Suboxone, Adderall And Klonopin (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am very pleased to say that I take all three of these great medications. The suboxone is the most important because it keeps me from craving other drugs which I used to abuse. I take 12mg a day. The Adderall XR 30mg is helpful with ADHD and staying alert. It keeps me going all day. And finally, last but definitely not least is the klonopin 1.5mg a day. Nothing else has touched my anxiety or made me feel so comfortable around people. Each med is important, and I would highly recommend this mix for anyone with anxiety, ADHD, and substance abuse disorder. Of course, they’re all controlled substances so you have to control yourself and be responsible, especially with a history of substance abuse. Other than that, just find a good doctor who cares and take them as prescribed. If you can’t do that or you’re still abusing other drugs, just work on it. It took me years to find out I needed these meds.
Re: Robert (# 3)
They work and my doc doesn’t seem to have a problem with prescribing them. People like you are the reason that we have the opioid crisis and people dying of illicit drugs and fentanyl overdoses because their doctors cut them off from legal prescriptions. You probably have no idea what opioid or benzodiazepine withdrawal is like. It’ll make you seek anything to feel better. And that’s how people turn to illegal drugs and overdose. If they could get their prescriptions, they’d be fine but doctors are scared to prescribe thanks to people like you.
Re: Robert (# 3)
bs..... i take xanax adderall and subutex and i’ve felt good for 10 years.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Hey Verwon. No change yet. They’re still working great. I am aware of the risks so I am very careful with each medication. However, the adderall kind of counteracts both of them as far as respiratory depression goes, which is nice because you don’t want too much respiratory depression as you know. But yeah, I’m very happy with this cocktail of meds and would recommend it to people who have their lives under control and are no longer struggling with active addiction. Their good maintenance medications in my opinion. Thank you for your response. Hope all is well.
Of course u feel perfect around people with that combination; you have the perfect combo of drugs......opiate, klonopin-downer, and adderall-speed. JUST because they're prescribed means nothing. You're playing with fire. Eventually you are going to have real problems. Sorry for the wake up call. God bless you.
Re: Cart123 (# 7)
Cart the methadone tolerance is quick, cravings come back, withdrawal was a b****. It helped for about 6 months. Suboxone has been much better with no cravings, opiate free (other opiates), has a ceiling so after 24mg nothing happens, you don't feel high. It's much better as a medicine. God bless. I wish u the best. Make your life a success story.
I am very glad that they are working so well for you and you have had such great results. The FDA does warn that they carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, weight loss, dry mouth, and constipation.
(NDC codes for more details: Suboxone 12496-1202, Klonopin 0004-0058, Adderall 0555-0762.)
However, due to the fact they may conflict with each other, some doctors will not prescribe them together.
How are you doing, now? Has there been any change?
Re: Cart123 (# 4)
Cart, no disrespect but people like me, I am a recovering addict that has been on morphine and methadone prescribed and benzodiazepines prescribed. I have never used any street drugs. I'm just letting u know that eventually your body will get tolerant to these and u will have to keep raising the dose until u have problems, then when u try to get off it is very hard to taper off without dangerous and uncomfortable withdrawal. I am not someone that tries to cause problems with prescribing needed medicine but I do know from experience how addiction can get u to lie to yourself; or whether an addict or not the eventual problems u will have if I had time to share my life story with u and all the problems with no matter what magic combination I tried, I hope u found what works for u. I hope u have been honest and I pray u don't have the mental-emotional issues they have caused after I thought they were my answer. My real motivation is to help others, not hinder their happiness, but I know it's hard to see what the potential issues could be. I pray for the sick and suffering...Cart123, if u ever need help or a question let me know. {edited for privacy}
Re: Cart123 (# 4)
I'm in benzos withdrawal as we speak. I certainly didn't cause Dr being afraid to prescribe because of my honesty, but my dishonesty with myself got me in this situation and I'm trying to help others from potential issues. I understand that your not ready to accept the possibility of these issues, tolerance withdrawal, post acute withdrawal depression. I'm glad they are helping. I hope that doesn't change for u and u end up where I am at this moment. I am for recovery however u get there. God bless. Be honest & be safe.
Hey man, thank you. I take Xanax, Subutex and Adderall, and work in a good IT field. Great combination.
Robert a maina (# 6) --
Hey man. I’m sorry for my reaction to your post. I’ve been in benzo withdrawal a few times myself and I know the agony, anxiety, and severe depression that come with it. I also know what you mean about tolerance building over time. I’m just happy to be given a chance to even take these medications. So I won’t complain when tolerance builds up. I’ll just deal with it. But I do feel your pain and I hope you feel better soon. By the way, what is methadone like as a maintenance med? Does tolerance build pretty fast? Does it hold off withdrawal pretty well?
Re: Robert a maina (# 10)
Hey, in 2011 I was in rehab but on subs cuz I was using oc80 pills ...anyways, you have to taper like this.....
You are at a high dose...... if u have the strips .... you gotta lower 2mg every 3 week ....then 1mg ........when u get comfortable with less ......then go to a lil bit so u have some in your system but it takes 2 weeks...... I had no withdrawal at all.....I took Advil it’s a miracle ....that’s it cuz I had access to nothing and still it’s 2019 I’m still alive and kicking....working doing well..... hope the same for u
Re: Robert (# 6)
I started in a methadone program there for 8 years started Suboxone for 15 years then ask for Klonopin for anxiety adderal for fatigue they gave it to me without question no one ever said well after 6 months we must taper you off it's been over 10 years I am completely physically addicted tried to get off and just can't my body and brain has done a chemical change take away my Klonopin I go into chronic anxiety who is liable for my suffering never to get clean again body is completely shut down and cannot function without medications that were prescribed if I try to stop which I did I can't think I can't move and I have to go to work I am ruined for the rest of my life and I'm not even 57 they gave me medication and never ever told me to get off just kept giving it to me I have all the records every medication I ever took is all written down month after month after month year after year after year Klonopin with adderal I mean that's a freaking legal speedball they kept me high for years and never prepared me somebody tell me can you sue
How do you get to have suboxone prescribed and be on 2 other controlled substances? I have been on Adderall for 24yrs for my narcolepsy and no sub doc will give me a script because of it?
I’d like to know what doctor in their right mind would prescribe all three of these medications knowing KNOWING that it can cause CNS and respiratory failure. You cannot mix all three no matter how careful you are eventually it will get caught up with you. I disagree on this regimen. In fact it’s dangerous and I’d find another doctor.
Re: Cart123 (# 7)
Cart, thank u for the empathy. Na said one addict helping another is good. I'm glad these help u. I pray that they don't start becoming a NEGATIVE and u can't get off one or more. I was given methadone for pain, not maintenance. When I got off it and morphine it was so bad that I started getting hooked on benzos and been trying to get off ever since 3 yrs. The best I've ever been if I'm honest is not taking any mind or mood altering instantly drug. I was using recovery principals.12 steps. Paxil for depression and anxiety and speaking to others in this dilemma no matter what chemical I use accept anti-depression medicine I got into some issue mental physical emotional spiritual always a problem, they all started out helping but finished being problematic. That's why i try to tell young people what could possibly be in their path. Not trying to preach, trying to help others not fall into these life wasting patterns and offer other solutions for the uneasiness some of us have for whatever reason u have. {edited for privacy}
I have a question. I am on suboxone 3× a day 8/2mg dose. Does anyone know the best slow taper titrate percentage? What % at 24mg per week drop is comfortable and appropriate? A real taper schedule would be appreciated....Verwon or anyone with experience please.
Re: Cart123 (# 4)
i had issue with being late and the manager decided to discharge me after being a patient there for years!!! Now i have to find another dr that can prescribe my suboxone adderal and klonapin. Where can i go that will prescribe me all three.
oh my goodness brother you sound so sure you're headed for a nightmare if you take suboxone for more than 6 months prepare yourself you will do a chemical change in your body will never get off you're taking illegal form of speedball I know it feels good man you must be an addict try stopping at right now see what happens dude you're going to find yourself terribly addicted and I'm talking physically and mentally your body is going to shut down due to the Suboxone your all natural pain killing endorphins will stop producing if you lost your Suboxone or fell short for a few days the first 3 days would be hell of withdrawal taking Klonopin for over 10 years you'll never be right again I just went 5 months without Klonopin I just could not bear couldn't think straight never wanted to move staying home finally after being on Klonopin Suboxone and Vyvanse and Adderall for over 20 years I had to ask for my Klonopin back today which I will take One A Day telling myself I have to do this the rest of my life I can never get off I've tried it's all a trick drugs medications are a trick the doctors I went to gave me suboxone I said I need Adderall for fatigue and I need Klonopin for anxiety never did they ever diagnosed me with ADHD I didn't hear that from you brother you just love the feeling be real with yourself little Klonopin pill adderal you must be and euphoria but it will get worse that's just the way it is you're an addict man or you wouldn't be on here I'm looking for a lawyer because I was giving drugs just by asking for it now twenty years is a long time for suboxone Adderall I have all the documents that came from the pharmacies year after year after year not once was I diagnosed with ADHD and I am way past tapering off because I must work as a construction worker and have to feel normal man good luck to you hang in there but prepare yourself he might be there for the rest of your life no one has come to you and said hey man it's time to taper off the day you're only supposed to have six months at the most of Suboxone and they're supposed to take you off by law look it up how long should a patient be on Suboxone good luck
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Hey, I've been on that exact combo for about 10 years. Actually, I've been on Subutex for 13 years now, Adderall for 7 years off and on as well as Klonopin for 10 years. I was the same as you for many years... I felt great and had no real bad side effects. The past 4 years now the Subutex stopped giving you that little euphoric effect that it gives you and really doesn't get rid of cravings anymore. The Adderall gives me a little energy sometimes but nothing like it did before. The Klonopin doesn't causes memory problems and doesn't work that we'll either. You build up a tolerance to all of them and they will eventually stop working even at higher doses. I have had some bad side effects also long term from this combo. Just be careful.
Me too....I never figured out a way to smooth over the adderall comedown even with Xanax 2mg multiple times a day. But with subutex life is beautiful. I’ve been on this combo for years and years and I love it. It’s just the hassle of pharmacies If I don’t get my meds at my drs office. :) peace!
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