Suboxone Falsely Not Showing Up (Top voted first)


I've taken it for about two yrs and it's been a miracle...and no incidents. But at regular appt. today my dr said something is wrong because it didn't show up in my urine. I had taken my last dose the day before around 6 am so test was around 27 hrs later. Literally accusing me of selling it. I'm 53 and a grandma and recent widow. This has saved my life and I wouldn't part with a single one!!! I literally almost puked. I know he can do another test to prove I'm not lying...BECAUSE I'M NOT LYING!!! So he is making me come back in a week instead of 2 weeks. I have RA and this has kept me from needing regular pain meds and also antidepressants. Feel like giving up. I'm so tired.

3 Replies

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False negatives ( and positives) happen pretty frequently. I know it's stressful but wait for the retest and see how it goes from there.

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I'm so sorry to hear what you have been through forced to live with.I hope you hung in there, Have you received any further information you can post and share with us.My prayers are with you..God speed

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Still on a waiting list...still feel sick. I've never felt so helpless. Sub took the place of any addict cravings, antidepressant, anxiety, pain management. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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