Suboxone 8mg/2mg And Roxicodone 30's (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I am currently taking Roxicodone 30's each day. I have suboxone 8mg/2mg to help get off of these. I know the suboxones are the best pill made to help with the withdrawals but I'm wondering if for the firsrt 3 to 5 days when I'm having trouble sleeping and feeling clammy, if i should take like half of a Roxicodone 30 (which i have done in the past), as it helps me to sleep and takes away the clammy feeling? Any other suggestions that you may have? Thanks to anyone answering this for me.

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SuboxoneHelp, try cutting the 2mg in half. then only take half of it for a week or two. then cut the half in 1/2 for 1 to 2 weeks. then you should be down to 0. that might work. If you have to do it for longer until you feel comfortable taking the lower doses.

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Sooo...I'm the good looking work out great body very ambitious graduated from cosmotology school 3 months ago and am a single mommie gurl. Long story short, my bf couldn't get any pills one day and he introduced me to the wonderful world of heroin was downhill from there and I was doing up to a half a g a day...and NOONE knew I did it. NOONE. After awhile I was chasing it just to feel the "normal" and he was such an a** to me that some days he would get mad at Mr n not give me any so id go into major withdrawls then he would feel bad come get my high n do it again to me the next day so my body has been through HELL and I am now. I managed to cop like 4 sub films over a long period of time so I could finally tell him to yo F*** himself. Well I did all that yesturday I sent him a text telling him where to go and to leave me alone. I waited exactly 6 hours after I snorted my last tiny piece of dope. And I mean it was 530 pm when I took an eighth of a film. A sliver ...I didn't sleep worth a s*** even though I took 3 benedryls but today has been a good day. I woke up at noon and took another eighth a sliver and I feel normal today. My question is how should I taper myself down when I only have 2 1/2 pieces left?? It is what it is I can't get anymore and insurance is s***ty so anyone please help. I am DONE with that s*** never wanna go back I've came clean to my mom and my sons (4yearsold) and they both support me 100% but as bad as I wanna say they know its heroin I abuse they think its pills and I choose to keep it that way as of please any help would be appreciated thanks so much for reading :)
And good luck to everyone fighting this battle..

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Thanks POWERMEUP I'm in middle of tapering off and I think I'll be ok :)! And to SASSYNICCI: first off, you did something strong and amazing by kicking this guy out of ur life, no one deserves to be treated the way he treated u. And its awesome that ur clean :) the advice I can give is that u did something great by taking very little suboxone right from the start, it will be much easier to taper off, just do as "powermeup" suggested to me below but in less time, u've just started suboxone, chances are u aren't addicted yet, rather stop taking it and have a crappy day or 2 than to get addicted and have a rough time getting off. I'm not saying you SHOULD get off, bec I don't know anything about heroin but I do know its a tough and aweful habit to kick, it might be better to get a few more suboxone or even a legit prscription just to make sure you stay OFF of heroin. Suboxone is like a miracle pill, u won't crave the drugs u did, u won't even think about them. It will help ease u into normal clean sober happy life :) u sound like u have a hell of a lot going for u! Good luck and if there's anything else u need, or if my advice isn't the best, post again! Good luck

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Well I just wanted to say that you are NOT suppose to be taking Excedrin while taking Suboxone, and if you are getting prescribed Suboxone by your doctor, then he was suppose to make you sign a contract like deal saying what medications you can and cannot take with Suboxone. And you are not allowed to take ANY migraine medication, sleep aides, or extra strength ANYTHING!!!! It can have bad side affects with your Suboxone, and this is something that you should seriously bring to your doctor's attention if he hasn't already brought it to yours.

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Suboxonehelp: thank you so very much for taking the time to write me :) since I posted that I have went to my Dr and told him nothing but the truth and he was amazed that I was saying I'm done I don't this anymore please help me. And thas where I'm at now. He started me on .1 mg of the chlonodine every 8 hours n told me to stop taking the sub since I only took it that week..then he is adding another medication in a week and he is hoping with my mind set and determination that we can work closley together and get me back to good without subs. Scared me at first but I am willing to TRY it. He did tell me he would give me my referl to the sub Dr but I'm gonna use that as a plan B lol I have been clean since the day I said goodbye to that jerk and I can honestly say I feel pretty good mentally and physically other then NO sleep!! Jeeez! Thank you again for your kind words and anyone else I can help please let me know!! Much <3

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Hi this seems like a really great discussion board! I just want to thank anyone who takes time to respond) I would love to get as many answers as possible! I'm trying to get off of suboxone I been taking 2mg for past 10 months to get off of roxys and now I'm stuck! I try to get off subs but I go into withdrawls I get very anxious and edgy and my heart starts racing and I feel awful until I take suboxone again! I have 10 of the orange 8mg pills can someone please help me get off? I have no drugs around me and no risk of ever going back to roxys and suboxone makes me exhausted no matter how much I sleep! I'm a 24 year old female (in case that makes a diff) I run a multimillion dollar company and can't deal with the crazy work hours AND my constant exhaustion! I find myself almost falling asleep at work and I'm used to working 18 hour days I never had an issue until I started subs! Thank you so much! Good luck to everyone on their journeys!

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#1 u sound really prepared so RELAX! U have to stop freaking out! #2 a big percentage of withdrawls is mental (vs physical) so if u psych urself out and can't relax it will be much worse #3 suboxone is literally a miracle drug it WILL help u. Its helped ppl coming off of 50 roxies, off of heroin and other much tougher and more horrible drugs. It is impossible for suboxone not to help u. #4 yes withdrawls suck and the 18-+ hours that u need to wait in between ur last roxy and ur first suboxone (2mg should be mor than enuf - take it then wait 15min if u feel u need more take another 2mg) will be hard BUT u seem prepared with ur powerade and ur water. U should plan a super relaxing day, watch movies relax and its great that u have xanax because that can help u A LOT in those 18+- hours that u are in withdrawls before u can take ur suboxone. U will be fine I promise. And u seem to be on the right track here :) u have a great job and I'm sure a great head on ur shoulders. I'm 24 and was in exact same position as u a few months ago. We live, screw up sometimes, and then learn and we come thru it even stronger and better. And u do not deserve to suffer just bc u hit a lil bump in the road and did something stupid. U caught this quickly and u will fix it and be back to normal in no time. The one and only small negative is I'm not 100% sure that one strip will help u get thru this completely without withdrawls so if u can get 1 more suboxone I'd say deff try to. If not then u will still be fine - use xanax as well the first day or 2 to keep u relaxed and not bugging out mentally (as I said a big portion of withdrawls is all in ur head) please keep us posted and if u need any more help just post here I get alerts straight to my blckberry and will try to ansewr asap. Wishin u the best of luck hun. U can do this!!!! U will do great :)

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Thank you so so so much for writing me back. Your post literally made me cry because even though I don't know you it just feels good that someone else is out there cheering me on and knowing I can get through this. Means so much to me. Thank you:) I just wish I wasn't so terrified. I'm a worry wart as you can say and probably see lol im just scared. It's amazing how something so small can turn into such a HUGE problem. Like i said I was doing blues for fun here and there and then turned into 2 a day and in the past month about 4-5 and I just looked at myself and said your way better than this what r you doing to yourself. This is not ok anymore. I can't wait to smile and know I'm me again. And I know I have to wait as long as possible to take the subs. You think after 18 hours I will be ok and won't go into the pre withdrawls I've read they are horrible! I just hope im ok for work. I kept pushing this off every weekend bc I was scared but I know I need to do this now and wish I did it when I had a couple days off. Just gotta make it through work. And yes I can get more subs so I will try and do it I'm not planning on taking them long bc I don't wanna deal with another addiction. I'm scared I'm gunna have a seizure or heart attack or something. Ughhh why did I do this to myself:/ thank you do much for posting again. And makes me feel a Hugeeee relief that you said the subs will work. I pray that they do. I will def keep you posted and let you know how I'm feeling. thank you for thinking of me:)

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Its my pleasure :) and as I said I absolutely have been exactly in the place u are now. I did blues for fun a few times with the one and only friend who does this stuff bc it lookd like it felt good/fun and before I knew it I was addicted. Its the scariest feeling in the world. Such a waste of money but the one thing about it is that no one can tell ur on anything. I was an A student graduated with honors, run a wedding planning company in NYC and no one on earth would guess that I was addicted to roxies for months. I just want u to know that we've all done it and it can be done (getting thru this and past this) and let me clarify u WILL have withdrawls. I'd say about 10 hrs after u take ur last roxy (if ur only doing 1-2 a day) ul start feeling withdrawls but nothing too crazy, and until 18 hrs ul keep having them. Everyones body reacts diffrntly to withdrawls tho - I had NO pain just was very anxious and nervous and couldn't sleep and felt very restless and annoyed. Withdrawls won't kill u they're not dangerous unless u have a serious health problem. Our bodies are tough, we put them thru a lot and they're conditioned to deal with suffering. U will be fine. U WILL have withdrawls for some hours and it will suck a bit but nothing u can't get thru and ul know that u have the suboxone miracle pill which will completely erase those withdrawls after the 18 hour mark so u CAN make it thru. Watch tv, relax watch movies drink water and take a xanax when u start feeling edgy/restless. I just want to make sure u know exaccctly what to do because u want to succeed the first time. And u will hun. I did, all these great ppl who's msgs u read did. And we're all here for u. Message anytime if u have questions and I'll try to respond right away. When did u take ur last roxy? What time?

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I did my last one at midnight. And yes I did one and a half this morning around 10ish and by 8 felt clamy bad pain in my stomach like a cramp and achy. And it's crazy you say about people not knowing u do them bc I get soooooo paranoid that people look at me funny or think I'm on something but it's all in my head. I always get compliments at work and nothing negative but I freak out bc I know i worked by ass off to get where I am and dont wanna lose it over something so pointless. That's why I just want to get off of this so I don't have to worry about losing everything. I feel like I lost myself:/ all I think about are these stupid pills and when I can take my next one. It's amazing how they make you feel so good and happy and enjoy the simplest things in life more. But we shouldn't need these dumb things to feel this way it's so sad. And yes I do them with my friends as well. And it's just gotten to the point where it's taking over my life and it's not fun anymore I don't even get high from them don't feel a single things do its like why do them? So happy I have you to talk too. I'm glad you overcame this and are proof that it can be done. I can't wait to feel the way u do now. And look back and say I beat this! I'm already laying in bed thinking I wanna do just one more pill bc I know it's the last time I can do it but I'm trying to tell myself no bc it only prolongs the 18 hours I have to wait to take the sub. I'm trying to be strong but it's so hard. I've always been a pretty smart person but man did this stupid pill punched me right in the face. And tomorrow I plan all day to read and let my mind sink into another world in the book so I'm not thinking of this drug. Hopefully i can do this:/

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Oh that's amazing so ur already almost done :) u have a few hours left until u can take the suboxone. The most amazing part of it aside from taking away withdrawls is that it makes u stop thinking about or craving or wanting roxies. U won't even care about them while ur on suboxone that's why if u are surrounded by ppl who do this and if u might get tempted, rather stay on suboxone for a bit until u feel ur truly strong enough to move on and never look back. I only have 1 friend who does this stuff, not another soul in my life does or even knows about drugs so I distanced myself from that friend and for a bit and now I'm strong enough (for ages already) that even if I had a swimming pool full of free roxies in front of me I wouldn't be tempted. The suboxone takes away the craving the withdrawls and I've totally forgotten what the roxies even felt like. I'm so happy for u and ur so close to winning this. Ye it was stupid but hey it couldve been so much worse u couldve been on coke or heroin Gd forbid. We all do stupid things. The test in life is not staying away from all stupid things but in being able to move past them and conquer our mistakes. Strong people, amazing ppl who make a diffrnce in this world are the ppl who've been down, who've gone thru their problems and faced their demons wether its drugs, alcohol or whatever, and then conquerd them. That's how u get stronger, live better, learn more and then u can help others :) uve got this hun ur almost there. Its 2am here in NY I'm heading to bed but please, if u need anything I'll be up at 7am and I can read whatever u write. Good luck and be strong, relax and take xanax if ur too restless and edgy. Ur almost there! :)

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Thanks girl:) its means so much like I said. I'm actually on the east coast as well lol pretty close to ya. But I took my last one at midnight so it was only two hours ago:/ so I have until around 6 pm tomorrow to take that sub. Ugh:/ but im gunna try to stay up and read and fall asleep. Stay asleep as long as I can I guess and then see where I'm at. Sorry for keeping you up do late! But thank you for the encouragement:) this is exactly what I needed. Thank you:) I will talk to you tomorrow! Get some sleep and god bless you:)

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Good morn :) just checking in to see how ur feelin. And I didn't realize u meant 12am last nite I thought u meant 12pm in afternoon. But either way u took a gigantic step closer :) and no worries I'm up till 2-3am every night
Please keep me posted!

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Hey SuboxoneHelp, sorry I haven't written back it's been a cray two days. But anyway sry to say I didn't take the subs yet:( I got really scared like I do that I wouldn't be able to work so I waited until today after work to stop. So tomorrow I'm taking my first one and this is for sure since I don't have to worry about work. I can't wait I just have to let the hours pass by. The only thing is I'm terrified bc i did 6 blues today and I have to wait till around 5 o clock tomorrow to take the sub and I'm so scared my withdrawls are going to be horrible bc I did so much:( I'm so mad at myself that I did that. I ask myself why did I do this to myself. I'm scared I'm gunna be going crazy. And do u think by 18 hours I will be ok to take the sub if I did 6 or is that to much? Ughh whyyy did I do that:/ well I cant take it back bc it's already a done so I should just try to push through it. And I'm scared as well bc I read in some places that you can have seizures with withdrawls or possibly die?! I'm so nervous:( I just know that this has to be done and I can't do anymore I need to wait it out but I'm scared I'm going to wanna just jump off a bridge. I just wanna know if u think I will be ok? Please help and sorry for taking so long to answer. I just need positive thinking and I'm so negative all the time thinking the subs won't work or I'm not going to be able to wait long enough

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And for anyone else who wants to reach me privately please let me know. Once a week I actually go to a high end "deluxe" NYC rehab retreat and speak/listen/help whoever I can. I've been doing this for the past 6 months and have learnt an incredible amount from the licensed therapists and the doctors and nurses on call there :) I'd be more than happy to listen to or speak to whoever needs me.

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Hopeless blue,
Those blueberries were my drug of choice too. I was doing 10-15 a day for years. Plus some 80 Oxys and some opana 40's (before they changed them). Subs saved my life. Tried to quit literally hundreds of times. I tried white knuckling it cokd turkey, tried tapering the blues (yeah right), you name it I tried & failed. The subs were what worked for me. Trust & believe that they really do work. If you take them for awhile you will become dependent on them. Not addicted, dependant. There's a big difference. I was dependent on subs but was able to taper off them. Try that with a full agonist- I could never do it.

Don't worry so much about time. Take them when you're in withdrawal. You don't have to be feeling like death- just be in moderate withdrawal. Everyone's different. You might wake up & feel awful. There's something called the COWS scale. Google that & compare your symptoms. That's safer than going with a predetermined number of hours.

Good luck. It's just hard getting started but once you do you'll be happy you did

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Danielle, if u don't know facts please don't come on here and state ridiculous and scary things like u just did. If ur truly on suboxone for 2 yrs then yes u are dependant on it. Try going off it cold turkey and ul see exactly what I mean. Secondly - suboxone blocks the effects of opiates like roxy. If u take a roxy while on suboxone nothing will happen it just won't work so ur wasting money and pills. Yes if u try to take a bunch of roxy on suboxone it could be harmful but it could also be harmful without suboxone. So again, please don't make ridiculous harmful statements here when there are people trying their hardest to get thru addiction. If u have a helpful comment please post it, if u don't, keep quiet.

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Well stated suboxonehelp. Subs can be a lifesaver but like any other medication the person taking them should educate themselves. Suboxone, more than most medications, seems to have a wealth of misinformation about it on the Internet.

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Hello Hopeless,

I know you posted a while ago in June, but iafter reading your post, please i hope that you have decided to go ahead and start the SUBS! I had all the same fears, i have had multiple back surgeries with no results, and i was taking 8 30mg Blues a day, and 4-6 80`s as well. I started the Subs one day because i was done with going upthe Mg ladder as it will not get any better. After about 3 days on the subs i felt good-great. The first day it will Drastically help with your withdrawls. I waited about 16-18 hours basically i waited until my eyes were watering, yawning, and that clammy feeling. you know what i am speaking of i am sure.

You may also have a pretty good headache for the first day or two, but this is normal, and one of the main side effects of the subs. Dont be scared. after a few days you will never look back. I still have pain, but surprisingly it is tolerable with the subs,a nd as long as you commit to get back to your normal life before the pain killers, you will be okay. remember being scared is normal, but overcoming it is what will let you know how strong you really are. You can do it, and anyone can do it. You have to want to do it though! Think about your kids, your family, or your best friend. Whatever you have to do.

I hope that i am writing this to someone that has already decided and made a choice to get off the meds, but if you are still on the fence, i hope that this will help someone take that next step to your old life! Good Luck, and you will feel 1000 times better after getting through the first few days, i gaurantee it.


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I'm 20/f and I've been prescribed suboxone for about 2 months now. They work well when I'm withdrawing but my problem is telling myself that because I have the suboxone for the withdraws that it's okay to still take roxy 30's. I'm having trouble convincing myself that I can be happy without them. I'm very depressed and take wellbutrin for that but still my life feels empty without taking blues. I want to get out of this mindset so bad but I don't even feel like myself unless I'm high. I've read so much about how it just ruins your life but thinking about not taking them makes me anxious and thinking about taking them makes me feel guilty. I don't know what to do.. any suggestions?

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