have a good doctor like SWIM does, after going through more than one doctor, coming off, usually from outside pressure rather than my choice; also the other doctors over medicated SWIM, who now takes 4mg a day as opposed to the up to 32 mg she’s had to kick cold turkey before, setting me up for relapse. This doctor focused on the person as a person, he helps his patients find things they love like the two businesses SWIM started since seeing him for the first time a few years ago. You aren’t going to feel like you are on opiates; after the first few days you won’t feel anything more than sort of the feeling of a cup of coffee in the morning without the jitters. If you can’t get through the adjustment period, you should check in somewhere free for a few days and get over that hump. But if you’ve been on it a while, you should know that. If you are using opiates concurrently you risk self harm and if you lie to your dr you risk your sub source as these guys can’t tolerate lying. SWIM told her Dr. from day one she smoked marijuana and due to his liberal beliefs and the fact that she didn’t ever ever lie about it, over multiple years, he is totally fine with it as long as he finds nothing else in the urine that isn’t from him or SWIM’s psychiatrist or neurologist. Also speaking of jitters, depression, anxiety disorders: you have to take care of your mental health bc all too often those are the feelings and symptoms folks want to make go away with substances. SWIM also is prescribed 10mg of Valium tid and 1000 mg Neurontin tid for an anxiety/ PTSD disorder as well as a seizure disorder nos. Also Cymbalta in the am, and 100mg Seroquel with I think like 35 mg of remeron po hs (by mouth at bedtime; tid is 3x a day). If Suboxone is helping you stay off opiates, as long as you eventually get down to the lowest possible maintenance dose, I don’t care if you’re on it ten years. When you feel happy with your life, settled, have non drug friends and activities & have things that mean enough to you that you can appreciate due to mental health care, the desire to take opiates will actually be lifted. I know that sounds impossible. It isn’t.
I'm LMAO listening to u people who think ur addicts! I was taking 80mg oc, the real oc80's, for over 15 years, I was avg 20-30 a day, I been in this game since 80mg cost 5 bucks back in the 90's! When I finally stopped & was put on suboxone, at first I thought it was a miracle drug,until I read that suboxone is like 50x's stonger than morphine. So all these drug companies did was turn dr. Into legal drug dealers! Instead of going to pick up pills u go for an appointment and than u fill the drug from the pharmacy. The pill problem is a million times worse than the crack epidemic. That was localized in ghettos, pills r everywhere!!!! Teachers, lawyers, police, etc. The problem is only gonna get worse & will destroy this country within the next 10 -20 years.
Well, to be quite honest with you, no one gets off of Suboxone in a month, things just don't work that fast to beat an addiction, especially when it was very severe and lasted for a long period of time. In most cases, it takes about 2 years or so.
Are you trying to self-treat, or are you in an actual program?
Unfortunately you traded one addiction for another, Suboxone is extremely addictive and just as hard to withdraw from as H. You will need to taper down very slowly, try to cut 1/8th off the pill for the first week and continue doing the same until you get down to just about nothing. You can google "best method for tapering off suboxone", find the one which sounds like it will work the best for you.
Best of luck
I have been on subs for a year now, I was taking any pain pill I could get, and had no life, so I went on subs to come off pain pills. Now I want off the subs I take a fourth of a strip a day. How hard is it going to be to come off and what is the best method? I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks Amy
I heard such BAD THINGS abt suboxone, but looking at my drug history, if i was on them, it would b for LIFE!
Can you explain your 4 yrs of sub treatment and the annual cost? Ty
Sonny Mastro (# 10) --
You’re totally right about the pill problem destroying America, but you acting like taking 20 80 oc’s is such a great feat is beyond me. I’ve been that bad off myself, don’t hear me telling the other users they “acting like addicts”. Anybody who uses a drug daily, withdrawals without them, craves them, and it interferes with daily life, is considered an addict.
It’s not a competition buddy, if you’re gonna be a noisy a-hole, be a noisy a-hole elsewhere please.
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