Suboxone And Valium (Page 2)
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I have been on valium for approximately 12 years for severe anxiety and because of a severe back problems i was also put on percocet for years. Someone told me about suboxone. They said suboxone will help with the pain. So i went to a sub doc and told him i was on valium. He did not give me a U/A till months later. Doc said you are on a benzo. l said is that the valiums? He said yes. I said i told you i was on valium. He said you have to go off them. I was told if i go off my valiums i could have a seizure. I have been off the valium for a week. I am shaking and can't sleep. I feel sick. I was doing great with suboxone and valium. Now i am just sick. Please, someone help me.
Re: BBK (# 2)
High risk of respiratory arrest in any combo of benzo and Suboxone
you can easily take both my husband has for 12 years, When he tried to detox off of the benzo, he had terrible seizures and almost died, yes the only two drugs that can kill you from withdrawal are benzos and alcohol. I highly recommend that you find a prescription of a small incredibly small dose of benzos even if it's a .25 Ativan You will feel a million times better and you won't risk seizures or death! Good luck
Re: Makingmoresense (# 42)
Suboxone is an opiate promise. You could actually look the drug type up or drug class. Oh and I'm prescribed Suboxone for chronic pain. I started taking it to get off very strong opiates, but I have a degenerative bone disease and multiple artificial joints and cannot take opiates per this addiction problem so then I went through the program with flying colors and transitioned to taking it for my chronic pain. I still participate in the program but by choice. Thanks and good luck.
Re: Makingmoresense (# 42)
There IS currently a trend where doctors are using Suboxone for chronic pain. Are you in pain management?
Curious80 (# 27) --
Used to be a pharmacist? That would be a clear indication there is a reason why you still are not. Suboxone is absolutely not for chronic pain and it is not an opiate. You "should" know that having been in the pharmaceutical industry.
Re: Fireblasterdz (# 14)
That's so not true, it is a benzodiazepine. All it takes is ONE and it will show in any U/A unless it's been 3 days since that's how long it takes to get out of your kidneys/urine.
The blocker will ALSO come out if u take it BEFORE enough opiates have left your system. Your sposed to go off opiates for at LEAST 24 hours before you take sub/ naloxone mix. I too have heard it works well for pain.
But if u still have a lot of opiates in ur system, it will do heavy duty kickass withdrawal on your body. BAD SWEATS SHAKES PAIN. That's why u wait. Good luck.
Im 58 started valium for heart palpatations in 1988 still on them to sleep and have been taking sub strips 8mg a day for two years. No problems. Just my experience. Always talk to your doctor.
Sorry truss but you happen to be worn. Suboxone does has naltrexone in it but it does not work unless you try and abuse the pill. It remains inactive until you try and mix it with water or another liquid. The bupernorphine works perfectly well or it wouldn't even work for addiction. Suboxone is commonly used for pain management with much success. Subutex is just the bupernorphine by itself and most of the time they don't like to give it because it can be easily misused. This is not an opinion, it is pharmaceutical fact that can easily be looked up on the FDA website. If something is an opinion I will most certainly say so but this isn't one. I have known many patients on suboxone for pain and so far most people believe it to work quite well. I will say once again the blocking agent does not come out into the body unless you try to abuse the drug; then it will block all opiate activity as kind of a punishment for trying to administer the drug intravenously.
I'll give you another example: The drug lomotil for massive diarrhea. It is an opiate in a very small dose because we all know opiates cause constipation. But it is mixed with atropine to stop people from abusing it. If you take enough pills to feel high you will get deadly sick by the atropine in the drug. So they added it as a safety measure. But if you take the drug at normal doses the atropine does not affect you. Does that makes sense? So I will say this one last time please for pure factual information - Suboxone is used to treat chronic pain. It does work for many people and the naltrexone in the drug does not affect the opiate receptors until you try and abuse the drug. If you take the whole pill or strip or whatever dosage form it will not block opiate receptors against the bupernorphine. The bupernorphine itself does block against other opiates because it takes up all the receptor sites. So as long as you are just using the bupernorphine as pain management you will be fine, but if you try the mix it with other opiates they will not work.
Hi...last week I posted about how the CDC is seemingly pushing doctors who have patients on OPIATE therapy for CHRONIC PAIN to try to get them on Suboxone. For one it IS being used for CHRONIC PAIN & I think depending upon what type of pain is how well it'll work. I was thinking that they really weren't working for me BUT now I think that I was just using TOO high of a dose because towards the end of my 1st Rx, I started cutting the strips smaller & that seemed to work better. This was JUST my experience with CHRONIC HEADACHES & how Suboxone worked for me. I'm gonna try another month of it & at least give it a little bit longer of a try before I rule it out & say "No it doesn't work". I'm REALLY hoping that it does because it showed more promise than any medicine I've taken a long time. Good Luck.
Valium can have a severe withdrawal and not to mention, although you did, that seizures are very common if you just stop using them. I don't understand why your Doctor didn't address this. I'd find another doctor that will work with you or if necessary detox you slowly from the valium. I don't understand his problem with that. Especially since you've been using them for over ten years. If you don't have any left you may have to go to emergency room and they'll hook you up with a few until you can find a doctor that knows more about it. You may want to try a physiatrist if all else fails. Best of luck to you.
Google about it but don't go by what people say go by the other things it IS NOT any form of opioid at all it's naloxone and buborfine they make subutex and it has one of those ingredients in it and it's a lot different cus it doesn't have the blocker part in it which is an opioid blocker stops them from working an if taken with opioid in your system will cus you to go in withdraw cus it is a opioid BLOCKER .... I'm jus saying cause she really needs to hear the truth and she wants help
Jeez hunni I'm sorry! Yes suboxone will most definitely help with the pain! It is a narcotic and is used for pain as well. But what you are going threw is withdrawals from the benzos which the suboxone is not going to help one bit! Your doctor should of cut you down slowly so that did not happen! Sounds like he's a real jerk need to get new doc! That's horrible! And yes you can have seizures from just stopping benzos like that not to mention the other major withdrawal symptoms you will have. So so sorry ur going threw that! That really sucks! If I were u I would take a Valium if u still have any even a half of your normal dose then gradually cut yourself down. Or go to ER they can look it up and see u were on them and explain what's happening and you just need help getting off of them. But that doctor should of never done that to u! What a jerk! Everybody's different and things effect people differently but I actually prefer the subs for pain over oxycodone it works better for me anyways. Noticed someone saying it's not for pain and doesn't work that's just not true! Hope I was able to help good luck!
Fentanyl is very very very addictive if you can avoid going on it avoid going on it I went from 50 micrograms a day to 1000 micrograms a day I'm still suffering I'm on Suboxone now just do not mix the two
For Globug.....the 72 hour medication is fentanyl. It is a patch you wear for 3 days although a lot of people find it works for only 48 hours. They have many forms of it like lozenges. They are trying to make it a cancer only drug because it is the stronest opiate you can get. So if you have stage 4 cancer it is probably a good choice for you and you should ask your doctor about it. Back to the forum I wouldn't go cold turkey off any drug. True opiate withdrawl will most likely not kill you but you will wish you were. But valium withdrawl can most certainly kill you so like I said before slowly coming down or get professional detox help. Your doctor is wrong but so many are. My psychiatrist actually tried to tell me there were no ill effects from stopping them. I had to ask him where he learned that and that he wasn't being honest with me. Thank God I didn't listen to him. They do let me be on a low dose benzo and my pain medication but I think If the dose was raised they wouldn't do it anymore. But my panic is so bad I can barely ever leave the house so going without soemthing is very hard for me. Most of the time though the pain keeps me in the house anyways. Hard to go messing around when you are in such pancreatic pain. Joan you have to do what if right for you but research research research. Doctors don't always know everything so we as patients need to find out information on our own sometimes.
Yea gabapentine will help exspecially if someone's not use to taking them. It isint a narcotic Yet but gonna b in July . They r passing that law to make them a narcartic because they ARE highly addictive !! And people are abusing them also. They aren't an opioid thou jus are very VERY habit forming/addictive , therefore WILL b considered an narcotic any day now. They'll also b a drug hard to b able to even get perscribed unless having certain things with u. I'm jus sayn they are addictive to an easy to get addict to but are great fir things like that in most cases an fir nerve damage that I have
I take suboxone and valium and ativan no problem but the doctors don't like us on both I would not stop valium cold turkey if you were on a high dosage you will go into seizures possibly drop down to Ativan it's a 1 mg sublingual take two of those a day
Before I was just giving facts about suboxone usage for pain management but let me say it has been shown that taking benzos like value and opoates together do indeed cause respiratory depression and most doctors now will not prescribe them together. In fact my psychiatrist gave me a choice or whether I wanted to remain on my pain medications or be put on a benzo for panic but not both. And it is understandable why he and other doctors are saying this. They do not want to be responsible if something were to happen to you while on both. It was a good thing that you told him up front what medication you were on even if he didn't get it. But everyone's body is differentirely in how we tolerate or don't tolerate medications. I don't know what a pain clinic would do but I am pretty sure all suboxone docs will have the same point of view on taking both. So you can either take the advice of your suboxone doctor or go to pain management and see what they will say or do. It is all dose dependent and the doctors know what medications and doses are best for you in order to be safe. And there are other pain mangament options depending on your condition that may not require opiates or even partial opiates. It is more dangerous to withdrawl from the value than the suboxone. If you have been on the valium for a long time you could experience seizures if it suddenly isn't in your system. But if it is slowly moved down or done in a detox center it is better. A detox center could give you medication to stop any seizure acticity from happening. It really is a choice between which condition you want to treat in which way. There are always alternatives. My pain doctor thought about giving me the bupernorphine patch for my pain but decided not to because if I had breakthrough pain I couldn't take any other opiate to help. Actually if anyone has tried this patch I would be interested in knowing how it worked. But good luck and I hope whatever choice you make you feel better.
Try gabbapentin it helps alot and non narcotic. Me and my wife are on suboxone and she came off benzos witht the gabbapentin and calonadine. I dont think any doc would say no. And the gabbapentin works for pain as well
It's jus switching to anither drug but nope it's not fir pain methadone is which is 100 xs worser believe me I'm going threw hell now!!!!
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