Suboxone And Adderall Feeling Depressed
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I was wondering if anyone has experienced this and has any knowledge that might help. I have been an opiate addict for roughly 15 yrs. and 2 yrs. ago I started taking Suboxone. I also take Adderall. The first year and a half I felt great but recently I feel like I'm close to death. I am majorly depressed and have lost all interest in life. I don't know if its the meds or just the state of mind I'm in. Anyone who has been through this please give me some advice.
11 Replies
Please anybody know a doctor in Seattle wa that prescribes addrall I've been o suboxone for 3 weeks I want my addrall back and give up suboxone if I wait to long sounds like it'll miserable getting off of suboxone. I just want my addrall back
Re: WILLIAM (# 9)
Hi im on 20 mgs pf suboxone and 20 mg of adderall ir i feel weird if i take them the same time it sucks Is there anything that will help me when I take both together like maybe take one before the other wait a little while or something
You sound coherent and okay with a sound mind. It is the medications my friend. And the more you go, the harder it will be. To get off Suboxone is virtually impossible. You must go rapid detox 2 mg every other day. Well that's how they do it in jail. I've been on Suboxone for over 20 years, Methadone for 8 years. Before that while on Suboxone I asked for Adderal and then Klonopin, so I took Suboxone, Klonopin, and Adderall. Stop the Adderall and the Klonopin but then I going to a brain fog cannot move. Was off Klonopin for 4 months. Recently trying to get off everything because of a new woman in my life. Tried to get off this Suboxone too quick and I almost lost my job. It is so hard, it must be done slow ,and the only people that might have a chance to get off Suboxone is if they've been on it less than a year. I've been on it for 15 years. My brain has shut down and does not make its natural pain killing endorphins anymore without my Suboxone. I cannot function without my Klonopin either. I have chronic anxiety and my ADHD medication that helps me to go days without Suboxone. ADHD will help me come down I just don't think I can ever get off medication. A nurse told me once when I first went into the methadone program be careful your body can do a chemical change. I didn't believe it and here I am 56 years old ready to be 57 with 25 years chronic use of Suboxone, Adderal and Klonopin. It's the only way I feel normal. If there's a natural disaster and there's no hospitals or clinics and I run out of medication like in New Orleans I guess that will be when I die. I desperately want my life back to be clean and sober but yet doctors never question me year after year after year.
Oh yes my brother, I am going through this tragic experience now. Started methadone, ended up 8 years now, I asked to go to Suboxone 15 years. With that went to a clinic, showed them my prescription for suboxone and asked for Klonopin for anxiety. Then I asked for Adderall for fatigue was never diagnosed with ADHD, no records nothing, doctor just gave me whatever I asked. It's been over 20 years now. I've tried to kick Suboxone from 16 mg, even going down to five and one because I overdid it. Found myself desperately trying to get off Suboxone because I just want to be clean again.
Well after 20 years I am completely physically addicted my brain has shut down and does not make natural painkillers anymore. I got off Klonopins for almost 5 months but I could not function. I would sit on the couch and have to tell myself okay you got to move now like your body is locked up frozen today. I went to the doctor to get my next monthly scripts and asked him please give me my Klonopin again. So now I have Klonopin and I am on Vyvanse, and though I like the feeling because it's a normal feeling, but will I have to stay on this the rest of my life.
I am stuck on medications from doctors who never ever ever once told me it's time to taper down. Vyvanse and Klonopin - one is an upper, one is a downer. Suboxone is an opiate. I mean, I went from a street addict to a doctor addict. I have every record of every medication from every doctor. 20 years, months and months and months of Suboxone, Klonopin, Adderall ... years and years and years. It's all on record.
I want to see a lawyer a few years from now. I probably won't be able to move. Pushing 57. I have to work to survive. It's getting tough. Bones hurt. I'm an addict from illegal drugs. Is there anyone liable? I want to find a lawyer. I have proof that I was never diagnosed with ADHD but they gave it to me anyway cause I told him I needed it for fatigue. I have all the ammunition. Someone help me with a lawyer. I want to sue for compensation for pain, suffering, and for taking my life and keeping me from getting clean because there's no protocol to stop people. And there is a protocol, a journal that someone should know. Took suboxone after 6 months, they fed me and fed me it's all on paper. I guess I'll never know what it's like to be clean again. Fight and get off at if you haven't been on that long ... at least try.
My experience with Suboxone and Adderall has been very different than the previous ones. First let me say I've nvr done this b4 so if I do something that is not correct pls let me kno, I only want to share my story. I started in 16mg of Soboxe, 1 strip in the AM and one at night. I was told it was was going to b a 6 moths program, it's now going on 7 yrs. I never had a problem has a younger person, I'm in my mid 50s. Not one did this dr ever ask me how I got to were I was, Percocet. Not once did he suggest I try to decrease my dose, I did!!! I got myself from 16mg down to 2 but don't forget it took me almost 7 years. Then one day I went for my appt and started to tell him I couldn't concentrate at work. I had recently been given a promotion to supervisor and was having a really hard time with managing my time, trying to decide which problem to tackle first based on priority. He first prescribe VyVance which I hated!!! I felt like I was going to have a heart attach and my anxiety was thru the roof. Next we tried Adderall right to 30mg, better but still not right. Finally we went to 25mg Adderall XR!! It worked great, in fact I began to notice that t wasn't needting the soboxone so b4 I new it I went from 2 mg per day to 1mg!!! Today is my 2nd day with no soboxone, no withdraw, nothing!!! I would much rather b on the Adderall, I work 12 hour days with an hour to and hour and a half commute each way! I'm no longer tire when I'm driving and I'm getting my work done more efficiently. My opinions of these doctors is not to great, they will keep u on it for as long as they can to continue to make money, but if I can get off if the subs by taking the Adderall it's well worth it!!! I'm wondering if anyone has had the same response???
Most addicts are ADD. As far as the sub I had my Dr. change my subox. to the generic because I read up on the generic subox and it has an antidepressant in it. I feel so much better to the point of actually cutting my doses down by a 1/4 each dose. I went from 4 subox daily to 2 of the generic daily. (Without WANTING to punch someone in the face) I look forward to getting off the gen. subox ALL together
Ok Im so very nervous...Im 43 and went through a separation 1 yr ago .I started taking adderal this past July then suboxone now im stuck on both.. About 60 mg adderal and 4 mg suboxone..I want to stop.Im not strung out ..I jus want off this..But I need to do this on my own and does anyone know how? I know all bout tapering..But has any one done this with both meds I mentioned..? Please no negative feed back..I just want some advice from people who have weaned themselves off the sAme things..thank you to whoever cam help me....
My God-- I never considered the "intensification" in the clarifying effect of adder all. Make sense. Yet, need to concentrate to accomplish necessary tasks. Although deeply hurt by what seems the ending of a close friendship due to financial/business loan and friend's temporizing response to reach reasonable re-payment. I realize a legal remedy is necessary. My soul ("psyche") is on "fire" and "ice". I feel like a characteristic betrayer -- lowest level of Hell in Dante's "Divine Comedy." But my friend's intransigence to speak to me is gnawing at me: like Count Ugolino-- encased in ice, gnawing on the cleric who betrayed him-- the Ugolino conspired with his betrayer ...
and yeah dude below me has a point adderall can f*** with your brain but ive been on it since like 5th grade not straight through but im 20 now and it does sometimes make things more intense than they should be.. ei; feeling angry, snap casing on anyone for anything annoying, overly sad thoughts and just repetitive depressing thoughts yeah.. that sh!t sucks depending on what mg of adereall you have try tweakin your dose lower it a bit cuz just stopping taking it you will be like wtf it f***ed my blood pressure up and all i wanted to do was sleep for a week and a half without it i literally did
yeahhh.. im on this also im on 45 mgs. adderall a day. i kno its over the max but thats how it was written i dont take it all, and i get 90 subs a month also but take 1 or 2 a day i also have encountered these feelings and ive been on both consecutively for about 6 months i think it might just be the adderall but im dealin with it anyways but yeah and they added wellbutrin to it and it seems to be helping dont go nuts with pills but see if they can help and get somethin to even it out
I was not on suboxone at the time but I started adderall and within 1 week I had the worst depression of my life. I read online and it made sense that since adderall makes you Focus on things, if there's anything negative in your life while taking it you might focus on that bad thing and hate yourself. Stop taking it. or only take it sometimes. I take it every few days and don't feel depressed frrom it. Good luck
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