Suboxone Dr In Greeneville, Tn (Top voted first)


Is there a dr in greeneville tn that can write suboxone or methadone for chronic back pain? I was on suboxone for pain management and the clinic said they had to wean me off due to the fact i was on it for pain. Can someone help please? I've not been treated in 7 months, still in lots of pain.

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I have been told that there is a special license/training to be able to write for Suboxone. Look on the Suboxone web page for a licensed physician. Problem is that once your on this medication unless it is stated in a document that you're on it for pain management, others WILL ASSUME, that you were put on it for opioid dependence/addiction. Many doctors who are not licensed to write for this are not aware that it is now being used for the treatment of Chronic pain. I have been in chronic pain for 17 years and on this regime for 4 of those years, and have found that this is the BEST medication for me.

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Put your zip code in the link below & you'll find one near you. Just keep calling different doctors.

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Personally, I think the suboxone or combination agonist/antagonist is a very poor painkiller and not very good for withdrawal either. Methadone works so much better for pain and withdrawal but it is inexpensive and the medical profession is unfortunately all about making profits at the suffering of others instead of helping people who really need the help. I have taken Methadone for four herniated discs for many years and doctors and people need to lift the stigma attached to it that it's just a drug for junkies. It is a very effective and inexpensive medication for treating chronic pain and a much better drug for treating addiction than the hyperinflated cost attached to suboxone and even the generic version...if you can find a doctor that will even write the generic brand cause of the financial kickbacks they get for prescribing name brand naloxone based drugs. It makes absolutely no medical sense to apply an antagonist mix to anyone in pain and/or withdrawal. But they allow doctors to prescribe it like candy just like the oxycontin blitzkrieg back in the late 1990s and early millennium. They praise it cause they are getting rich off of it. And it's absolute garbage to someone suffering from pain or withdrawal. Methadone has been around for a long time and works great for severe pain and costs nothing to make...but as any long-acting opioid...including suboxone, I don't recommend taking it unless you absolutely have to. Good luck...

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I'm just curious to know if suboxone really does work for pain as well?

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I need a suboxone doctor around Grenevile Tennessee that accepts united healthcare.

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