Suboxone And Xanax (Top voted first)


I am try ing to get off suboxoneand xanax. I am taking about 1/8 of a 2mg suboxane 2 x a day and down to 1 .5mg xanax a day. I am getting blurred vision, confusion, anxiety, trouble sleeping. Tremors, When I take a little more suboxone, it goes away. I was down to 1/2a .5mg xanax and 1/4 to less of a suboxone a day, but the withdrawls from the suboxone ocurred w/in 2-3 days. diarrhea, sweats, anxiety, How do I gat off this with the least affects?

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Thanks for your reply. I am up to 4 days off suboxane. And you are right, the DR is the one who started all this two years ago when I had an arm injury. They put me on oxycotin, then suboxane to get off of the oxycotin. It seems to never end. No DR

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Geographic location is Florida, I have been on Suboxone and Xanax for over a year and a half. Just want to know best way to stop taking it without the scary side-effects with the vision and tremors.

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The Buprenorphine in the Suboxone is a very potent narcotic, so it does require a very, very slow taper to stop taking it and avoid the bad withdrawal effects.

Have you spoken to your doctor?

It can be very difficult and you may actually end up getting to the point where you are basically crumbling or shaving the pills and I know the can be very difficult.


You might want to discuss with your doctor the option of using the Xanax to help stave off these withdrawals, then stopping it last. It has been known to help many people in such cases.


Other things that you can look into that have helped is an antidiarrheal medications, such as Imodium, or the generic equivalent Loperamide.


You also need to remember that while the withdrawal effects can be unpleasant and scary, the worst of them are not going to last too long, especially since you've gotten your dosage down to such a small amount.

I did it a few years ago, with no taper, I just stopped high doses of narcotics cold turkey and, even then, the worst withdrawal effects lasted barely a week, so it may also just be that you have to tough some of them out.

IS there anything else I can help with?

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all these doctors want is to keep you coming back,the more you come back the more money they make.9 out of 10 times theres nothing wrong with u.

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Thanks for the advise, I did exactly that. I shaved the pills, and now I am down to, or rather "up" to 39 hours w/out a dosage. Drinking lots of H2O and eating a lot. My energy level is low, but I am going to tuff it out. Thanks for the advice.sopzs

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